| |
Methods defined here:
- __del__(self)
- # The destructor:
- __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- apply_color_filter_hsv(self)
- apply_color_filter_hsv_to_named_image_file(self, filename, show_intermediate_results=True)
- apply_color_filter_rgb(self)
- apply_otsu_threshold_to_hue(self, polarity=1, area_threshold=0, min_brightness_level=100)
- Applies the optimum Otsu threshold to hue in order to separate the image into foreground and
background. Regarding the argument 'polarity', if it is '-1', all pixels whose hue is below the
optimum Otsu threshold are accepted. On the other hand, if the polarity is '1', all pixels whole
hue is higher than the calculated threshold are accepted. The 'area_threshold' parameter is
passed to the method "connected_components_for_binary_array()" for rejecting blobs that are
smaller than the value supplied through 'area_threshold'.
- compute_LoG_image(self)
- This method computes the Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) of an image. The LoG is
calculated as the difference of two Gaussian-smoothed versions of the input
image at two slightly difference scales. The LoG itself is NOT used in
watershed calculations.
- compute_Z_level_sets_for_gradient_image(self)
- For any value of n between 0 and 255, both ends inclusive, a pixel is in the
set Z_n if the gradient value at that pixel is less than or equal to n. Note
that the gradient values are normalized to be between 0 and 255.
- compute_gradient_image(self)
- The Watershed algorithm is applied to the gradient of the input image. This
method computes the gradient image. The gradient calculation is carried out
after the image is smoothed with a Gaussian kernel whose sigma is set in the
- compute_influence_zones_for_marks(self)
- Calculates the influence zones in a binary blob with respect to the marks
placed inside the blob. The method also identifies the pixels at the
geodesic skeleton formed by the influence zones.
- connected_components(self, data_or_marks)
- This method is the basic connected components algorithm in the Watershed
module. Just for programming convenience related to the I/O from this
method, I have made a distinction between carrying out a connected-components
labeling of a binary image and doing the same for a binary pattern that
contains all of the marks made by the user.
- connected_components_of_filtered_output(self, argimage, min_brightness_level, min_area_threshold, max_area_threshold, expected_number_of_blobs, blob_shape, show_intermediate_results=True)
- dilate(self, structuring_element_rad, structuring_ele_shape)
- This is to just demonstrate the basic idea of dilation of a binary pattern by
a disk structuring element whose radius is supplied as the first
argument. The precise shape of the structuring element, which can be either
"square" or "circular", is supplied through the second argument. This method
itself is NOT used in the watershed calculations. For large binary patterns,
it would be more efficient to carry out the dilations only at the border
- dilate_mark_in_its_blob(self, mark_index)
- This method illustrates distance mapping of a blob in a binary image with
respect to a mark created by clicking at a point within the blob.
- displayImage(self, argimage, title='')
- Displays the argument image. The display stays on for the number of seconds
that is the first argument in the call to tk.after() divided by 1000.
- displayImage2(self, argimage, title='')
- Displays the argument image. The display stays on until the user closes the
window. If you want a display that automatically shuts off after a certain
number of seconds, use the previous method displayImage().
- displayImage3(self, argimage, title='')
- Displays the argument image (which must be of type Image) in its actual size. The
display stays on until the user closes the window. If you want a display that
automatically shuts off after a certain number of seconds, use the method
- displayImage4(self, argimage, title='')
- Displays the argument image (which must be of type Image) in its actual size without
imposing the constraint that the larger dimension of the image be at most half the
corresponding screen dimension.
- displayImage5(self, argimage, title='')
- This does the same thing as displayImage4() except that it also provides for
"save" and "exit" buttons. This method displays the argument image with more
liberal sizing constraints than the previous methods. This method is
recommended for showing a composite of all the segmented objects, with each
object displayed separately. Note that 'argimage' must be of type Image.
- displayImage6(self, argimage, title='')
- This does the same thing as displayImage3() except that it also provides for
"save" and "exit" buttons. Note that 'argimage' must be of type Image.
- display_all_segmented_blobs(self)
- display_data_image(self)
- This is just a convenience method for displaying the image that you want to
subject to watershed segmentation.
- display_watershed(self)
- Displays the watershed segmentation of the image in the grayscale mode. That
is, the image shown is what the computations are carried out on --- a
grayscale version of the input image (assuming it was a color image).
- display_watershed_contours_in_color(self)
- Shows the watershed contours as extracted by the extract_watershed_contours()
To write the result image as a jpeg file to the disk, click on the "save"
and "exit" buttons at the bottom of the window --- as opposed to just closing
the window. You can subsequently display the image from the disk file by
using, say, the 'display' function from the ImageMagick library. You can
create a hardcopy version of the result by sending the jpeg image to a
- display_watershed_in_color(self)
- Displays the watershed segmentation on top of the original color image
(assuming that the input image was a color image to begin with.)
To write this result image as a jpeg file to the disk, click on the "save"
and "exit" buttons at the bottom of the window --- as opposed to just closing
the window. You can subsequently display the image from the disk file by
using, say, the 'display' function from the ImageMagick library. You can
create a hardcopy version of the result by sending the jpeg image to a
- erode(self, argimage, structuring_element_rad, structuring_ele_shape)
- This is to just demonstrate the basic idea of erosion of a binary pattern by
a disk structuring element whose radius is supplied as the first argument.
The precise shape of the structuring element, which can be either "square" or
"circular", is supplied through the second argument. This method itself is
NOT used in the watershed calculations.
- extract_data_pixels(self)
- Gets the binary, grayscale, and color images ready for watershed processing.
If the images are too large, they are reduced to the size set by the
constructor. Color images are converted into grayscale images.
- extract_image_region_interactively_by_dragging_mouse(self)
- This is one method you can use to apply watershed segmentation to just a portion of your image.
This method extract the portion you want. You click at the upper left corner of the rectangular
portion of the image you are interested in and you then drag the mouse pointer to the lower
right corner. Make sure that you click on "save" and "exit" after you have delineated the area.
- extract_image_region_interactively_through_mouse_clicks(self)
- This method allows a user to use a sequence of mouse clicks in order to specify a region of the
input image that should be subject to watershed segmentation. The mouse clicks taken together
define a polygon. The method encloses the polygonal region by a minimum bounding rectangle,
which then becomes the new input image for the rest of processing.
- extract_rectangular_masked_segment_of_image(self, horiz_start, horiz_end, vert_start, vert_end)
- Keep in mind the following convention used in the PIL's Image class: the first
coordinate in the args supplied to the getpixel() and putpixel() methods is for
the horizontal axis (the x-axis, if you will) and the second coordinate for the
vertical axis (the y-axis). On the other hand, in the args supplied to the
array and matrix processing functions, the first coordinate is for the row
index (meaning the vertical) and the second coordinate for the column index
(meaning the horizontal). In what follows, I use the index 'i' with its
positive direction going down for the vertical coordinate and the index 'j'
with its positive direction going to the right as the horizontal coordinate.
The origin is at the upper left corner of the image.
- extract_segmented_blobs_using_contours(self, min_contour_length=50)
- This method uses the inside/outside logic at a point (based on the number of times a
line through the point intersects the contour) in order to decide whether the point is
inside a closed contour or outside it.
- extract_segmented_blobs_using_region_growing(self, num_of_segments, min_area=50)
- This method uses region growing to extract segmented blobs. We start at a pixel
and grow from there by incorporating other neighboring pixels recursive until we
hit a watershed ridge.
- extract_watershed_contours_separated(self)
- This method uses the border following algorithm to extract the watershed
contours from the final propagation of influences by the propagate_influences
- extract_watershed_contours_with_random_sampling(self, num_of_contours, min_length=20)
- This method uses the border following algorithm to extract the watershed
contours from the final propagation of influences by the propagate_influences
- histogram_equalize(self)
- Carries out contrast enhancement in an image. If an image is generally too dark or generally too
bright, you may wish to histogram equalize it before subjecting it to watershed segmentation.
- is_blob_circular(self, list_of_pixel_coords)
- Tests the circularity predicate by taking the ratio of the area of the blob, as measured by
the number of pixels in the blob, to \pi*r^2 where r is its average radius. This is
obviously much too simple a predicate at this time. However, you can add to its power
by incorporating additional logic here.
- mark_blobs(self, purpose)
- For demonstrations of distance mapping of a binary blob with respect to a
marker blob, this method allows a user to both select one or more blobs in a
binary image for the purpose of distance mapping and to also place marks on
the blobs.
- mark_blobs_no_image_scale_change(self)
- For demonstrations of distance mapping of a binary blob with respect to a
marker blob, this method allows a user to both select one or more blobs in a
binary image for the purpose of distance mapping and to also place marks on
the blobs.
- mark_image_regions_for_gradient_mods(self)
- For watershed segmentation that incorporates user-supplied modifications to
the image gradients, this method allows a user to demarcate through mouse
clicks polygonal regions where the gradient can be explicitly set to 0. For
each region thus demarcated, the mouse clicks must be supplied in a clockwise
- modify_gradients_with_marker_minima(self)
- After a user has demarcated the regions in which the image gradients can be
modified, this method carries out the gradient modifications.
- propagate_influence_zones_from_bottom_to_top_of_Z_levels(self)
- Basic to watershed computation is the calculation of influence zones of the
connected components for one Z level in the connected components in the next
Z level. Note that we stop at one level below the max level at which Z sets
are known. That is because the last IZ calculation consists of finding the
influence zones of the Z sets at the 'self.max_grad_level-1' level in the Z
sets at the 'self.max_grad_level' level.
Static methods defined here:
- gendata(feature, imagesize, position, orientation_or_radius, output_image_name)
- This method is useful for generating simple binary patterns for checking the
validity of the logic used for dilation, erosion, IZ calculation, geodesic
skeleton calculation, etc. Note that the permissible values for the
'feature' parameter are: 'line', 'triangle', 'rectangle', 'broken_rectangle',
'disk' and 'twin_rect'. The parameter 'imagesize' is supposed to be a tuple
(m,n) for the size of the output image desired. The parameter 'position' is
supposed to be a tuple (x,y) of pixel coordinates for specifying the position
of the binary pattern in your image. The parameter 'orientation_or_radius' is an
integer value specifying the number of degrees of rotation that should be
applied to the pattern for a given 'feature' for the case of 'line', 'triangle',
'rectangle' and 'broken_rectangle'. The same parameter for the case of 'circle'
means the radius of the disk. Note that the x coordinate is along the horizontal
direction pointing to the right and the y coordinate is along vertical direction
pointing downwards. The origin is at the upper left corner.
- make_binary_pic_art_nouveau(under_what_name)
- Can be used to make "fun" binary images for demonstrating distance mapping of
binary blobs, calculation of influence zones, etc. This method is taken from
Chapter 13 of my book "Scripting with Objects".
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- canvas = None
- drawEnable = 0
- region_mark_coords = {}
- startX = 0
- startY = 0