IUPUI School of Engineering and Technology


Dr. Likun Zhu's Lab

Welcome to the website of Dr. Likun Zhu’s Group in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University Indianapolis. This site will help you find the latest information about the progress in our research, ongoing interdisciplinary projects, and group members. Dr. Likun Zhu’s research group is dedicated to the fundamental understanding of the dynamics of advanced battery materials during charging and discharging, as well as the development of innovative battery materials and systems. Current projects focus on in situ and operando characterization of battery materials, modeling, simulation, and optimization of lithium-ion batteries, all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, and smart manufacturing processes for batteries. The group also possesses expertise and facilities for micro/nano fabrication and micro/nanofluidic systems. Our research addresses critical scientific questions and aims to develop new technologies that meet the needs of modern society.

The characterization and micro/nano fabrication is performed using the facilities in the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue University.

Thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate the opportunities to collaborate with you in research. We encourage you to contact us whether you are interested in our research or any potential opportunities for graduate studies.


Recent news

August 2024:Rania Ramdan joined the group as a visiting scholar, Welcome!

August 2024: Geonwoo Park joined the group as a PhD student, Welcome!

July 2024: Prof. Zhu joined Purdue University.

June 2024: Hua successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Wang!

May 2024: Xintong successfully defended his MS dissertation. Congratulations !

August 2023: Dr. Zhu received a grant from the NSF to study solid state batteries.

Archived News

Contact us

Likun Zhu
School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University in Indianapolis
723 W. Michigan Street, Room SL 260 L
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (765) 495-7699 
Email: zhu154@purdue.edu

Our lab is located at ET 118. Please use the Purdue Indy campus map to find the direction to our lab.