# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = '2.4.8'
__author__ = "Avinash Kak (kak@purdue.edu)"
__date__ = '2024-April-27'
__url__ = 'https://engineering.purdue.edu/kak/distDLS/DLStudio-2.4.8.html'
__copyright__ = "(C) 2024 Avinash Kak. Python Software Foundation."
__doc__ = '''
You are looking at the Transformers co-class file in the DLStudio platform. For
the overall documentation on DLStudio, visit:
There are three different transformer based implementations in this file:
TransformerFG [FG stands for "First Generation"]
TransformerPreLN [PreLN stands for "Pre Layer Norm"]
visTransformer [stands for Vision Transformer]
Although the first two are very similar, the difference between the two has
important consequences with regard to how fast and how stably the learning
takes place in the two implementations. I could have easily combined the two
implementations with a small number of conditional statements to account for
the differences. However I have chosen to keep them separate in order to make
it easier for the two to evolve separately and to be used differently for
educational purposes. The third, visTransformer, is meant for solving image
recognition problems with transformers.
The TransformerFG implementation is based on the transformers as first
envisioned in the seminal paper "Attention is All You Need" by Vaswani et el.
And, the network code in TransformerPreLN incorporates the modifications
suggested by "On Layer Normalization in the Transformer Architecture" by Xiong
et al. Both these papers are now so well known that just entering their title
in a Google search window will take you directly to their PDFs at arxiv.org.
The visTransformer implementation is based on the paper "An Image is Worth
16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale'' by Dosovitskiy et
The sequence-to-sequence problem addressed in both TransformerFG and
TransformerPreLN is the English-to-Spanish translation problem, which is the
same problem as in the Seq2SeqLearning co-class in the DLStudio module. The
seq2seq learning in the Seq2SeqLearning class was based on using recurrence
along with the notion of attention. Recurrence was used to generate a time
evolution of the hidden state as a sentence was scanned left-to-right and
again from right-to-left. Each state in the time evolution stood for a
summarized representation of the sentence up to that point in the scan.
Concatenating the forward-scan hidden state at each word position in a
sentence with the backward-scan hidden state at the same position yielded a
sequence of attention units for a sentence. Subsequently, the neural network
had to learn the relationship between these attention units for a
source-language sentence and the word that needed to be produced as each
position in the target language sentence. With that as a summary of how
attention was used in the Seq2SeqLearning class, we now turn to the subject of
transformers as presented in the inner classes TransformerFG and
TransformerPreLN here.
The main difference between how I used attention in the Seq2SeqLearning class
and how I'll use it in the two transformers here is that now we have no use
for recurrence. That language modeling could be carried out without using
recurrence was first demonstrated in "Attention is All You Need"
(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03762.pdf) by Vaswani, et el. As shown in that
paper, with transformers, you need to use only the attention mechanism to
determine how the different parts of a source sequence relate to one another
with regard to the production of the next word in the target sequence. The
intra-sentence relationships between the words in the source and the target
languages are referred to as self-attention and the inter-sentence
relationships between the words in two different languages are referred to as
the cross-attention. This is further explained in the documentation
associated with the inner classes TransformerFG and TransformerPreLN below.
About the dataset I'll be using to demonstrate transformers, version 2.2.2
and above of DLStudio comes with a data archive named
en_es_corpus_for_transformers that contains the following archive
As for the name of the archive, the number 8 refers to the maximum number of
words in a sentence, which translates into sentences with a maximum length of
10 when you include the SOS and EOS tokens at the two ends of a sentence. The
number 90,000 is for how many English-Spanish sentence pairs are there in the
The following two scripts in the ExamplesTransformers directory of the
distribution are your main entry points for experimenting with the
Transformers code:
For the image recognition class visTransformer, I'll use the CIFAR-10 datasete
that you are alrady very familiar with. The following two scripts in the same
ExamplesTransformers directory as mentioned above are your main entry points
for playing with the vision related Transformer code in DLStudio:
Transformers, in general, are difficult to train and that's especially the
case with TransformerFG. Using the same learning rate throughout the training
process either results in excessively slow learning if the learning-rate is
too small, or unstable learning if the learning-rate is not small enough.
When transformer learning becomes unstable, you get what's known as sudden
model divergence, which means roughly the same thing as mode collapse for the
case of training a GAN.
Here's a more precise meaning of what's meant by model divergence in training
a transformer: If you measure the performance of the model as it is being
trained by applying a metric like BLEU to the checkpoints, you get model
divergence when the value of the BLEU score suddenly drops down to zero and
stays there. When that happens, the translated sentences will appear to be
For the case of TransformerFG, the original authors of the paper on which
TransformerFG is based showed that they could prevent model divergence by
starting with a very small learning rates, say 1e-9, and then ramping up
linearly with each iteration of training. This is known as the learning-rate
warm-up and it requires that you specify the number of training iterations for
the warm-up phase. Typically, during this phase, you increment the learning
rate linearly with the iteration index. Note that the more stable
TransformerPreLN does NOT require a learning-rate warm-up --- because that
transformer is inherently more stable. The price you pay for that stability is
the slower convergence of the model. In my own rather informal and
unscientific comparisons, the performance I get with about 20 epochs of
TransformerFG takes more than 60 epochs with TransformerPreLN.
from DLStudio import DLStudio
import sys,os,os.path
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as tvt
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import time
import glob
import gzip
import pickle
import signal
def sigchld_sig_handler( signum, frame ):
print("shutting down the training session --- child processes")
def interrupt_sig_handler( signum, frame ):
print("shutting down the training session --- main process")
os.kill( os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL )
signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, interrupt_sig_handler )
signal.signal( signal.SIGCHLD, sigchld_sig_handler )
#################################### Start Definition of Class TransformerFG #######################################
class TransformerFG(nn.Module):
TransformerFG stands for "Transformer First Generation".
The goal of this class is to serve as an instructional aid in understanding the basic
concepts of attention-based learning with neural networks --- as laid out in the
original paper "Attention is All You Need" (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03762.pdf)
by Vaswani, et el. This paper created a paradigm shift in the deep learning
area by showing that it was possible to replace convolution and recurrence as
the basic architectural elements of a neural network design by just attention. In the
context of seq2seq learning, attention takes two forms: self-attention and
cross-attention. Self-attention means for a neural network to figure out on its own
what parts of a sentence contribute jointly to the generation of the words in the
target language. To elaborate, consider the following sentence in English:
"I was talking to my friend about his old car to find out if it was still
running reliably."
For a machine to understand this sentence, it has to figure out that the pronoun "it"
is strongly related to the noun "car" occurring earlier in the sentence. A neural
network with self-attention would be able to do that and would therefore be able to
answer the question: "What is the current state of Charlie's old car?" assuming that
system already knows that "my friend" in the sentence is referring to Charlie. For
another example, consider the following Spanish translation for the above sentence:
"Yo estaba hablando con mi amigo sobre su viejo coche para averiguar si
todavĂa funcionaba de manera confiable."
In Spanish-to-English translation, the phrase "su viejo coche" could go into "his
old car", "her old car", or "its old car". Choosing the correct form would require
for the neural-network based translation system to have established the relationship
between the phrase "su viejo coche" and the phrase "mi amigo". A neural network
endowed with self-attention would be able to do that.
While self-attention allows a neural network to establish the sort of intra-sentence
word-level and phrase-level relationships mentioned above, a seq2seq translation
network also needs what's known as cross-attention. Cross attention means discovering
what parts of a sentence in the source language are relevant to the production of
each word in the target language. In the English-to-Spanish translation example
mentioned above, the Spanish word "averiguar" has several nuances in what it means:
it can stand for "to discover", "to figure out", "to find out", etc. It is obvious
that for successful translation the neural network would need to know that the
context for "averiguar" --- a conversation with a friend --- requires that the
nuance "to find out" would be most appropriate translation to use for "averiguar".
Along the same lines, in English-to-Spanish translation, ordinarily the English
word "running" would be translated into the gerund "corriendo" in Spanish, but
on account of the context "car", a more appropriate Spanish translation would
be based on the verb "funcionar".
ClassPath: TransformerFG
def __init__(self, dl_studio, dataroot, save_checkpoints, data_archive, max_seq_length, embedding_size,
num_warmup_steps=None, optimizer_params=None):
super(TransformerFG, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.dataroot = dataroot
self.save_checkpoints = save_checkpoints
self.data_archive = data_archive
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.num_warmup_steps = num_warmup_steps
self.optimizer_params = optimizer_params
f = gzip.open(dataroot + data_archive, 'rb')
dataset = f.read()
dataset,vocab_en,vocab_es = pickle.loads(dataset, encoding='latin1')
## the dataset is a dictionary whose keys are the integer index values associated with each entry
self.training_corpus = list(dataset.values())
self.vocab_en = vocab_en
self.vocab_es = vocab_es
self.vocab_en_size = len(vocab_en) # includes the SOS and EOS tokens
self.vocab_es_size = len(vocab_es) # includes the SOS and EOS tokens
print("\n\nSize of the English vocab in the dataset: ", self.vocab_en_size)
print("\nSize of the Spanish vocab in the dataset: ", self.vocab_es_size)
self.debug = False
if self.debug:
print("\n\nFirst 100 elements of English vocab: ", vocab_en[:100])
print("\n\nFirst 100 elements of Spanish vocab: ", vocab_es[:100])
# The first two elements of both vocab_en and vocab_es are the SOS and EOS tokens
# So the index position for SOS is 0 and for EOS is 1.
self.en_vocab_dict = { vocab_en[i] : i for i in range(self.vocab_en_size) }
self.es_vocab_dict = { vocab_es[i] : i for i in range(self.vocab_es_size) }
self.es_index_2_word = { i : vocab_es[i] for i in range(self.vocab_es_size) }
def sentence_with_words_to_ints(self, sentences, lang):
First consider the case when the parameter 'sentences' shown above is a single
This function returns a tensor of integers for the input sentence, with each integer
being the index position of the corresponding word in the sentence in an alphabetized
sort of the vocabulary. The length of this sequence of integers will always be
self.max_seq_length regardless of the actual length of the sentence. Consider the
case when the input sentence is
[SOS they live near the school EOS]
Recall from the dataset construction that the two tokens SOS and EOS are inserted at
the beginning of the alphabetized sort of the actual vocabulary. So the integer
representation of the SOS token is always 0 and that of SOS always 1. For the
sentence shown above, the tensor returned by this function will be
tensor([[0, 10051, 5857, 6541, 10027, 8572, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
where the additional 1's at the end represent a padding of the input sentence with
the EOS token so that its length is always max_seq_length.
As for why the object returned by this function is a tensor of two axis, the reason
for that is to allow for using batches of sentences, as opposed to just one sentence
at a time. Suppose the batch_size is 2, the argument for 'sentences' will now be
[[SOS they live near the school EOS], [SOS answer the question EOS]]
In this case, the tensor returned by this function will look like
tensor([[0, 10051, 5857, 6541, 10027, 8572, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 423, 10027, 7822, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
During training, similar tensors are constructed for the Spanish sentences. The integer
indexes in those tensors serve as targets in the nn.NLLLoss based loss function.
sentence_to_ints = torch.ones(len(sentences), self.max_seq_length, dtype=torch.long)
for i in range(len(sentences)):
words = sentences[i].split(' ')
for j,word in enumerate(words):
sentence_to_ints[i,j] = self.en_vocab_dict[word] if lang=="en" else self.es_vocab_dict[word]
return sentence_to_ints
class EmbeddingsGenerator(nn.Module):
A sentence begins its life as a tensor of word_vocab_index integers, with each integer
representing the index of a word in the alphabetized vocabulary for the language. This
integer based representation of a sentence, created by the function 'sentence_with_words_to_ints()'
function shown above, is fed to an instance of EmbeddingsGenerator in Line (B) below.
The purpose of the EmbeddingsGenerator class is to translate the word_vocab_index based
representation to a learned word-embedding-vector based representation. The learning of
the embedding vector for each word of the vocabulary takes place through the "nn.Embedding"
layer that is created in Line (A).
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> EmbeddingsGenerator
def __init__(self, xformer, lang, embedding_size):
super(TransformerFG.EmbeddingsGenerator, self).__init__()
self.vocab_size = xformer.vocab_en_size if lang=="en" else xformer.vocab_es_size
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embed = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, embedding_size) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor): ## (B)
## Let's say your batch_size is 4 and that each sentence has a max_seq_length of 10.
## The sentence_tensor argument will now be of shape [4,10]. If the embedding size is
## is 512, the following call will return a tensor of shape [4,10,512)
word_embeddings = self.embed(sentence_tensor)
position_coded_word_embeddings = self.apply_positional_encoding( word_embeddings )
return position_coded_word_embeddings
def apply_positional_encoding(self, sentence_tensor):
Positional encoding is applied to the embedding-vector representation of a sentence
tensor that is returned by EmbeddingsGenerator. Positional encoding is applied by
explicitly calling the function 'apply_positional_encoding()' and supplying to it as
argument the tensor returned by the forward() of EmbeddingsGenerator.
The main goal of positional encoding is to sensitize a neural network to the position
of each word in a sentence and also to each embedding-vector cell for each word by
first constructing an array of floating-point values as described in this comment
section and then adding that array of numbers to the sentence tensor returned by the
forward() of EmbeddingsGenerator. The alternating columns of this 2D array are filled
using sine and cosine functions whose periodicities vary with the column index as shown
below. Note that whereas the periodicities are column-specific, the values of the
sine and cosine functions are word-position-specific. In the depiction shown below,
each row is an embedding vector for a specific word:
along the embedding vector index i -->
i=0 | i=1 | i=2 | i=3 | ........... | i=511
w pos=0 | | | | |
o -------------------------------------------------------------------------
r pos=1 | | | | |
d -------------------------------------------------------------------------
pos=2 | | | | |
i -------------------------------------------------------------------------
n .
d .
e .
x -------------------------------------------------------------------------
pos=9 | | | | |
| |
| |
| |_________________
| |
| |
pos pos ## (D)
sin( ------------- ) cos( ------------- )
100^{2i/512} 100^{2i/512} ## (E)
To further explain the idea of positional encoding, let's say we have a sentence
consisting of 10 words and an embedding size of 512. For such a sentence,
the forward() of EmbeddingsGenerator will return a tensor of shape [10,512]. So the
array of positional-encoding numbers we need to construct will also be of shape
[10,512]. We need to fill the alternating columns of this [10,512] array with sin()
and cos() values as shown above. To appreciate the significance of these values, first
note that one period of a sinusoidal function like sin(pos) is 2*pi with respect to the
word index pos. [That would amount to only about six words. That is, there would only
be roughly six words in one period if we just use sin(pos) above.] On the other hand,
one period of a sinusoidal function like sin(pos/k) is 2*pi*k with respect to the word
index pos. So if k=100, we have a periodicity of about 640 word positions along the
pos axis. The important point is that every individual column in the 2D pattern shown
above gets a unique periodicity and that the alternating columns are characterized by
sine and cosine functions.
position_encodings = torch.zeros_like( sentence_tensor, dtype=float )
## Calling unsqueeze() with arg 1 causes the "row tensor" to turn into a "column tensor"
## which is needed in the products in lines (F) and (G). We create a 2D pattern by
## taking advantage of how PyTorch has overloaded the definition of the infix '*'
## tensor-tensor multiplication operator. It in effect creates an output-product of
## of what is essentially a column vector with what is essentially a row vector.
word_positions = torch.arange(0, self.max_seq_length).unsqueeze(1)
div_term = 1.0 / (100.0 ** ( 2.0 * torch.arange(0, self.embedding_size, 2) / float(self.embedding_size) ))
position_encodings[:, :, 0::2] = torch.sin(word_positions * div_term) ## (F)
position_encodings[:, :, 1::2] = torch.cos(word_positions * div_term) ## (G)
return sentence_tensor + position_encodings
################################### Encoder Code for TransformerFG #############################################
class MasterEncoder(nn.Module):
The purpose of the MasterEncoder is to invoke a stack of BasicEncoder instances on a
source-language sentence tensor. The output of each BasicEncoder is fed as input to the
next BasicEncoder in the cascade, as illustrated in the loop in Line (B) below. The stack
of BasicEncoder instances is constructed in Line (A).
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> MasterEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_basic_encoders, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.MasterEncoder, self).__init__()
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.basic_encoder_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.BasicEncoder(dls, xformer,
num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_basic_encoders)] ) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
out_tensor = sentence_tensor
for i in range(len(self.basic_encoder_arr)): ## (B)
out_tensor = self.basic_encoder_arr[i](out_tensor)
return out_tensor
class BasicEncoder(nn.Module):
The BasicEncoder in TransformerFG consists of a layer of self-attention (SA) followed
by a purely feed-forward layer (FFN). The job of the SA layer is for the network to
figure out what parts of an input sentence are relevant to what other parts of the
same sentence in the process of learning how to translate a source-language sentence into
a target-language sentence. The output of SA goes through FFN and the output of FFN becomes
the output of the BasicEncoder. To mitigate the problem of vanishing gradients in the FG
transformer design, the output of each of the two components --- SA and FFN --- is subject
to LayerNorm and a residual connection used that wraps around both the component and the
LayerNorm which follows. Deploying a stack of BasicEncoder instances becomes easier if the
output tensor from a BasicEncoder has the same shape as its input tensor.
The SelfAttention layer mentioned above consists of a number of AttentionHead instances,
with each AttentionHead making an independent assessment of what to say about the
inter-relationships between the different parts of an input sequence. It is the embedding
axis that is segmented out into disjoint slices for each AttentionHead instance.The
calling SelfAttention layer concatenates the outputs from all its AttentionHead instances
and presents the concatenated tensor as its own output.
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> BasicEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.BasicEncoder, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.self_attention_layer = xformer.SelfAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads) ## (A)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size) ## (B)
## What follows are the linear layers for the FFN (Feed Forward Network) part of a BasicEncoder
self.W1 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size )
self.W2 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size )
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size) ## (C)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
sentence_tensor = sentence_tensor.float()
self_atten_out = self.self_attention_layer(sentence_tensor).to(self.dls.device) ## (D)
normed_atten_out = self.norm1(self_atten_out + sentence_tensor) ## (E)
basic_encoder_out = nn.ReLU()(self.W1( normed_atten_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1) )) ## (F)
basic_encoder_out = self.W2( basic_encoder_out ) ## (G)
basic_encoder_out = basic_encoder_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length, self.embedding_size )
## for the residual connection and layer norm for FC layer:
basic_encoder_out = self.norm2(basic_encoder_out + normed_atten_out) ## (H)
return basic_encoder_out
################################## Self Attention Code for TransformerFG #########################################
class SelfAttention(nn.Module):
As described in the doc section of the BasicEncoder class, in each BasicEncoder you have
a layer of SelfAttention followed by a Feed Forward Network (FFN). The SelfAttention layer
concatenates the outputs from all AttentionHead instances and presents that concatenated
output as its own output. If the input sentence consists of W words and if the embedding
size is M, the sentence_tensor at the input to forward() in Line B below will be of shape
[B,W,M] where B is the batch size. This tensor is sliced off into num_atten_heads sections
along the embedding axis and each slice shipped off to a different instance of AttentionHead.
Therefore, the shape what is seen by each AttentionHead is [B,W,qkv_size] where qkv_size
equals "M // num_atten_heads". The slicing of the sentence tensor, shipping off of each
slice to an AttentionHead instance, and the concatenation of the results returned by the
AttentionHead instances happens in the loop in line (C).
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> SelfAttention
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.SelfAttention, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dls
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.attention_heads_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.AttentionHead(dls, self.max_seq_length,
self.qkv_size, num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_atten_heads)] ) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor): ## (B)
concat_out_from_atten_heads = torch.zeros( sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.num_atten_heads * self.qkv_size).float()
for i in range(self.num_atten_heads): ## (C)
sentence_embed_slice = sentence_tensor[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
concat_out_from_atten_heads[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size] = \
return concat_out_from_atten_heads
class AttentionHead(nn.Module):
In the explanation that follows, I will use the phrase "embedding slice" for the slice
of the embedding axis of a sentence tensor that is supplied to an instance of
An AttentionHead (AH) instance does its job by first matrix-multiplying its assigned
embedding slice FOR EACH WORD in the input sentence by the following three matrices:
-- a matrix Wq of size "qkv_size x qkv_size" to produce the query Vector q of size
qkv_size at each word position in the input sentence.
-- a matrix Wk, also of size "qkv_size x qkv_size", to produce a key vector k of
size qkv_size at each word position in the input sentence.
-- a matrix Wv, also of size "qkv_size x qkv_size", to produce a value vector v of
size qkv_size at each word position in the input sentence.
Since in reality what the AttentionHead sees is a packing of the embedding slices
for all the W words in an input sentence in the form of a tensor X of shape
[B,W,qkv_size], instead of learning the matrices Wq, Wk, Wv for the individual
words, it learns the tensors WQ, WK, and WV for all the words in the input sentence
simultaneously. Ignoring the batch axis for a moment, each of these tensors will
be of shape [W, qkv_size] where again W is the number of words, and qkv_size
the size of both the embedding slice and the size of the query, key, and value
vectors mentioned above. We can mow write the following equations for the Query Q,
Key K, and Value V tensors calculated by an AttentionHead instance:
Q = X . WQ K = X . WK V = X . WV ## (A)
where the input X is of shape [W, qkv_size] and the tensors Q, K, and V tensors
are also of shape [W, qkv_size] --- ignoring again the batch axis.
Going back to the individual word based query, key, and value vectors, the basic
idea in self-attention is to first take the dot-product of EACH query-vector q_i
with EVERY key vector k_j in the input sentence (i and j are word indexes). So if
you have W words in an input sentence, at EACH word position in the input sentence,
you will have W of these dot-product "q_i k'_j" scalar values where k'_j stands
for the transpose of the key vector at the j^th position in the sentence.
From all the W dot-products at each word position in a W-word input sentence,
calculated as explained above, you want to subject each W-element dot product
to a nn.Softmax normalization to yield a W-element list of probabilities.
To extend the above explanation to operations with the sentence based Q, K,
and V tensors, what's interesting is that a matrix-matrix dot-product of the
Q and K tensors directly carries out all the dot-products at each word position
in the input sentence. Since Q and K are each of shape [W,qkv_size] for a W-word
sentence, the inner-product "Q . K^T" is of shape WxW, whose first W-element
row contains the values obtained by taking the dot-product of the first-word
query vector q_1 with each of the k_1, k_2, k_3, ..., k_W key vectors for each
of the W words in the sentence. The second row of "Q . K^T" will likewise
represent the dot product of the second query vector with every key vector, and
so on.
In the code shown below, all the dot-products mentioned above are calculated in
line (N). Next, as shown in line (O) we apply the nn.Softmax normalization to
each row of the WxW sized "Q . K^T" dot-products calculated in line (N). The
resulting WxW matrix is then used to multiply the "W x qkv_size" matrix V
as shown in line (V). The operations carried out in lines (M) through (Q) of
the code shown below can be expressed more compactly as:
nn.Softmax(Q . K^T)
Z = ----------------------- . V
At this point, the shape of Z will be "W x qkv_size" --- ignoring again the
batch axis. This is the shape of the data object returned by each AttentionHead
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> AttentionHead
def __init__(self, dl_studio, max_seq_length, qkv_size, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.AttentionHead, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.qkv_size = qkv_size
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.WQ = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (B)
self.WK = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (C)
self.WV = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (D)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) ## (E)
def forward(self, sent_embed_slice): ## sent_embed_slice == sentence_embedding_slice ## (F)
Q = self.WQ( sent_embed_slice ) ## (G)
K = self.WK( sent_embed_slice ) ## (H)
V = self.WV( sent_embed_slice ) ## (I)
A = K.transpose(2,1) ## (J)
QK_dot_prod = Q @ A ## (K)
rowwise_softmax_normalizations = self.softmax( QK_dot_prod ) ## (L)
Z = rowwise_softmax_normalizations @ V ## (M)
coeff = 1.0/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor([self.qkv_size]).float()).to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (N)
Z = coeff * Z ## (O)
return Z
################################## Cross Attention Code for TransformerFG #######################################
class CrossAttention(nn.Module):
To understand the implementation of cross attention, a good starting point would be to
go through the doc comment block provided for the SelfAttention and AttentionHead
classes. Whereas self-attention consists of taking dot products of the query vectors for
the individual words in a sentence with the key vectors for all the words in order to
discover the inter-word relevancies in a sentence, in cross-attention we take the dot
products of the query vectors for the individual words in the target-language sentence
with the key vectors at the output of the master encoder for a given source-language
Let X_enc represent the tensor at the output of the MasterEncoder. Its shape will be
the same as that of the source sentence supplied to the MasterEncoder instance. If W is
the number of words in a sentence (in either language), the X tensor that is input into
the MasterEncoder will be of shape [B,W,M] where B is the batch size, and M the size of the
embedding vectors for the words. Therefore, the shape of the output of the MasterEncoder,
X_enc, is also [B,W,M]. Now let X_target represent the tensor form of the corresponding
target language sentences. Its shape will also be [B,W,M].
The ideas of CrossAttention is to ship off the embedding-axis slices of the X_enc and
X_target tensors to CrossAttentionHead instances for the calculation of the dot products
and, subsequently, for the output of the dot produces to modify the Value vectors as
explained in the doc section of the next class.
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> CrossAttention
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.CrossAttention, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dls
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.attention_heads_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.CrossAttentionHead(dls, self.max_seq_length,
self.qkv_size, num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_atten_heads)] )
def forward(self, basic_decoder_out, final_encoder_out):
concat_out_from_atten_heads = torch.zeros( basic_decoder_out.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.num_atten_heads * self.qkv_size).float()
for i in range(self.num_atten_heads):
basic_decoder_slice = basic_decoder_out[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
final_encoder_slice = final_encoder_out[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
concat_out_from_atten_heads[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size] = \
self.attention_heads_arr[i](basic_decoder_slice, final_encoder_slice)
return concat_out_from_atten_heads
class CrossAttentionHead(nn.Module):
CrossAttentionHead works the same as the regular AttentionHead described earlier,
except that now, in keeping with the explanation for the CrossAttention class, the dot
products involve the query vector slices from the target sequence and the key vector
slices from the MasterEncoder output for the source sequence. The dot products
eventually modify the value vector slices that are also from the MasterEncoder output
for the source sequence. About the word "slice" here, as mentioned earlier, what each
attention head sees is a slice along the embedding axis for the words in a sentence.
If X_target and X_source represent the embedding-axis slices of the target sentence
tensor and the MasterEncoder output for the source sentences, each CrossAttentionHead
will compute the following dot products:
Q = X_target . WQ K = X_source . WK V = X_source . WV ## (A)
Note that the Queries are derived from the target sentence, whereas the Keys and the
Values come from the source sentence. The operations carried out in lines (N)
through (R) can be described more compactly as:
nn.Softmax(Q . K^T)
Z = --------------------- . V
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> CrossAttention
def __init__(self, dl_studio, max_seq_length, qkv_size, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerFG.CrossAttentionHead, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.qkv_size = qkv_size
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.WQ = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (B)
self.WK = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (C)
self.WV = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (D)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) ## (E)
def forward(self, basic_decoder_slice, final_encoder_slice): ## (F)
Q = self.WQ( basic_decoder_slice ) ## (G)
K = self.WK( final_encoder_slice ) ## (H)
V = self.WV( final_encoder_slice ) ## (I)
A = K.transpose(2,1) ## (J)
QK_dot_prod = Q @ A ## (K)
rowwise_softmax_normalizations = self.softmax( QK_dot_prod ) ## (L)
Z = rowwise_softmax_normalizations @ V ## (M)
coeff = 1.0/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor([self.qkv_size]).float()).to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (N)
Z = coeff * Z ## (O)
return Z
################################### Basic Decoder Code for TransformerFG ########################################
class BasicDecoderWithMasking(nn.Module):
As with the basic encoder, while a basic decoder also consists of a layer of SelfAttention
followed by a Feedforward Network (FFN) layer, but now there is a layer of CrossAttention
interposed between the two. The output from each of these three components of a basic
decoder passes through a LayerNorm layer. Additionally, you have a residual connection from
the input at each component to the output from the LayerNorm layer.
An important feature of the BasicDecoder is the masking of the target sentences during the
training phase in order to ensure that each predicted word in the target language depends only
on the target words that have been seen PRIOR to that point. This recursive backward dependency
is referred to as "autoregressive masking". In the implementation shown below, the masking is
initiated and its updates established by MasterDecoderWithMasking.
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> BasicDecoderWithMasking
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads, masking=True):
super(TransformerFG.BasicDecoderWithMasking, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.masking = masking
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.self_attention_layer = xformer.SelfAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
self.cross_attn_layer = xformer.CrossAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads)
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
## What follows are the linear layers for the FFN (Feed Forward Network) part of a BasicDecoder
self.W1 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size )
self.W2 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size )
self.norm3 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor, final_encoder_out, mask):
masked_sentence_tensor = sentence_tensor
if self.masking:
masked_sentence_tensor = self.apply_mask(sentence_tensor, mask)
## for self attention
Z_concatenated = self.self_attention_layer(masked_sentence_tensor).to(self.dls.device)
Z_out = self.norm1(Z_concatenated + masked_sentence_tensor)
## for cross attention
Z_out2 = self.cross_attn_layer( Z_out, final_encoder_out).to(self.dls.device)
Z_out2 = self.norm2( Z_out2 )
## for FFN:
basic_decoder_out = nn.ReLU()(self.W1( Z_out2.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1) ))
basic_decoder_out = self.W2( basic_decoder_out )
basic_decoder_out = basic_decoder_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length, self.embedding_size )
basic_decoder_out = basic_decoder_out + Z_out2
basic_decoder_out = self.norm3( basic_decoder_out )
return basic_decoder_out
def apply_mask(self, sentence_tensor, mask):
out = torch.zeros_like(sentence_tensor).float().to(self.dls.device)
out[:,:len(mask),:] = sentence_tensor[:,:len(mask),:]
return out
################################### MasterDecoder Code for TransformerFG ########################################
class MasterDecoderWithMasking(nn.Module):
The primary job of the MasterDecoder is to orchestrate the invocation of a stack of BasicDecoders.
The number of BasicDecoder instances used is a user-defined parameter. The masking that is used
in each BasicDecoder instance is set here by the MasterDecoder. In Line (B), we define the
BasicDecoder instances needed. The linear layer in Line (C) is needed because what the decoder side
produces must ultimately be mapped as a probability distribution over the entire vocabulary for the
target language. With regard to the data flow through the network, note how the mask is initialized
in Line (D). The mask is supposed to be a vector of one's that grows with the prediction for each
output word. We start by setting it equal to just a single-element vector containing a single "1".
Lines (E) and (F) declare the tensors that will store the final output of the master decoder. This
final output consists of two tensors: One tensor holds the integer index to the target-language
vocabulary word where the output log-prob is maximum. [This index is needed at inference time to
output the words in the translation.] The other tensor holds the log-probs over the target language
vocabulary. The log-probs are produced by the nn.LogSoftmax in Line (L).
ClassPath: TransformerFG -> MasterDecoderWithMasking
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_basic_decoders, num_atten_heads, masking=True):
super(TransformerFG.MasterDecoderWithMasking, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.masking = masking
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.target_vocab_size = xformer.vocab_es_size ## (A)
self.basic_decoder_arr = nn.ModuleList([xformer.BasicDecoderWithMasking( dls, xformer,
num_atten_heads, masking) for _ in range(num_basic_decoders)]) ## (B)
## Need the following layer because we want the prediction of each target word to be a probability
## distribution over the target vocabulary. The conversion to probs would be done by the criterion
## nn.CrossEntropyLoss in the training loop:
self.out = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.target_vocab_size) ## (C)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor, final_encoder_out):
mask = torch.ones(1, dtype=int) ## initialize the mask ## (D)
## A tensor with two axes, one for the batch instance and the other for storing the predicted
## word ints for that batch instance. We initialize by filling the tensor with "EOS" tokens (==1).
predicted_word_index_values = torch.ones(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
dtype=torch.long).to(self.dls.device) ## (E)
## A tensor with three axes, first is the batch axis, the second for the individual words in the
## output sentence, and the third for storing the log-prob of the predicted words in the translated
## sentence. The log_probs for each predicted word are defined over the entire target vocabulary:
predicted_word_logprobs = torch.zeros( sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.target_vocab_size, dtype=float).to(self.dls.device) ## (F)
for word_index in range(1, sentence_tensor.shape[1]):
if self.masking:
target_sentence = self.apply_mask(sentence_tensor, mask) ## (G)
target_sentence = sentence_tensor
## out_tensor will start as just the first word, then two first words, etc.
out_tensor = target_sentence ## (H)
for i in range(len(self.basic_decoder_arr)): ## (I)
out_tensor = self.basic_decoder_arr[i](out_tensor, final_encoder_out, mask) ## (J)
last_word_tensor = out_tensor[:,word_index]
last_word_onehot = self.out(last_word_tensor.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1)) ## (K)
output_word_logprobs = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)(last_word_onehot) ## (L)
_, idx_max = torch.max(output_word_logprobs, 1) ## (M)
predicted_word_index_values[:,word_index] = idx_max ## (N)
predicted_word_logprobs[:,word_index] = output_word_logprobs ## (O)
mask = torch.cat( ( mask, torch.ones(1, dtype=int) ) ) ## (P)
return predicted_word_logprobs, predicted_word_index_values ## (Q)
def apply_mask(self, sentence_tensor, mask):
out = torch.zeros_like(sentence_tensor).float().to(self.dls.device)
out[:,:len(mask),:] = sentence_tensor[:,:len(mask),:]
return out
############################## Training and Evaluation for TransformerFG ########################################
def save_encoder(self, encoder):
"Save the trained encoder to a disk file"
torch.save(encoder.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["encoder"])
def save_decoder(self, decoder):
"Save the trained decoder to a disk file"
torch.save(decoder.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["decoder"])
def save_embeddings_generator_en(self, embeddings_generator_en):
torch.save(embeddings_generator_en.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["embeddings_generator_en"])
def save_embeddings_generator_es(self, embeddings_generator_es):
torch.save(embeddings_generator_es.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["embeddings_generator_es"])
def save_checkpoint_encoder(self, encoder, dir_name, epoch_index):
"Save the encoder checkpoint"
# if os.path.exists(dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1)):
# os.remove(dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1))
torch.save(encoder.state_dict(), dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index))
def save_checkpoint_decoder(self, decoder, dir_name, epoch_index):
"Save the decoder checkpoint"
# if os.path.exists(dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1)):
# os.remove(dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1))
torch.save(decoder.state_dict(), dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index))
def run_code_for_training_TransformerFG(self, dls, master_encoder, master_decoder, display_train_loss=False,
A particular feature of TransformerFG is how it is trained. Training a transformer as
conceptualized in the paper by Vaswani et al. requires a carefully designed warm-up stage
at the beginning in which you start with a very small learning rate that is gradually
increased to a set maximum value in a specific number of training iterations. The
training is sensitive to both the maximum value chosen for the learning rate and the
number of iterations used for the ramp-up to the maximum. Choosing inappropriate
values for these two parameters can make the training unstable. I have used Yu-Hsiang
Huang's ScheduledOptim class for the scheduling of the learning rate. This class is
defined at the end of the TransformerFG section of this file. What you see in Lines
(A) and (B) are calls to the constructor of this class. The definition of the
ScheduledOptim class is at the end of TransformerFG section of this file.
Since we did not construct a dataloader by subclassing from torch.utils.data.DataLoader, we
need the statements in Lines (E) through (I) to deal with the cases when the size of the
training data is not an exact multiple of the batch size, etc. The code shown in these
lines ensures that every bit of the available training data is used even if that means
that the last batch will not have the expected number of training samples in it.
Overall, the training consists of running the English/Spanish sentence pairs as generated
in Lines (H) or (I) through the MasterEncoder-MasterDecoder combo as shown in Lines (N) and
(O). We must first convert the words in these sentences into their int values in Lines (J)
and (K) and subsequently generate the embeddings for each word in Lines (L) and (M).
For a given English sentence, at each word position in a max_seq_length of positions in
Spanish, the encoder-decoder combo generates a tensor of log probabilities (logprobs) over
the target vocabulary. That is what is returned in Line (O). [The logprobs are generated by
the final nn.LogSoftmax activation function in the decoder code.] At each word position
in the target language sequence, the nn.NLLLoss() criterion in Line (R) then picks the
negative of that logprob that corresponds to the index of the groundtruth target word as
a measure of the loss for that word position. The nn.NLLLoss() criterion is defined in
Line (C).
Regarding the loss function nn.NLLLoss used for training, note that using a combination
of nn.LogSoftmax activation and nn.NLLLoss is the same thing as using nn.CrossEntropyLoss,
which is the most commonly used loss function for solving classification problems. For a
neural network that is meant for solving a classification problem, the number of nodes in
the output layer must equal the number of classes. Applying nn.LogSoftmax activation to
such a layer normalizes the values accumulated at those nodes so that they become a legal
probability distribution over the classes. Subsequently, calculating the nn.NLLLoss
means choosing the negative value at just that node which corresponds to the actual class
label of the input data.
if os.path.exists(checkpoints_dir):
files = glob.glob(checkpoints_dir + "/*")
for file in files:
if os.path.isfile(file):
files = glob.glob(file + "/*")
list(map(lambda x: os.remove(x), files))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
beta1,beta2,epsilon = self.optimizer_params['beta1'], self.optimizer_params['beta2'], \
master_encoder_optimizer = self.ScheduledOptim(optim.Adam(master_encoder.parameters(), betas=(beta1,beta2), eps=epsilon),
lr_mul=2, d_model=self.embedding_size, n_warmup_steps=self.num_warmup_steps) ## (A)
master_decoder_optimizer = self.ScheduledOptim(optim.Adam(master_decoder.parameters(), betas=(beta1,beta2), eps=epsilon),
lr_mul=2, d_model=self.embedding_size, n_warmup_steps=self.num_warmup_steps) ## (B)
## Note that by default, nn.NLLLoss averages over the instances in a batch
criterion = nn.NLLLoss() ## (C)
accum_times = []
start_time = time.perf_counter()
training_loss_tally = []
self.debug = False
num_sentence_pairs = len(self.training_corpus)
print("\n\nNumber of sentence pairs in the dataset: ", num_sentence_pairs)
print("\nNo sentence is longer than %d words (including the SOS and EOS tokens)\n\n" % self.max_seq_length)
batch_size = self.dl_studio.batch_size
max_iters = len(self.training_corpus) // batch_size ## (D)
max_iters = max_iters if len(self.training_corpus) % batch_size == 0 else max_iters + 1
print("\n\nMaximum number of training iterations in each epoch: %d\n\n" % max_iters)
for epoch in range(self.dl_studio.epochs): ## (E)
random.shuffle(self.training_corpus) ## (F)
running_loss = 0.0
for iter in range(max_iters):
if self.debug:
print("\n\n\n========================== starting batch indexed: %d ================================\n\n\n" % iter)
if (iter+1)*batch_size <= num_sentence_pairs: ## (G)
batched_pairs = self.training_corpus[iter*batch_size : (iter+1)*batch_size] ## (H)
batched_pairs = self.training_corpus[iter*batch_size : ] ## (I)
if self.debug: ## MUST use a batch size of 5 in your script for this to work
batched_pairs = [['SOS i will kill him EOS', 'SOS le mataré EOS'],
['SOS what was that EOS', 'SOS qué era eso EOS'],
['SOS he soon left the new job EOS', 'SOS Ă©l dejĂł pronto el nuevo empleo EOS'],
['SOS i go into the city every day EOS', 'SOS yo voy a la ciudad todos los dĂas EOS'],
['SOS she might come tomorrow EOS', 'SOS puede que ella venga mañana EOS']]
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs]
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs]
if self.debug:
print("\n\nfirst source sentence in batch: ", source_sentences[0])
print("\nfirst target sentence in batch: ", target_sentences[0])
print("\nlast source sentence in batch: ", source_sentences[-1])
print("\nlast target sentence in batch: ", target_sentences[-1])
en_tensor = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en') ## (J)
es_tensor = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(target_sentences, 'es') ## (K)
en_tensor = en_tensor.to(self.dl_studio.device)
es_tensor = es_tensor.to(self.dl_studio.device)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_tensor).float() ## (L)
es_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(es_tensor).float() ## (M)
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor ) ## (N)
predicted_word_logprobs, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(es_sentence_tensor,
master_encoder_output) ## (O)
loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (P)
for di in range(es_tensor.shape[1]): ## (Q)
loss += criterion(predicted_word_logprobs[:,di], es_tensor[:,di]) ## (R)
loss.backward() ## (S)
master_encoder_optimizer.step_and_update_lr() ## (T)
master_decoder_optimizer.step_and_update_lr() ## (U)
loss_normed = loss.item() / es_tensor.shape[0]
running_loss += loss_normed
if iter % 200 == 199:
avg_loss = running_loss / float(200)
running_loss = 0.0
current_time = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = current_time-start_time
print("[epoch:%2d/%d iter:%4d elapsed_time: %4d secs] loss: %.4f" % (epoch+1,self.dl_studio.epochs,iter+1,time_elapsed,avg_loss))
## At the beginning of the training session, the designated checkpoint_dir has already been flushed
if self.save_checkpoints and (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0:
self.save_checkpoint_encoder(master_encoder, checkpoints_dir, epoch)
self.save_checkpoint_decoder(master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, epoch)
self.save_embeddings_generator_en(embeddings_generator_en, checkpoints_dir, epoch)
self.save_embeddings_generator_es(embeddings_generator_es, checkpoints_dir, epoch)
print("Checkpoint saved at the end of epoch %d" % (epoch))
print("\nFinished Training\n")
if display_train_loss:
plt.title("FG Training Loss vs. Iterations")
plt.ylabel("training loss")
plt.legend(["Plot of loss versus iterations"], fontsize="x-large")
# plt.show()
def run_code_for_evaluating_TransformerFG(self, master_encoder, master_decoder, result_file=None):
The main difference between the training code shown in the previous function and the
evaluation code shown here is with regard to the input to MasterDecoder and how we
process its output. As shown in the previous function, for the training loop, the
input to MasterDecoder consists of the both the target sentence and the output of
the MasterEncoder for the source sentence. However, at inference time (that is, in
the evaluation loop shown below), the target sentence at the input to the MasterDecoder
is replaced by an encoding of a "starter stub" output sentence as defined in line (B).
The main message conveyed by the stub in line (B) is that we want to start the
translation with the first word of the output as being the token "SOS". The encoding
for the stub is generated in lines (F) and (G).
The second significant difference between the training and the testing code is
with regard to how we process the output of the MasterDecoder. As you will recall
from the docstring associated with MasterDecoder, it returns two things: (1) the
predicted log probabilities (logprob) over the target vocabulary for every word
position in the target language; and (2) for each target-language word position,
the word_vocab_index at which the logprob is maximum. The loss calculation in
the training code was based on the former. ON the other hand, as shown in line (H)
below, it is the latter that lets us do the the translations in the target words
in line (I).
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size)
self.debug = False
FILE = open("translations_with_FG_" + str(self.dl_studio.epochs) + ".txt", 'w')
with torch.no_grad():
for iter in range(20):
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS'] ## (A)
batched_pairs = random.sample(self.training_corpus, 1) ## (B)
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs]
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs]
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
print("\ntarget sentences: ", target_sentences)
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en').to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (C)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
print("\n\ntarget sentence tensor: ", es_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float()
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor ) ## (E)
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (F)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float() ## (G)
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output) ## (H)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()]
for di in range(self.max_seq_length)] ## (I)
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: ", source_sentences, target_sentences)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerFG: ", output_sentence)
FILE.write("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: %s %s" % (source_sentences, target_sentences))
FILE.write("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: %s" % output_sentence)
def run_code_for_evaluating_checkpoint(self, master_encoder, master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, checkpoint_index, result_file=None):
Training transformer networks has always been difficulty and that's the case even with
learning-rate warm-up and other mitigating strategies. DLStudio provides you with
checkpoints for making transformer training a little bit less frustrated. While you are
training a transformer, a checkpoint for the model is created every 5 epochs. The checkpoint
consists of two models, one for the encoder and the other for the decoder. For example, after
5 epochs of training, the consists of the following models:
where '4' is index of the epoch at the end of which the checkpoint was created. The
directory in which the checkpoint is deposited in one of the arguments when this function
is invoked in your script.
Subsequently, to see if any learning at all is going on, you can invoke this function and it
will print out the English-to-Spanish translation for a set of randomly selected sentences
from the corpus. Let's say you want to test whether the checkpoint after 5 epochs of training
is any good, you could execute the script "test_checkpointFG.py" in the ExamplesTransformers
directory and that script will call this function. The call syntax for the script is
python test_checkpointFG.py checkpoints_with_masking 4
where the argument "checkpoints_with_masking" is the subdiretory that has the checkpoints in
it. The last argument "4" means that we are testing the checkpoint models "encoder_4" and
if result_file is not None:
FILE = open(result_file, 'w')
master_encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/encoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
master_decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/decoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
self.debug = False
with torch.no_grad():
for iter in range(20):
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS'] ## (A)
batched_pairs = random.sample(self.training_corpus, 1) ## (B)
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs]
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs]
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
print("\ntarget sentences: ", target_sentences)
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en').to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (C)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
print("\n\ntarget sentence tensor: ", es_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints)
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor ) ## (E)
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (F)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float() ## (G)
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output) ## (H)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()]
for di in range(self.max_seq_length)] ## (I)
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: ", source_sentences, target_sentences)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerFG: ", output_sentence)
if result_file is not None:
FILE.write("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: %s %s" % (source_sentences, target_sentences))
FILE.write("\nThe translation produced by TransformerFG: %s" % output_sentence)
def run_code_for_translating_user_input(self, master_encoder, master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, checkpoint_index, sentence):
Let's say you have trained a transformer network for translating from one language to another.
And now you are curious as to how it would do on a sentence you are going to conjure up yourself ---
as opposed to pulling it out of the corpus. This is the function that will help you with that.
To see how you can use this function, see the following script:
in the ExamplesTransformers directory. You will need the following sort of syntax to call the
python test_your_own_sentence_checkpointFG.py checkpoints_no_masking 19
where 'checkpoints_no_masking' is the name of the checkpoints directory and 19 the numeric
suffix on the checkpoints in that directory.
Before you become alarmed by the poor results you're likely to get when you run the above
script, note that the training dataset has a very, very limited vocabulary: only around 11K
for English and around 22K for Spanish. Also, with just 90K sentence pairs, the training dataset
is tiny for such applications. Your results will also depend on how long you have trained the
NOTE: If you get strange looking error message when calling this function in your code, it could
be that network parameters specified in your script do not match those used for training
the network. See the above mentioned script in ExamplesTransformers directory to understand
what I mean.
source_sentence = [sentence]
master_encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/encoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
master_decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/decoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
self.debug = False
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS']
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
## Since the user-supplied source sentence originated in CPU, we need to move the following to GPU:
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentence, 'en').to(self.dl_studio.device)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float()
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor )
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float()
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()]
for di in range(self.max_seq_length)]
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerFG: ", output_sentence)
return output_sentence
class ScheduledOptim():
Transformers are difficult to train and that's especially the case with TransformerFG. Using
the same learning rate throughout the training process either results in excessively slow
learning if the learning-rate is too small, or unstable learning if the learning-rate is not
small enough. When transformer learning becomes unstable, you get what's known as sudden
model divergence, which means roughly the same thing as mode collapse for the case of
training a GAN. For a more precise meaning of model divergence, if you measure the
performance of the model as it is being trained by using a metric like BLEU on the
checkpoints, you get model divergence when the value of the BLEU score suddenly drops to
zero and stays there. For the case of TransformerFG, the original authors of the paper on
which that architecture is based showed that they could prevent model divergence by starting
with a very small learning rates, say 1e-9, and then ramping up linearly with each iteration
of training. This is known as the learning-rate warm-up and it requires that you specify
the number of training iterations for the warm-up phase. Typically, during this phase,
you increment the learning rate linearly with the iteration index. Note that the more
stable TransformerPreLN presented next does NOT require a learning-rate warm-up --- because
that transformer is inherently more stable. The price you pay for that stability is a slower
convergence of the model. In my own rather informal and unscientific comparisons, the
performance I get with about 20 epochs of TransformerFG takes more than 60 epochs with
For the scheduling of the learning rate during the warm-up phase of training TransformerFG, I
have borrowed the class shown below from the GitHub code made available by Yu-Hsiang Huang at:
def __init__(self, optimizer, lr_mul, d_model, n_warmup_steps):
self._optimizer = optimizer
self.lr_mul = lr_mul
self.d_model = d_model
self.n_warmup_steps = n_warmup_steps
self.n_steps = 0
def step_and_update_lr(self):
"Step with the inner optimizer"
def zero_grad(self):
"Zero out the gradients with the inner optimizer"
def _get_lr_scale(self):
d_model = self.d_model
n_steps, n_warmup_steps = self.n_steps, self.n_warmup_steps
return (d_model ** -0.5) * min(n_steps ** (-0.5), n_steps * n_warmup_steps ** (-1.5))
def _update_learning_rate(self):
''' Learning rate scheduling per step '''
self.n_steps += 1
lr = self.lr_mul * self._get_lr_scale()
for param_group in self._optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = lr
################################### END Definition of Class TransformerFG END ####################################
################################## Start Definition of Class TransformerPreLN #####################################
class TransformerPreLN(nn.Module):
TransformerPreLN stands for "Transformer Pre Layer Norm".
As with the TransformerFG class, the goal of TransformerPreLN is to serve as an
instructional aid in understanding the basic concepts of attention-based learning with
neural networks.
At this moment, there is only a small (but crucial) difference between the implementation
for TransformerFG shown previously in this file and the code for TransformerPreLN that
follows. This difference is based on the observation made by Xiong et al. in their paper
"On Layer Normalization in the Transformer Architecture" that using LayerNorm after each
residual connection in the Vaswani et al. design for the transformers contributed
significantly to the stability problems with training. This they stated was the main
reason for why TransformerFG needs a warm-up phase in learning. To get around this
problem, Xiong et al. advocated changing the point at which the LayerNorm is invoked in
the original design. In the two keystroke diagrams shown below, the one at left is for
the encoder layout in TransformerFG and the one on right for the same in TransformerPreLN.
In both approaches, the fundamental components of the basic encoder remain the same: a
multi-head attention layer followed by an FFN. However, in TransformerFG, each of these
two components is followed with a residual connection that wraps around the component
and the residual connection is followed by LayerNorm. On the other hand, in
TransformerPreLN, the LayerNorm for each component is used prior to the component and
the residual connection wraps around both the LayerNorm layer and the component, as shown
at right below.
output of basic encoder output of basic encoder
^ ^
| |
| + <--------- residual
| | | connection
----------- ----------- |
| LayerNorm | | | |
----------- | FFN | |
^ | | |
| residual ----------- |
+ <--------- connection ^ |
| | | |
----------- | ----------- |
| | | | LayerNorm | |
| FFN | | ----------- |
|___________| | ^ |
^ | | |
| | |-----------
|----------- |
| + <--------- residual
----------- | | connection
| LayerNorm | --------------- |
----------- | | |
| residual | Multi-Head | |
+ <--------- connection | Attention | |
| | | | |
--------------- | --------------- |
| | | ^ |
| Multi-Head | | | |
| Attention | | ----------- |
| | | | LayerNorm | |
--------------- | ----------- |
^ | ^ |
| | | |
|----------- |-----------
| |
| |
input sentence tensor input sentence tensor
or or
output from previous basic encoder output from previous basic encoder
TransformerFG TransformerPreLN
While the above explanation about the difference between TransformerFG and
TransformerPreLN specifically addresses the basic encoder, the same difference
carries over to the decoder side. Inside each basic decoder, you will have three
invocations of LayerNorm, one before the self-attention layer, another one before
the call to cross-attention and, finally, one more application of LayerNorm prior
to the FFN layer.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN
def __init__(self, dl_studio, dataroot, save_checkpoints, data_archive, max_seq_length, embedding_size):
super(TransformerPreLN, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.dataroot = dataroot
self.save_checkpoints = save_checkpoints
self.data_archive = data_archive
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
f = gzip.open(dataroot + data_archive, 'rb')
dataset = f.read()
dataset,vocab_en,vocab_es = pickle.loads(dataset, encoding='latin1')
## The dataset is a dictionary whose keys are the integer index values associated with each entry.
## We are only interested in the values themselves:
self.training_corpus = list(dataset.values())
self.vocab_en = vocab_en
self.vocab_es = vocab_es
self.vocab_en_size = len(vocab_en) # includes the SOS and EOS tokens
self.vocab_es_size = len(vocab_es) # includes the SOS and EOS tokens
print("\n\nSize of the English vocab in the dataset: ", self.vocab_en_size)
print("\nSize of the Spanish vocab in the dataset: ", self.vocab_es_size)
self.debug = False
if self.debug:
print("\n\nFirst 100 elements of English vocab: ", vocab_en[:100])
print("\n\nFirst 100 elements of Spanish vocab: ", vocab_es[:100])
# The first two elements of both vocab_en and vocab_es are the SOS and EOS tokens
# So the index position for SOS is 0 and for EOS is 1.
self.en_vocab_dict = { vocab_en[i] : i for i in range(self.vocab_en_size) }
self.es_vocab_dict = { vocab_es[i] : i for i in range(self.vocab_es_size) }
self.es_index_2_word = { i : vocab_es[i] for i in range(self.vocab_es_size) }
def sentence_with_words_to_ints(self, sentences, lang):
First consider the case when 'sentences' is a single sentence:
This function returns a tensor of integers for the input sentence, with each integer
being the index position of the corresponding word in the sentence in an alphabetized
sort of the vocabulary. The length of this sequence of integers will always be
self.max_seq_length regardless of the actual length of the sentence. Consider the
case when the input sentence is
[SOS they live near the school EOS]
Recall from the dataset construction that the two tokens SOS and EOS are inserted at
the beginning of the alphabetized sort of the actual vocabulary. So the integer
representation of the SOS token is always 0 and that of SOS always 1. For the
sentence shown above, the tensor returned by this function will be
tensor([[0, 10051, 5857, 6541, 10027, 8572, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
where the additional 1's at the end represent a padding of the input sentence with
the EOS token so that its length is always max_seq_length.
As for why the object returned by this function is a tensor of two axis, the reason
for that is to allow for using batches of sentences, as opposed to just one sentence
at a time. Suppose the batch_size is 2, the argument for 'sentences' will now be
[[SOS they live near the school EOS], [SOS answer the question EOS]]
In this case, the tensor returned by this function will look like
tensor([[0, 10051, 5857, 6541, 10027, 8572, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 423, 10027, 7822, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
During training, similar tensors are constructed for the Spanish sentences. The integer
indexes in those tensors serve as targets in the nn.NLLLoss based loss function.
sentence_tensor = torch.ones(len(sentences), self.max_seq_length, dtype=torch.long).to(self.dl_studio.device)
for i in range(len(sentences)):
words = sentences[i].split(' ')
for j,word in enumerate(words):
sentence_tensor[i,j] = self.en_vocab_dict[word] if lang=="en" else self.es_vocab_dict[word]
return sentence_tensor
class EmbeddingsGenerator(nn.Module):
A sentence begins its life as a tensor of word_vocab_index integers, with each integer
representing the index of a word in the alphabetized vocabulary for the language. This
integer based representation of a sentence, created by the function 'sentence_with_words_to_ints()'
function shown above, is fed to an instance of EmbeddingsGenerator in Line B below.
The purpose of the EmbeddingsGenerator class is to translate the word_vocab_index based
representation to a learned word-embedding-vector based representation. The learning of
the embedding vector for each word of the vocabulary takes place through the "nn.Embedding"
layer that is created in Line A.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> EmbeddingsGenerator
def __init__(self, xformer, lang, embedding_size):
super(TransformerPreLN.EmbeddingsGenerator, self).__init__()
self.vocab_size = xformer.vocab_en_size if lang=="en" else xformer.vocab_es_size
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embed = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, embedding_size) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_as_ints): ## (B)
## Let's say your batch_size is 4 and that each sentence has a max_seq_length of 10.
## The sentence_tensor argument will now be of shape [4,10]. If the embedding size is
## is 256, the following call will return a tensor of shape [4,10,256)
word_embeddings = self.embed(sentence_as_ints)
position_coded_word_embeddings = self.apply_positional_encoding( word_embeddings )
return position_coded_word_embeddings
def apply_positional_encoding(self, sentence_tensor):
Positional encoding is applied to the embedding-vector representation of a sentence
tensor that is returned by a callable instance of EmbeddingsGenerator. [Positional
encoding is applied by explicitly calling the function 'apply_positional_encoding()'
and supplying to it as argument the tensor returned by the forward() of
EmbeddingsGenerator. The main goal of positional encoding is to sensitize a
neural network to the position of each word in a sentence and also to each
embedding-vector cell for each word by first constructing an array of floating-point
values as described in this comment section and then adding that array of numbers
to the sentence tensor returned by the forward() of EmbeddingsGenerator. The
alternating columns of this 2D array are filled using sine and cosine functions whose
periodicities vary with the column index as shown below. Note that whereas the
periodicities are column-specific, the values of the sine and cosine functions are
word-position-specific. In the depiction that follows, each row is an embedding
vector for a specific word:
along the embedding vector index i -->
i=0 | i=1 | i=2 | i=3 | ........... | i=511
w pos=0 | | | | |
o -------------------------------------------------------------------------
r pos=1 | | | | |
d -------------------------------------------------------------------------
pos=2 | | | | |
i -------------------------------------------------------------------------
n .
d .
e .
x -------------------------------------------------------------------------
pos=9 | | | | |
| |
| |
| |_________________
| |
| |
pos pos ## (D)
sin( ------------- ) cos( ------------- )
100^{2i/512} 100^{2i/512} ## (E)
To further explain the idea of positional encoding, let's say we have a sentence
consisting of 10 words and an embedding size of 512. For such a sentence,
the forward() of EmbeddingsGenerator will return a tensor of shape [10,512]. So the
array of positional-encoding numbers we need to construct will also be of shape
[10,512]. We need to fill the alternating columns of this [10,512] array with sin()
and cos() values as shown above. To appreciate the significance of these values, first
note that one period of a sinusoidal function like sin(pos) is 2*pi with respect to the
word index pos. [That would amount to only about six words. That is, there would only
be roughly six words in one period if we just use sin(pos) above.] On the other hand,
one period of a sinusoidal function like sin(pos/k) is 2*pi*k with respect to the word
index pos. So if k=100, we have a periodicity of about 640 word positions along the
pos axis. The important point is that every individual column in the 2D pattern shown
above gets a unique periodicity and that the alternating columns are characterized by
sine and cosine functions.
position_encodings = torch.zeros_like( sentence_tensor, dtype=float )
## Calling unsqueeze() with arg 1 causes the "row tensor" to turn into a "column tensor"
## which is needed in the products in lines (F) and (G). We create a 2D pattern by
## taking advantage of how PyTorch has overloaded the definition of the infix '*'
## tensor-tensor multiplication operator. It in effect creates an outer-product of
## of what is essentially a column vector with what is essentially a row vector.
word_positions = torch.arange(0, self.max_seq_length).unsqueeze(1)
div_term = 1.0 / (100.0 ** ( 2.0 * torch.arange(0, self.embedding_size, 2) / float(self.embedding_size) ))
position_encodings[:, :, 0::2] = torch.sin(word_positions * div_term) ## (F)
position_encodings[:, :, 1::2] = torch.cos(word_positions * div_term) ## (G)
return sentence_tensor + position_encodings
##################################### Encoder Code in TransformerPreLN ############################################
class MasterEncoder(nn.Module):
The purpose of the MasterEncoder is to invoke a stack of BasicEncoder instances on a
source-language sentence tensor. The output of each BasicEncoder is fed as input to the
next BasicEncoder in the cascade, as illustrated in the loop in Line B below. The stack
of BasicEncoder instances is constructed in Line A.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> MasterEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_basic_encoders, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.MasterEncoder, self).__init__()
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.basic_encoder_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.BasicEncoder(dls, xformer,
num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_basic_encoders)] ) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
out_tensor = sentence_tensor
for i in range(len(self.basic_encoder_arr)): ## (B)
out_tensor = self.basic_encoder_arr[i](out_tensor)
return out_tensor
class BasicEncoder(nn.Module):
The BasicEncoder in TransformerPreLN consists of a layer of self-attention (SA) followed
by a purely feed-forward layer (FFN). The job of the SA layer is for the network to
figure out what parts of an input sentence are relevant to what other parts of the
same sentence in the process of learning how to translate a source-language sentence into
a target-language sentence. The output of SA goes through FFN and the output of FFN becomes
the output of the BasicEncoder. To mitigate the problem of vanishing gradients in the PreLN
transformer design, the input to each of the two components of a BasicEncoder --- SA and
FFN --- is subject to LayerNorm and a residual connection used that wraps around both the
LayerNorm and the component as shown in the keystroke diagram in the comment block associated
with the definition of TranformerPreLN. Deploying a stack of BasicEncoder instances becomes
easier if the output tensor from a BasicEncoder has the same shape as its input tensor.
The SelfAttention layer mentioned above consists of a number of AttentionHead instances,
with each AttentionHead making an independent assessment of what to say about the
inter-relationships between the different parts of an input sequence. It is the embedding
axis that is segmented out into disjoint slices for each AttentionHead instance.The
calling SelfAttention layer concatenates the outputs from all its AttentionHead instances
and presents the concatenated tensor as its own output.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> BasicEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.BasicEncoder, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.self_attention_layer = xformer.SelfAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads) ## (A)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size) ## (B)
self.W1 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size )
self.W2 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size )
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size) ## (C)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
input_for_self_atten = sentence_tensor.float()
normed_input_self_atten = self.norm1( input_for_self_atten )
output_self_atten = self.self_attention_layer(normed_input_self_atten).to(self.dls.device) ## (D)
input_for_FFN = output_self_atten + input_for_self_atten
normed_input_FFN = self.norm2(input_for_FFN) ## (E)
basic_encoder_out = nn.ReLU()(self.W1( normed_input_FFN.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1) )) ## (F)
basic_encoder_out = self.W2( basic_encoder_out ) ## (G)
basic_encoder_out = basic_encoder_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length, self.embedding_size )
basic_encoder_out = basic_encoder_out + input_for_FFN
return basic_encoder_out
#################################### Self Attention Code in TransformerPreLN ########################################
class SelfAttention(nn.Module):
As described in the doc section of the BasicEncoder class, in each BasicEncoder you have
a layer of SelfAttention followed by a Fully-Connected layer. The SelfAttention layer
concatenates the outputs from all AttentionHead instances and presents that concatenated
output as its own output. If the input sentence consists of W words at most and if the
embedding size is M, the sentence_tensor at the input to forward() in Line B below will
be of shape [W,M]. This tensor will be fed into each AttentionHead instance constructed
in Line A. If K is the size of the output from an AttentionHead instance, the output of each
such instance will be of shape [W,K]. The SelfAttention instance concatenates A of those
AttentionHead outputs and returns a tensor of shape [W,K*A] to the BasicEncoder. This
concatenation is carried in the loop in Lines C and D below.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> SelfAttention
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.SelfAttention, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dls
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.attention_heads_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.AttentionHead(dls, self.max_seq_length,
self.qkv_size, num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_atten_heads)] ) ## (A)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor): ## (B)
concat_out_from_atten_heads = torch.zeros( sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.num_atten_heads * self.qkv_size).float()
for i in range(self.num_atten_heads): ## (C)
sentence_tensor_portion = sentence_tensor[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
concat_out_from_atten_heads[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size] = \
self.attention_heads_arr[i](sentence_tensor_portion) ## (D)
return concat_out_from_atten_heads
class AttentionHead(nn.Module):
An AttentionHead (AH) instance does its job by first matrix-multiplying the embedding
vector FOR EACH WORD in an input sentence by the following three matrices:
-- a matrix Wq of size PxM to produce the query Vector q where P is the desired size
for the matrix-vector product and M the size of the embedding. For each word, this
will yield a query vector of size P elements at each word position in the input
-- a matrix Wk, also of size PxM, to produce a key vector k of size P elements at
each word position
-- a matrix Wv, also of size PxM, to produce a value vector v of size P elements at
each word position.
NOTE: In the implementation shown below, P is the same thing as qkv_size
Since in reality what the AttentionHead sees is a packing of the embedding vectors
for all the W words in an input sentence in the form of a tensor X of shape [W,M],
instead of learning the matrices Wq, Wk, Wv for the individual words, it learns the
tensors WQ, WK, and WV for all the words in the input sentence simultaneously. Each
of these tensors will be of shape [W,M,P] where again W is the number of words, M
the size of the embedding, and P the size of the query, key, and value vectors
mentioned above. We can mow write the following equations for the Query Q, Key K,
and Value V tensors calculated by an AttentionHead instance:
Q = X . WQ K = X . WK V = X . WV ## (A)
The Q, K, and V tensors will be of shape [W,P].
Going back to the individual word based query, key, and value vectors, the basic
idea in self-attention is to first take the dot-product of EACH query-vector q_i
with EVERY key vector k_j in the input sentence (i and j are word indexes). So if
you have W words in an input sentence, at EACH word position in the input sentence,
you will have W of these dot-product "q_i k'_j" scalar values where k'_j stands
for the transpose of the key vector at the j^th position in the sentence.
From all the W dot-products at each word position in a W-word input sentence,
calculated as explained above, you want to subject each W-element dot product
to a nn.Softmax normalization to yield a W-element list of probabilities, as
shown in Line N below. Applying torch.max to such a probability vector, as
shown in Line O, yields the largest value of the probability that you retain
at each word position in the input sentence. Since the torch.max() function is
applied to the WxW matrix of dot products, that is, to the dot products at every
word position in the input sentence, what is returned in Line O is the max
probability at every word position in the input sentence. In other words, the
output in Line O is a W-element vector of max probabilities.
To extend the above explanation to operations with the sentence based Q, K,
and V tensors, what's interesting is that a matrix-matrix dot-product of the
Q and K tensors directly carries out all the dot-products at each word position
in the input sentence. Since Q and K are each of shape [W,P] for a W-word
sentence, the inner-product "Q . K^T" is of shape WxW, whose first W-element
row contains the values obtained by taking the dot-product of the first-word
query vector q_1 with each of the k_1, k_2, k_3, ..., k_W key vectors for each
of the W words in the sentence. The second row of "Q . K^T" will likewise
represent the dot product of the second query vector with every key vector, and
so on.
Next what we want to do is to apply nn.Softmax operator to each row of the
"Q . K^T" product to retain just a single scalar value for that word position.
That is, at the i^th word position in the input, we want to retain:
torch.max(nn.Softmax( q_i . k'_1 q_i . k'_2 q_i . k'_3 ..... q_i . k'_W)
In other words, we want to apply the softmax operator separately to each row
of the tensor-tensor product Q . K^T.
The following formula expresses the above more compactly:
torch.max( nn.Softmax(Q . K^T) )
Z = --------------------------------- . V
Remember that, for a W-word input sentence, the numerator will yield W numbers,
one for each word position in the input sentence. Each of these serve as a
coefficient for the corresponding element of the value tensor V. Recall that
the shape of V for a W-word input sentence is [W,P].
A final note about the implementation of the tensor-tensor inner products
shown in Line A above:
Q = X . WQ K = X . WK V = X . WV
where WQ, WK, and WV are tensors of learnable weights. Consider a 10-word input
sentence, and the embedding size of M, X will of shape [10,M]. On the other
hand, the tensors Q, K, and V are each of shape [10,P]. That is, for EACH WORD,
the input vector is of size M and the output of size P. If we "flatten" X for
the purpose of using nn.Linear for learning the weight matrices WQ, WK, and WV,
X will go into a 1-D array of length 10*M and Q will go into a 1-D array of size
10*P. So the learnable weights will be learned by nn.Linear(10*M, 10*P). In
general we are going to need a
nn.Linear( max_seq_length * embedding_size, max_seq_length * qkv_size)
NOTE: qdv_size is the same thing as P
for learning the weights in the matrices WQ, WK, and WV where max_seq_length is the
max number of words in an input sentence
We now retain the max value in each of the WxW product of the Q and K^T. The
sequence of these max values will be W elements long.
We obtain Z by multiplying each row of WxP matrix V by its corresponding element
of the max_val vector. Therefore, Z itself is a WxP matrix.
Note again that P is represented by "qkv_size" in the code.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> AttentionHead
def __init__(self, dl_studio, max_seq_length, qkv_size, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.AttentionHead, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.qkv_size = qkv_size
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.WQ = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (B)
self.WK = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (C)
self.WV = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (D)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) ## (E)
def forward(self, sent_embed_slice): ## (F)
Q = self.WQ( sent_embed_slice ) ## (G)
K = self.WK( sent_embed_slice ) ## (H)
V = self.WV( sent_embed_slice ) ## (I)
A = K.transpose(2,1) ## (J)
QK_dot_prod = Q @ A ## (K)
rowwise_softmax_normalizations = self.softmax( QK_dot_prod ) ## (L)
Z = rowwise_softmax_normalizations @ V ## (M)
## torch.tensor creates a new tensor that needs to be moved to GPU
coeff = 1.0/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor([self.qkv_size]).float()).to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (N)
Z = coeff * Z ## (O)
return Z
#################################### Cross Attention Code in TransformerPreLN ######################################
class CrossAttention(nn.Module):
To understand the implementation of cross attention, a good starting point would be to
go through the documentation section provided for the SelfAttention and AttentionHead
classes. Whereas self-attention consists of taking dot products the query vectors for
the individual words in a sentence with the key vectors for all the words in order to
discover the inter-word relevancies in a sentence, in cross-attention we take the dot
products of the query vectors for the individual words in the target-language sentence
with the key vectors at the output of the master encoder for a given source-language
More specifically, let X_enc represent the tensor at the output of the MasterEncoder.
Its shape will be that of the input-sentence to the MasterEncoder instance. If W is
the largest number of words allowed in a sentence (in either language), the X tensor
that is input into the MasterEncoder will be of shape [W,M] where M is the size of the
embedding vectors used for the words. Therefore, in our implementation, the shape of
the output of the MasterEncoder, X_enc, is also [W,M]. Now let X_target represent the
tensor form of the target-language sentence. Its shape in our implementation is also
[W,M]. The cross attention layer first calculates the following tensors in Lines (G)
through (L):
Q = X_target . WQ K = X_source . WK V = X_source . WV ## (A)
and then computes the cross-attention weights in very much the same manner as the
self-attention weights shown earlier.
torch.max( nn.Softmax(Q . K^T) )
Z = --------------------------------- . V
This computation is done in Lines (N) through (R) shown below.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> CrossAttention
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.CrossAttention, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dls
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.attention_heads_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.CrossAttentionHead(dls, self.max_seq_length,
self.qkv_size, num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_atten_heads)] )
def forward(self, basic_decoder_out, final_encoder_out):
concat_out_from_atten_heads = torch.zeros( basic_decoder_out.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.num_atten_heads * self.qkv_size).float()
for i in range(self.num_atten_heads):
basic_decoder_portion = basic_decoder_out[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
final_encoder_portion = final_encoder_out[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
concat_out_from_atten_heads[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size] = \
self.attention_heads_arr[i](basic_decoder_portion, final_encoder_portion)
return concat_out_from_atten_heads
class CrossAttentionHead(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, dl_studio, max_seq_length, qkv_size, num_atten_heads):
super(TransformerPreLN.CrossAttentionHead, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.qkv_size = qkv_size
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.WQ = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (B)
self.WK = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (C)
self.WV = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size ) ## (D)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) ## (E)
def forward(self, basic_decoder_slice, final_encoder_slice): ## (F)
Q = self.WQ( basic_decoder_slice ) ## (G)
K = self.WK( final_encoder_slice ) ## (H)
V = self.WV( final_encoder_slice ) ## (I)
A = K.transpose(2,1) ## (J)
QK_dot_prod = Q @ A ## (K)
rowwise_softmax_normalizations = self.softmax( QK_dot_prod ) ## (L)
Z = rowwise_softmax_normalizations @ V ## (M)
## torch.tensor creates a new tensor that needs to be moved to GPU
coeff = 1.0/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor([self.qkv_size]).float()).to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (N)
Z = coeff * Z ## (O)
return Z
####################################### Decoder Code TransformerPreLN ##############################################
class BasicDecoderWithMasking(nn.Module):
As with the basic encoder, while a basic decoder also consists of a layer of SelfAttention
followed by a Feedforward Network (FFN) layer, but now there is a layer of CrossAttention
interposed between the two. In the PreLN decoder, the input to each of these three
components is first subject to LayerNorm and, for each component, the residual connection
wraps around both the LayerNorm at the input and the component itself.
An important feature of the BasicDecoder is masking --- which is also called autoregressive
masking or, sometimes more informally, as triangle masking ---in order to ensure that the
predicted word at each position in the output depends only on the words that have already
been predicted at all previous positions in output sentence.
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> BasicDecoderWithMasking
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads, masking=True):
super(TransformerPreLN.BasicDecoderWithMasking, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.masking = masking
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.self_attention_layer = xformer.SelfAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
self.cross_attn_layer = xformer.CrossAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads)
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
self.W1 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size )
self.W2 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size )
self.norm3 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor, final_encoder_out, mask):
masked_sentence_tensor = sentence_tensor
if self.masking:
masked_sentence = self.apply_mask(sentence_tensor, mask)
normed_masked_sentence_tensor = self.norm1( masked_sentence_tensor.float() )
output_self_atten = self.self_attention_layer(normed_masked_sentence_tensor).to(self.dls.device)
input_for_xatten = output_self_atten + masked_sentence_tensor
normed_input_xatten = self.norm2(input_for_xatten)
output_of_xatten = self.cross_attn_layer( normed_input_xatten, final_encoder_out).to(self.dls.device)
input_for_FFN = output_of_xatten + input_for_xatten
normed_input_FFN = self.norm3(input_for_FFN)
basic_decoder_out = nn.ReLU()(self.W1( normed_input_FFN.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1) ))
basic_decoder_out = self.W2( basic_decoder_out )
basic_decoder_out = basic_decoder_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length, self.embedding_size )
basic_decoder_out = basic_decoder_out + input_for_FFN
return basic_decoder_out
def apply_mask(self, sentence_tensor, mask):
out = torch.zeros_like(sentence_tensor).float().to(self.dls.device)
out[:,:len(mask),:] = sentence_tensor[:,:len(mask),:]
return out
class MasterDecoderWithMasking(nn.Module):
The primary job of the MasterDecoder is to orchestrate the invocation of a stack of BasicDecoders.
The number of BasicDecoder instances used is a user-defined parameter. The masking that is used
in each BasicDecoder instance is set here by the MasterDecoder. In Line (B), we define the
BasicDecoder instances needed. The linear layer in Line (C) is needed because what the decoder side
produces must ultimately be mapped as a probability distribution over the entire vocabulary for the
target language. With regard to the data flow through the network, note how the mask is initialized
in Line (D). The mask is supposed to be a vector of one's that grows with the prediction for each
output word. We start by setting it equal to just a single-element vector containing a single "1".
Lines (E) and (F) declare the tensors that will store the final output of the master decoder. This
final output consists of two tensors: One tensor holds the integer index to the target-language
vocabulary word where the output log-prob is maximum. [This index is needed at inference time to
output the words in the translation.] The other tensor holds the log-probs over the target language
vocabulary. The log-probs are produced by the nn.LogSoftmax in Line (L).
ClassPath: TransformerPreLN -> MasterDecoderWithMasking
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_basic_decoders, num_atten_heads, masking=True):
super(TransformerPreLN.MasterDecoderWithMasking, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.masking = masking
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.target_vocab_size = xformer.vocab_es_size ## (A)
self.basic_decoder_arr = nn.ModuleList([xformer.BasicDecoderWithMasking( dls, xformer,
num_atten_heads, masking) for _ in range(num_basic_decoders)]) ## (B)
## Need the following layer because we want the prediction of each target word to be a probability distribution
## over the target vocabulary:
self.out = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.target_vocab_size) ## (C)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor, final_encoder_out):
mask = torch.ones(1, dtype=int) ## (D)
## A tensor with two axes, one for the batch instance and the other for storing the predicted
## word ints for that batch instance. We initialize by filling the tensor with "EOS" tokens (==1).
predicted_word_index_values = torch.ones(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
dtype=torch.long).to(self.dls.device) ## (E)
predicted_word_index_values[:,0] = 0 ## change the first word to the "SOS" token
## A tensor with two axes, one for the batch instance and the other for storing the log-prob of predictions
## for that batch instance. The log_probs for each predicted word over the entire target vocabulary:
predicted_word_logprobs = torch.zeros( sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.target_vocab_size, dtype=float).to(self.dls.device) ## (F)
for word_index in range(1, sentence_tensor.shape[1]):
if self.masking:
target_sentence = self.apply_mask(sentence_tensor, mask) ## (G)
target_sentence = sentence_tensor
out_tensor = target_sentence ## it will start as just the first word, then two first words, etc. ## (H)
for i in range(len(self.basic_decoder_arr)): ## (I)
out_tensor = self.basic_decoder_arr[i](out_tensor, final_encoder_out, mask) ## (J)
last_word_tensor = out_tensor[:,word_index]
last_word_onehot = self.out(last_word_tensor.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1)) ## (K)
output_word_logprobs = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)(last_word_onehot) ## (L)
_, idx_max = torch.max(output_word_logprobs, 1) ## (M)
predicted_word_index_values[:,word_index] = idx_max ## (N)
predicted_word_logprobs[:,word_index] = output_word_logprobs ## (O)
mask = torch.cat( ( mask, torch.ones(1, dtype=int) ) ) ## (P)
return predicted_word_logprobs, predicted_word_index_values ## (Q)
def apply_mask(self, sentence_tensor, mask):
out = torch.zeros_like(sentence_tensor).float().to(self.dls.device)
out[:,:len(mask),:] = sentence_tensor[:,:len(mask),:]
return out
############################## Training and Evaluation for TransformerPreLN ########################################
def save_encoder(self, encoder):
"Save the trained encoder to a disk file"
torch.save(encoder.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["encoder"])
def save_decoder(self, decoder):
"Save the trained decoder to a disk file"
torch.save(decoder.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["decoder"])
def save_embeddings_generator_en(self, embeddings_generator_en):
torch.save(embeddings_generator_en.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["embeddings_generator_en"])
def save_embeddings_generator_es(self, embeddings_generator_es):
torch.save(embeddings_generator_es.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model["embeddings_generator_es"])
def save_checkpoint_encoder(self, encoder, dir_name, epoch_index):
"Save the encoder checkpoint"
# if os.path.exists(dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1)):
# os.remove(dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1))
torch.save(encoder.state_dict(), dir_name + "/encoder_" + str(epoch_index))
def save_checkpoint_decoder(self, decoder, dir_name, epoch_index):
"Save the decoder checkpoint"
# if os.path.exists(dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1)):
# os.remove(dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index - 1))
torch.save(decoder.state_dict(), dir_name + "/decoder_" + str(epoch_index))
def run_code_for_training_TransformerPreLN(self, dls, master_encoder, master_decoder, display_train_loss=False,
Since we did not construct a dataloader by subclassing from torch.utils.data.DataLoader, we
need the statements in Lines (A) through (G) to deal with the cases when the size of the
training data is not an exact multiple of the batch size, etc. The code shown in these
lines ensures that every bit of the available training data is used even if that means
that the last batch will not have the expected number of training samples in it.
Overall, the training consists of running the English/Spanish sentence pairs as generated
in Lines (F) or (G) through the MasterEncoder-MasterDecoder combo as shown in Lines (P) and
(Q). We must first convert the words in these sentences into their int values in Lines (J)
and (K) and subsequently generate the embeddings for each word in Lines (L) and (M).
For a given English sentence, at each word position in a max_seq_length of positions in
Spanish, the encoder-decoder combo generates a tensor of log probabilities (logprobs) over
the target vocabulary. That is what is returned in Line (Q). [The logprobs are generated by the
final nn.LogSoftmax activation function in the decoder code.] At each word position in the
target language sequence, the nn.NLLLoss() criterion then picks the negative of that logprob
that corresponds to the index of the groundtruth target word as a measure of loss for that word
Regarding the loss function nn.NLLLoss used for training, note that using a combination
of nn.LogSoftmax activation and nn.NLLLoss is the same thing as using nn.CrossEntropyLoss,
which is the most commonly used loss function for solving classification problems. For a
neural network that is meant for solving a classification problem, the number of nodes in
the output layer must equal the number of classes. Applying nn.LogSoftmax activation to
such a layer normalizes the values accumulated at those nodes so that they become a legal
probability distribution over the classes. Subsequently, calculating the nn.NLLLoss
means choosing the negative value at just that node which corresponds to the actual class
label of the input data.
if os.path.exists(checkpoints_dir):
files = glob.glob(checkpoints_dir + "/*")
for file in files:
if os.path.isfile(file):
files = glob.glob(file + "/*")
list(map(lambda x: os.remove(x), files))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
master_encoder_optimizer = optim.Adam(master_encoder.parameters(), lr=self.dl_studio.learning_rate)
master_decoder_optimizer = optim.Adam(master_decoder.parameters(), lr=self.dl_studio.learning_rate)
## Note that by default, nn.NLLLoss averages over the instances in a batch
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()
accum_times = []
start_time = time.perf_counter()
training_loss_tally = []
self.debug = False
num_sentence_pairs = len(self.training_corpus)
print("\n\nNumber of sentence pairs in the dataset: ", num_sentence_pairs)
print("\nNo sentence is longer than %d words (including the SOS and EOS tokens)\n\n" % self.max_seq_length)
batch_size = self.dl_studio.batch_size
max_iters = len(self.training_corpus) // batch_size ## (A)
max_iters = max_iters if len(self.training_corpus) % batch_size == 0 else max_iters + 1 ## (B)
print("\n\nMaximum number of training iterations in each epoch: %d\n\n" % max_iters)
for epoch in range(self.dl_studio.epochs): ## (C)
random.shuffle(self.training_corpus) ## (D)
running_loss = 0.0
for iter in range(max_iters):
if self.debug:
print("\n\n\n========================== starting batch indexed: %d ================================\n\n\n" % iter)
if (iter+1)*batch_size <= num_sentence_pairs: ## (E)
batched_pairs = self.training_corpus[iter*batch_size : (iter+1)*batch_size] ## (F)
batched_pairs = self.training_corpus[iter*batch_size : ] ## (G)
if self.debug: ## MUST use a batch size of 5 in your script for this to work
batched_pairs = [['SOS i will kill him EOS', 'SOS le matarĂ© EOS'], ['SOS what was that EOS', 'SOS quĂ© era eso EOS'], ['SOS he soon left the new job EOS', 'SOS Ă©l dejĂł pronto el nuevo empleo EOS'], ['SOS i go into the city every day EOS', 'SOS yo voy a la ciudad todos los dĂas EOS'], ['SOS she might come tomorrow EOS', 'SOS puede que ella venga mañana EOS']]
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs] ## (H)
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs] ## (I)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nfirst source sentence in batch: ", source_sentences[0])
print("\nfirst target sentence in batch: ", target_sentences[0])
print("\nlast source sentence in batch: ", source_sentences[-1])
print("\nlast target sentence in batch: ", target_sentences[-1])
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en') ## (J)
es_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(target_sentences, 'es') ## (K)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float() ## (L)
es_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(es_sent_ints).float() ## (M)
master_encoder_optimizer.zero_grad() ## (N)
master_decoder_optimizer.zero_grad() ## (O)
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor ) ## (P)
predicted_word_logprobs, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(es_sentence_tensor,
master_encoder_output) ## (Q)
loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.dl_studio.device)
for di in range(es_sent_ints.shape[1]): ## (R)
loss += criterion(predicted_word_logprobs[:,di], es_sent_ints[:,di]) ## (S)
loss.backward() ## (T)
master_encoder_optimizer.step() ## (U)
master_decoder_optimizer.step() ## (V)
loss_normed = loss.item() / es_sent_ints.shape[0] ## (W)
running_loss += loss_normed ## (X)
if iter % 200 == 199:
avg_loss = running_loss / float(200)
running_loss = 0.0
current_time = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = current_time-start_time
print("[epoch:%2d/%d iter:%4d elapsed_time: %4d secs] loss: %.4f" % (epoch+1,self.dl_studio.epochs,iter+1, time_elapsed,avg_loss))
## At the beginning of the training session, the designated checkpoint_dir has already been flushed
if self.save_checkpoints and (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0:
self.save_checkpoint_encoder(master_encoder, checkpoints_dir, epoch+1)
self.save_checkpoint_decoder(master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, epoch+1)
print("Checkpoint saved at the end of epoch %d" % (epoch))
print("\nFinished Training\n")
if display_train_loss:
plt.title("PreLN Training Loss vs. Iterations")
plt.ylabel("training loss")
# plt.legend()
plt.legend(["Plot of loss versus iterations"], fontsize="x-large")
def run_code_for_evaluating_TransformerPreLN(self, master_encoder, master_decoder):
The main difference between the training code shown in the previous function and the
evaluation code shown here is with regard to the input to MasterDecoder and how we process
its output. As shown in the previous function, for the training loop, the input to
MasterDecoder consists of the both the target sentence and the output of the MasterEncoder
for the source sentence. However, at inference time (that is, in the evaluation loop shown
below), the target sentence at the input to the MasterDecoder is replaced by an encoding of
a "starter stub" output sentence as defined in line (B). The main message conveyed by the
stub in line (B) is that we want to start the translation with the first word of the output
as being the token "SOS". The encoding for the stub is generated in lines (F) and (G).
The second significant difference between the training and the testing code is with regard
to how we process the output of the MasterDecoder. As you will recall from the docstring
associated with MasterDecoder, it returns two things: (1) the predicted log probabilities
(logprob) over the target vocabulary for every word position in the target language; and
(2) for each target-language word position, the word_vocab_index at which the logprob is
maximum. The loss calculation in the training code was based on the former. ON the other
hand, as shown in line (H) below, it is the latter that lets us do the the translations in
the target words in line (I).
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size)
self.debug = False
FILE = open("translations_with_PreLN_" + str(self.dl_studio.epochs) + ".txt", 'w')
with torch.no_grad():
for iter in range(20):
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS'] ## (A)
batched_pairs = random.sample(self.training_corpus, 1) ## (B)
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs]
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs]
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
print("\ntarget sentences: ", target_sentences)
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en') ## (C)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
print("\n\ntarget sentence tensor: ", es_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float()
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor ) ## (E)
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device) ## (F)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float() ## (G)
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output) ## (H)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()]
for di in range(self.max_seq_length)] ## (I)
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: ", source_sentences, target_sentences)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: ", output_sentence)
FILE.write("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: %s %s" % (source_sentences, target_sentences))
FILE.write("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: %s" % output_sentence)
def run_code_for_evaluating_checkpoint(self, master_encoder, master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, checkpoint_index, result_file=None):
Training transformer networks has always been difficulty and that's the case even with
learning-rate warm-up and other mitigating strategies. DLStudio provides you with
checkpoints for making transformer training a little bit less frustrated. While you are
training a transformer, a checkpoint for the model is created every 5 epochs. The checkpoint
consists of two models, one for the encoder and the other for the decoder. For example, after
5 epochs of training, the consists of the following models:
where '4' is index of the epoch at the end of which the checkpoint was created. The
directory in which the checkpoint is deposited in one of the arguments when this function
is invoked in your script.
Subsequently, to see if any learning at all is going on, you can invoke this function and it
will print out the English-to-Spanish translation for a set of randomly selected sentences
from the corpus. Let's say you want to test whether the checkpoint after 5 epochs of training
is any good, you could execute the script "test_checkpointPreLN.py" in the ExamplesTransformers
directory and that script will call this function. The call syntax for the script is
python test_checkpointPreLN.py checkpoints_no_masking 4
where the argument "checkpoints_no_masking" is the subdiretory that has the checkpoints in it.
The last argument "4" means that we are testing the checkpoint models "encoder_4" and
if result_file is not None:
FILE = open(result_file, 'w')
master_encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/encoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
master_decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/decoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
self.debug = False
with torch.no_grad():
for iter in range(20):
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS']
batched_pairs = random.sample(self.training_corpus, 1)
source_sentences = [pair[0] for pair in batched_pairs]
target_sentences = [pair[1] for pair in batched_pairs]
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
print("\ntarget sentences: ", target_sentences)
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentences, 'en').to(self.dl_studio.device)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
print("\n\ntarget sentence tensor: ", es_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float()
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor )
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float()
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()]
for di in range(self.max_seq_length)]
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: ", source_sentences, target_sentences)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: ", output_sentence)
if result_file is not None:
FILE.write("\n\n\nThe input sentence pair: %s %s" % (source_sentences, target_sentences))
FILE.write("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: %s" % output_sentence)
def run_code_for_translating_user_input(self, master_encoder, master_decoder, checkpoints_dir, checkpoint_index, sentence):
Let's say you have trained a transformer network for translating from one language to another.
And now you are curious as to how it would do on a sentence you are going to conjure up yourself ---
as opposed to pulling it out of the corpus. This is the function that will help you with that.
To see how you can use this function, see the following script:
in the ExamplesTransformers directory.
NOTE: If you get strange looking error message when calling this function in your code, it could
be that network parameters specified in your script do not match those used for training
the network. See the above mentioned script in ExamplesTransformers directory to understand
what I mean.
source_sentence = [sentence]
master_encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/encoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
master_decoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/decoder_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
embeddings_generator_en = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'en', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
embeddings_generator_es = self.EmbeddingsGenerator(self, 'es', self.embedding_size).to(self.dl_studio.device)
self.debug = False
starter_stub_for_translation = ['SOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS', 'EOS']
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentences: ", source_sentences)
## Since the user-supplied source sentence originated in CPU, we need to move the following to GPU:
en_sent_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(source_sentence, 'en').to(self.dl_studio.device)
if self.debug:
print("\n\nsource sentence tensor: ", en_sent_ints)
en_sentence_tensor = embeddings_generator_en(en_sent_ints).float()
master_encoder_output = master_encoder( en_sentence_tensor )
starter_stub_as_ints = self.sentence_with_words_to_ints(
[" ".join(starter_stub_for_translation)], 'es').to(self.dl_studio.device)
starter_stub_tensor = embeddings_generator_es(starter_stub_as_ints).float()
_, predicted_word_index_values = master_decoder(starter_stub_tensor, master_encoder_output)
predicted_word_index_values = predicted_word_index_values[0].unsqueeze(1)
decoded_words = [self.es_index_2_word[predicted_word_index_values[di].item()] for di in range(self.max_seq_length)]
output_sentence = " ".join(decoded_words)
print("\nThe translation produced by TransformerPreLN: ", output_sentence)
return output_sentence
################################## END Definition of Class TransformerPreLN #######################################
#################################### Start Definition of Class visTransformer #####################################
class visTransformer(nn.Module):
visTransformer stands for "Transformer for Vision Applications"
ClassPath: visTransformer
def __init__(self, dl_studio, patch_size, embedding_size, num_basic_encoders, num_atten_heads, save_checkpoints=True, checkpoint_freq=10):
super(visTransformer, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.batch_size = dl_studio.batch_size
self.learning_rate = dl_studio.learning_rate
self.train_data_loader = None ## will be set when you call vlt.load_cifar_10_dataset()
self.test_data_loader = None ## will be set when you call vlt.load_cifar_10_dataset()
self.num_patches_in_image = (dl_studio.image_size[0] // patch_size[0] ) * (dl_studio.image_size[1] // patch_size[1] )
self.checkpoint_freq = checkpoint_freq
self.patch_size = patch_size
self.patch_dimen = (patch_size[0] * patch_size[1]) * 3
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.num_basic_encoders = num_basic_encoders
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.save_checkpoints = save_checkpoints
self.max_seq_length = self.num_patches_in_image + 1
self.master_encoder = visTransformer.MasterEncoder(dl_studio, self, num_basic_encoders, num_atten_heads)
self.fc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(embedding_size, 512),
nn.Linear(512, len(dl_studio.class_labels)),
self.class_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn((1, 1, embedding_size))).cuda()
def forward(self, x):
class_token = self.class_token.expand(x.shape[0], -1, -1)
x = torch.cat((class_token, x), dim=1)
x = self.master_encoder(x)
predicted_class_tokens = x[:,0]
output = self.fc(predicted_class_tokens)
return output
class PatchEmbeddingGenerator(nn.Module):
See Slide 89 of my Week 14 lecture on Transformers for a visualization of the patches
in the input image and their representation by embedding vectors.
ClassPath: VisTransformer -> PatchEmbeddingGenerator
def __init__(self, vis_xformer):
super(visTransformer.PatchEmbeddingGenerator, self).__init__()
self.num_patches_in_image = vis_xformer.num_patches_in_image
self.patch_dimen = vis_xformer.patch_dimen ## (num_ of_pixels) * (3_color_channels)
self.embedding_size = vis_xformer.embedding_size
self.embed = nn.Linear(self.patch_dimen, self.embedding_size)
self.positional_encodings = nn.Parameter(torch.randn((1, self.num_patches_in_image, self.embedding_size)))
def forward(self, x):
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1, self.patch_dimen).cuda()
patch_embeddings = self.embed(x)
position_coded_embeddings = patch_embeddings + self.positional_encodings
return position_coded_embeddings
################################### Encoder Code for visTransformer #############################################
class MasterEncoder(nn.Module):
See the doc string for the same class for the TransformerFG implementation
ClassPath: visTransformer -> MasterEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_basic_encoders, num_atten_heads):
super(visTransformer.MasterEncoder, self).__init__()
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.basic_encoder_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.BasicEncoder(dls, xformer,
num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_basic_encoders)] )
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
out_tensor = sentence_tensor
for i in range(len(self.basic_encoder_arr)):
out_tensor = self.basic_encoder_arr[i](out_tensor)
return out_tensor
class BasicEncoder(nn.Module):
See the doc string for the same class for the TransformerFG implementation
ClassPath: visTransformer -> BasicEncoder
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(visTransformer.BasicEncoder, self).__init__()
self.dls = dls
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.self_attention_layer = xformer.SelfAttention(dls, xformer, num_atten_heads)
self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
## What follows are the linear layers for the FFN (Feed Forward Network) part of a BasicEncoder
self.W1 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size )
self.W2 = nn.Linear( self.max_seq_length * 2 * self.embedding_size, self.max_seq_length * self.embedding_size )
self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(self.embedding_size)
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
sentence_tensor = sentence_tensor.float()
self_atten_out = self.self_attention_layer(sentence_tensor).to(self.dls.device)
normed_atten_out = self.norm1(self_atten_out + sentence_tensor)
basic_encoder_out = nn.ReLU()(self.W1( normed_atten_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0],-1) ))
basic_encoder_out = self.W2( basic_encoder_out )
basic_encoder_out = basic_encoder_out.view(sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length, self.embedding_size )
## for the residual connection and layer norm for FC layer:
basic_encoder_out = self.norm2(basic_encoder_out + normed_atten_out)
return basic_encoder_out
################################## Self Attention Code for visTransformer #########################################
class SelfAttention(nn.Module):
See the doc string for the same class for the TransformerFG implementation
ClassPath: visTransformer -> SelfAttention
def __init__(self, dls, xformer, num_atten_heads):
super(visTransformer.SelfAttention, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dls
self.max_seq_length = xformer.max_seq_length
self.embedding_size = xformer.embedding_size
self.num_atten_heads = num_atten_heads
self.qkv_size = self.embedding_size // num_atten_heads
self.attention_heads_arr = nn.ModuleList( [xformer.AttentionHead(dls, self.max_seq_length,
self.qkv_size, num_atten_heads) for _ in range(num_atten_heads)] )
def forward(self, sentence_tensor):
concat_out_from_atten_heads = torch.zeros( sentence_tensor.shape[0], self.max_seq_length,
self.num_atten_heads * self.qkv_size).float()
for i in range(self.num_atten_heads):
sentence_embed_slice = sentence_tensor[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size]
concat_out_from_atten_heads[:, :, i * self.qkv_size : (i+1) * self.qkv_size] = \
return concat_out_from_atten_heads
class AttentionHead(nn.Module):
See the doc string for the same class in the TransformerFG implementation
ClassPath: visTransformer -> AttentionHead
def __init__(self, dl_studio, max_seq_length, qkv_size, num_atten_heads):
super(visTransformer.AttentionHead, self).__init__()
self.dl_studio = dl_studio
self.qkv_size = qkv_size
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.WQ = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size, bias=False )
self.WK = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size, bias=False )
self.WV = nn.Linear( self.qkv_size, self.qkv_size, bias=False )
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, sent_embed_slice): ## sent_embed_slice == sentence_embedding_slice
Q = self.WQ( sent_embed_slice )
K = self.WK( sent_embed_slice )
V = self.WV( sent_embed_slice )
A = K.transpose(2,1)
QK_dot_prod = Q @ A
rowwise_softmax_normalizations = self.softmax( QK_dot_prod )
Z = rowwise_softmax_normalizations @ V
coeff = 1.0/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor([self.qkv_size]).float()).to(self.dl_studio.device)
Z = coeff * Z
return Z
############################## Training and Evaluation for visTransformer ########################################
def save_visTran(self, networks):
"Save the trained visTran model to a disk file"
for i,net in enumerate(networks):
torch.save(net.state_dict(), self.dl_studio.path_saved_model + "_" + str(i))
def save_checkpoint_visTran(self, networks, dir_name, epoch_index):
"Save the visTransformer checkpoint"
for i,net in enumerate(networks):
torch.save(net.state_dict(), dir_name + "/checkpoint_" + str(i) + "_for_epoch_" + str(epoch_index))
def load_cifar_10_dataset(self):
For the doc string, see the same method in the main DLStudio module file
## But then the call to Normalize() changes the range to -1.0-1.0 float vals.
transform = tvt.Compose([tvt.ToTensor(),
tvt.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))]) ## accuracy: 51%
## Define where the training and the test datasets are located:
train_data_loc = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=self.dl_studio.dataroot, train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
test_data_loc = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=self.dl_studio.dataroot, train=False, download=True, transform=transform)
## Now create the data loaders:
self.train_data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data_loc,batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
self.test_data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_data_loc,batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=1)
def run_code_for_training_visTransformer(self, dls, vis_transformer, display_train_loss=False, checkpoint_dir='checkpoints'):
The training of visTransformer is based on the code shown earlier in the TransformerFG
if os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):
For the visTransformer script in ExamplesTransformers, checkpoint_dir is "checkpoints_visTrans"
files = glob.glob(checkpoint_dir + "/*")
for file in files:
if os.path.isfile(file):
files = glob.glob(file + "/*")
list(map(lambda x: os.remove(x), files))
vis_encoder_network = self.to(self.dl_studio.device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(vis_encoder_network.parameters(), lr = self.learning_rate, betas = (0.9, 0.99))
patch_embedding_generator = self.PatchEmbeddingGenerator( self )
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
accum_times = []
start_time = time.perf_counter()
training_loss_tally = []
self.debug = False
batch_size = self.dl_studio.batch_size
print("\n\n batch_size: ", batch_size)
print("\n\n number of batches in the dataset: ", len(self.train_data_loader))
for epoch in range(self.dl_studio.epochs):
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(self.train_data_loader):
input_images, labels = data
if input_images.shape[0] != self.batch_size: break
patch_sequences = input_images.unfold(2, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1]).unfold(3, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1])
patch_sequence_embeddings = patch_embedding_generator( patch_sequences )
encoder_output = vis_encoder_network( patch_sequence_embeddings )
loss = criterion( encoder_output, labels.cuda() )
running_loss += loss
if i % 200 == 199:
avg_loss = running_loss / float(200)
running_loss = 0.0
current_time = time.perf_counter()
time_elapsed = current_time-start_time
print("[epoch:%2d/%2d i:%4d elapsed_time: %4d secs] loss: %.4f" % (epoch+1, self.dl_studio.epochs, i+1,time_elapsed,avg_loss))
## At the beginning of the training session, the designated checkpoint_dir has already been flushed
if self.save_checkpoints and (epoch + 1) % self.checkpoint_freq == 0:
self.save_checkpoint_visTran( (vis_encoder_network, patch_embedding_generator), checkpoint_dir, epoch+1)
print("\nCheckpoint saved at the end of epoch %d" % (epoch+1))
print("\nFinished Training\n")
self.save_visTran( (vis_encoder_network, patch_embedding_generator) )
if display_train_loss:
plt.title("Training Loss vs. Iterations")
plt.ylabel("training loss")
plt.legend(["Plot of loss versus iterations"], fontsize="x-large")
def run_code_for_evaluating_visTransformer(self):
class_labels = self.dl_studio.class_labels
filename_for_results = "classification_results_" + str(self.dl_studio.epochs) + ".txt"
FILE = open(filename_for_results, 'w')
correct = 0
total = 0
confusion_matrix = torch.zeros(len(class_labels), len(class_labels))
class_correct = [0] * len(class_labels)
class_total = [0] * len(class_labels)
patch_embedding_generator = self.PatchEmbeddingGenerator( self )
patch_embedding_generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.dl_studio.path_saved_model + "_1"))
encoder_network = self
encoder_network.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.dl_studio.path_saved_model + "_0"))
debug = False
with torch.no_grad():
for i, data in enumerate(self.test_data_loader):
if i > 999: break
if debug:
print("\n\n\n=========Showing results for test batch %d===============" % i)
test_images, labels = data
if test_images.shape[0] != self.batch_size: break
if debug:
plt.imshow(np.transpose(torchvision.utils.make_grid(input_images, normalize=False, padding=3, pad_value=255).cpu(), (1,2,0)))
patch_sequences = test_images.unfold(2, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1]).unfold(3, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1])
patch_sequence_embeddings = patch_embedding_generator( patch_sequences )
encoder_output = encoder_network( patch_sequence_embeddings )
_, predicted = torch.max(encoder_output.data, 1)
predicted = predicted.tolist()
if debug:
print("\npredicted_class_labels: ")
symbolic_name_prediction = [class_labels[index] for index in predicted]
symbolic_name_gt = [class_labels[index] for index in labels]
if debug:
print("\nimage labels ground truth: ", symbolic_name_gt)
print("\npredicted_test_image_class_label: ", symbolic_name_prediction)
for label,prediction in zip(labels, predicted):
confusion_matrix[label][prediction] += 1
total += labels.shape[0]
labels = labels.tolist()
comp = torch.LongTensor(predicted) == torch.LongTensor(labels)
correct += comp.sum().item()
for j in range(self.batch_size):
label = labels[j]
class_correct[label] += comp[j].item()
class_total[label] += 1
for j in range(len(class_labels)):
print('Prediction accuracy for %5s : %2d %%' % (class_labels[j], 100 * class_correct[j] / class_total[j]))
FILE.write('\n\nPrediction accuracy for %5s : %2d %%\n' % (class_labels[j], 100 * class_correct[j] / class_total[j]))
print("\n\n\nOverall accuracy of the network on the test images: %d %%" % (100 * correct / float(total)))
FILE.write("\n\n\nOverall accuracy of the network on the test images: %d %%\n" % (100 * correct / float(total)))
print("\n\nDisplaying the confusion matrix:\n")
FILE.write("\n\nDisplaying the confusion matrix:\n\n")
out_str = " "
for j in range(len(class_labels)): out_str += "%7s" % class_labels[j]
print(out_str + "\n")
FILE.write(out_str + "\n\n")
for i,label in enumerate(class_labels):
out_percents = [100 * confusion_matrix[i,j] / float(class_total[i]) for j in range(len(class_labels))]
out_percents = ["%.2f" % item.item() for item in out_percents]
out_str = "%6s: " % class_labels[i]
for j in range(len(class_labels)): out_str += "%7s" % out_percents[j]
FILE.write(out_str + "\n")
def run_code_for_evaluating_checkpoint(self, encoder_network, checkpoints_dir):
Training transformer networks has always been difficulty and that's the case even with
learning-rate warm-up and other mitigating strategies. DLStudio provides you with
checkpoints for making transformer training a little bit less frustrated. While you are
training a transformer, a checkpoint for the model is created every 5 epochs. The checkpoint
consists of two models, one for the encoder and the other for the decoder. For example, after
5 epochs of training, the consists of the following models:
where '4' is index of the epoch at the end of which the checkpoint was created. The
directory in which the checkpoint is deposited in one of the arguments when this function
is invoked in your script.
Subsequently, to see if any learning at all is going on, you can invoke this function and it
will print out the English-to-Spanish translation for a set of randomly selected sentences
from the corpus. Let's say you want to test whether the checkpoint after 5 epochs of training
is any good, you could execute the script "test_checkpointFG.py" in the ExamplesTransformers
directory and that script will call this function. The call syntax for the script is
python3 test_checkpoint_for_visTransformer.py checkpoints_visTrans 4
where checkpoints_visTrans is the name of the local directory for the checkpoints
and where the argument 4 says that you want to use the models stored away at the end
of the epoch indexed 4. In particular the above script will reload the following two
where the first is for the network model and the second for the patch embedding generator.
if len( sys.argv ) != 3:
sys.exit("\n\nYou perhaps forgot to specify which checkpoint you want to use.\n\n")
checkpoint_index = int(sys.argv[2])
print("\n\nSHOWING RESULTS FOR THE CHECKPOINT AT EPOCH: %d\n\n" % checkpoint_index)
class_labels = self.dl_studio.class_labels
filename_for_results = "classification_results_checkpoint_" + str(checkpoint_index) + ".txt"
FILE = open(filename_for_results, 'w')
correct = 0
total = 0
confusion_matrix = torch.zeros(len(class_labels), len(class_labels))
class_correct = [0] * len(class_labels)
class_total = [0] * len(class_labels)
patch_embedding_generator = self.PatchEmbeddingGenerator( self )
patch_embedding_generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/checkpoint_1_for_epoch_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
encoder_network.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoints_dir + "/checkpoint_0_for_epoch_" + str(checkpoint_index) ))
debug = False
with torch.no_grad():
for i, data in enumerate(self.test_data_loader):
if i > 999: break
if debug:
print("\n\n\n=========Showing results for test image %d===============" % i)
test_images, labels = data
if test_images.shape[0] != self.batch_size: break
if debug:
plt.imshow(np.transpose(torchvision.utils.make_grid(input_images, normalize=False, padding=3, pad_value=255).cpu(), (1,2,0)))
patch_sequences = test_images.unfold(2, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1]).unfold(3, self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1])
patch_sequence_embeddings = patch_embedding_generator( patch_sequences )
encoder_output = encoder_network( patch_sequence_embeddings )
_, predicted = torch.max(encoder_output.data, 1)
predicted = predicted.tolist()
if debug:
print("\npredicted_class_labels: ")
symbolic_name_prediction = [class_labels[index] for index in predicted]
symbolic_name_gt = [class_labels[index] for index in labels]
if debug:
print("\nimage labels ground truth: ", symbolic_name_gt)
print("\npredicted_test_image_class_label: ", symbolic_name_prediction)
for label,prediction in zip(labels, predicted):
confusion_matrix[label][prediction] += 1
total += labels.shape[0]
labels = labels.tolist()
comp = torch.LongTensor(predicted) == torch.LongTensor(labels)
correct += comp.sum().item()
for j in range(self.batch_size):
label = labels[j]
class_correct[label] += comp[j].item()
class_total[label] += 1
for j in range(len(class_labels)):
print('Prediction accuracy for %5s : %2d %%' % (class_labels[j], 100 * class_correct[j] / class_total[j]))
FILE.write('\n\nPrediction accuracy for %5s : %2d %%\n' % (class_labels[j], 100 * class_correct[j] / class_total[j]))
print("\n\n\nOverall accuracy of the network on the test images: %d %%" % (100 * correct / float(total)))
FILE.write("\n\n\nOverall accuracy of the network on the test images: %d %%\n" % (100 * correct / float(total)))
print("\n\nDisplaying the confusion matrix:\n")
FILE.write("\n\nDisplaying the confusion matrix:\n\n")
out_str = " "
for j in range(len(class_labels)): out_str += "%7s" % class_labels[j]
print(out_str + "\n")
FILE.write(out_str + "\n\n")
for i,label in enumerate(class_labels):
out_percents = [100 * confusion_matrix[i,j] / float(class_total[i]) for j in range(len(class_labels))]
out_percents = ["%.2f" % item.item() for item in out_percents]
out_str = "%6s: " % class_labels[i]
for j in range(len(class_labels)): out_str += "%7s" % out_percents[j]
FILE.write(out_str + "\n")
################################## END Definition of Class visTransformer END ####################################
#_______________________ End of Transformers Class Definition __________________________
#______________________________ Test code follows _________________________________
if __name__ == '__main__':