from DecisionTree import DecisionTree
import re
import random
import operator
import string
import sys
from functools import reduce
def convert(value):
answer = float(value)
return answer
return value
def sample_index(sample_name):
When the training data is read from a CSV file, we assume that the first column
of each data record contains a unique integer identifier for the record in that
row. This training data is stored in a dictionary whose keys are the prefix
'sample_' followed by the identifying integers. The purpose of this function is
to return the identifying integer associated with a data record.
m ='_(.+)$', sample_name)
return int(
def cleanup_csv(line):
line = line.translate(bytes.maketrans(b":?/()[]{}'",b" ")) \
if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else line.translate(string.maketrans(":?/()[]{}'"," "))
double_quoted = re.findall(r'"[^\"]+"', line[line.find(',') : ])
for item in double_quoted:
clean = re.sub(r',', r'', item[1:-1].strip())
parts = re.split(r'\s+', clean.strip())
line = str.replace(line, item, '_'.join(parts))
white_spaced = re.findall(r',(\s*[^,]+)(?=,|$)', line)
for item in white_spaced:
litem = item
litem = re.sub(r'\s+', '_', litem)
litem = re.sub(r'^\s*_|_\s*$', '', litem)
line = str.replace(line, "," + item, "," + litem) if line.endswith(item) else str.replace(line, "," + item + ",", "," + litem + ",")
fields = re.split(r',', line)
newfields = []
for field in fields:
newfield = field.strip()
if newfield == '':
line = ','.join(newfields)
return line
class RandomizedTreesForBigData(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs ):
if kwargs and args:
raise SyntaxError(
'''RandomizedTreesForBigData constructor can only be called with keyword arguments for
the following keywords: training_datafile,entropy_threshold,
looking_for_needles_in_haystack, debug1''')
allowed_keys = 'training_datafile','entropy_threshold','max_depth_desired','csv_class_column_index',\
keywords_used = kwargs.keys()
for keyword in keywords_used:
if keyword not in allowed_keys:
raise SyntaxError(keyword + ": Wrong keyword used --- check spelling")
if kwargs:
if 'training_datafile' in kwargs : training_datafile = kwargs['training_datafile']
else: raise Exception('''You must specify a training datafile''')
if 'csv_class_column_index' in kwargs: csv_class_column_index = kwargs.pop('csv_class_column_index')
else: raise Exception('''You must provide a zero-based column index for the class label in each record''')
if 'csv_columns_for_features' in kwargs: \
csv_columns_for_features = kwargs.pop('csv_columns_for_features')
else: raise Exception('''You must provide zero-based column index values for the features''')
if 'how_many_trees' in kwargs : how_many_trees = kwargs.pop('how_many_trees')
if 'how_many_training_samples_per_tree' in kwargs : \
how_many_training_samples_per_tree = kwargs.pop('how_many_training_samples_per_tree')
if 'looking_for_needles_in_haystack' in kwargs : \
looking_for_needles_in_haystack = kwargs.pop('looking_for_needles_in_haystack')
if 'csv_cleanup_needed' in kwargs: csv_cleanup_needed = kwargs.pop('csv_cleanup_needed')
if 'debug1' in kwargs : debug1 = kwargs.pop('debug1')
if training_datafile:
self._training_datafile = training_datafile
elif not training_datafile:
raise Exception('''You must specify a training datafile''')
if args[0] != 'evalmode':
raise Exception("""When supplying non-keyword arg, it can only be 'evalmode'""")
if csv_class_column_index:
self._csv_class_column_index = csv_class_column_index
self._csv_class_column_index = None
if csv_columns_for_features:
self._csv_columns_for_features = csv_columns_for_features
self._csv_columns_for_features = None
if looking_for_needles_in_haystack:
if how_many_training_samples_per_tree:
raise Exception("""\n\nWhen using 'looking_for_needles_in_haystack' option, you are NOT allowed """
"""to also use the 'how_many_training_samples_per_tree' option.""")
self._looking_for_needles_in_haystack = looking_for_needles_in_haystack
self._looking_for_needles_in_haystack = 0
if how_many_training_samples_per_tree:
if looking_for_needles_in_haystack:
raise Exception("""\n\nWhen using 'how_many_training_samples_per_tree' option, you are NOT allowed """
"""to also use the 'looking_for_needles_in_haystack' option.""")
self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree = how_many_training_samples_per_tree
self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree = None
if csv_cleanup_needed:
self._csv_cleanup_needed = csv_cleanup_needed
self._csv_cleanup_needed = 0
self._how_many_trees = how_many_trees
self._training_data_for_trees = {}
self._all_trees = {i:DecisionTree(**kwargs) for i in range(how_many_trees)}
self._root_nodes = []
self._classifications = None
self._all_record_ids = []
self._training_data_record_indexes = {}
if debug1:
self._debug1 = debug1
self._debug1 = 0
def get_training_data_for_N_trees(self):
if not self._training_datafile.endswith('.csv'):
TypeError("Aborted. get_training_data_from_csv() is only for CSV files")
self._training_data_for_trees = {t : [] for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
def total_num_training_samples_in_file(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
record = cleanup_csv(line) if self._csv_cleanup_needed else line
return i # Note that i is less by 1 relative to total number of records. But that's ok because of header.
self._how_many_total_training_samples = total_num_training_samples_in_file(self._training_datafile)
if self._debug1:
print("\n\nTotal number of training samples: %d\n" % self._how_many_total_training_samples)
if self._looking_for_needles_in_haystack:
def get_training_data_for_N_trees_balanced(self):
if self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree:
raise Exception('''You cannot use the contructor option 'how_many_training_samples_per_tree' if you '''
'''have set the option 'looking_for_needles_in_haystack' ''')
class_names = []
import sys
all_record_ids_with_class_labels = {}
with open(self._training_datafile) as f:
for i,line in enumerate(f):
if i == 0: continue
record = cleanup_csv(line) if self._csv_cleanup_needed else line
parts = record.split(r',')
all_record_ids_with_class_labels[parts[0]] = parts[self._csv_class_column_index]
if i%10000 == 0:
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
unique_class_names = list(set(class_names[1:]))
if len(unique_class_names) > 2:
raise Exception("""\n\n'looking_for_needles_in_haystack' option has only been tested for the case of """
"""two data classes. You appear to have %d data classes. If you know that you have """
"""specified only two classes, perhaps you need to use the constructor option """
"""'csv_cleanup_needed'. Aborting.""" % len(unique_class_names))
if self._debug1:
print("\n\nunique class names: %s" % str(unique_class_names))
hist = {x : 0 for x in unique_class_names}
for item in class_names[1:]:
for unique_val in unique_class_names:
if item == unique_val:
hist[unique_val] += 1
if self._debug1:
print("\nhistogram of the values for the field : "),
for key in sorted(hist):
print(" %s => %s" % str(key), str(hist[key])),
max_number_of_trees_possible = max(list(hist.values())) // min(list(hist.values()))
if self._debug1:
print("\nmaximum number of trees possible: %s" % str(max_number_of_trees_possible))
if self._how_many_trees > max_number_of_trees_possible:
raise Exception('''\n\nYou have asked for more trees than can be supported by the training data. '''
'''Maxinum number of trees that can be constructed from the training file is: %d\n''' %
class1 = {item[0] : item[1] for item in all_record_ids_with_class_labels.items()
if item[1] == unique_class_names[0]}
class2 = {item[0] : item[1] for item in all_record_ids_with_class_labels.items()
if item[1] == unique_class_names[1]}
minority_class = class2 if len(class1) >= len(class2) else class1
majority_class = class1 if len(class1) >= len(class2) else class2
minority_records = sorted(minority_class.keys())
majority_records = sorted(majority_class.keys())
if self._debug1:
print("minority records: %s" % str(minority_records))
self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree = 2 * len(minority_records)
self._training_data_record_indexes = {t : random.sample(majority_records,
len(minority_records)) + minority_records for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
if self._debug1:
for t in self._training_data_record_indexes:
print("\n\n%d => %s\n" % (t, str(self._training_data_record_indexes[t])))
def get_training_data_for_N_trees_regular(self):
self._training_data_record_indexes = {t : random.sample(self._all_record_ids,
self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree) for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
def _digest_training_data_all_trees(self):
class_name_in_column = self._csv_class_column_index - 1 # subtract 1 because first col has record labels
firstline = None
with open(self._training_datafile) as f:
for i,line in enumerate(f):
record = cleanup_csv(line) if self._csv_cleanup_needed else line
if i == 0:
firstline = record
for t in self._training_data_record_indexes:
if record[0:record.find(',')] in self._training_data_record_indexes[t]:
splitup_data_for_trees = {t : [record.rstrip().split(',') for record in self._training_data_for_trees[t]]
for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
data_dict_for_all_trees = {t : {record[0] : record[1:] for record in splitup_data_for_trees[t]}
for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
all_feature_names = firstline.rstrip().split(',')[1:]
class_column_heading = all_feature_names[class_name_in_column]
feature_names = [all_feature_names[i-1] for i in self._csv_columns_for_features]
class_for_sample_all_trees = {t : { "sample_" + key.strip('"') :
class_column_heading + "=" + data_dict_for_all_trees[t][key][class_name_in_column]
for key in data_dict_for_all_trees[t]} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
sample_names_in_all_trees = {t : ["sample_" + key for key in data_dict_for_all_trees[t]]
for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
feature_values_for_samples_all_trees = {t : {"sample_" + key.strip('"') :
list(map(operator.add, list(map(operator.add, feature_names, "=" * len(feature_names))),
[str(convert(data_dict_for_all_trees[t][key][i-1].strip('"'))) for i in self._csv_columns_for_features]))
for key in data_dict_for_all_trees[t]} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
features_and_values_all_trees = {t : {all_feature_names[i-1] :
[convert(data_dict_for_all_trees[t][key][i-1].strip('"')) for key in data_dict_for_all_trees[t]]
for i in self._csv_columns_for_features} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
all_class_names_all_trees = {t : sorted(list(set(class_for_sample_all_trees[t].values())))
for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
numeric_features_valuerange_all_trees = {t : {} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
feature_values_how_many_uniques_all_trees = {t : {} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
features_and_unique_values_all_trees = {t : {} for t in range(self._how_many_trees)}
for t in range(self._how_many_trees):
for feature in features_and_values_all_trees[t]:
unique_values_for_feature = list(set(features_and_values_all_trees[t][feature]))
unique_values_for_feature = sorted(list(filter(lambda x: x != 'NA', unique_values_for_feature)))
feature_values_how_many_uniques_all_trees[t][feature] = len(unique_values_for_feature)
if all(isinstance(x,float) for x in unique_values_for_feature):
numeric_features_valuerange_all_trees[t][feature] = \
[min(unique_values_for_feature), max(unique_values_for_feature)]
features_and_unique_values_all_trees[t][feature] = sorted(unique_values_for_feature)
for t in range(self._how_many_trees):
self._all_trees[t]._class_names = all_class_names_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._feature_names = feature_names
self._all_trees[t]._samples_class_label_dict = class_for_sample_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._training_data_dict = feature_values_for_samples_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._features_and_values_dict = features_and_values_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._features_and_unique_values_dict = features_and_unique_values_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._numeric_features_valuerange_dict = numeric_features_valuerange_all_trees[t]
self._all_trees[t]._feature_values_how_many_uniques_dict = feature_values_how_many_uniques_all_trees[t]
if self._debug1:
for t in range(self._how_many_trees):
print("\n\n============================= For tree %d ==================================\n" % t)
print("\nAll class names: " + str(self._all_trees[t]._class_names))
print("\nEach sample data record:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._training_data_dict.items(), key = lambda x: sample_index(x[0]) ):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
print("\nclass label for each data sample:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._samples_class_label_dict.items(), key=lambda x: sample_index(x[0])):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
print("\nfeatures and the values taken by them:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._features_and_values_dict.items()):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
print("\nnumeric features and their ranges:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._numeric_features_valuerange_dict.items()):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
print("\nunique values for the features:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._features_and_unique_values_dict.items()):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
print("\nnumber of unique values in each feature:")
for item in sorted(self._all_trees[t]._feature_values_how_many_uniques_dict.items()):
print(item[0] + " => " + str(item[1]))
def get_number_of_training_samples(self):
return self._number_of_training_samples
def show_training_data_for_all_trees(self):
for i in range(self._how_many_trees):
print("\n\n============================= For Tree %d ==================================\n" % i)
def calculate_first_order_probabilities(self):
list(map(lambda x: self._all_trees[x].calculate_first_order_probabilities(), range(self._how_many_trees)))
def calculate_class_priors(self):
list(map(lambda x: self._all_trees[x].calculate_class_priors(), range(self._how_many_trees)))
def construct_all_decision_trees(self):
self._root_nodes = \
list(map(lambda x: self._all_trees[x].construct_decision_tree_classifier(), range(self._how_many_trees)))
def display_all_decision_trees(self):
for i in range(self._how_many_trees):
print("\n\n============================= For Tree %d ==================================\n" % i)
self._root_nodes[i].display_decision_tree(" ")
def classify_with_all_trees(self, test_sample):
self._classifications = list(map(lambda x: self._all_trees[x].classify(self._root_nodes[x], test_sample),
def display_classification_results_for_all_trees(self):
classifications = self._classifications
if classifications is None:
raise Exception('''You must first call "classify_with_all_trees()" before invoking "display_classification_results_for_all_trees()" ''')
solution_paths = list(map(lambda x: x['solution_path'], classifications))
for t in range(self._how_many_trees):
print("\n\n============================= For Tree %d ==================================\n" % t)
print("\nnumber of training samples used: %d\n" % self._how_many_training_samples_per_tree)
classification = classifications[t]
del classification['solution_path']
which_classes = list( classification.keys() )
which_classes = sorted(which_classes, key=lambda x: classification[x], reverse=True)
print(" " + str.ljust("class name", 30) + "probability")
print(" ---------- -----------")
for which_class in which_classes:
if which_class is not 'solution_path':
print(" " + str.ljust(which_class, 30) + str(classification[which_class]))
print("\nSolution path in the decision tree: " + str(solution_paths[t]))
print("\nNumber of nodes created: " + str(self._root_nodes[t].how_many_nodes()))
def get_majority_vote_classification(self):
classifications = self._classifications
if classifications is None:
raise Exception('''You must first call "classify_with_all_trees()" before invoking "get_majority_vote_classification()" ''')
decision_classes = {class_label : 0 for class_label in self._all_trees[0]._class_names}
for t in range(self._how_many_trees):
classification = classifications[t]
if 'solution_path' in classification:
del classification['solution_path']
sorted_classes = sorted(list(classification.keys()), key=lambda x: classification[x], reverse=True)
decision_classes[sorted_classes[0]] += 1
sorted_by_votes_decision_classes = \
sorted(list(decision_classes.keys()), key=lambda x: decision_classes[x], reverse=True)
return sorted_by_votes_decision_classes[0]
def get_all_class_names(self):
return self._all_trees[0]._class_names