EE600 Course Information

Course Instructor: Professor Edward Delp
Office: Room 354 MSEE
Telephone: 49-41740
Office Hours: TH 2:30-3:30 and by appointment

Grading: There will be two hour exams and a final exam. Homework will be assigned but not collected or graded. There will also be 3-8 unannounced 10 minutes quizzes. The grade will be determined by:

Hour Exams: 50%
Quizzes: 5%
Final Exam: 45%

Homework and Handouts: The homework and class handouts will be available as files in the directory /home/skynet/b/sig/ee600 or on the course web page.

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This page was created on August 16, 1997. This information was last updated on August 16, 1997 at 5:29pm EST

Professor Edward J. Delp