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Welcome to the Urban Sustainability Modeling & Analysis Research Team (uSMART)!

With over half of the global population now lives in urban areas and an increasing rate of urbanization, identifying a sustainable path for urban development while conserving natural resources and constraining emissions is of critical importance. 

Our group uses agent-based modeling, life cycle assessments, system dynamics, big data analytics, GIS, and optimization tools to study the environmental implications of emerging technologies from the systems perspective. Our research interests include energy-water nexus, emerging transportation systems, energy policy, and sustainable consumption.

Interested in joining uSMART? Please feel free to contact:

Dr. Hua Cai
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering
Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University

315 N. Grant Street
Grissom Hall Room 390
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel. 765-49-47701
Fax: 765-49-47704