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Example: A 100 acre parcel of farmland with soil type "B" is to be developed into a mix of commercial and low density residential uses. The landowner has developed 2 scenarios for dividing the farmland: Scenario 1 envisions dividing the land into equal 50 acre parcels of commercial and low density residential development; Scenario 2 envisions 25 acres of commercial and 75 acres of low density residential development. For each scenario, it is estimated that the commericial development will be 70 percent impervious, and the low density residential development will be 12 percent impervious.

Land Use Description
% Impervious
Soil Type
Select Similar Land Use for NPS Calculation
(Use as many as necessary)
Check Map Current Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Using L-THIA, the landowner can determine the water quality impacts of the two land use scenarios.