
GSSP for Telychian Stage


The base of the Telychian Stage is defined in an abandoned quarry forming part of the Cefn-cerig Road section, Wales, UK, and is just above the highest record of the brachiopod Eocoelia intermedia and below the earliest record of the succeeding species Eocoelia intermedia .


The GSSP is located in an abandoned quarry forming part of the Cefn-cerig Road section, just below the top of the Wormwood Formation, Wales, UK.
GSSP for Telychian Stage


The GSSP lies within the bioturbated sandstones and siltstones of the Wormwood Formation, about 31m below the top of the Wormwood Formation.

Primary Markers:

The base of the Telychian Stage is defined at a point just above the highest record of the brachiopod Eocoelia intermedia and below the earliest record of the succeeding species Eocoelia curtisi.

Secondary Markers:

The boundary horizon corresponds with the base of the Biozone 4 acritarch fauna of Hill (1974). It is characterized by the incoming of Deunffia monospinosa, Domasia bispinosa and Pterospermella cf. foveolata.

Correlation Events:

Just above Brachiopod LAD Eocoelia intermedia and below FAD of Eocoelia curtisi

Other Locations around the World:

Holland, C. H. and Bassett, M. G., 1989 (eds.). A global standard for the Silurian System. National Museum of Wales, Geological Series 9, Cardiff.


Holland, C. H., 1985. Series and Stages of the Silurian System. Episodes 8/2, p. 101-103.

Cocks, L. R. M., 1989. The Llandovery Series in the Llandovery Area. In: Holland, C. H. and Bassett, M. G. (eds.). A global standard for the Silurian System. National Museum of Wales, Geological Series 9, p. 36 - 50, Cardiff.

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