Septic Systems

NPS Pollution - Reducing Sources

Improperly maintained septic systems can contaminate ground water and surface water with nutrients and pathogens. Ensuring that the septic system continues to function properly is important in reducing leaks and potential nonpoint source pollution.

  • Septic tanks must be pumped regularly. (Pumping out every three to five years is recommended for a three-bedroom house with a 1,000-gallon tanks smaller tanks should be pumped more often.)
  • Do not use septic system additives. There is no scientific evidence that biological and chemical additives aid or accelerate decomposition in septic tanks; some additives may in fact be detrimental to the septic system or contaminate ground water.
  • Do not divert stormdrains or basement pumps into septic systems.
  • Avoid or reduce the use of garbage disposal. (Garbage disposals contribute unnecessary solids to septic systems and can also increase the frequency that tanks need to be pumped.)
  • Don't use toilets as trash cans! Excess solids may clog drainfield and necessitate more frequent pumping.

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