The course project will be to investigate motion estimation. The goal is to find the motion vectors for an image sequence and then reconstruct the image sequence.

You may find the program animate from the ImageMagick package useful in displaying your sequences. The course project images are in /home/skynet/b/sig/ee640b/project. This consists of 10 images from the Salesman sequence.

You should use three approaches for the selection of reference (or anchor) frames:

1) previous frame.

2) the first and fifth frame.

3) the first frame only.

You must use both squared error and absolute error metrics and use an entire search space.

You should also examine difference frames so that you can see how the errors in the reconstructed sequence are spatially distributed.

The project is due March 22, 1996.

You must turn in a written report describing your work. This includes images and error metrics. A commented source code listing should be included in an appendix.

You may find it helpful to add the following two lines to your path(in the order listed):/home/yake/b/ips/bin/sun4s and /home/yake/b/ips/bin/sun4. Run ihelp and you will see some of the programs available.

Source code for many of the programs in the ips directory is located in /home/skynet/b/sig/ips/src.

There are many video sequences in /home/skynet/f/sig/video. For example, the entire Salesman sequence is located in /home/skynet/f/sig/video/yuv/sales.