BitVector (version 1.5, 2008-June-16) | index /home/kak/BitVector/BitVector-1.5/ |
Version: 1.5
Author: Avinash Kak (
Date: 2008-June-16
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Version 1.5:
This version should prove to be much more efficient
for long bit vectors. Efficiency in BitVector
construction when only its size is specified was
achieved by eliminating calls to _setbit().
The application of logical operators to two
BitVectors of equal length was also made efficient
by eliminating calls to the padding function.
Another feature of this version is the count_bits()
method that returns the total number of bits set
in a BitVector instance. Yet another feature of
this version is the setValue() method that alters
the bit pattern associated with a previously
constructed BitVector.
Version 1.4.1:
The reset() method now returns 'self' to allow for
cascaded inovocation with the slicing operator.
Also removed the discrepancy between the value of the
__copyright__ variable in the module and the value of
license variable in
Version 1.4:
This version includes the following two upgrades:
1) code for slice assignment; and 2) A reset function
to reinitialize a previously constructed BitVector.
Additionally, the code was cleaned up with the help of
Version 1.3.2:
Fixed a potentially misleading documentation issue for
the Windows users of the BitVector class. If you are
writing an internally generated BitVector to a disk file,
you must open the file in the binary mode. If you don't,
the bit patterns that correspond to line breaks will be
misinterpreted. On a Windows machine in the text mode,
the bit pattern 000001010 ('\n') will be written out
to the disk as 0000110100001010 ('\r\n').
Version 1.3.1:
Removed the inconsistency in the internal representation
of bit vectors produced by logical bitwise operations
vis-a-vis the bit vectors created by the constructor.
Previously, the logical bitwise operations resulted in bit
vectors that had their bits packed into lists of ints,
as opposed to arrays of unsigned shorts.
Version 1.3:
(a) One more constructor mode included: When initializing
a new bit vector with an integer value, you can now also
specify a size for the bit vector. The constructor
zero-pads the bit vector from the left with zeros. (b) The
BitVector class now supports 'if x in y' syntax to test if
the bit pattern 'x' is contained in the bit pattern 'y'.
(c) Improved syntax to conform to well-established Python
idioms. (d) What used to be a comment before the beginning
of each method definition is now a docstring.
Version 1.2:
(a) One more constructor mode included: You can now construct
a bit vector directly from a string of 1's and 0's. (b) The
class now constructs a shortest possible bit vector from an
integer value. So the bit vector for the integer value 0 is
just one bit of value 0, and so on. (c) All the rich
comparison operators are now overloaded. (d) The class now
includes a new method 'intValue()' that returns the unsigned
integer value of a bit vector. This can also be done through
'__int__'. (e) The package now includes a unittest based
framework for testing out an installation. This is in a
separate directory called "TestBitVector".
Version 1.1.1:
The function that does block reads from a disk file now peeks
ahead at the end of each block to see if there is anything
remaining to be read in the file. If nothing remains, the
more_to_read attribute of the BitVector object is set to
False. This simplifies reading loops. This version also
allows BitVectors of size 0 to be constructed
Version 1.1:
I have changed the API significantly to provide more ways for
constructing a bit vector. As a result, it is now necessary
to supply a keyword argument to the constructor.
The BitVector class has been packaged using Distutils.
For installation, execute the following command-line in the
source directory (this is the directory that contains the file after you have downloaded and uncompressed the
python install
You have to have root privileges for this to work. On Linux
distributions, this will install the module file at a location
that looks like
If you do not have root access, you have the option of
working directly off the directory in which you downloaded
the software by simply placing the following statements at
the top of your scripts that use the BitVector class
import sys
sys.path.append( "pathname_to_BitVector_directory" )
To uninstall the module, simply delete the source directory,
locate where BitVector was installed with "locate BitVector"
and delete those files. As mentioned above, the full
pathname to the installed version is likely to look like
If you want to carry out a non-standard install of BitVector,
look up the on-line information on Disutils by pointing your
browser to
The BitVector class for a memory-efficient packed representation
of bit arrays and for logical operations on such arrays. The
core idea used in this Python script for bin packing is based on
an internet posting by Josiah Carlson to the Pyrex mailing list.
Operations supported on bit vectors:
__eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__
| for bitwise or
& for bitwise and
^ for bitwise xor
~ for bitwise inversion
<< for circular rotation to the left
>> for circular rotation to the right
+ for concatenation
intValue() for returning the integer value
slice assignment
You can construct a bit vector in six different ways.
(1) You can construct a bit vector directly from either a tuple
or a list of bits, as in
bv = BitVector( bitlist = [1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1] )
(2) You can construct a bit vector from an integer by
bv = BitVector( intVal = 56789 )
The bits stored now will correspond to the binary
representation of the integer. The resulting bit vector is
the shortest possible bit vector for the integer value
supplied. For example, when intVal is 0, the bit vector
constructed will consist of just the bit 0.
(3) When initializing a bit vector with an intVal as shown
above, you can also specify a size for the bit vector:
bv = BitVector( intVal = 0, size = 8 )
will return the bit vector consisting of the bit pattern
00000000. The zero padding needed for meeting the size
requirement is always on the left. If the size supplied is
smaller than what it takes to create the shortest possible
bit vector for intVal, an exception is thrown.
(4) You can create a zero-initialized bit vector of a given size
bv = BitVector( size = 62 )
This bit vector will hold exactly 62 bits, all initialized to
the 0 bit value.
(5) You can construct a bit vector from a disk file by a two-step
procedure. First you construct an instance of bit vector by
bv = BitVector( filename = 'somefile' )
This bit vector itself is incapable of holding the bits. To
now create bit vectors that actually hold the bits, you need
to make the following sort of a call on the above variable
bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )
bv1 will be a regular bit vector containing 64 bits from the
disk file. If you want to re-read a file from the beginning
for some reason, you must obviously first close the file
object that was acquired with a call to the BitVector
constructor with a filename argument. This can be
accomplished by
(6) You can construct a bit vector from a string of 1's and 0's
bv = BitVector( bitstring = '110011110000' )
(7) Yet another way to construct a bit vector is to read the bits
directly from a file-like object, as in
x = "111100001111"
fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x )
bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj )
1) Since the BitVector class implements the __str__ method, a
bit vector can be displayed on a terminal by
print bitvec
Basically, you can always obtain the string representation
of a bit vector by
str( bitvec )
and integer value by
int( bitvec )
2) Any single bit of a bit vector bv can be set to 1 or 0 by
bv[M] = 1_or_0
print bv[M]
for accessing (and setting) the bit at the position that is
indexed M. You can retrieve the bit at position M by bv[M].
3) A slice of a bit vector obtained by
is a bit vector constructed from the bits at index positions
from i through j-1.
4) You can also carry out slice assignment:
bv1 = BitVector( size = 25 )
bv2 = BitVector( bitstring = '1010001' )
bv1[6:9] = bv2[0:3]
bv3 = BitVector( bitstring = '101' )
bv1[0:3] = bv3
The first slice assignment will set the 6th, 7th, and
the 8th bits of the bit vector bv1 according to the first
three bits of bv2. The second slice assignment will set
the first three bits of bv1 according to the three bits
in bv3.
5) You can iterate over a bit vector, as illustrated by
for bit in bitvec:
print bit,
This is made possible by the override definition for the
special __iter__() method.
6) Negative subscripts for array-like indexing are supported.
bitvec[ -i ]
is legal assuming that the index range is not violated.
7) You can reset a previously constructed bit vector to
either the all zeros state or the all ones state by
bv1 = BitVector( size = 25 )
bv1.reset( 1 )
bv1.reset( 0 )
The first call to reset() will set all the bits of
bv1 to 1's and the second call all bit to 0's.
8) Given two bit vectors bv1 and bv2, you can perform bitwise
logical operations on them by
result_bv = bv1 ^ bv2
result_bv = bv1 & bv2
result_bv = bv1 | bv2
result_bv = ~bv1
9) Given two bit vectors bv1 and bv2, you can carry out the
following comparisons that return Boolean values:
bv1 == bv2
bv1 != bv2
bv1 < bv2
bv1 <= bv2
bv1 > bv2
bv1 >= bv2
The equalities and inequalities are determined by the integer
values associated with the bit vectors.
10) You can permute and un-permute bit vectors:
bv_permuted = bv.permute( permutation_list )
bv_unpermuted = bv.unpermute( permutation_list )
11) Left and right circular rotations can be carried out by
bitvec << N
bitvec >> N
for circular rotations to the left and right by N bit
12) A bit vector containing an even number of bits can be
divided into two equal parts by
[left_half, right_half] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
where left_half and right_half hold references to the two
returned bit vectors.
13) You can find the integer value of a bit array by
or by
int( bitvec )
14) You can convert a bit vector into its string representation
str( bitvec )
15) Because __add__ is supplied, you can always join two
bit vectors by
bitvec3 = bitvec1 + bitvec2
bitvec3 is a new bit vector that contains all the
bits of bitvec1 followed by all the bits of bitvec2.
16) You can write a bit vector directly to a file, as
illustrated by the following example that reads one bit
vector from a file and then writes it to another
bv = BitVector( filename = 'input.txt' )
bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
print bv1
FILEOUT = open( 'output.bits', 'wb' )
bv1.write_to_file( FILEOUT )
bv = BitVector( filename = 'output.bits' )
bv2 = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )
print bv2
IMPORTANT: The size of bit vector must be a multiple of
of 8 for this write function to work. If this
condition is not met, the function throws an
IMPORTANT FOR WINDOWS USERS: When writing an internally
generated bit vector out to a disk file, it
is important to open the file in the binary
mode as shown. Otherwise, the bit pattern
00001010 ('\n') in your bitstring will be written
out as 0000110100001010 ('\r\n'), which is the
linebreak on Windows machine.
17) You can also write a bit vector directly to a stream
object, as illustrated by
fp_write = StringIO.StringIO()
bitvec.write_bits_to_fileobject( fp_write )
print fp_write.getvalue() # 111100001111
18) You can pad a bit vector from the left or from the
right with a designated number of zeros
bitvec.pad_from_left( n )
bitvec.pad_from_right( n )
In the first case, the new bit vector will be the same
as the old bit vector except for the additional n zeros
on the left. The same thing happens in the second
case except that now the additional n zeros will be on
the right.
19) You can test if a bit vector x is contained in another bit
vector y by using the syntax 'if x in y'. This is made
possible by the override definition for the special
__contains__() method.
20) You can count the number of bits set in a BitVector
instance by
bv = BitVector( bitstring = '100111' )
print bv.count_bits() # 4
21) You can change the bit pattern associated with a
previously constructed BitVector instance:
bv = BitVector( intVal = 7, size =16 )
print bv # 0000000000000111
bv.setValue( intVal = 45 )
print bv # 101101
The bits of a bit array are stored in 16-bit unsigned ints.
After resolving the argument with which the constructor is
called (which happens in lines (A2) through (A70) of the file, the very first thing that the constructor does is
to figure out in line (A78) as to how many of those 2-byte ints
it needs for the bits. For example, if you wanted to store a
64-bit array, the variable 'two_byte_ints_needed' in line (A78)
would be set to 4. (This does not mean that the size of a bit
vector must be a multiple of 16. Any sized bit vectors can
constructed using the required number of two-byte ints.) Line
(A79) then creates an array of 2-byte ints and initializes it
with the required number of zeros. Lines (A80) then shifts the
bits into the array of two-byte ints.
As mentioned above, note that it is not necessary for the size
of the vector to be a multiple of 16 even though we are using
C's unsigned short as as a basic unit for storing the bit
arrays. The class BitVector keeps track of the actual number of
bits in the bit vector through the "size" instance attribute.
With regard to the code in lines (A2) through (A77) of the file, note that, except for one case, the constructor
must be called with a single keyword argument, which determines
how the bit vector will be constructed. The single exception to
this rule is for the keyword argument 'intVal' which can be used
along with the 'size' keyword argument. When 'intVal' is used
with the 'size' option, the bit vector constructed for the
integer is the shortest possible bit vector. On the other hand,
when 'size' is also specified, the bit vector is padded with
zeroes from the left so that it has the specified size.
Lines (A16) through (A22) are for the following sort of a call
bv = BitVector( filename = 'myfilename' )
This call returns a bit vector on which you must subsequently
invoke the 'read_bits_from_file()' method to actually obtain a
bit vector consisting of the bits that constitute the
information stored in the file.
Lines (A23) through (A28) are for the case when you want to
construct a bit vector by reading the bits off a file-like
object, as in
x = "111100001111"
fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x )
bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj )
Lines (A29) through (A61) are for the case when you want to
construct a bit vector from an integer, as in
bv = BitVector( intVal = 123456 )
The bits stored in the bit vector will correspond to the binary
representation of the integer argument provided. The bit vector
constructed with the above call will be the shortest possible
bit vector for the integer supplied. As a case in point, when
the intVal is 0, the bit vector will consist of a single bit
which will be 0 also. The code in lines (A27) through (A59) can
also handle the following sort of a call
bv = BitVector( intVal = 46, size = 16 )
which returns a bit vector of a specfic size by padding the
shortest possible bit vector the the intVal with zeros from the
Lines (A62) through (A68) are for constructing a bit vector with
just the size information, as in
bv = BitVector( size = 61 )
This returns a bit vector that will hold exactly 61 bits, all
initialized to the zero value.
Lines (A69) through (A73) are for constructing a bit vector from
a bitstring, as in
bv = BitVector( bitstring = '00110011111' )
Finally, lines (A74) through (A77) are for constructing a bit
vector from a list or a tuple of the individual bits:
bv = BitVector( bitlist = (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) )
The bit vector constructed is initialized with the supplied
The author is grateful to Oleg Broytmann for suggesting many
improvements that were incorporated in Version 1.1 of this
package. The author would like to thank Kurt Schwehr whose
email resulted in the creation of Version 1.2. Kurt also caught
an error in my earlier version of '' and suggested a
unittest based approach to the testing of the package. Kurt
also supplied the Makefile that is included in this
distribution. The author would also like to thank all (Scott
Daniels, Blair Houghton, and Steven D'Aprano) for their
responses to my comp.lang.python query concerning how to make a
Python input stream peekable. This feature was included in
Version 1.1.1.
With regard to the changes incorporated in Version 1.3, thanks
are owed to Kurt Schwehr and Gabriel Ricardo for bringing to my
attention the bug related to the intVal method of initializing a
bit vector when the value of intVal exceeded sys.maxint. This
problem is fixed in Version 1.3. Version 1.3 also includes many
other improvements that make the syntax better conform to the
standard idioms of Python. These changes and the addition of
the new constructor mode (that allows a bit vector of a given
size to be constructed from an integer value) are also owing to
Kurt's suggestions.
With regard to the changes incorporated in Version 1.3.1, I
would like to thank Michael Haggerty for noticing that the
bitwise logical operators resulted in bit vectors that had their
bits packed into lists of ints, as opposed to arrays of
unsigned shorts. This inconsistency in representation has been
removed in version 1.3.1. Michael has also suggested that
since BitVector is mutable, I should be overloading __iand__(),
__ior__(), etc., for in-place modifications of bit vectors.
Michael certainly makes a good point. But I am afraid that this
change will break the code for the existing users of the
BitVector class.
I thank Mathieu Roy for bringing to my attention the problem
with writing bitstrings out to a disk files on Windows
machines. This turned out to be a problem more with the
documentation than with the BitVector class itself. On a
Windows machine, it is particularly important that a file
you are writing a bitstring into be opened in binary mode
since otherwise the bit pattern 00001010 ('\n') will be written
out as 0000110100001010 ('\r\n'). This documentation fix
resulted in Version 1.3.2.
With regard to Version 1.4, the suggestions/bug reports
made by John Kominek, Bob Morse, and Steve Ward contributed
to this version. I wish to thank all three. John wanted me
to equip the class with a reset() method so that a previously
constructed class could be reset to either all 0's or all
1's. Bob spotted loose local variables in the implementation
--- presumably left over from a debugging phase of the code.
Bob recommended that I clean up the code with pychecker. That
has been done. Steve noticed that slice assignment was not
working. It should work now.
Version 1.4.1 was prompted by John Kominek suggesting that
if reset() returned self, then the slice operation could
be combined with the reset operation. Thanks John! Another
reason for 1.4.1 was to remove the discrepancy between the
value of the __copyright__ variable in the module and the
value of license variable in This discrepancy
was brought to my attention by David Eyk. Thanks David!
Version 1.5 has benefited greatly by the suggestions made
by Ryan Cox. By examining the BitVector execution with
cProfile, Ryan observed that my implementation was making
unnecessary method calls to _setbit() when just the size
option is used for constructing a BitVector instance.
Since Python allocates cleaned up memory, it is unnecessary
to set the individual bits of a vector if it is known in
advance that they are all zero. Ryan made a similar observation
for the logical operations applied to two BitVector instances
of equal length. He noticed that I was making unnecessary
calls to _resize_pad_from_left() for the case of equal
arguments to logical operations. Ryan also recommended that
I include a method that returns the total number of bits
set in a BitVector instance. The new method count_bits() does
exactly that. Thanks Ryan for all your suggestions.
Version 1.5 also includes the method setValue() that allows
the internally stored bit pattern associated with a previously
constructed BitVector to be changed. A need for this method
was expressed by Aleix Conchillo. Thanks Aleix.
Avi Kak is the author of "Programming with Objects: A
Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Programming
with C++ and Java", published by John-Wiley in 2003. This
book presents a new approach to the combined learning of
two large object-oriented languages, C++ and Java. It is
being used as a text in a number of educational programs
around the world. This book has also been translated into
Chinese. Further information on the book is available at
#!/usr/bin/env python
import BitVector
# Construct a bit vector from a list or tuple of bits:
bv = BitVector.BitVector( bitlist = (1, 0, 0, 1) )
print bv # 1001
# Construct a bit vector from an integer:
bv = BitVector.BitVector( intVal = 5678 )
print bv # 0001011000101110
# Construct a bit vector of a given size from a given
# integer:
bv = BitVector( intVal = 45, size = 16 )
print bv # 0000000000101101
# Construct a zero-initialized bit vector of a given size:
bv = BitVector.BitVector( size = 5 )
print bv # 00000
# Construct a bit vector from a bit string:
bv = BitVector.BitVector( bitstring = '110001' )
print bv[0], bv[1], bv[2], bv[3], bv[4], bv[5] # 1 1 0 0 0 1
print bv[-1], bv[-2], bv[-3], bv[-4], bv[-5], bv[-6] # 1 0 0 0 1 1
# Construct a bit vector from a file like object:
import StringIO
x = "111100001111"
fp_read = StringIO.StringIO( x )
bv = BitVector.BitVector( fp = fp_read )
print bv # 111100001111
# Experiments with bitwise logical operations:
bv3 = bv1 | bv2
bv3 = bv1 & bv2
bv3 = bv1 ^ bv2
bv6 = ~bv5
# Find the length of a bit vector
print len( bitvec )
# Find the integer value of a bit vector
print int( bitvec )
# Open a file for reading bit vectors from
bv = BitVector.BitVector( filename = 'TestBitVector/testinput1.txt' )
print bv # nothing yet
bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
print bv1 # first 64 bits from the file
# Divide a bit vector into two equal sub-vectors:
[bv1, bv2] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
# Permute and Un-Permute a bit vector:
bv2 = bitvec.permute( permutation_list )
bv2 = bitvec.unpermute( permutation_list )
# Try circular shifts to the left and to the right
bitvec << 7
bitvec >> 7
# Try 'if x in y' syntax for bit vectors:
bv1 = BitVector( bitstring = '0011001100' )
bv2 = BitVector( bitstring = '110011' )
if bv2 in bv1:
print "%s is in %s" % (bv2, bv1)
print "%s is not in %s" % (bv2, bv1)
(For a more complete working example, see the example code in
the file in the Examples sub-directory.)
Modules | ||||||
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__author__ = 'Avinash Kak (' __copyright__ = '(C) 2008 Avinash Kak. Python Software Foundation.' __date__ = '2008-June-16' __url__ = '' __version__ = '1.5' |
Author | ||
Avinash Kak ( |