using machine-learning and high-throughput simulations
Hamas demonstrates superior magnetoresistance of high-spin donor-acceptor conjugated polymers in Advanced Materials.
Qiyuan details cheap and deep exploration of glucose pyrolysis reaction network in PNAS
'Lin'credible thesis defense! 🐆 Congratuations Dr. Zih-Yu Lin.
Aditi bridges the gap between regular ML and physics based CGMD potentials through Δ-learning in JCP
Qiyuan improves reaction activation barrier prediction via Δ2-learning in RSC Chem Sci.
Lin and Stephen expand the space of stable 2-d optoelectronic perovskites using MD + ML in Angewandte Chemie.
Ying demonstrates ehanced charge transport in nonconjugated materials through incorporation of TEMPO radicals in ACS Nano Lett.
Ying presents a detailed QM study on bridging the monomer - polyer gap in ACS Macro Lett.
Jack presents a major breakthrough towards the unification of molecular mobility in Arrhenian and super-cooled regions in JCP
Congratulations Dr. Ying Tan. What a 'radical' defense 🎊
Qiyuan is now Dr. Qiyuan Zhao. XP++. Congratulations 🎉
Bumjoon (+ Diao group) present chain engineering to control rare cooperative transitions for organic semiconductors in Nature Commun.
Largest and most chemically diverse open-source transition state dataset to date presented in Nature Sci. Data
Exploration of prebiotic chemical pathways from water and hydrogen cyanide appears in JACS
Bumjoon presents rational parametrization of transferable and accurate MD force fields in JCIM.
Lin (+ Dou group) improve perovskite LEDs via phase disproportionation suppression in Nature Commun.
Qiyuan's work on YARP 2.0 with major improvements to speed and accuracy appears in Angewandte Chemie.
Qiyuan presents the extention of YARP to heterogeneous catalytic systems in Nature Commun.
Hello world, welcome Dr. Aditi Khot. Congratulations 🥳
Nick extends his chemical autoencoder work with active learning for inverse molecular design in JPC
Aditi's pioneering study on side-chain design for mixed conducting polymers appears in J. Polym. Sci.
Ying's perspective on the current state and future outlook of open-shell macromolecules appears in JACS
Yet Another Reaction Program (YARP) appears with major speedups in Nature Computational Science
What makes a good radical for charge transport? Ying's answer appears in JACS
Savoie wins Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award
Aditi's generic coarse-grained model of mixed conducting polymers appears in Macromolecules
Halide diffusion study in collaboration with the Dou group featured in Nature Nanotechnology
Department of Defense awards Savoie-led team with MURI Funding for research into degredation pathways
Savoie wins funding from National Science Foundation to study decomposition of battery electrolytes
Dreyfus Foundation honors Savoie with inaugural Machine Learning Award
Two-dimensional halide perovskite heterostructures in Nature
Linear autoencoders for improved transfer learning in JPC
Advances and Opportunities for Mixed Ion and Charge Conducting Polymers in ACS Macro Lett.
Component Increment Theory for Predicting Enthalpy of Formation in JCIM.
Alex Hale wins award for Best Undergraduate Presentation
Hybrid Perovskite Quantum Wells in Nature Chemistry
Jack snags Centennial Award for Outstanding First-Year Graduate Student
Savoie awarded ACS Petroleum Research Funding for work in plastic semiconductors
Savoie wins ORAU Ralph E. Powe Award
Aditi and Jack win top-poster prizes at ND-Purdue Soft Matter Symposium
Transfer learning for data-scarce property prediction in JPC
High-temperature semi-conducting polymers in Science
PTEO radical polymer named a "Molecule of the Year" C&EN
Fluoride battery breakthrough published in Science
NPR highlights Mi-Bio and PTEO work
Boudouris and Savoie publish on radical polymer breakthrough in Science
Graduate student Nicolae Iovanac wins NSF-GRFP