The N.n entry shown for each index item
refers to Section N.n of Lecture N.
Therefore, 32.4 in the very first entry 
means Section 32.4 of Lecture 32.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Z  

A3 (GSM)                                32.4
A5/1 cipher (GSM, G2)                   32.1, 32.4
A5/2 cipher                             32.4
A5/3 cipher                             32.4
A5/4 cipher                             32.4
A8 (GSM)                                32.4
A, IPv4 address in Resource Record      17.4
AA (DNS message)                        17.12
AAAA, IPv6 address in Resource Record   17.4
Abdelberi Chaabane                      20.5
abelian group                           4.3, 4.4, 5.3.1, 14.4
Abrams, Lawrence                        30.7                             22.4                             22.4
access control list                     19.4.2
Access Point                            9.8, 9.8.2
access token, OAuth                     24.6
ACK bit, TCP header                     16.4
Acknowledgment Number, TCP header       16.4
ACK packet                              16.4, 16.13
acl, access control list                19.4.2
action attribute of HTML form element   28.2.1
action designators, Procmail recipe     31.8
action (Fail2Ban)                       24.3
action line, Procmail recipe            31.8
Active attack (P2P)                     26.8
ActiveObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'), Ajax 28.2.2
Adam Caudill                            32.8
adaptive CCA                            12.7
adaptive P2P networks                   25.1
Additional section (DNS)                17.12
additive identity element               5.5.1
additive inverse                        4.3.1, 5.3.2
additive inverse, set of remainders     5.3
Address Resolution Protocol             9.8.2, 23.3
Address Space Layout Randomization      21.8
AddRoundKey, AES                        8.4
add round key, AES                      8.3
Adi Shamir                              8.9, 9.8.2, 12.2
ADMIN (IRC command)                     29.3
ADMINISTRATOR account (Windows)         32.3
ad network                              32.2
ad network SDK                          32.2
Adrian, David                           13.8
advertising supported software          17.2
adware                                  17.2
Adylkuzz malware                        22.8
AES                                     3.3
AES in CBC mode                         14.1
AES in CTR mode                         14.1
AES, overall structure                  8.3
AF (Assured Forwarding)                 16.3
affine relationship                     8.9
AF_INET socket                          16.14, 16.15
AF_UNIX socket                          16.14, 16.15
Agobot bot                              29.9
Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena algorithm          11.6
AH (IPSec)                              20.3
Ahmed Obied                             28.5
aircrack-ng                             9.8.2
airmon-ng                               9.8.2                             24.5
A. K. Lenstra                           32.6.1
AKS algorithm for primality testing     11.6
Albertini, Ange                         15.7.1
Albert-Laszio Barabasi                  26.4
Alejandro Gervasio                      28.2.2
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic                   16.11
Aleph One                               21.7
Alert Protocol, SSL                     20.4
Alexander Sotirov                       13.9
Alfred Menezes                          14.8.1, 14.13
Alfred Renyi                            26.4
algebraic attack                        2.1
algebraic elliptic curve group law      14.6, 14.7
algebra, relational                     27.4
Algorithm::BitVector module             9.5.1                 2.11
Alpha Centauri, coffee shop             17.1
altering email headers                  31.4
alternative subexpressions (regex)      31.7
Amit Klein                              28.4
amplification attack (DDoS)             29.7
amplification exploit                   29.7
analog phenomena as entropy sources     10.8
anatomy of a virus                      22.2
anatomy of Conficker.A                  22.6.1
anatomy of Conficker.B                  22.6.1
anatomy of Conficker.C                  22.6.2
anchor metacharacters (regex)           31.7
ANCOUNT (DNS message)                   17.12
Anderson, Ross                          8.1
Andrea Lelli                            28.5
Andreas Klein                           9.8.2
Andrei Pyshkin                          9.8.2
Andrew Tanenbaum                        18.1
Andrey Bogdanov                         8.1
Android app, public and private keys    32.3
android:exported                        32.3
Android kernel features                 32.3
Android malware, Chamois                32.2
Android malware, Snowfox                32.2
Android OS                              32.2, 32.3
android:protectionLevel                 32.3
Ange Albertini                          15.7.1
Angelos Stavrou                         32.8
announcement, BGP                       29.7.2
Announce Network Errors, ICMP           16.2
anonymity and privacy                   25.11
anonymity check                         19.3.3
anonymized routing                      20.5
anonymizing proxy                       19.1
anonymizing proxy server                19.4
anonymous defamation                    20.5
ANSI X9.17/X9.31 PRNG algorithm         10.6
Answer section (DNS)                    17.12
ANSWER SECTION, DNS response            17.4
anti-virus tools                        22.9
anti-virus tools vis-a-vis Metasploit   23.5
Antony Rowstron                         25.6
Anumasson, Jean-Philippe                15.10
AP                                      9.8, 9.8.2
apache-badbots (fail2ban)               24.3
Apache Commons                          24.7
APACHEHOME environment variable         19.4.2
apache2 package                         19.4.2
Apache web server                       19.4.2, 27.1
API                                     10.3
APK archive (Android)                   32.3
apk file format                         32.3
app                                     12.1
AppArmor                                32.3
Application Layer DDoS attack           29.7
application layer firewall              19.1
Application Layer, TCP/IP               16.2
Application Package (Android)           32.3
Application Programming Interface       10.3
app, rooting                            2.1
App Store                               12.1
ARCOUNT (DNS message)                   17.12
arithmetic multiplication in GF(2^n)    7.8
Arjen Lenstra                           13.9
arms race                               20.5.3
Arnaud Legout                           20.5
Arnold Dumey                            15.10, 25.2
ARP                                     9.8.2, 23.3
ARP cache                               23.3
ARP caching time                        23.3
arp command                             23.3
array, an object type in JavaScript     28.2
Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman               24.3
Ashkenas, Jeremy                        30.1
AS (Kerberos)                           10.3
ASLR                                    21.8
ASN.1                                   13.4
ASP                                     27.1
assertion, SAML                         24.6
Assist Troubleshooting, ICMP            16.2
associative arrays                      15.1, 15.10
associativity, group                    4.2
associativity, ring                     4.4.1
associativity, set of remainders        5.3
Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB             16.3
attack, Active (P2P)                    26.8
attack, algebraic                       2.1
attack, application layer DDoS          29.7
attack, bad apple                       20.5
attack, biclique                        8.1
attack, birthday                        15.6
attack, blind throughput reduction      16.2
attack, browser vulnerability           28.3
attack, brute-force                     2.1, 24.1
attack, buffer overflow                 21.3.1, 21.4, 23.1
attack, buffer underflow                21.2
attack, CCA1                            12.7
attack, CCA2                            12.7
attack, chosen ciphertext               8.9, 12.7
attack, chosen plaintext                3.3.2, 8.9
attack, chosen-prefix collision         15.7.1
attack, client-side XSS                 28.1, 28.2.1, 28.3
attack, clogging                        20.3.4
attack, codebook                        2.1
attack, cross-site scripting            28.1, 28.2.1, 28.3
attack, DDoS                            29.1, 29.7
attack, DDoS by DNS amplification       29.7
attack, DDoS by NTP amplification       29.7
attack, denial of service               16.12, 16.14
attack, dictionary                      24.1
attack, differential                    3.3.2, 8.9
attack, distributed denial of service   29.1
attack, DNS cache poisoning             17.10
attack, DoS                             16.11, 16.12
attack, electromagnetic analysis        32.5
attack, EM                              32.5
attack, exploiting iframe HTML tag      28.3
attack, fault injection                 12.5, 32.5, 32.6
attack, FMS                             9.8.2
attack, heap spray                      28.3
attack, HTTP GET flood                  29.7
attack, HTTP POST flood                 29.7
attack, interpolation                   8.9
attack, IP source address spoofing      16.13
attack, IP spoofing                     16.13
attack, join-leave churn                26.8
Attack, Key Reinstallation              9.8
attack, Klein                           9.8.1, 9.8.2
attack, known plaintext                 8.9
attack, KoreK                           9.8.2
attack, KRACK                           9.8
attack, layer 7 DDoS                    29.7
attack, linear                          8.9
attack, man in the middle               13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.9
attack, mathematical                    12.9
attack, meet in the middle              8.1, 9.2.2
attack, MOV                             14.9, 14.10, 14.14
attack, phishing                        17.10, 30.1
attack, plaintext-ciphertext            9.8.2
attack, power analysis                  32.5
attack, prefix hijacking                29.7.2
attack, PTW                             9.8.2
attack, rainbow table                   24.4
attack, ransomware                      30.7
attack, replay                          9.8.2, 10.2, 20.3.2
attack, return-to-libc                  21.8
attack, server-side cross-site          27.3
attack, server-side XSS                 27.3, 28.1
attack, SHAttered                       15.7.1
attack, shrew DDoS                      29.7
attack, Shrew DoS                       16.11
attack, side-channel                    12.5, 32.5
attack, Slowloris                       27.7
attack, SlowPOST                        27.7
attack, sneak ACK                       16.9
attack, social engineering              30.2
attack, Spartacus                       25.10
attack, spear phishing                  30.1
attack, split-handshake                 16.9
attack, SQL injection                   27.5, 27.6
attack, statistical                     2.6
attack, Sybil                           25.10
attack, SYN flooding                    16.12, 16.14
attack, targeted                        30.3, 32.1
attack, TCP state exhaustion DDoS       29.7
attack, theoretical                     8.1
attack, time-memory tradeoff            2.1
attack, timing                          12.5, 32.5, 32.7
attack, topology                        25.10
attack, traffic analysis                20.5
attack, untargeted                      32.1
attack, volumetric DDoS                 29.7
attack, Weil descent                    14.14
attack, zero-day                        28.5
attribute (a database concept)          27.4
Aurora trojan                           30.6
authenticated public key                13.3
authentication                          12.1
Authentication Data Field, AH header    20.3.2
Authentication Data field, ESP header   20.3.3
authentication, endpoint                12.6
Authentication Header, IPSec            20.3, 20.3.2
authentication, message                 20.1
authentication of public key            13.3
authentication, sender                  20.1
authentication, server                  12.6
authentication server                   9.8
Authentication Server (Kerberos)        10.3
Authentication Service, PGP             20.2
authentication tag                      15.8
authenticator                           9.8
authoritative answers, DNS              17.4
authoritative nameserver                17.3, 17.4
Authority, Bridge (Tor)                 20.5.2
Authority, Directory (Tor)              20.5.2
Authority section (DNS)                 17.12
AUTHORITY SECTION, DNS response         17.4
Authorization Protocol                  24.6
AutoRun                                 22.6, 32.8
autorun.inf                             32.8
autorun.inf file                        22.6
avalanche effect                        3.4
Avinash Kak, detecting bots (new algo)  29.1
AWAY (IRC command)                      29.3
Axel Gambe                              29.9

baby-step giant-step                    13.7
backdoor                                2.1, 30.3
back of envelope reasoning              15.5
backoff, TCP                            16.11
backports                               9.8.2               9.8.2
backtracking in regex matching          31.7
bad apple attack                        20.5
BadUSB exploit                          32.8
bailiwick check                         17.13
Balakrishnan, Hari                      25.4
bandwidth exhaustion attack             29.7
bantime (Fail2Ban)                      24.3
Barabasi-Albert random graphs           26.4
Barkan, Elad                            32.4
Base64                                  13.4
Base64 encoding                         2.4, 12.11, 13.4, 13.10, 15.1, 20.2
Base64 encoding in password hashing     24.5
Base64 encoding, MIME compatible        24.5
base point, ECC                         14.11
base pointer                            21.4
BASHLITE                                29.8
Bayesian filtering of spam              31.1
BCP 38                                  16.13, 16.14
bcrypt                                  24.5
behaviour blocking                      22.9
Bekerman, Dima                          29.8
Benedict Cumberbatch                    2.9.1
Ben Herzberg                            29.8
Benjamin VanderSloot                    13.8
Benne de Weger                          13.9
Benoit Poulo-Cazajou                    32.8
BER, ASN.1 byte encoding                12.11
Berkeley Internet Name Daemon           17.8
Berners-Lee, Tim                        27.2
Bernstein, Daniel                       15.10
Bezout's identity                       5.6, 5.6.2
Bezout's identity, proof                5.6.1
BGP                                     29.7.2
BGP announcement                        29.7.2
BGP peering                             29.7.2
Bhargavan, Karthikeyan                  13.8
bias, linear approximation              8.9
biclique attack                         8.1
Biham, Eli                              8.1, 8.9, 32.4
bijection                               11.7
binary code words                       7.6
binary format                           15.1
binary GCD algorithm                    5.4.4
BIND                                    17.4, 17.8
bind9                                   17.8.1
Bionic C library                        32.3
BIOS ROM                                22.1
biprime                                 12.9
birthday attack                         15.3, 15.6
birthday paradox                        15.5.1, 16.13
Bitly                                   30.1
BIT STRING, an ASN.1 keyword            12.11
BitTornado, a Python client             25.9
BitTorrent                              25.1
BitTorrent file block, P2P              25.9
BitTorrent leecher, P2P                 25.9
BitTorrent magnet links, P2P            25.9
BitTorrent PEX protocol, P2P            25.9
BitTorrent protocol, P2P                25.9
BitTorrent seeder, P2P                  25.9
BitTorrent swarm, P2P                   25.9
BitTorrent through Tor                  20.5
BitTorrent, tracker                     25.1
BitTorrent, trackerless mode            25.1, 25.7
BitTorrent tracker, P2P                 25.9                            2.11
Bjarne Stroustrup                       27.2
Black, Daniel                           24.3
Black Hat conference, 2011              32.8
Black Hat conference, 2014              32.8
Bleichenbache, Daniel                   12.7
blind throughput reduction attack       16.2
block, BitTorrent                       25.9
blockchain                              15.9
blockchain length                       15.9
block cipher                            2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 9.5
block cipher modes                      9.5
BLOCKSIZE                               2.11, 2.12
Blowfish                                3.2
Blowfish cipher                         24.5
Bluetooth                               16.2
bluetooth                               9.8.2
Blum Blum Shub PRNG                     10.7
Bobax/Kraken botnet                     29.9
Bob Clueless                            30.2
body, part of email                     31.3
Bogdanov, Andrey                        8.1
Boneh, Dan                              32.6.1
boolean, a primitive type in JavaScript 28.2
booter, botnet                          29.7
boot loader                             22.1, 30.7
boot sector                             22.1
boot sector virus                       22.1
bootstrap loader                        32.3
Border Gateway Protocol                 29.7.2
bot                                     29.1
bot, Agobot                             29.9
bot, a silly little bot                 29.6
bot, Chamois                            32.2
bot for spewing out spam                29.6
bot herder                              29.1
bot master                              29.1
bot, miniBot                            29.6
bot,                         29.6
botnet                                  29.1
botnet, Bobax/Kraken                    29.9
botnet, C&C needs                       29.2
botnet, Chamois                         32.2
botnet, command and control needs       29.2
botnet, Curwail                         29.9
botnet exploits                         29.2
botnet, Grum                            29.9
botnet, mirai                           29.8
botnet, Nucrypt                         29.9
botnet, OneWordSub                      29.9
botnet, Ozdok                           29.9
botnet, Rustock                         29.1, 29.9
botnet, Spamthru                        29.9
botnet, Srizbi                          29.9
botnet, Storm                           29.9
botnet, Wopla                           29.9
bot, Phatbot                            29.9
bot, rBot/RxBot                         29.9
bots with P2P based C&C                 29.9
bot, Zotob                              29.9
Boucher, David                          32.8
bounded probabilistic polynomial time   11.5.7
BPP                                     11.5.7
Bram Cohen                              25.9
Brandon Wilson                          32.8
breaking the code                       2.1
Brian Krebs                             29.8
Briceno, Marc                           32.4.1
Bridge Authority (Tor)                  20.5.2
bridge relay (Tor)                      20.5.2
Brillo                                  29.8
Broker                                  19.5.3
Broker, CreateBroker                    19.5.5
Broker, RunBroker                       19.5.5
Brown, Eric                             29.8
browser detection with JavaScript       28.2
Browser Redirect                        24.6
browser vulnerability attacks           28.3
Bruce Schneier                          8.1
brute-force attack                      2.1, 24.1
bsd_nthash                              24.5
bucket, hash table                      15.4
buffer overflow attack                  21.3.1, 21.4, 23.1
buffer overflow, heap                   21.4
buffer overflow vulnerability           21.2, 22.3, 23.1
buffer overread                         23.2.2
buffers in WeeChat                      29.4
buffer underflow attack                 21.2
buffer, WeeChat                         29.4
buffover4.c                             21.6
buffover.c                              21.4.1
buffover2.c                             21.5
bug, Heartbleed                         20.4.4
Bursztein, Elie                         15.7.1
Busleiman, Arturo 'Buanzo'              24.3
byte count in a TCP connection          16.4
byte count index                        16.4
byte stream, pseudorandom               9.6, 9.7

CA (Certificate Authority)              13.3, 20.4
CA hierarchy                            13.3, 13.4
CA, intermediate-level                  13.3, 13.4
CA, root                                13.3, 13.4
CAC                                     16.3
Cache Array Routing Protocol            19.4
cache, DNS                              17.7
cache manager, Squid                    19.4.2
cache poisoning, DNS                    17.11
caching nameserver, DNS                 17.7.1, 17.8.1
caching proxy server                    19.4
caching, web objects                    19.4
Call Admission Control                  16.3
call stack                              21.4
canary                                  21.4.1
Canary, Random                          21.4.1
Canary, Random XOR                      21.4.1
canary, terminator                      21.4.1
CAN protocol, P2P                       25.8
cardinality                             4.2.1
cards                                   10.4.1
care-of IP address (mobility)           32.9
Carlos Cid                              8.1
CARP                                    19.4
Carrier Sense Multiple Access           16.2
CAST-128                                3.2
CAST-128, a block cipher                20.2
Catherine the Great                     11.3
Caudill, Adam                           32.8
CBC                                     9.5, 9.5.2
CBC-MAC                                 9.8.1
CCA                                     12.7
CCA1                                    12.7
CCA2                                    12.7
CCA2 secure                             12.7
CCMP                                    9.8.1, 9.8.3
C code for spawning a shell             21.7
ccTLD DNS nameserver                    17.3, 17.4
CDN                                     29.7.1
Ceasar cipher                           2.3
cell, Tor                               20.5
central index server, Napster           25.1
Cerberus                                10.3
CeroCoin                                15.9
CeroCoinClient                          15.9
CERT/CC                                 28.1
certificate                             13.3
certificate authority                   13.3, 20.4
certificate, Domain Validation          13.3
certificate, DV                         13.3
certificate, EV                         13.3
certificate, Extended Validation        13.3
certificate, Organization Validation    13.3
certificate, OV                         13.3
certificate revocation                  13.9
Certificate Revocation List             13.9
Certificate Signing Request             13.9
certificate trust, PGP                  20.2.1
certificate validation                  20.4
certificate_verify message              20.4.3
CFB                                     9.5, 9.5.3, 20.2
CGI script                              28.4
chain policy, iptables                  18.4
chains of rules, firewall tables        18.3
Chamois, Android malware                32.2
Change Cipher Spec Protocol             20.4.3
channel buffer, WeeChat                 29.4
channel, IRC                            29.3
channel number (WiFi)                   9.8.2
channel operator, IRC                   29.3
ChanServ, Freenode                      29.4
Chaos Communication Congress            14.1
character classes for regex matching    31.7
character class metacharacters (regex)  31.7
character class (regex)                 31.7
characteristic of a ring                14.3
chat link with netcat                   23.6
Checksum field, TCP header              16.4
Chief Justice John Roberts              32.1
Chinese Remainder Theorem               11.7, 12.5, 32.6
Chord protocol, P2P                     25.4
Chord protocol, routing table           25.4
chosen ciphertext attack                8.9, 12.7
chosen plaintext attack                 3.3.2, 8.9
chosen-prefix collision attack          15.7.1
Chris GauthierDickey                    25.8
Christian Grothoff                      25.8
Christian Rechberger                    8.1
chroot jail                             17.9
churn in a P2P network                  25.3
Cid, Carlos                             8.1
cipher                                  2.1
cipher, A5/1                            32.1, 32.4
cipher, A5/2                            32.4
cipher, A5/3                            32.4
cipher, A5/4                            32.4
cipher, AES                             8.1
cipher, block                           2.1, 3.1, 9.5
Cipher Block Chaining Mode              9.5, 9.5.2
cipher, Blowfish                        24.5
cipher, CAST-128                        20.2
cipher, Ceasar                          2.3
cipher Counter Mode                     9.5, 9.5.5
cipher, DES                             3.3
cipher, 3DES with three keys            9.4
cipher, 3DES with two keys              9.3.1
Cipher Exchange Protocol, SSL           20.4
Cipher Feedback Mode                    9.5, 9.5.3, 20.2
cipher feedback mode                    20.2
cipher, Hill                            2.8
cipher, IDEA                            20.2
cipher, ideal block                     3.1
cipher, iterated                        8.1
cipher, KASUMI                          32.4
cipher, key-alternating                 8.1
cipher, Lucifer                         3.3
cipher, MARS                            8.1
cipher, MISTY1                          32.4
cipher, monoalphabetic                  2.5
cipher Output Feedback Mode             9.5, 9.5.4
cipher, permutation                     2.10
cipher, Playfair                        2.7
cipher, polyalphabetic                  2.9
cipher, RC4                             9.7
cipher, RC6                             8.1
cipher, Rijndael                        8.1, 8.9
cipher, Serpent                         8.1
Cipher Spec, SSL Session State          20.4.2
cipher, stream                          2.1, 9.5.3, 9.6
cipher, substitution                    2.3
ciphertext                              2.1
ciphertext differential                 8.9
cipher, Twofish                         8.1
cipher, variable key-length             9.7
cipher, Vigenere                        2.9
CIRCTech08-001                          27.2
circuit-level proxy                     19.2.2
Cisco Advisory                          17.13, 21.3.1
Citizens Lab                            30.5
Clarke, Ian                             26.2
Class A IPv4 address range              16.3
Class A private network                 16.3
Class A Private Network Address Range   18.3
Class B IPv4 address range              16.3
class BPP                               11.5.7
Class B private network                 16.3
Class C addresses                       9.8
Class C IPv4 address range              16.3
class co-RP                             11.5.7
Class C private network                 16.3
Class C Private Network Address Range   18.3
CLASS (DNS message)                     17.12
classical cryptography                  2.1
classical encryption                    2.2
class NP                                11.5.7
class of Resource Record                17.4
class P                                 11.5.7
class RP                                11.5.7
Claude Castelluccia                     20.5
C library, Bionic (Android)             32.3
C library, Gnu                          32.3
Client Authenticator (Kerberos)         10.3
client, Dante                           19.2.3
client, email                           31.2
client_hello message, SSL handshake     20.4.3
client_key_exchange message             20.4.3
client-server model                     25.1
client-side XSS attack                  28.2.1
Client Write Key                        20.4.2
Client Write MAC Secret                 20.4.2
clique                                  26.4
clocking bit                            32.4
clogging attack                         20.3.4
closed port                             23.1
CLOSED, TCP connection state            16.7
close, IRC command                      29.4
CLOSE_WAIT, TCP connection state        16.7, 16.16
CLOSING, TCP connection state           16.7
closure, group                          4.2
closure, ring                           4.4.1
clustering coefficient of random graph  26.4
codebook                                3.1, 3.1.1
codebook attack                         2.1
Codec library from Apache Commons       24.7
code obfuscation                        28.2.2
coefficient set                         6.1
Cogestion Avoidance Phase, TCP          16.11
Cohen, Bram                             25.9
collision resistance, hashing           15.3
colon line, Procmail recipe             31.8
command-line packet sniffer             16.8
commercial spyware                      2.1
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures    21.3, 23.2.2, 28.1
communications interface                16.3
commutative operator                    4.3
commutative ring                        4.4.3, 4.5, 5.3.1, 6.9
commutativity, set of remainders        5.3
Comodo                                  13.3, 13.4, 13.9
comparing RSA and ECC                   14.1
Compatibility Service, PGP              20.2
compat-wireless                         9.8.2
COMP128 (GSM)                           32.4
composite number                        11.2
composition of permutaitons             4.2.1
composition of permutations             9.2.1
compression function                    15.7
Compression Method, SSL Session State   20.4.2
Compression Service, PGP                20.2
computational complexity                11.5.7, 11.6.3
Computational DH Assumption             13.5
condition-line filtering, Procmail      31.8
condition line metacharacters, Procmail 31.8
condition line, Procmail recipe         31.8
Conficker.A                             22.6
Conficker.A, anatomy                    22.6.1
Conficker.B                             22.6
Conficker.B, anatomy                    22.6.1
Conficker.C                             22.6
Conficker.C, anatomy                    22.6.2
Conficker.D                             22.6
Conficker worm                          22.6
Conficker worm, password guesses        24.2
confidentiality                         12.1
Confidentiality Service, PGP            20.2
Confidentiality Service, SSL            20.4.2
configuring a SOCKS client              19.3.2
configuring BIND                        17.8.1
confusion                               3.3.1, 3.4
congestion control, TCP                 16.4, 16.11
congestion window field, TCP            16.4
Congestion Window field, TCP header     16.11
congruence                              5.1
congruence of squares                   12.9
CONNECT, an HTTP/1.1 method             19.6
connect() for port scanning             23.1.1
connect for sending CONNECT to proxy    19.6
Connection Establishment Timer, TCP     16.10, 16.14
connectionless protocol                 16.3
connection state, SSL                   20.4.3
connection tracking, iptables           18.11
CONNECT (IRC command)                   29.3
connect() scan                          23.1.3
consistent hashing, DHT                 25.2, 25.3
Console Hacking 2010                    14.1
Console Hacking Forum                   14.1
constant polynomial                     6.1
contactless smart cards                 14.1
Content Addressable Network, P2P        25.8
Content Delivery Network                29.7.1
content key, DHT                        25.2
ContentProvider (a Java class)          32.3
ContentResolver (a Java class)          32.3
content switching                       29.7.1
Context-keyed Paylod Encoding           23.5
context label (SELinux)                 32.3
context (SELinux)                       32.3
contraction permutation (DES)           3.3.5, 3.3.7
Control Bits field, TCP header          16.4
control-flow graph                      22.6.1
control stack                           21.4
control torpacket                       20.5
cookie blacklister                      28.2.1
cookie blocker                          28.2.1
cookies                                 28.2.1
cookies for maintaining session state   28.2.1
cookies, stealing by 3rd parties        28.2.1
cookie whitelister                      28.2.1
Coppersmith, Don                        3.2
coprime                                 11.1, 13.5
coprime, pairwise                       11.7
corkscrew for sending CONNECT           19.6
co-RP                                   11.5.7
CPAN archive, Perl                      16.15
cracking passwords                      22.3, 24.4
CRC32                                   9.8.1
CRC1                                    9.8.1
CRC field, Ethernet frame               23.3
create, a Tor control command           20.5
CREATE DATABASE (MySQL)                 27.4
created, Tor                            20.5
CREATE USER (MySQL)                     27.4
creating a new channel, Freenode        29.4
CRL                                     13.9
CR+LF, internet line terminator         29.3
cross-platform sharing of files         16.2
cross-site scripting attack             28.2.1, 28.3
CRT                                     11.7, 12.5, 32.6
cryptanalysis                           2.1
cryptanalysis, differential             8.9
Cryptanalysis, linear                   8.9
Crypt::ECB module                       9.5.1
crypto currency                         15.9
cryptographically secure hashing        15.3
cryptographic checksum                  15.8
cryptographic system                    2.1
cryptography                            2.1
cryptography, classical                 2.1
cryptography, public-key                2.1, 12.1
cryptography, symmetric-key             2.1, 3.1
cryptology                              2.1
crypto secure hash functions            15.7
crypto secure PRNG                      10.6, 10.7
crypto secure random numbers            10.5, 10.6
CSMA/CD                                 16.2
CSPRBG                                  10.7
CSPRNG                                  10.6, 10.7, 10.8
CSR                                     13.9
CTR                                     9.5, 9.5.5, 9.8.1
Cumberbatch, Benedict                   2.9.1
curl                                    20.5.1
Cutwail botnet                          29.9
CVE                                     21.3, 23.2.2, 28.1
CVE-2014-0160                           21.3, 23.2.2
CVE-2021-30309                          21.3
CWND field, TCP header                  16.11
CWND optional field, TCP header         16.4
cyber espionage                         30.4, 30.5
cyclic elliptic curves                  14.8.1
cyclic group                            13.5
cyclic group, generator                 13.5
cyclic subgroup                         13.5
Cyril Jaquier                           24.3

DAC (Discretionary Access Control)      32.3
DAC (Linux)                             32.3
D-addr field, Ethernet frame            23.3
Daemen, Joan                            8.1
daemon server                           21.1
Dag Arne Osvik                          13.9
Daiyuu Nobori                           20.5.3
Dan Boneh                               32.6.1
Daniel Bernstein                        15.10
Daniel Black                            24.3
Daniel Bleichenbache                    12.7
Dan Kaminsky                            17.13
Dante, as a reverse proxy               19.3.1
Dante, a SOCKS server                   19.2.3
Dante client                            19.2.3
Dante server, configuration             19.3.1
darknet overlay, P2P                    26.1
database, relational                    27.4
database security, row-level            27.4
Data Encryption Algorithm               3.3.1
Data Encryption Standard                3.3
Data field, Ethernet frame              23.3
datagram                                16.6
datagram fragmentation                  16.3
data inegrity check                     15.4
data integrity                          20.1
Data Link Layer, TCP/IP                 16.2, 23.3
Data Offset field, TCP header           16.4
David Adrian                            13.8
Davida, George                          12.7
David Boucher                           32.8
David Karger                            25.4
David Mazieres                          25.7
David Molnar                            13.9
David Wagner                            32.4.1
dcrypt.exe                              30.7
dcrypt.sys                              30.7
DDoS attack by DNS amplification        29.7
DDoS attack by NTP amplification        29.7
DDoS attacks                            29.7
ddoser, botnet                          29.7
DEA                                     3.3.1
decentralized algorithm for aggregates  26.9
decentralized information distribution  26.1
decentralized routing                   26.5
decentralized routing algorithm         26.7
deciphering                             2.1                        2.11, 2.12
decryption                              2.1
decryption algorithm                    2.1
Deep Packet Inspection                  20.5.2
Default PHB                             16.3
definition of spam filter effectiveness 31.1
defragmentation of packets              16.3
deities and prophets                    27.2
Delayed ACK Timer, TCP                  16.10
DELETE FROM (MySQL)                     27.4
Deliver, an MDA                         31.2
delivering recipe, Procmail             31.8
DeMillo, Richard                        32.6.1
denial of service                       2.1
Denial of Service                       16.11
denial of service attack                16.12, 16.14
Dennis Ritchie                          27.2
DenyHost, how to un-blacklist           24.3
DenyHosts                               24.3
DenyHosts, synchronization feature      24.3
Department of Energy Technical Bulletin 27.2
DER, ASN.1 byte encoding                12.11
DerbyCon 2014                           32.8
DES                                     2.1, 3.3
DES-CBC MAC                             15.8
DES, 2DES                               9.2.1
DES, 3DES                               9.3
DES, key length                         3.3
DES key schedule                        3.3.5
DES round key                           3.2.1
destemail (Fail2Ban)                    24.3
Destination Address field, IP header    16.3
Destination Address field, IPv6 header  16.3
Destination Port, TCP header            16.4
destination socket                      16.5
destroy, a Tor control command          20.5
detached signatures                     20.2
deterministic test                      11.6
Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU)           32.8
/dev/random                             10.9.1
/dev/urandom                            10.9.1
dex file format                         32.3
DFU (USB)                               32.8
DH                                      12.6
DHCP                                    16.8, 20.3
DH (Diffie-Hellman)                     20.5
Dhem, Jean-Francois                     32.7.1
DHE-RSA                                 12.6
DH protocol                             13.5
DHT consistent hashing                  25.2, 25.3
DHT (Distributed Hash Table)            25.1, 25.2
DHT identifier circle                   25.2
DHT identifier space                    25.10
diameter of a random graph              26.4
dice                                    10.4.1
dictionary attack                       24.1
dictionary attack, guessing passwords   24.2
dictionary attack on root               24.1
dictionary attack, thwart with iptables 24.4
dictionary attack, usernames            24.1
differential attack                     3.3.2, 8.9      8.9
differential, ciphertext                8.9
differential cryptanalysis              3.3.2, 8.9
differential, input                     8.9
differential, output                    8.9
differential, plaintext                 8.9
differential XOR                        2.11
Differentiated Service                  16.3
Differentiated Service field            16.3
Differentiated Services Code Point      16.3
Diffie-Hellman                          13.5, 20.5
Diffie-Hellman key exchange             12.6
DiffServe                               16.3
diffusion                               3.3.1, 3.4
Digest, a Perl module                   15.1
Digest package, Apache Commons Codec    24.7
Digest::SHA1                            15.1
Digest-SHA1, a Perl module              15.1
digitally signing an Android app        32.3
Digital Rights Management               14.1, 14.8.1, 14.15
digital signature                       12.1
Digital Signature Algorithm             12.11, 13.6
Digital Signature Standard              13.6, 20.2
digram                                  2.6.1
dig utility                             17.3, 17.4, 17.8
dig -x for reverse DNS lookup           17.4
Dima Bekerman                           29.8
Dingledine, Roger                       20.5.2
Di Paola, Stefano                       28.1
Directory Authority (Tor)               20.5.2
disassembler, IDA Pro                   22.6.1
discrete logarithm                      11.8, 13.5, 13.7, 13.8, 14.2
Discretionary Access Control            32.3
discriminant of a polynomial            14.3
distributed hash table                  25.1, 25.2
distributivity, ring                    4.4.1
distributivity, set of remainders       5.3
dividend                                6.3
divisor                                 5.1, 6.3
djbdns                                  17.8
DKIM, Email Authentication Protocol     31.4
dlr.arm7 (mirai executable)             29.8
dlr.arm (mirai executable)              29.8
dlr.mips (mirai executable)             29.8
dlr.m68k (mirai executable)             29.8
dlr.mpsl (mirai executable)             29.8
dlr.ppc (mirai executable)              29.8
dlr.sh4 (mirai executable)              29.8
dlr.spc (mirai executable)              29.8
DMARC, Email Authentication Protocol    31.4
Dmitry Khovratovich                     8.1
DNAT                                    18.7
DNS                                     16.2, 17.2
DNS amplification attack                29.7
DNS cache                               17.7
DNS cache poisoning                     17.11
DNS cache poisoning attack              17.10
DNSChanger malware                      17.2
DNSChanger troja                        17.2                    17.12
DNS hijacking                           17.2
DNS Hijacking                           17.2
dnsmasq                                 17.8
DNS nameserver, caching                 17.7.1
DNS nameserver, ccTLD                   17.3, 17.4
DNS nameserver, gTLD                    17.3, 17.4
DNS nameserver, primary                 17.6
DNS nameserver, publishing              17.7.1
DNS nameserver, root                    17.3, 17.4
DNS nameserver, secondary               17.6
DNSSEC                                  17.8
DNS Security Extensions                 17.8
DNS sinkholes                           30.5
document, an object in JavaScript       28.2
document.appendChild(), JavaScript      28.2
document.cookie(), retrieving cookies   28.2.1
document.createElement()                28.2.1
document.getElementsByTagName()         28.2.1
Document Object Model (JavaScript)      28.2
document summarization by Essence       19.5.2
Domain Name Server                      17.2
Domain Name Service                     17.2
Domain Name Space                       17.2, 17.4
Domain Name System                      17.4
Domain Validation certificate           13.3
DOM (JavaScript)                        28.2
Don Coppersmith                         3.2, 9.2.1
Don Johnson                             14.8.1, 14.13
DoS attack                              16.12                                 16.15                                 16.15
DoS, Slowloris                          27.7
DoS through a replay attack             16.17
dot-decimal notation for IPv4 addresses 16.3
double DES                              9.2
Double DES                              9.2.1
Downadup worm                           22.6
downloading from server, JavaScript     28.2.2
DPI (Deep Packet Inspection)            20.5.2
Drepper, Ulrich                         24.5
Drew Springall                          13.8
DRM                                     14.1, 14.8.1, 14.15
DROP TABLE (MySQL)                      27.4
DROP USER (MySQL)                       27.4
Druschel, Peter                         25.6
DSA                                     12.11, 13.6
DSCP                                    16.3
DS, Differentiated Service              16.3
DS field, IP header                     16.3
dsniff packet sniffer                   23.3
DSS                                     13.6, 20.2
Duncan Watts                            26.3, 26.4
Dunkelman, Orr                          32.4
Durumeric, Zakir                        10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
DV certificate                          13.3
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol     20.3
dynamic web-content generation          27.1

EAP protocol                            9.8
eax, a 32-bit x86 register              21.4
ebp, a 32-bit x86 register              21.4
ECB                                     9.5, 9.5.1
ECC                                     14.11                                  14.8.1
ECDH                                    14.1, 14.12, 20.5
ECDHE                                   14.1, 14.12
ECDH-ECC                                14.1
ECDH-ECDSA                              14.1
ECDHE-ECC                               14.1
ECDHE-RSA                               12.6, 14.1
ECDH-RSA                                14.1
EC Digital Signature Algorithm          14.1
ECDLP                                   14.14
ECDSA                                   14.1, 14.8.1, 14.13
ECDSA for code authentication           14.13
ECDSA, proof                            14.13
ECN field, IP header                    16.3
EDE                                     9.3, 10.6
edge router                             16.14
Edward Knightly                         16.11
edx, a 32-bit x86 register              21.4
EFF                                     3.3, 3.4
EGD                                     20.2.1
egrep                                   31.7
egrep for condition-line matching       31.8
eip, a 32-bit x86 register              21.4
Elad Barkan                             32.4
electromagnetic analysis attack         32.5
Electronic Code Book Mode               9.5, 9.5.1
Electronics Frontiers Foundation        3.3
ElGamal digital signature algorithm     13.6
ElGamal protocol                        13.5, 20.2
Elias Levy                              21.7
Eli Biham                               8.1, 8.9, 32.4
Elie Bursztein                          15.7.1
elite HTTP proxy server                 19.3.3
elliptic curve                          14.3
elliptic curve, addition op             14.4
elliptic curve cryptography             14.11
elliptic curve DH base point            14.12
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman           14.1, 14.12, 20.5
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral 14.12
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algo   14.8.1
elliptic curve DSA                      14.13
elliptic curve group law, algebraic     14.6, 14.7
elliptic curve, group operator          14.4
elliptic curve, order of a point        14.12
elliptic curve, order of the curve      14.9, 14.12
elliptic curve over GF(2n)         14.9
elliptic curve point at infinity        14.4
elliptic curve points, group law        14.5
elliptic curve points, notation E(a,b)    14.4 
elliptic curves, cyclic                 14.8.1
elliptic curves over Zp for prime p     14.8 
elliptic curve, supersingular           14.9
elliptic integrals                      14.3
Elm, an MUA                             31.2
Email Authentication Protocols          31.4
email body                              31.3
email client                            31.2
email envelope                          31.3
emailer_py                              29.6
email header                            31.3
email headers, alteration of            31.4
email security                          9.4
email structure                         31.3
EM attack                               32.5
Emmanuel Thome                          13.8
Encapsulating Security Payload          20.3, 20.3.3
encoding with Shikata Ga Nai            23.5
Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt                 9.3                        2.11, 2.12
encryption                              2.1
encryption algorithm                    2.1
encryption, classical                   2.2
encryption key, ideal block cipher      3.1
encryption, multi-character             2.7
encyphering                             2.1
endpoint authentication                 12.6
Entangled, Kademlia in Python           25.7
entropy                                 10.8, 20.2.1
entropy accumulation                    10.8
Entropy Gathering Daemon                20.2.1
entropy hole                            10.8, 10.9.4
entropy sources                         10.8
envelope, part of email                 31.3
environment variable LD_PRELOAD         19.2.3
Erdos, Paul                             26.4
Erdos-Renyi random graph                26.4
Eric Brown                              29.8
Eric Engstrom                           19.6
Eric Wustrow                            10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
Erik Tews                               9.8.2
ERROR (IRC command)                     29.3
Erwan Le Disez                          32.8
esp, a 32-bit x86 register              21.4
ESP header, IPSec                       20.3, 20.3.3
espionage, cyber                        30.4, 30.5
Essence, a document summarizer          19.5.2
ESTABLISHED, packet state for iptables  18.11
ESTABLISHED, TCP connection state       16.16
E-step (DES)                            3.3.1
/etc/apache2/                           19.4.2, 27.1
/etc/apache2/conf.d/                    27.8
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled               27.3
/etc/bind/                              17.8.1
/etc/bind/named.conf                    17.8.1
/etc/dante.conf                         19.3.2
/etc/danted.conf                        19.3.1
/etc/fail2ban                           24.3
/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf                 24.3
/etc/fail2ban/jail.local                24.3
/etc/hosts                              17.2
/etc/hosts.allow                        24.3
/etc/hosts.deny                         24.3
/etc/mysql/                             27.4
/etc/passwd                             24.3, 27.3
/etc/php7.0/apache2/php.ini             27.2
/etc/resolv.conf                        17.4
/etc/services                           18.6, 18.12, 21.1
/etc/shadow                             24.5
/etc/snort/rules                        23.4
/etc/snort/snort.conf                   23.4
/etc/squid3/squid.conf                  19.4.1
EternalBlue                             22.8
EternalRocks worm                       22.8
Ethernet                                16.2
Ethernet, a shared medium               23.3
Ethernet frame                          23.3
Ethernet frame, CRC field               23.3
Ethernet frame, D-addr field            23.3
Ethernet frame, Data field              23.3
Ethernet frame, Frame-type              23.3
Ethernet frame, Jumbo                   23.3
Ethernet frame, Preamble field          23.3
Ethernet frame, S-addr field            23.3
Ethernet frame, structure               23.3
Ethernet interface                      16.2
Euclid                                  5.3.2
Euclid's Algorithm, Extended            5.6.5, 5.6.6, 5.7
Euclid's GCD Algorithm                  5.4
Euclid's GCD algorithm, proof           5.4.3
Eudora, an MUA                          31.2
Eugene Spafford                         22.5
Euler's Theorem                         11.4
Euler's Totient Function                11.3
Evans, Nathan                           25.8
Evariste Galois                         7.12
EV certificate                          13.3, 13.10
Evolution, an MUA                       31.2
Exchange, an MTA                        31.2
exec, PHP                               27.2
execution stack                         21.4
exfiltration                            22.4, 30.3
exit relay (Tor)                        20.5.2
expansion permutation (DES)             3.3.1
Expedited PHB                           16.3
Explicit Congestion Notification        16.3
exploit, amplification                  29.7
exploit, BadUSB                         32.8
exploit, botnet based                   29.2
exploit3.c                              21.7
exploit, DNS amplification              29.7
exploit, heap spray                     28.5
exploiting browser vulnerabilities      28.3
exploit, memory corruption based        28.5
exploit, NTP amplification              29.7
exploits for SQL injection              27.6
exploits with Metasploit Framework      23.5
exploit to spew out spam                27.3
exponential time algorithms             11.5.7
exponentiation, modular                 12.3.2
Extended Euclid's Algorithm             5.6.5, 5.6.6, 5.7, 13.6
Extended Validation Certificate         13.10
Extended Validation certificate         13.3
Extensible Authentication Protocol      9.8
extension headers                       20.3.1             12.11

factorization by Fermat's method        12.9
factorization by Pollard-rho            12.9
factorization by sieve-based methods    12.9
factorization by trial division         12.9
factorization, integer                  12.9                            12.9
Fail2Ban                                24.3
fake IP address                         16.14
falsifying info in routing table, P2P   25.10
fault injection attack                  12.5, 32.5, 32.6                   32.6.1
fault-tolerant P2P networks             25.1
f2b-sshd (Fail2Ban chain for iptables)  24.3
Federated Identity Management           24.6
Fedon, Giorgio                          28.1
Feistel function                        3.2.1
Feistel, Horst                          3.2
Feistel structure                       3.2
Fermat's Little Theorem                 11.2
Fermat's method for factorization       12.9
fetchmail email client                  19.6
field                                   4.6, 5.3.1
field, Galois                           5.5
file format, apk                        32.3
file format, dex                        32.3
file infector virus                     22.1
file transfer with netcat               23.6
filtered port                           23.1
filter (fail2ban)                       24.3
filtering of spam, Bayesian based       31.1
filtering recipe, Procmail              31.8
filtering spam                          31.1
filtering spam, regex based             31.1
filtering specification, iptables       18.10
filter table for firewall               18.2, 18.3
FIN bit, TCP header                     16.4      8.9                               5.7, 11.7.1
findtime (Fail2Ban)                     24.3
FinFisher                               30.4
finger daemon                           22.5
finished message, SSL handshake         20.4.3
finite field                            4.1, 11.8
finite field, order                     7.8, 7.12
finite field, prime                     5.5, 14.8
finite group                            4.2.1, 4.2.3
FIN packet                              16.4
FIN_WAIT_1, TCP connection state        16.7, 16.16
FIN_WAIT_2, TCP connection state        16.7, 16.16
FIN_WAIT Timer, TCP                     16.10
FIN_WAIT_2 Timer, TCP                   16.10
FIPS 186-3                              13.6
FIPS180                                 15.7.1
FIPS                                    15.1
Firefox add-ons                         28.2.1
firewall, application layer             19.1
firewall, packet filtering based        18.1
firewall, proxy-server based            18.1
firewall, session layer                 19.1
firewall, shim layer                    19.1
firewall, transport layer               19.1
firmware                                32.8
Fisher-Yates shuffle                    9.5.1
fixed-sized fingerprint                 15.1
Flags field, IP header                  16.3
flowbits option, snort rule             23.4
flow control, TCP                       16.4, 16.6
flow option, snort rule                 23.4
flow, TCP                               16.11
flow, traffic                           16.11
flushing DNS cache                      17.3
flushing the firewall tables            18.2
FLUSH PRIVILEGES (MySQL)                27.4
FMS attack                              9.8.2
fno-stack-protector option for gcc      21.4.1
FNV hash                                15.10                             22.2                             22.2
formail, a Unix/Linux utility           31.8
FORWARD chain of filter table           18.4
.forward file entry for procmail        31.8
Forward Secrecy                         12.6
302 Found, HTTP status code             24.6
Fowler, Glenn                           15.10
FQDN                                    17.3, 17.4
fragmentation of datagram               16.3
Fragment Offset field, IP header        16.3
frame, Ethernet                         23.3
frame pointer                           21.4
Frame-type field, Ethernet frame        23.3
framework, w3af                         28.6
Francois Koeune                         32.7.1
fraud, mobile billing                   2.1
fraud, SMS                              2.1
fraud, toll                             2.1
Freenet                                 26.1
Freenet, node identifier                26.2
Freenet, path of trust                  26.2
Freenet, PUT(key,data_object)           26.2
Freenet routing, security issues        26.8
Freenet, TTL for data objects           26.2
Freenet, web of trust                   26.2
Freenode, change password               29.4
Freenode, help commands                 29.4
Freenode IRC Server                     29.4
Freent, GET(key)                        26.2
fstack-protector-all option for gcc     21.4.1
fstack-protector option for gcc         21.4.1
FTP                                     16.2
full-duplex connection                  16.4
full-period sequence                    10.5
fully connected graph                   26.4
Fully Qualified Domain Name             17.3, 17.4
function, an object type in JavaScript  28.2
function epilogue                       21.4.1
function, Feistel                       3.2.1
function prologue                       21.4.1
function, trapdoor                      12.9
Fyodor                                  23.1.3

gafgyt                                  29.8
Gaia, Google's passwd/login system      30.6
Galois, Evariste                        7.12
Galois field                            5.5
Galois field, generator                 7.12
game consoles                           14.1
GAO report on mobile security           32.1
gateway host                            16.16
gatherd, a SOIF object server           19.5.2
Gatherer                                19.5.4
Gatherer, an information summarizer     19.5.2
Gaudry, Pierrick                        13.8
GauthierDickey, Chris                   25.8
gcc compiler                            21.4
GCD                                     5.3.2
gcd                                     11.1
GCD algorithm, binary                   5.4.4
gdb, Gnu debugger                       21.6
GDOI protocol                           20.3.4
generating round keys, AES              8.8.1
generating round keys, DES              3.3.5
generating web pages dynamically        27.1
generator for Galois field              7.12
generator of cyclic group               13.5
generic proxy protocol                  19.2
Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol  29.7.1, 29.8
Generic Security Services API           10.3
George Davida                           12.7
Gerardo Richarte                        21.4.1
getaddrinfo()                           17.2
getElementsByTagName() (JavaScript)     28.2
gethostbyaddr()                         17.2
gethostbyname()                         17.2
getnameinfo()                           17.2
GF(2)                            6.6
GF(23)                7.3, 7.4 
GF(28)                7.8, 8.5, 8.5.1
GF(2n)                7.5
GFC (Great Firewall of China)           20.5.2
Ghostnet                                30.5
gh0stRAT trojan                         30.2, 30.4
gh0stRAT trojan, a listing of files     30.4
Giorgio Fedon                           28.1
GitHub                                  32.3
Glenn Fowler                            15.10
Glimpse, an indexer                     19.5.3
global channel, IRC                     29.3
GNU                                     27.2
Gnu C library                           32.3
.gnupg directory                        20.2.1
Gnu Privacy Guard                       20.2, 20.2.1, 22.9
gnutls-cli as a command-line TLS client 13.4.1
GnuTLS transport layer security library 13.4.1
Goldberg, Ian                           32.4.1
Goldberg, Sharon                        29.7.2
Google Chrome, heap buffer overflow     21.4
Google Play                             12.1, 32.2
Google's public recursive DNS server    17.7.1
Google Talk                             16.3
Gosling, James                          27.2
gossiping in small-world networks       26.9
Government Accountability Office        32.1
GPG                                     20.2, 20.2.1, 22.9
gpg --gen-key                           20.2.1
GPG passphrase                          20.2.1
GPT                                     30.7
grafting IPSec on IPv4                  20.3.1
GRANT ALL (MySQL)                       27.4
Greatest Common Divisor                 11.1
greatest common divisor                 5.3.2
Great Firewall of China                 20.5.2
greedy quantifiers (regex)              31.7
Greek mythology                         10.3
Greenify (a rooting app for Android)    32.3
Green, Matthew                          13.8
GRE protocol                            29.7.1, 29.8
GRE tunnel                              29.7.1
Grothoff, Christian                     25.8
group                                   4.2, 5.3.1, 11.8
group, abelian                          4.3, 4.4, 14.4
group, cyclic                           13.5
group, finite                           4.2.1
group, infinite                         4.2.1, 4.3
grouping metacharacters (regex)         31.7
grouping nick aliases                   29.4                             31.7                             31.7
group law for elliptic curve points     14.5
group notation                          4.2
group operator                          11.8
group, order                            11.8, 13.5
group, permutation                      4.2.3
Group VPN                               20.3.4
GRUB bootloader                         32.3
Grum botnet                             29.9
GSS-API                                 10.3
gTLD DNS nameserver                     17.3, 17.4
guessing passwords, dictionary attack   24.2
Guido van Rossum                        27.2
GUID partition table                    30.7
gxy domain                              17.1

Hacking Team                            30.4
hacktivist                              29.7
Hades, gates of                         10.3
Hadoop                                  15.1
Halchenko, Yaroslav                     24.3
Halderman, J. Alex                      10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
handling node failures, DHT             25.3
Handshake Protocol, SSL                 20.4, 20.4.3
handshake, simultaneous-open            16.9
handshaking, TCP                        16.4
Hank van Tilborg                        14.1
Hans Luhn                               15.10, 25.2
Hari Balakrishnan                       25.4
Harry Potter and the Magic of DNS       17.1
Harvest broker, an index server         19.5.1
Harvest, info gatherer and indexer      19.5
Harvest project                         19.4
hash chain                              24.4
hashcode                                15.1
hash function, collision resistance     15.3
hash function, cryptographic security   15.3
hash function, keyed                    15.8
hash function, LM                       24.4
hash function, NTLM                     24.4
hash functions, crypto secure           15.7
hash functions, efficient storage       15.1, 15.10
hash functions for efficient storage    15.1, 15.10
hash functions for message authentication15.1
hash functions, message authentication  15.1
hash functions, simple                  15.4
hash function, Whirlpool                15.7
hashing                                 15.1
hashing for message authentication      15.2
hashing schemes for passwords           24.5
hash, one-way property                  15.3
hash table                              15.4
Hassen Saidi                            22.6
Hasse's Theorem                         14.9
HDDCryptor                              30.7
Header Checksum field, IP header        16.3
header, IP                              16.3
header, IPv6                            16.3
header, IPv4                            16.3
header, part of email                   31.3
Header section (DNS)                    17.12
header, TCP                             16.4
header, UDP                             17.3
heap buffer overflow                    21.4
heap spray attack                       28.3
heap spray exploit                      28.5
heap spraying                           28.5
Heartbeat Extension to SSL/TLS          12.6, 20.4.1, 23.2.2
Heartbeat messages                      23.2.2
Heartbeat padding                       20.4.4
Heartbeat payload                       20.4.4
Heartbeat payload length field          20.4.4
Heartbleed bug                          12.6, 20.4.4, 23.2.2
Heatbeat Extension to SSL/TLS           20.4.4
help commands, Freenode IRC             29.4
Heninger, Nadia                         10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
Herzberg, Ben                           29.8
hex format                              15.1
Heys, Howard                            3.3.2, 8.9
HID (USB Device Class)                  32.8
high-anonymity proxy server             19.3.3
hijacking, DNS                          17.2
Hill cipher                             2.8
Hiscocks, Steven                        24.3
history, an object in JavaScript        28.2
HMAC                                    15.8
Hoareau, Stephanie Blanchet             32.8
home IP address (mobility)              32.9
home router, port forwarding            23.6
honeynet                                22.6
honeypot                                2.1, 22.6
Hongbo Yu                               15.7.1
Horst Feistel                           3.2
host for a virus                        22.1
hosting, virtual                        17.2
host key                                12.1
hostname, symbolic                      17.2
host utility                            17.5, 17.8
hotspot                                 9.8
hot swappable                           32.8
Howard Heys                             3.3.2, 8.9
HTCP                                    19.4
HTML object memory corruption           28.5
HTTP                                    16.2
HTTP/1.1 method CONNECT                 19.6
HTTP/1.1 method DELETE                  19.6
HTTP/1.1 method GET                     19.6
HTTP/1.1 method HEAD                    19.6
HTTP/1.1 method OPTIONS                 19.6
HTTP/1.1 method POST                    19.6
HTTP/1.1 method PUT                     19.6
HTTP/1.1 method TRACE                   19.6
HTTP proxy for tunneling                19.6
HTTP Request If-Modified-Sense          19.4.1
HTTP Response Not-Modified              19.4.1
HTTPS                                   16.2                   20.5.1
HTTP Secure                             13.4.1
HTTPS vs. HTTP                          13.4.1                 25.9            20.5.1         20.5.1
Huawei LiteOS                           29.8
Hydraq trojan                           30.6
Hyper Text Caching Protocol             19.4
hypertext preprocessor                  27.2
HyperText Transport Protocol            16.2

IANA                                    16.3, 18.6
Ian Clarke                              26.1, 26.2
Ian Goldberg                            32.4.1
ICMP                                    16.2
ICMP echo message                       16.2
ICMP scan                               23.1.3
ICMP source quench messages (deprecated)16.2
ICP                                     19.4
ICV                                     9.8.1
IDA Pro disassembler                    22.6.1
ID (DNS message)                        17.12
IDEA, a block cipher                    20.2
ideal block cipher                      3.1
ideal block cipher encryption key       3.1
Identification field, IP header         16.3
identifier circle, DHT                  25.2
identifier (in a password hash)         24.5
identifier space, DHT                   25.10
identity element, group                 4.2
identity element, integral domain       4.5
identity element, set of remainders     5.3
Identity Management, Federated          24.6
Identity Provider                       24.6
IDP                                     24.6
IDS                                     22.9
IDS, Intrusion Detecsion System         23.4
IEEE 802.11                             9.7, 16.2
IEEE 802.15                             16.2
IEEE 802.11 frame                       9.8.1
ie0199.exe trojan                       30.3
IETF                                    13.4, 20.4
ifconfg ethX promisc                    23.3
iframe HTML tag for XSS attack          28.3
Igal Zeifman                            29.8
IGMP                                    16.2
IHL field, IP header                    16.3
IIT Kanpur                              11.6
IKE                                     20.3.4
IKEv2 protocol                          20.3.4
IL (Integrity Level)                    32.3
ImageMagick                             9.5.1
Image (USB Device Class)                32.8
implant (malware)                       22.8
implementing GCD for large num in Perl  5.4.4
implementing GCD in Perl                5.4.4
implementing GCD in Python              5.4.4 domain                     17.3
independence                            10.4.1
Index-Calculus                          13.7
indexing with Glimpse                   19.5.3
index server                            19.5.1
infinite group                          4.2.1, 4.3
INFO attribute, ChanServ server         29.4
INFO (IRC command)                      29.3
information gathering and indexing      19.5
information security                    20.1
information security: authentication    20.1
information security: confidentiality   20.1
information security: security parameters20.1
ingress filtering                       16.14
initialization vector                   9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.8.1, 14.1, 15.7, 20.4.2
Initial Sequence Number generator       16.13
Initial Sequence Number, TCP            16.4
initial ticket (Kerberos)               10.3
Input Bar (WeeChat IRC client)          29.4
INPUT chain of filter table             18.2, 18.4, 24.3
input differential                      8.9
input state array                       8.1
input string (regex matching)           31.7
INRIA                                   20.5
INSERT INTO (MySQL)                     27.4
installing PHP7.2                       27.1
instruction pointer                     21.4
INTEGER, an ASN.1 keyword               12.11
integer factorization                   12.9
integral domain                         4.5, 4.6, 5.3.1
Integrity Check Value                   9.8.1
Integrity Level (Windows)               32.3
interface, communications               16.3
intermediate-level CA                   13.3, 13.4
International Data Encryption Algorithm 20.2
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority     16.3, 18.6
Internet Cache Protocol                 19.4
Internet Control Message Protocol       16.2
Internet Engineering Task Force         13.4, 20.4
Internet Group Management Protocol      16.2
Internet Header Length                  16.3
Internet Key Exchange protocol          20.3.4
Internet Layer, TCP/IP                  16.2, 16.3
internet line terminator                29.3
Internet of Things                      29.8
Internet Protocol                       16.1
Internet Relay Chat Protocol            29.3
Internet Systems Consortium             17.8
interpolation attack                    8.9
Intrusion Detection System              22.9, 23.4
intrusion prevention by log scanning    24.3
Intrusion Prevention System             22.9
InvAddRoundKey, AES                     8.4
INVALID, packet state for iptables      18.11
inverse, additive                       4.3.1, 5.3.2
inverse element (group)                 4.2
inverse mix columns, AES                8.3
inverse, multiplicative                 4.6, 5.3.2, 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.6, 5.6.2, 8.5.1, 13.6
inverse shift rows, AES                 8.3
inverse substitute bytes, AES           8.3
invisible user, IRC                     29.3
INVITE (IRC command)                    29.3
InvMixColumns, AES                      8.4
InvShiftRows, AES                       8.4
InvSubBytes, AES                        8.4, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.5.2
IOActive                                17.13
Ion Stoica                              25.4
iOS                                     32.2, 32.3
IoT                                     29.8
IP                                      16.1
IP address                              17.2
IP address, fake                        16.14
IP address, host part                   16.16
IP address, network part                16.16
ip_conntrack extension module, iptables 18.11
IP header                               16.3
IP Layer, TCP/IP                        16.2, 16.3
IP, mobile                              32.9
IP mobility support                     32.9
IPS                                     22.9
IPSec                                   15.7.1, 15.8, 20.3
IPSec Authentication Header             20.3
IPSec, ESP header                       20.3
IPSec in Transport Mode                 20.3
IPSec in Tunnel Mode                    20.3
IPSec protocol                          20.1
IP source address spoofing              16.13
IP spoofing attack                      16.13
iptables                                16.3, 18.1, 24.3
iptables command                        18.10
iptables, connection tracking           18.11
iptables extension module limit         18.11
iptables extension module mac           18.11
iptables for port forwarding            18.12
iptables rule target ACCEPT             18.6
iptables rule target DNAT               18.7
iptables rule target DROP               18.6
iptables rule target MASQUERADE         18.7
iptables rule target REDIRECT           18.6, 18.7
iptables rule target REJECT             18.6
iptables rule target RETURN             18.6
iptables rule target SNAT               18.7
iptables to thwart dictionary attack    24.4
IPv4                                    16.2
IPv4 address classes                    16.3
IPv4 address classes, private           16.3
IPv4 extension headers                  20.3.1
IPv4 header                             16.3
IPv4 packet header                      20.3.1
IPv6                                    16.2
IPv6 address, representations           16.3
IPv6 extension headers                  20.3.1
IPv6 header                             16.3
IPv6 packet header                      20.3.1
IRC                                     22.4
IRC channel                             29.3
IRC, channel registration               29.3
IRC Client in Perl                      29.5                            29.5                            29.5                        29.5
IRC global channel                      29.3
IRC local channel                       29.3
IRC, making a channel secret            29.3
IRC, making a user invisible            29.3
IRC message format                      29.3
IRC MODE command for secrecy            29.3
IRC network as an overlay               29.3
IRC, nick registration                  29.3
IRC PRIVMSG command for sending text    29.3
IRC protocol                            29.3
IRC secret channel                      29.3
irreducible polynomial                  6.11, 7.2, 7.5, 8.5.1
I)ruid                                  23.5
ISAKMP                                  20.3.4
ISA server, Windows web proxy           19.4
ISN                                     16.4
ISN generator                           16.4, 16.13, 16.14
ISON (IRC command)                      29.3
isResumable, SSL Session State          20.4.2
iterated block cipher                   8.1
iterated cipher                         8.1
iterative name lookup                   17.6
Itsik Mantin                            9.8.2
IV                                      9.5.2, 9.5.3, 9.8.1, 14.1, 15.7
iwlist wlan0 scan                       9.8.2

Jack Huffard                            23.2.1
Jacob Appelbaum                         13.9
Jaikumar, Padmini, detecting bots (new algo)29.1
jailbreaking                            32.3
Jakobsen, Thomas                        8.9
J. Alex Halderman                       10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
James Bond                              30.2
James Gosling                           27.2
Jaquier, Cyril                          24.3
JavaScript, client-side form processing 28.2.1
JavaScript code for tracking cookies    28.2.1
Javascript for downloading from server  28.2.2
JavaScript highlights                   28.1, 28.2
Jean-Francois Dhem                      32.7.1
Jean-Jacques Quisquater                 32.7.1
Jean-Louis Willems                      32.7.1
Jean-Philippe Anumasson                 15.10
Jennings, Luke                          22.8
Jeremy Ashkenas                         30.1
Jin Qian                                16.9
Joan Daemen                             8.1
Joe Stewart                             17.11
John Markoff                            30.6
John Podesta                            30.1
John Pollard                            12.9
John Roberts, Chief Justice             32.1
Johnson, Don                            14.8.1, 14.13
JOIN (IRC command)                      29.3
join-leave churn attack (P2P)           26.8
Jon Kleinberg                           26.5
Joseph Stein                            5.4.4
JPG image format                        9.5.1
js_getdata_from_server.html             28.2.2
JSON                                    20.5.2
Jumbo Ethernet frame                    23.3
Justice John Roberts                    32.1

Kaashoek, M. Frans                      25.4
Kademlia k-bucket, P2P                  25.7
Kademlia node_lookup(key), P2P          25.7
Kademlia protocol, P2P                  25.7
Kademlia replication parameter, P2P     25.7
Kak, Avinash, detecting bots (new algo) 29.1
Karger, David                           25.4
Karpman, Pierre                         15.7.1
Karsten Nohl                            32.1, 32.5, 32.8
Karthikeyan Bhargavan                   13.8
Kasiski Examination                     2.9.1
KASUMI                                  3.2
KASUMI cipher                           32.4
k-bucket                                25.7
k-bucket, Kademlia                      25.7
KDC                                     10.1, 10.2, 10.3
KDC hierarchy                           10.2.1
Keepalive timer, TCP                    16.10
Keira Knightly                          2.9.1
Keith Campbell                          9.2.1
Keller, Nathan                          32.4
Kerberos                                10.3
kernel, Android                         32.3
kernel module                           18.1
Kevin Mitnick                           16.13
key-alternating cipher                  8.1
key distribution center                 10.1, 10.2
keyed hash function                     15.8
key exchange protocol, direct           13.2
key expansion, AES                      8.2, 8.8
key legitimacy, PGP                     20.2.1
key, master                             10.1, 10.2.1
key mixing                              3.3.1
key, one-time                           10.8
Key Permutation 1 (DES)                 3.3.5
Key Permutation 2 (DES)                 3.3.5
Key Reinstallation Attack               9.8
key schedule, AES                       8.2
key schedule (DES)                      3.3.5
Key Scheduling Algorithm (RC4)          9.7
key, session                            10.1
key space                               2.1, 3.4
key storage format                      12.11
keystream (RC4)                         9.7
Khashmir, Kademlia in Python            25.7
Khovratovich, Dmitry                    8.1
KICK (IRC command)                      29.3
Kido worm                               22.6
Kiem-Phong Vo                           15.10
KILL (IRC command)                      29.3
Klein attack                            9.8.1, 9.8.2
Kleinberg network                       26.7
Knightly, Edward                        16.11
Knightly, Keira                         2.9.1
known plaintext attack                  8.9
Knudsen, Lars                           8.1, 8.9
Kocher, Paul                            32.7
Koeune, Francois                        32.7.1
KoreK attack                            9.8.2
Korol, Viktor                           27.1
KPMG                                    13.4
KRACK attack                            9.8
Krebs, Brian                            29.8
KSA (RC4)                               9.7
Kuzmanovic, Aleksandar                  16.11

label, type (SELinux)                   32.3
LAN                                     9.8, 9.8.2, 16.2
Landon Curt Noll                        15.10
large-scale phishing campaign           30.1.1
Larry Wall                              27.2
Lars, Knudsen                           8.9
Lars Knudsen                            8.1
LAST_ACK, TCP connection state          16.7
Lawrence Abrams                         30.7
Layer 7 DDoS attack                     29.7
LD_PRELOAD environment variable         19.2.3
leaking information anonymously         20.5
Le Disez, Erwan                         32.8
leecher, BitTorrent                     25.9
Lee Weinstein                           26.4
Le, Long                                21.8
lemma, piling up                        8.9
length, blockchain                      15.9
Lenstra, A. K.                          32.6.1
Leonard Adleman                         12.2
Leonhard Euler                          11.3
Lerdorf, Rasmus                         27.2
Leroux, Philippe-Alexandre              32.7.1
level (SELinux)                         32.3
Levy, Elias                             21.7
LFSR                                    32.4
liars and witnesses (Miller-Rabin)      11.5.6
libdigest-perl                          15.1
libdigest-sha-perl                      15.1                            19.2.3
libnet-rawip-perl package               16.15
libpcap library for packet capture      23.3.1
libssl, a component of OpenSSL          20.4
limit, an iptables extension module     18.11
Lindskog, Stefan                        20.5.2
linear approximation bias               8.9
linear approximation table              8.9 8.9
linear attack                           8.9
linear congruential generator           10.5, 16.13
linear cryptanalysis                    8.9
Linear Feedback Shift Register          32.4
linked list (for hash-table buckets)    15.4
Link Layer, TCP/IP                      16.2
link shortening service                 30.1
LINKS (IRC command)                     29.3
LinkSys router                          16.8
Linus Torvalds                          18.1
Linux Discretionary Access Control      32.3
Linux kernel                            9.8.2
Linux kernel mainline                   18.1                       9.8.2
Lipton, Richard                         32.6.1
LISTEN, TCP connection state            16.7
LIST (IRC command)                      29.3
Lizkebab                                29.8
LM Hash                                 24.4
loadable kernel module                  18.1
loader, boot                            22.1
load factor for a Java container        15.10
Local Area Network                      16.2
Local Area Network, Wireless            9.8
local channel, IRC                      29.3
local clustering in small worlds        26.4
locale                                  32.2
localhost, as a host name               16.3
location, an object in JavaScript       28.2
logging with iptables                   18.13
log scanning                            24.3
long division, polynomials              6.3
longitudinal parity check               15.4
Long Le                                 21.8
long-range contacts, small worlds       26.4
lookahead assertions (regex)            31.7
look-behind assertions (regex)          31.7
Lookout, a security company             32.2
lookup(key), DHT                        25.2
lookup table attack                     24.4
loopback address                        16.3
loopback address, IPv6                  16.3
loopback IP address                     17.4
lsmod                                   18.5
L2TP/IPsec                              20.5.3
Lucifer cipher                          3.3
Luke Jennings                           22.8
Luke Valenta                            13.8

MAC address                             9.8.2, 16.2, 18.11, 23.3
MAC (Mandatory Access Control)          32.3
MAC (Media Access Control)              16.2
MAC (Message Authentication Code)       15.8, 16.8
mac, an iptables extension module       18.11
macchanger                              9.8.2
Mac OS X                                16.2
macro virus                             22.1
magnet links, BitTorrent                25.9
Mail Delivery Agent                     31.2
maildrop                                31.2
mail exchange server                    17.2
mail exchange server in Resource Record 17.4
mailsnarf                               23.3
Mail Submission Agent                   31.2
Mail Transfer Agent                     17.2, 22.5, 31.2
Mail User Agent                         31.2
mailutils (a Gnu package)               31.2
making memory nonexecutable             21.8
malware, DNSChanger                     17.2
malware, Trojan.Win32.DNSChanger        17.2
managing cookies with JavaScript        28.2.1
Mandatory Access Control (MAC)          32.3
Mandatory Integrity Control             32.3
mangle table for firewall               18.2, 18.3, 18.8
Manindra Agrawal                        11.6
man in the middle attack                13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.9
MapReduce                               15.1
MaraDNS                                 17.8
Marc Briceno                            32.4.1
Marc Stevens                            13.9, 15.7.1
Mark Baggett                            23.5
Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo estimation     26.7
Markov, Yarik                           15.7.1
MARS cipher                             8.1
Martin Roesch                           23.4
Mary Lynn Reed                          26.4
mask, subnet                            16.3
MASQUERADE                              18.7
master boot record                      30.7
master key                              10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1
master nameserver, DNS                  17.4
Master Secret, SSL Session State        20.4.2
matching variables (regex)              31.7
match modifiers (regex)                 31.7
MatchObject                             31.7
mathematical attack                     12.9
Mathewson, Nick                         20.5.2
Matsui, Mitsuru                         8.9
Mattathias Schwartz                     30.1
Matthew Green                           13.8
Matthew Robshaw                         8.1
maxentry (Fail2Ban)                     24.3
Maximum Transmission Unit               16.3
Maymounkov, Peter                       25.7
Mazieres, David                         25.7
MBR                                     30.7
MCF                                     24.5
MCMC                                    26.7
MCS (SELinux)                           32.3
MDA                                     31.2
md5_crypt                               24.5
MD5 hashing function                    13.9
Media Access Control protocol           16.2
meet in the middle attack               8.1, 9.2.2
Meltdown                                2.1
memory corruption exploit               28.5
memory stick malware                    32.8
Menezes, Alfred                         14.8.1, 14.13
message authentication                  12.1, 20.1
message authentication code             15.8
message digest                          15.1
message fingerprint                     15.1
Message Integrity Check (WPA)           9.8.1
Message Integrity Service, SSL          20.4.2
message padding for hashing             15.4
Mestre, Patrick                         32.7.1
metadata option, snort rule             23.4
Metasploit Framework                    22.9, 23.5
Metasploit Framework, create a shell    23.5
Metasploit Framework, msfencode         23.5
Metasploit Framework, reverse shell     23.5
Metasploit vis-a-vis anti-virus tools   23.5
Meterpreter                             23.5
Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm      26.7                  26.7
M. Frans Kaashoek                       25.4
MH, an MUA                              31.2
MIC                                     9.8.1
Michael Wiener                          9.2.1
Michal Zalewski                         16.13
MiC (Mandatory Integrity Control)       32.3
microcontroller                         32.8
microkernel                             18.1
MicrosoftDNS                            17.8
Microsoft Security Bulletin             21.3.1, 22.6
Microsoft Windows                       16.2
Microsoft Windows Media DRM             14.3
middleware for generating web pages     27.1
MI (for Multiplicative Inverse)         5.5
Miller-Rabin algorithm                  11.2, 11.5
Miller-Rabin, computational complexity  11.5.7
MIME::Base64, a Perl module             31.8
MIME-compatible Base64 encoding         24.5
mini-bot bot                            29.6                              29.6
mini-tor.dll                            22.8
MIPS processor architecture             32.3
mirai botnet                            29.8
mIRC client                             29.3
MISTY1 cipher                           32.4
Mitre                                                                                                                              21.3, 23.2.2
Mitre Corporation                       28.1
Mitsuru Matsui                          8.9
MixColumns, AES                         8.4, 8.7
mix columns, AES                        8.3
mkfifo command                          23.6
MLS/MCS Range                           32.3
MLS (SELinux)                           32.3
MMDG, an MTA                            31.2
mobile billing fraud                    2.1
mobile devices, security                32.1
mobile devices, vulnerabilities         32.1
mobile IP                               32.9
mobile OS                               32.2, 32.3
mobile security, GAO report             32.1
mobile unwanted software (MUwS)         2.1
mobility support, IP                    32.9
MODE (IRC command)                      29.3
modern deities and prophets             27.2
MODE_WORLD_READABLE                     32.3
MODE_WORLD_WRITABLE                     32.3
mod operator                            2.3
modprobe                                18.5
mod-security module for Apache server   27.8
modular arithmetic notation             5.1
Modular Crypt Format                    24.5
modular exponentiation                  12.3.2
modular exponentiation algorithm        12.5.1
modular exponentiation, decryption      12.5
modular exponentiation, encryption      12.5
modular inversion                       12.3.3
modular polynomial arithmetic           7.2
modulo addition                         5.3.2
modulo multiplication                   5.3.2                     13.4.1
modulus polynomial                      7.3
modulus, prime                          10.5
Mohamed Ali Kaafar                      20.5
monoalphabetic cipher                   2.5
monolithic kernel                       18.1
Montgomery remainder algorithm          13.8
Morris, Robert                          25.4
Morris worm                             22.5
MOV attack                              14.9, 14.10, 14.14
MOV condition                           14.14
movemail                                31.2
mprexe.dll                              30.3
Mr. BigShot                             15.6
Mr. Creepy                              15.6
MS02-004                                21.3.1
MS08-067 vulnerability                  22.6
MS10-046 vulnerability                  22.7
MS10-061 vulnerability                  22.7
MS17-010 vulnerability                  22.8
MSA                                     31.2
MSC (USB Device Class)                  32.8
MS-DOS PE header                        31.4
msfencode, Metasploit Framework         23.5
msfpayload, Metasploit Framework        23.5
MTA                                     17.2, 31.2
MTU                                     16.3
MUA                                     31.2
multicasting                            16.2
Multi-Category Security                 32.3
multi-character encryption              2.7
multi-layer switching                   29.7.1
Multi-Level Security                    32.3
multimedia attachments                  2.4
multiplicative identity element         5.5.1
multiplicative inverse                  4.6, 5.3.2, 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.6, 5.6.2, 8.5.1, 13.6
multiplicative inverse in GF(2^n)       7.11
Munk Center for International Studies   30.5
Murphy, Sean                            8.1
mutating virus                          22.1
mutex, synchronization primitive        22.6.1
Mutt, an MUA                            31.2
mutual exclusion                        22.6.1
MUwS                                    2.1
MX record                               17.2                           18.6
mysqladmin command                      27.4
mysql, command-line shell               27.4
MySQL database management system        27.4
mysql, system-supplied admin database   27.4
MySQL views for row-level security      27.4
MySQL with row-level security           27.4
MZ header for MS-DOS exectables         31.4

Nadia Heninger                          10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
named.conf config file                  17.8.1
named, DNS nameserver                   17.8.1
name lookup                             17.2
name lookup, reverse                    17.2
name resolver                           17.2, 17.3
nameserver, authoritative               17.3
names, IRC command                      29.4
NAMES (IRC command)                     29.3
name=value pairs in a cookie            28.2.1
NAP                                     29.7.2
Napster                                 25.1
Napster, central index server           25.1
NASL                                    23.2.1
NAT                                     18.7, 20.3
Nathan Evans                            25.8
Nathan Keller                           32.4
National Security Agency                22.8
nat table for firewall                  18.2, 18.3, 18.7
nc command                              23.6
ND bit                                  21.8
Neal Koblitz                            14.11
Needham-Schroeder protocol              10.2
Neeraj Kayal                            11.6
nessus-adduser                          23.2.2
nessus client                           23.2.1
nessusd server                          23.2.1
Nessus for SYN scanning                 23.2.3
Nessus, installation                    23.2.2
nessus-rmuser                           23.2.2
Nessus scanner                          23.2.1
Nessus scanner plugins                  23.2.1
Nessus SNMP scanning                    23.2.3
nessus-update-plugins                   23.2.1, 23.2.2
Nessus vulnerability scanner            23.2.1
NetBIOS                                 16.2
NetBIOS Share Propagation Mode          22.6
NetBT                                   16.2
netcat                                  23.6
netcat for creating a command shell     23.6
netcat for creating a reverse shell     23.6
netcat for file transfer                23.6
netcat for port redirection             23.6
netcat for port scanning                23.6
netcat for setting a chat link          23.6
netcat.openbsd                          23.6
netcat.traditional                      23.6
Net::DNS, a Perl module                 17.12
netfilter infrastructure                18.1
netpass.exe                             30.7
netpass.txt                             30.7
Net::RawIP, a Perl module               16.15, 17.12
Netscape                                20.4
netstat -n                              16.16
netstat utility                         16.7, 16.16
Network Access Point                    29.7.2
Network Address Translation             18.7, 20.3
network analyzer                        23.3
Network Attack Scripting Language       23.2.1
Network Basic Input/Output System       16.2
network interface                       18.1
network layer security with IPSec       20.3
Network Layer, TCP/IP                   16.2, 16.3
network security tools                  23.2.1
network shares                          22.6
network, substitution permutation       8.1
Network Time Protocol (NTP)             29.7
NEW, packet state for iptables          18.11
nftables                                18.1
nick aliases, Freenode                  29.4
nick aliases, grouping                  29.4
nick authentication, Freenode           29.4
nick, IRC                               29.3
NICK (IRC command)                      29.3
Nick Mathewson                          20.5, 20.5.2
nickname, IRC                           29.3
nick registration                       29.4
NickServ, Freenode                      29.4
Nikita Borisov                          25.11
NIST                                    3.3, 8.1, 13.6, 15.1, 15.7.1
Nitin Saxena                            11.6
nmap, a port scanner                    23.1.3
Nobori, Daiyuu                          20.5.3
nodeID, DHT                             25.3
node identifier, DHT                    25.3
node identifier, Freenet                26.2
node in a P2P network                   25.1
Node.js for server-side scripting       27.1
node_lookup(key), Kademlia              25.7
node proximity issues, P2P              25.5
node proximity metric, Pastry           25.6
nodirect, Firefox add-on                28.2.1
Nohl, Karsten                           32.1, 32.5, 32.8
Noll, Landon Curt                       15.10
noncapturing groupings                  31.7
non-capturing groupings (regex)         31.7
nonce                                   10.2, 10.4, 13.3.1
non-delivering recipe, Procmail         31.8
nonexecutable memory                    21.8
non-exit relay (Tor)                    20.5.2
nonextracting groupings                 31.7
non-greedy quantifiers (regex)          31.7
nop-sled                                28.5
Norse map                               2.1
notation, group                         4.2
notation, ring                          4.4
NOTICE (IRC command)                    29.3
NP, exponential-time class              11.5.7
NSA                                     22.8
NSCOUNT (DNS message)                   17.12
nslookup utility                        17.3, 17.5, 17.8
NS, nameserver in Resource Record       17.4
NTLM Hash                               24.4
NTLMv2 Hash                             24.4
NTP amplification attack                29.7
NTP (Network Time Protocol)             29.7
Nucrypt botnet                          29.9
null, a primitive type in JavaScript    28.2
number, a primitive type in JavaScript  28.2
number field sieve                      12.9
NVD                                     28.1
NX bit                                  21.8
NXDOMAIN error                          17.2

OAEP                                    12.7
Oakley Group 2                          13.8
Oakley Group 1                          13.8
Oakley Group 5                          13.8
Oakley Key-Exchange Protocol            13.8, 20.3.4
OAuth                                   24.6
object, an object type in JavaScript    28.2
OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an ASN.1 keyword     12.11
Oecshlin, Phillipe                      24.4
OFB                                     9.5, 9.5.4
OID                                     13.10
OIDC                                    24.6
one-time key                            10.8
OneWordSub botnet                       29.9
Onion Proxy, Tor                        20.5
Onion Router, Tor                       20.5
onsubmit attribute of HTML form element 28.2.1
OPCODE (DNS message)                    17.12
open-ended small-world P2P overlay      26.1
OpenID Connect                          24.6
OpenPGP                                 20.2, 20.2.1
open port                               23.1
OpenSSH, an open-source library         20.4
OpenSSL                                 12.11, 23.2.2
OpenSSL, an open-source library         13.4, 13.10, 20.4
openssl command                         13.4, 13.10
openssl genrsa command                  12.11
openssl rsa command                     12.11
Open Systems Interconnection            16.2
OpenVPN                                 20.5.3
Open Web Application Security Project   28.3
OpenWrt/LEDE/Linino/DD-Wrt              29.8
operating system                        18.1
operator, commutative                   4.3
operator, group                         4.2
operator, mod                           2.3
operator, ring                          4.4.1
OPER (IRC command)                      29.3
OP, Onion Proxy                         20.5
opportunistic unchoking, BitTorrent     25.9
Options field, IP header                16.3
Options field, TCP header               16.4
order of a finite field                 7.8, 7.12
order of a group                        11.8, 13.5
order of an element                     13.5
order of an elliptic curve              14.9
order of a point on elliptic curve      14.13, 14.14
Organization Validation certificate     13.3
origin server                           29.7.1
OR, Onion Router                        20.5
Orr Dunkelman                           32.4
OSI                                     16.2
Oskar Sandberg                          26.7
OS, mobile                              32.2, 32.3
Ostro Linux                             29.8
Outlook, an MUA                         31.2
OUTPUT chain of filter table            18.4
output differential                     8.9
output feedback mode                    32.4
output state array                      8.1
OV certificate                          13.3
overflowexample.c                       21.7
overlay network                         20.3, 25.1, 29.3
OWASP                                   28.3
Ozdok botnet                            29.9

P, polynomial-time class                11.5.7
P2P, adaptive                           25.1
P2P based C&C for botnets               29.9
P2P darknet overlay                     26.1
P2P, fault tolerance                    25.1
P2P network, churn                      25.3
P2P network, structured                 25.1, 26.1
P2P network, unstructured               25.1, 26.1
P2P overlay, open-ended small-world     26.1
P2P security, falsifying routing table  25.10
P2P security issues                     25.10
P2P, self-organizing nodes              25.1
P2P sender anonymity                    25.11
P2P, small-world                        26.1
packet filtering firewall               18.1
packet filtering for Windows            18.1
packet header, IPv6                     16.3, 20.3.1
packet header, IPv4                     16.3, 20.3.1
packet layer security with IPSec        20.3
packet sniffer, dsniff                  23.3
packet sniffing                         23.3
packet sniffing with wireshark          23.3.2
packet state ESTABLISHED, iptables      18.11
packet state ESTABLISHED, tracking      18.11
packet state INVALID, iptables          18.11
packet state NEW, connection tracking   18.11
packet state NEW, iptables              18.11
packet state RELATED, iptables          18.11
padding, a Tor control command          20.5
Padding field, ESP header               20.3.3
Padding field, IP header                16.3
Padmini Jaikumar, detecting bots (new algo)   29.1
pairwise coprime                        11.7
PAL2                                    9.8
PAL3                                    9.8
parameterized query                     27.6
parentheses for grouping, regex         31.7
parity check                            9.8.1
parity check, longitudinal              15.4
PART (IRC command)                      29.3
passive CCA                             12.7
passlib (Python)                        24.5
passphrase                              9.8
passthru, PHP                           27.2
password change, Freenode               29.4
password cracking                       22.3, 24.4
password cracking with hash chains      24.4
password cracking with rainbow tables   24.4
password hashing schemes                24.5
passwords stored in Conficker worm      24.2
Pastry protocol, P2P                    25.6
Pastry routing table, P2P               25.6
path of trust, Freenet                  26.2
Patrick Mestre                          32.7.1
Patrick Schaller                        21.7
Paul Erdos                              26.4
Paul Kocher                             32.7
Paul Mockapetris                        17.2
Paul Mutton                             29.5, 29.6
Paul Syverson                           20.5
Paul Vixie                              17.8
Paul Zimmerman                          13.8
Payload Data field, ESP header          20.3.3
payload detection option, snort rule    23.4
P-box (DES)                             3.3.1, 3.3.4
P-Box permutation (DES)                 3.3.4
pcap API                                23.3.1
PDO (PHP Data Objects)                  27.5, 27.6
PEDA                                    21.8
peer, BGP                               29.7.2
Peer Certificate, SSL Session State     20.4.2
Peer Exchange protocol, BitTorrent      25.9
peer-to-peer model                      25.1
PE file format                          31.4
PEM format for certificates             13.4, 13.10
penetration testing                     23.5
Pere Manils                             20.5
Perfect Forward Secrecy                 12.6
per hop behavior                        16.3
Perl code:    8.9
Perl code:    8.9
Perl code for               22.4
Perl code for AES byte substitution     8.5.2
Perl code for AES key expansion         8.8.2
Perl code for a network client          19.3.4
Perl code for an internet server        19.3.4
Perl code for an IRC client             29.5
Perl code for a spam spewing bot        29.6
Perl code for a SYN flood DoS attack    16.15
Perl code for a virus                   22.2
Perl code for Binary GCD                5.4.4
Perl code for block encryption of an image    9.5.1
Perl code for          2.11
Perl code for DES encryption of an image    9.5.1
Perl code for      17.12
Perl code for elliptic cuves            14.8.1
Perl code for          2.11
Perl code for Extended Euclid's algo    5.7
Perl code for GCD                       5.4.4
Perl code for GCD for large numbers     5.4.4
Perl code for generate_round_keys() (for DES)    3.3.7
Perl code for get_encryption_key() (for DES)    3.3.6
Perl code for harvesting RSA moduli     13.4.1
Perl code for    3.3.3
Perl code for integer factorization     12.9
Perl code for integer factorization with Math::BigInt    12.9
Perl code for              29.5
Perl code for Metropolis-Hastings       26.7
Perl code for MI for large numbers      5.7
Perl code for Miller-Rabin test         11.5.5
Perl code for                29.6
Perl code for mounting DoS attack       16.15
Perl code for port scanning             16.15
Perl code for primality testing (large ints)    11.5.5
Perl code for SHA-1                     15.7.3
Perl code for small-world simulation    26.4
Perl code:    8.9
perlfaq4                                2.12
Perl regular expressions                31.7
Perl's binding operator =~              31.7
Perl's matching operator m//            31.7
permutation                             2.2
permutation cipher                      2.10
permutation group                       4.2.3, 9.2.1
permutation, P-Box (DES)                3.3.4
permutation set                         4.2.1
permutation step in DES                 3.2
Persist Timer, TCP                      16.6, 16.10
Peter Druschel                          25.6
Peter Maymounkov                        25.7
PEX protocol, BitTorrent                25.9
PGP                                     9.4, 15.7.1, 20.2
PGP Authentication Service              20.2
PGP Compatibility Service               20.2
PGP Compression Service                 20.2
PGP Confidentiality Service             20.2
PGP key management issues               20.2.1
PGP Segmentation Service                20.2
PGP's notion of certificate authority   20.2.1
PGP's Web of Trust                      20.2.1
PHA                                     2.1
PHA (Potentially Harmful App)           32.3
pharming                                17.10
phase space                             16.13
Phatbot bot                             29.9
PHB                                     16.3
PHB, Assured Forwarding (AF)            16.3
PHB, Default                            16.3
PHB, Expedited                          16.3
PHB, Voice Admit                        16.3
phenomenon, small-world                 26.3
Philip Guenther                         31.8
Philippe-Alexandre Leroux               32.7.1
Philipp Winter                          20.5.2
Phillipe Oecshlin                       24.4
Phillip Porras                          22.6
Phil Schwartz                           24.3
Phil Zimmerman                          20.2
phishing                                2.1
phishing attack                         17.10, 30.1
phishing campaign                       30.1.1
PHP                                     27.1
PHP CLI                                 27.2
PHP7.0-CLI package                      27.3
PHP code for file uploading             27.3
PHP Command Line Interface              27.2
PHP Data Objects (PDO)                  27.6
PHP Data Objects (PDO                   27.5
PHP exploit to spew out spam            27.3
php.ini                                 27.2
PHP7.2, installation                    27.1
PHP, language support for databases     27.2
PHP+MySQL                               27.5
php7.0-mysql package                    27.5
PHP, server side scripting              27.2
PHP, system program execution functions 27.2
PHP to retrieve from MySQL database     27.5
Physical Layer, TCP/IP                  16.2, 23.3
Pierre Karpman                          15.7.1
Pierrick Gaudry                         13.8
piling-up lemma                         8.9
Pine, an MUA                            31.2
PING (IRC command)                      29.3
PKCS                                    13.4
PKCS#v1.5                               12.7
PKCS#1v2.x                              12.7
PKI                                     13.4, 20.2.1
plaintext                               2.1
plaintext-ciphertext attack             9.8.2
plaintext differential                  8.9
Playfair cipher                         2.7
Playfair cipher, security               2.7.4
PlayStation3                            14.1, 14.13
plugins for Nessus scanner              23.2.1
Podesta, John                           30.1
point at infinity, elliptic curve       14.4
pointer in Resource Record              17.4
pointer query, DNS                      17.3
point of attachment (mobility)          32.9
Pollard-lambda                          13.7
Pollard-rho                             13.7
polyalphabetic cipher                   2.9                          2.12                          2.12
polymorphic virus                       22.8
polynomial addition                     6.2
polynomial arithmetic                   6.1
polynomial, constant                    6.1
polynomial division                     6.2, 6.10
polynomial, irreducible                 6.11, 7.2
polynomial multiplication               6.2
polynomial, prime                       6.11
polynomial ring                         6.9, 7.1
polynomial ring over a finite field     11.6.1
polynomials, arithmetic operations      6.2
polynomials over a field                6.5
polynomials over a finite field         6.5
polynomials over GF(2)                  6.6
polynomial subtraction                  6.2
polynomial time algorithms              11.5.7
polynomial, zeroth-degree               6.1
PONG (IRC command)                      29.3
POP3                                    16.2
port 22                                 18.15, 24.1
port 23                                 21.3
port 53                                 17.8
port 113                                18.15
port 139                                16.2, 22.8
port 443                                13.4.1, 19.6, 30.6
port 445                                16.2, 22.8
port 848                                20.3.4
port 1080                               19.2
port 3128                               19.4.1
port 6667                               29.5
port 8501                               19.5.3
port 9000                               19.3.4
Portable Executable file format         31.4
port, closed                            16.15, 23.1
port, filtered                          23.1
port forwarding                         19.2
port forwarding on a home router        23.6
port forwarding with iptables           18.12
port, open                              16.15, 23.1
ports and services                      21.1
port scanning                           23.1
port scanning with connect()            23.1.1
port scanning with netcat               23.6
port scanning with nmap                 23.1.3
port scanning with SYN packets          23.1.2                            16.15
ports, Private                          21.1
ports, Registered                       21.1
ports, Well Known                       21.1
port unreachable ICMP message           18.2
position independent code               21.8
Postfix, an MTA                         31.2
Potentially Harmful App                 32.3
Potentially Harmful Application (PHA)   2.1
Poulo-Cazajou, Benoit                   32.8
power analysis attack                   32.5
PPM image format                        9.5.1
PPP                                     16.2
pq-prime                                12.9
Preamble field, Ethernet frame          23.3
predecessor pointer, Chord              25.4
preferential attachment                 26.4
prefix hijacking attack                 29.7.2
prepared statement (SQL)                27.6
preprocessor, hypertext                 27.2
PREROUTING chain of mangle table        18.2
Presentation Layer, TCP/IP              16.2
Pre-Shared Key                          9.8.1
Pretty Good Privacy                     20.2
primality testing                       11.2
primality testing, probe                11.2
primary DNS nameserver                  17.6
prime finite field                      5.5, 14.8                       12.13
prime modulus                           10.5
prime number, definition                11.1
prime polynomial                        6.11
prime, relative                         5.3.2, 5.5, 11.1
primes, Sophie Germain                  13.8
primitive root modulo n                 11.8
Printer (USB Device Class)              32.8
privacy and anonymity                   25.11
Privacy Enhanced Mail                   13.10
Private Key Ring                        20.2.1
private networks                        18.3
private networks, Class A               18.3
private networks, Class C               18.3
privilege escalation                    2.1
PRIVMSG (IRC command)                   29.3
PRNG                                    10.5, 10.8, 16.13
probe for primality testing             11.2
Procmail, an MDA                        31.2
procmail command for testing recipes    31.8
.procmailrc file                        31.2
.procmailrc file composition            31.8
Procmail recipe, the three parts        31.8
/proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail   10.9.1
/proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize        10.9.1
producer trust, PGP                     20.2.1
product tree                            12.8
program crashing with segfault          21.6
promiscuous mode, interface operation   23.3
prophets                                27.2
protocol analyzer                       23.3
Protocol, Authorization                 24.6
Protocol field, IP header               16.3
protocol field, IPv4                    20.3.1
protocol, GDOI                          20.3.4
protocol number 51                      20.3.1
protocol number 50                      20.3.1
protocol stack, TCP/IP                  16.1
protol, EAP                             9.8
proverbial visitor from Mars            32.1
proxy, anonymizing                      19.1
proxy, circuit-level                    19.2.2
proxy for caching web objects           19.1
proxy protocol, generic                 19.2
proxy, reverse                          19.3.1
proxy server, anonymizing               19.4
proxy-server firewall                   18.1
proxy server, high anonymity            19.3.3
PS3, code authentication                14.13
pseudo header, TCP                      16.4
pseudorandom bit generator              10.7
pseudorandom byte stream                9.6, 9.7
pseudorandom number generator           10.5, 16.13
pseudorandom numbers                    10.4.1
pseudorandom sequence                   9.6
PSH bit, TCP header                     16.4
PSK                                     9.8.1
PS3 (PlayStation3)                      14.1
ptrace                                  32.3
PTW attack                              9.8.2
public key, authenticated               13.3
public key authentication               13.3
public-key cryptography                 2.1, 12.1
Public Key Cryptography Systems         13.4
Public Key Infrastructure               13.4
Public Key Ring                         20.2.1
pull mode for bot commands              29.2
Purdue Air Link (PAL)                   9.8
PurdueCompsec IRC channel               29.4
push mode for bot commands              29.2
Python client code for fetching a single doc    27.7
Python code for             22.4
Python code for AES byte substitution   8.5.2
Python code for AES key expansion       8.8.2
Python code for an internet server      19.3.4
Python code for a virus                 22.2
Python code for Binary GCD              5.4.4
Python code for block encryption of an image    9.5.1
Python code for        2.11
Python code for DES encryption of an image     9.5.1
Python code for digitally_sign_the_coin()    15.9
Python code for    17.12
Python code for elliptic curves         14.8.1
Python code for        2.11
Python code for Extended Euclid's algo  5.7
Python code for extracting info from public key    12.11
Python code for GCD                     5.4.4
Python code for generate_round_keys() (for DES)    3.3.7
Python code for generating primes       12.13
Python code for get_encryption_key() (for DES)    3.3.6
Python code for       20.5.2
Python code for harvesting RSA moduli   13.4.1
Python code for    3.3.3
Python code for integer factorization   12.9
Python code for            29.5
Python code for MI in GF(2^n)           7.11
Python code for Miller-Rabin test       11.5.5
Python code for              29.6
Python code for network client          19.3.4
Python code for Pollard-rho             12.9
Python code for port scanning           16.15
Python code for prime number generation   12.13
Python code for SHA-1                   15.7.3
Python code for SHA-256                 15.7.4
Python code for SYN flood DoS attack    16.15
Python code for   27.7

QCLASS (DNS message)                    17.12
QDCOUNT (DNS message)                   17.12
Qmail, an MTA                           31.2
QNAME (DNS message)                     17.12
QR (DNS message)                        17.12
QTYPE (DNS message)                     17.12
quad-dotted notation for IPv4 addresses 16.3
quadratic form                          14.3
quadratic sieve                         12.9
quantifier metacharacters (regex)       31.7
query, parameterized                    27.6
query strings in URL syntax             28.4
Question section (DNS)                  17.12
Quisquater, Jean-Jacques                32.7.1
quit, IRC command                       29.4
QUIT (IRC command)                      29.3
quotient                                6.3

Raas                                    30.7
RA (DNS message)                        17.12
RA, Registration Authority              13.3
Rainbow Skip Graph protocol, P2P        25.8
rainbow table attack                    24.4
Ralf-Philipp Weinmann                   9.8.2
Ralph Langner                           22.7
Ralph Merkle                            15.7
Random Canary                           21.4.1
random graph, clustering coefficient    26.4
random graph, diameter                  26.4
randomized algorithm                    11.5.7
randomized polynomial time              11.5.7
randomized test                         11.6
random number generation                10.4
random numbers, crypto secure           10.5
random numbers, true                    10.4.1
random seek time                        19.4.1
Random XOR Canary                       21.4.1
ransomware                              2.1, 22.8
ransomware attack                       30.7
ransomware, WannaCrypt                  22.8
Rasmus Lerdorf                          27.2
Raspbian                                29.8
R.A.T, Remote Administration Tool       30.4
raw socket                              16.14, 16.15
raw table for firewall                  18.2, 18.3, 18.9
RBAC (SELinux)                          32.3
rBot/RxBot bot                          29.9
rbp, a 64-bit x86 register              21.4
RC4 algorithm                           9.7
RC6 cipher                              8.1
RCODE (DNS message)                     17.12
R.C.S, Remote Control System            30.4
RC4 stream cipher                       9.7
RDATA (DNS message)                     17.12
RD (DNS message)                        17.12
RDLENGTH (DNS message)                  17.12
re, a Python module for regex matching  31.7
Rechberger, Christian                   8.1
recipe, Procmail                        31.8
recipes in nested blocks, Procmail      31.8
recording terminal session              12.5.1
Record Protocol, SSL                    20.4, 20.4.2
recursive acronym                       27.2
recursive DNS query                     17.7.1
Recursive Nameserver                    17.4
REDIRECT                                18.7
regex based filtering of spam           31.1
regexp                                  31.7
register                                21.4
registering a channel, IRC              29.3
registering a nick, IRC                 29.3
registration authority                  13.3
regular expressions, Perl               31.7
regular expressions used by Procmail    31.7
REHASH (IRC command)                    29.3
Reka Albert                             26.4
RELATED, packet state for iptables      18.11
relational algebra                      27.4
relational database                     27.4
relation (in a database)                27.4
relationship, affine                    8.9
relatively prime                        5.3.2, 5.5, 11.1
relay, bridge (Tor)                     20.5.2
relay connected, Tor                    20.5
relay data, Tor                         20.5
relay end, Tor                          20.5
relay, exit (Tor)                       20.5.2
relay extended, Tor                     20.5
relay extend, Tor                       20.5
relay, non-exit (Tor)                   20.5.2
relay sendme, Tor                       20.5
relay teardown, Tor                     20.5
relay torpacket                         20.5
relay truncated, Tor                    20.5
relay truncate, Tor                     20.5
reliable protocol                       16.4
remainder, modular arithmetic           5.1
remainders, set of                      5.2
remainder tree                          12.8
Remote Administration Tool, R.A.T       30.4
Remote Control System, R. C. S.         30.4
Remote Procedure Call                   22.6
remote scripting                        28.2.2
remote security scanner                 23.2.1
remote socket                           16.5
Renaud Deraison                         23.2.1
rendezvous point                        22.6.1
Renyi, Alfred                           26.4
replay attack                           9.8.2, 10.2, 16.17, 20.3.2
replicating content, Chord protocol     25.4
replication parameter, Kademlia         25.7
request token, OAuth                    24.6
Reserved field, TCP header              16.4
residue                                 5.2
residues, set of                        5.2
resolver, name                          17.2
resource exhaustion attack              29.7
Resource Record                         17.4
Resource Record (DNS)                   17.12
RESTART (IRC command)                   29.3
Retransmission Timeout, TCP             16.11
retransmission timer                    16.11
Retransmission Timer, TCP               16.10
RetrieveFromMySQL.php                   27.5
return-to-libc attack                   21.8
reverse DNS lookup                      17.3
reverse proxy                           19.3.1
reverse record, DNS                     17.4
reverse-shell vs. shell                 23.6
rewiring, small world simulations       26.4
rexec                                   22.3
RFC 792                                 16.2
RFC 793                                 16.4, 16.9
RFC 1421                                13.4
RFC 1459                                29.3
RFC 1918                                17.8.1
RFC 1928                                19.1
RFC 1948                                16.13
RFC 2186                                19.4
RFC 2187                                19.4
RFC 2246                                20.4, 20.4.1
RFC 2412                                13.8
RFC 2581                                16.11
RFC 2597                                16.3
RFC 2671                                29.7
RFC 2810                                29.3
RFC 2812                                29.5
RFC 2827                                16.13, 16.14
RFC 2988                                16.11
RFC 3246                                16.3
RFC 3260                                16.3
RFC 3447                                12.11
RFC 4253                                12.11
RFC 4303                                20.3.3
RFC 4716                                12.11
RFC 4880                                20.2, 20.2.1
RFC 5280                                13.4
RFC 5996                                20.3.4
RFC 6407                                20.3.4
RFC 6520                                20.4.1, 20.4.4
RFC 6582                                16.11
RFC 6633                                16.2
RFC 6749                                24.6
RFC 6818                                13.4
RFC Convert::ASN1, a Perl module        12.11
RFC pyasn1, a Python library            12.11
Richard Brent                           12.9
Richard DeMill                          32.6.1
Richard Lipton                          32.6.1
Richard Schroeppel                      13.8
Richard Stallman                        27.2
Richarte Gerardo                        21.4.1
Rick Adams                              17.8
Rijmen, Vincent                         8.1
Rijndael cipher                         8.1, 8.9
ring                                    4.4
ring, commutative                       4.4.3, 4.5, 6.9
ring lattice                            26.4
ring notation                           4.4
ring, polynomial                        6.9, 7.1
Ritchie, Dennis                         27.2
rlogin                                  17.3
rlogind server                          17.3
Robert Morris                           25.4
Robshaw, Matthew                        8.1
Roger Dingledine                        20.5, 20.5.2
Role-Based Access Control               32.3
role (SELinux)                          32.3
Ron Gula                                23.2.1
Ron Rivest                              12.2
root app                                32.3
root CA                                 13.3, 13.4, 13.9
root DNS nameserver                     17.3, 17.4
rooting                                 2.1
rooting app                             2.1, 32.2
root key (WEP)                          9.8.1, 9.8.2
root shell                              21.7
Ross Anderson                           8.1, 30.3, 30.5
rotated-XOR hash algorithm              15.4
rotor machine                           2.9.1
roulette wheel                          10.4.1
round key (AES)                         8.3, 8.8
round key (DES)                         3.2.1, 3.3.5
Round-Trip Time Variation               16.11
Round-Trip Transmission Time, TCP       16.11
router                                  9.8
router, edge                            16.14
routing, anonymized                     20.5
routing table                           16.16, 25.2
routing table, Chord                    25.4
routing table, Pastry                   25.6
row-level database security             27.4
Rowstron, Antony                        25.6
ROXR hash algorithm                     15.4
RPC                                     22.6
RP (randomized polynomial time)         11.5.7
RR (DNS)                                17.4, 17.12
RSA-576                                 12.10
RSA-200                                 12.10
RSA                                     12.2, 20.5
RSA-640                                 12.10
RSA-704                                 12.10.1
RSA-768                                 12.10.1
RSA-896                                 12.10.1
RSA-1024                                12.10.1
RSA-1536                                12.10.1
RSA-2048                                12.10.1
RSA algorithm                           12.2
RSA algorithm, calculating private d    12.3.3
RSA algorithm, choosing public e        12.3.2
RSA algorithm, computational steps      12.3
RSA algorithm, proof                    12.2.3
RSA, a toy example for block encryption 12.4
RSA Factorization Challenge (old)       12.10
RSA Labs                                12.10
RSA scheme                              12.7
RSA security                            12.8, 12.9
RSG protocol, P2P                       25.8
rsh                                     22.3, 22.5
rsp, a 64-bit x86 register              21.4
RSPlug malware for Mac OS X             17.2
RST bit, TCP header                     16.4
RST packet                              16.13, 16.14
rsync utility                           19.6
RTO (Retransmission Timeout), TCP       16.11
RTT                                     16.11
RTT (Round Trip Time), TCP              16.11
RTTVAR                                  16.11
rulesets for intrusion detection        23.4
rule specification in inversion         18.10
rumor propagation in P2P networks       26.9
RunGatherd                              19.5.2
RunGatherer                             19.5.2
run-time stack                          21.4
Rustock botnet                          29.1, 29.9

S-addr field, Ethernet frame            23.3
Safety Net (Android)                    32.3
SA for a packet                         20.3.2
salt                                    24.5
Samba (SMB protocol)                    16.2
SAML                                    24.6
Samy worm                               28.2.2
Sandberg's decentralized routing        26.7
sandbox                                 32.3
sandboxing an app                       32.3
San Diego                               16.13
Santiago Zanella-Beguelin               13.8
SA (Security Association)               20.3.4
/sbin/init                              32.3
S-box (DES)                             3.3.1
SCADA for factory control automation    22.7
scale-free graphs                       26.4
scanner.c (mirai)                       29.8
scanning for vulneratibilities          23.2
scapy, a python module                  16.15
Schaller, Patrick                       21.7
schema (a database concept)             27.4
scheme, RSA                             12.7
Schneier, Bruce                         8.1
Schroeppel, Richard                     13.8
Schwartz, Mattathias                    30.1
Schwartz, Phil                          24.3
Scott Fluhrer                           9.8.2
Scott Vanstone                          14.8.1, 14.13
screen, an object in JavaScript         28.2
scripting, remote                       28.2.2
Scripting with Objects                  16.15
SDK, ad network                         32.2
Sean Murphy                             8.1                         15.1
SecDev Group                            30.5
secondary DNS nameserver                17.6
secret channel, IRC                     29.3
secret key                              2.1
secret session key                      13.1
Secure Hash Algorithm                   15.1, 15.7.1
secure hashing                          15.3
Secure MIME                             9.4
Secure Socket Layer                     16.2, 20.4
SecureWorks                             30.1
Security Association                    20.3.2
security association                    20.3.4
security by obscurity                   32.1
security, information                   20.1
security issues, DHT routing            25.10
security issues, Freenet routing        26.8
security issues, structurd P2P          25.10
security issues, unstructurd P2P        26.8
Security Parameter Index, AH header     20.3.2
Security Parameter Index, ESP header    20.3.3
security scanner                        23.2
security services, application layer    20.1
security services, network layer        20.1
security services, transport layer      20.1
security vulnerability scanner          23.2
seed                                    10.5
seeder, BitTorrent                      25.9
segfault                                21.6
Segmentation Service, PGP               20.2
segment, TCP                            16.6
SELECT * FROM (MySQL)                   27.4
SELECT (MySQL)                          27.4
self, an object in JavaScript           28.2
SELF file format                        14.1
self-replicating code, virus            22.2
self-selection mechanism                26.3
SELinux                                 32.3
SELinux context                         32.3
SELinux versus AppArmor                 32.3
semiprime                               12.9
sender anonymity, P2P                   25.11
sender authentication                   20.1
Sender Maximum Segment Size             16.11
sendmail                                17.2, 22.5, 27.3, 31.2
SEQUENCE, an ASN.1 keyword              12.11
sequence, full-period                   10.5
Sequence Number field, AH header        20.3.2
Sequence Number field, TCP header       16.4
Sequence Number, TCP header             16.4
sequence, pseudorandom                  9.6
Serpent cipher                          8.1
server authentication                   12.6
server buffer, WeeChat                  29.4
server-client authentication            20.4
server, daemon                          21.1
server, Dante                           19.2.3
server_hello message, SSL handshake     20.4.3
SERVER (IRC command)                    29.3
server_key message, SSL handshake       20.4.3
server-only authentication              20.4
server-side cross-site                  28.1
server-side cross-site attack           27.3
server-side scripting with Node.js      27.1
server-side XSS attack                  27.3
server-to-server synchronization, IRC   29.3
Server Write Key                        20.4.2
Server Write MAC Secret                 20.4.2
Service Provider                        24.6
services and ports                      21.1
session identifier                      10.2
Session Identifier, SSL Session State   20.4.2
session key                             10.1, 20.2
session key, secret                     13.1
session layer firewall                  19.1
Session Layer Security                  20.4
Session Layer, TCP/IP                   16.2
session state, SSL                      20.4.2
setenforce (SELinix)                    32.3
set of remainders                       5.2
set of residues                         5.2
SET PASSWORD (MySQL)                    27.4
setuid                                  17.9
SHA                                     15.7.1
sha, a Python module                    15.1
SHA-1                                   15.1, 15.7.3
SHA-1 (Python code)                     15.7.3
SHA-1 for content keys in Chord         25.4
SHA-1 for nodeID in Chord protocol      25.4
SHA-1 (Perl code)                       15.7.3
sha1_crypt                              24.5
SHA-2                                   15.7.1                          24.7
SHA-256                                 15.7.1
SHA-256 (Python code)                   15.7.4
SHA-384                                 15.7.1
SHA-512                                 15.1, 15.7.1, 15.7.2
sha512_crypt                            24.5
sha256_crypt                            24.5
ShadowBrokers                           22.8
ShadowBT                                25.9
Shadow network                          30.5
Shadows in the Cloud report             30.5
Shamir, Adi                             8.9
SharkPy, Kademlia in Python             25.7
Sharon Goldberg                         29.7.2
SHAttered attack                        15.7.1
shellcode                               21.7
shellcodeasm.c                          21.7
shellcodeasm3.c                         21.7
shellcode.c                             21.7
shellcodeopcode.c                       21.7
shell-exec command, PHP                 27.2
shell, root                             21.7
shell script for recording server timeouts    27.7
shell script for terminating processes  27.7
shell vs. reverse-shell                 23.6
Sherman brothers                        26.3
ShiftRows, AES                          8.4, 8.6
shift rows, AES                         8.3
shim layer firewall                     19.1
Shinjo, Yasushi                         20.5.3
Shishir Nagaraja                        30.3, 30.5
SHOW GRANTS (MySQL)                     27.4
SHoW TABLES (MySQL)                     27.4
shrew DDoS attack                       29.7
Shrew DoS attack                        16.11
side-channel attack                     12.5, 32.5
sideloading                             32.3
sieve-based method for factorization    12.9
sieve of Eratosthenes                   12.9
Signed Executable and Linkabe Format    14.1
Signle Sign-On                          24.6
silly_hash2 Perl script                 25.2
silly little bot                        29.6
Simple Network Management Protocol      23.2.3
simultaneous-open handshake             16.9
simultaneous-open handshake for TCP     16.9
singular curves                         14.3
singular elliptic curve                 14.5
siniStar (of IRC4Fun)                   29.8
sinkholes, DNS                          30.5
SipHash                                 15.10
Sirius living incognito                 17.1
six degrees of separation               26.3
Skype                                   16.3
Slammer worm                            22.5
slave nameserver, DNS                   17.4
SLIP                                    16.2
Slowloris DoS attack                    27.7
SlowPOST attack                         27.7
Slow-Start Phase, TCP                   16.11
Slow-Start Treshold, TCP                16.11
Smail, an MTA                           31.2
small-world, computer simulation        26.3
small-world networks, routing           26.5
small-world phenomenon                  26.3                          26.4
small-world P2P                         26.1
small-world P2P overlays                26.1
small-world simulation, Perl code       26.4
small worlds, local clustering          26.4
small worlds, long-range contacts       26.4
smart cards                             14.1
smart cards, contactless                14.1
Smart Card (USB Device Class)           32.8
smashing the stack                      21.7
SMB                                     16.2
S/MIME                                  9.4, 15.7.1
Smoothed Round-Trip Time, TCP           16.11
SMS fraud                               2.1
SMSS                                    16.11
SMTP                                    16.2, 17.2
Snappy Ubuntu Core                      29.8
SNAT                                    18.7
sndvol.exe                              30.3
sneak ACK attack                        16.9
SNMP                                    23.2.3
snort for intrusion detection           23.4
snort rule, flowbits option             23.4
snort rule, flow option                 23.4
snort rule, metadata option             23.4
snort rule, payload detection option    23.4
snort rulesets                          23.4
Snowfox, Android malware                32.2
SOA (Start of Authority)                17.6
social engineering attack               30.2
SOCK_DGRAM, socket type                 16.14, 16.15
socket                                  16.5
socket, AF_INET                         16.14, 16.15
socket, AF_UNIX                         16.14, 16.15
socket, a python module                 16.15
socket attributes                       16.14, 16.15
socket domain                           16.14, 16.15
socket number                           21.3
socket protocol                         16.14, 16.15
socket, raw                             16.14, 16.15
socket type                             16.14, 16.15
SOCK_RAW, socket type                   16.14, 16.15
SOCKS5                                  19.2.1
SOCKS                                   19.2
SOCKS4                                  19.2.1
SOCKS client                            19.2
SOCKS, for Windows platform             19.2.3
socksifying a client call               19.2
socksifying an application              19.2.3
SOCKS server                            19.2
SOCK_STREAM, socket type                16.14, 16.15
SoftEther VPN                           20.5.3
SOHO                                    9.8
SOIF format                             19.5.2
Sophie Germain primes                   13.8
Source Address field, IP header         16.3
Source Address field, IPv6 header       16.3
source address spoofing                 16.13
source code exposure vulnerability      28.6
source, entropy                         10.8
Source Port, TCP header                 16.4
source quench messages, ICMP (deprecated)16.2
source socket                           16.5
Spafford, Eugene                        22.5
spam                                    2.1
spam, as a source of malware            31.1
spam, Bayesian filters                  31.1
spambot                                 31.1
spam filter effectiveness, definition   31.1
spam filtering                          31.1
spam spewing bot                        29.6
Spamthru botnet                         29.9
spanning tree                           29.3
Spartacus attack                        25.10
spawning a shell                        21.7
spear phishing attack                   30.1
specifying alternatives, regex          31.7
Spectre                                 2.1
SPF, Email Authentication Protocol      31.4
SPI                                     20.3.2
split-handshake attack                  16.9
split-handshake for TCP                 16.9
spoofed email with attachment           30.2
spoofing, IP source address             16.13
spoofing set                            16.13, 17.12
Springall, Drew                         13.8
spyware                                 2.1
spyware, commercial                     2.1
SQL injection attack                    27.5, 27.6
SQL injection vulnerability             27.5, 27.6, 28.6
SQlite                                  32.3
SQlite database (Android)               32.3
squid3                                  19.4.1
Squid as anonymizing HTTP proxy         19.4
Squid cache manager                     19.4.2
Squid for web caching                   19.4
Squid proxy server, configuration       19.4.3
Squid, version 3                        19.4.1
SQUIT (IRC command)                     29.3
Srizbi botnet                           29.9
srm                                     20.2
SSH                                     15.7.1, 16.2, 17.3, 22.3, 24.1
SSH, confidentiality                    16.8
ssh-keygen                              12.11
ssh-keygen command                      12.11
SSH, maintaining data integrity         16.8
sshmitm                                 23.3
ssh-proxy                               19.6
SSH, server authentication by client    16.8
SSH tunneling through HTTP proxy        19.6
SSID                                    9.8
SSL                                     15.8, 16.2, 20.4
SSL Alert Protocol                      20.4
SSL Cipher Exchange Protocol            20.4
SSL Connection                          20.4.1
SSL connection state                    20.4.3
SSL handshake, client_hello message     20.4.3
SSL handshake, finished message         20.4.3
SSL Handshake protocol                  20.4
SSL Handshake Protocol                  20.4.3
SSL handshake, server_hello message     20.4.3
SSL handshake, server_key message       20.4.3
SSL, Heartbeat Extension                20.4.1, 20.4.4
SSL, Heartbleed bug                     20.4.4
SSL record                              20.4.2
SSL Record Protocol                     20.4, 20.4.2
SSL Session                             20.4.1
SSL session state                       20.4.2
SSL/TLS                                 9.7, 13.4, 15.7.1, 16.2, 20.4
SSL/TLS, Heartbeat Extension            12.6, 20.4.1, 20.4.4
SSL/TLS, Heartbleed bug                 20.4.4
SSL-VPN                                 20.5.3
SSO                                     24.6
SSP                                     21.4.1
SSTHRESH                                16.11
SSTP                                    20.5.3
stackframe                              21.4, 21.6
stack frame                             21.4
stack pointer                           21.4
stack, smashing                         21.7
Stack Smashing Protection               21.4.1
Stallman, Richard                       27.2
Stanley Milgram                         26.3
Starbuckaroo coffee shop                17.1
Starbucks coffee shop                   16.14            9.8.2
Start of Authority, DNS                 17.6
state array, AES                        8.1, 8.6
state array, input                      8.1
state array, output                     8.1
state extension module, iptables        18.11
state of a packet, connection tracking  18.11
state transitions, TCP                  16.7
state vector (RC4)                      9.7
statistical attack                      2.6
STATS (IRC command)                     29.3
Status Bar (WeeChat IRC client)         29.4
Stavrou, Angelos                        32.8
stealing cookies with XSS               28.4
Stefan Lindskog                         20.5.2
Stefano Di Paola                        28.1
Stein's Algorithm                       5.4.4
Stephanie Blanchet Hoareau              32.8
Stephen R. van den Berg                 31.8
Steven Hiscocks                         24.3
Stevens Le Blond                        20.5
Stevens, Marc                           15.7.1
Steven Strogatz                         26.3, 26.4
Stoica, Ion                             25.4
stored procedure exploits               27.6
Storm botnet                            29.9
St. Petersburg                          11.3
stragety, wide-trail                    8.1
stream cipher                           2.1, 9.5.3, 9.6, 32.4
stresser, botnet                        29.7
string, a primitive type in JavaScript  28.2
Strogatz, Steven                        26.4
Stroustrup, Bjarne                      27.2
structured P2P overlay                  25.1, 26.1
structure of an email                   31.3
structure of Ethernet frame             23.3
Stuxnet worm                            22.7
SubBytes, AES                           8.4, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.5.2
subgroup, cyclic                        13.5
subnet                                  9.8
subnet mask                             9.8, 16.3, 16.16
subnet mask, Class A addresses          16.3
subnet mask, Class B addresses          16.3
subnet mask, Class C addresses          16.3
suboption `--limit' for limit module    18.11
suboption `--state', iptables           18.11
substitute bytes, AES                   8.3
substitution                            2.2
substitution box (DES)                  3.3.1
substitution cipher                     2.3
substitution permutation network        8.1
substitution rules, Playfair cipher     2.7.2
substitution step (DES)                 3.2
substitution tables (DES)               3.3.3
successor(key), Chord                   25.4
successor pointer, Chord                25.4
Summary Object Interchange Format       19.5.2
SUMMON (IRC command)                    29.3
Sun Tsu Suan-Ching                      11.7
supersingular elliptic curve            14.9
supersingularity                        14.9
supplicant                              9.8
Supreme Court, United States            32.1
surveillance software                   30.4
svchost.exe                             22.6, 22.6.1
Swahili angle                           2.4
swarm, BitTorrent                       25.9
switching buffers, WeeChat              29.4
Switzerland                             11.3
SwO                                     16.15
Sybil attack                            25.10
symbolic hostname                       17.2
symmetric-key cryptography              2.1, 3.1
SYN/ACK packet                          16.4, 16.13, 16.14
Synaptic Package Manager                9.8.2, 16.15, 27.1, 28.6
SYN bit, TCP header                     16.4
SYN flooding attack                     16.12, 16.14
SYN packet                              16.4, 16.13, 16.14, 18.2
SYN_RCVD, TCP connection state          16.16
SYN_RECD, TCP connection state          16.7
SYN scanning                            16.12
SYN_SENT, TCP connection state          16.7, 16.14, 16.16
sysadmin                                30.1
sys/socket.h header file                23.1.1
SYSTEM account (Windows)                32.3
system command, PHP                     27.2
system program execution functions, PHP 27.2

table, linear approximation             8.9
Taher ElGamal                           13.6
Takedown, a book and movie              16.13
Tanenbaum, Andrew                       18.1
Tapestry protocol, P2P                  25.8
target, action part of iptables rule    18.6
targeted attack                         30.3, 32.1
TBSertificate                           13.4
TC (DNS message)                        17.12
TCP                                     16.1
TCP checksum calculation                16.4
TCP datagram                            16.6
tcpdump                                 16.15
tcpdump command lines                   16.8
tcpdump packet sniffer                  16.8, 17.3, 23.3.1
TCP flow                                16.11
TCP header                              16.4
TCP_HIT                                 19.4.1
TCP/IP protocol stack                   16.1, 16.2
TCP_MISS                                19.4.1
TCP_REFRESH_HIT                         19.4.1
TCP segment                             16.6
TCP, simultaneous-open handshake        16.9
TCP socket                              16.14, 16.15
TCP, split-handshake                    16.9
TCP state exhaustion DDoS attack        29.7
TCP state transitions                   16.7
TCP SYN flood attack                    16.12
TCP timers                              16.10
TCP vs. IP                              16.5
TCP vulnerabilities                     16.12
telnetd daemon                          21.3
telnet service                          21.3
Temporal Key Integrity Check            9.8.1
terminator canary                       21.4.1
TE (SELinux)                            32.3
test, deterministic                     11.6
testing for primality                   11.2
test, randomized                        11.6
TGS (Kerberos)                          10.3
TGT (Kerberos)                          10.3
The Imitation Game (movie)              2.9.1
The New York Times                      11.6, 30.6
theoretical attack                      8.1
thermal noise                           10.4.1
The Snooping Dragon report              30.5
Thomas d'Otreppe de Bouvette            9.8.2
Thomas Jakobsen                         8.9
Thome, Emmanuel                         13.8
three-headed dog                        10.3
three-way handshake, TCP                16.4, 16.7
Thunderbird, an MUA                     31.2
Ticket Granting Server (Kerberos)       10.3
Ticket-Granting Ticket (Kerberos)       10.3
Tim Berners-Lee                         27.2
Time Exceeded, ICMP                     16.2
TIME (IRC command)                      29.3
time-memory tradeoff attack             2.1
timer, retransmission                   16.11
timers, TCP                             16.10
Time To Live                            16.2
Time To Live field, IP header           16.3
TIME_WAIT, TCP connection state         16.7
timing attack                           12.5, 32.5                     32.7
timing attacks                          32.7
Title Bar (WeeChat IRC client)          29.4
Tizen                                   29.8
TKIP                                    9.8.1
TLS                                     16.2
TLS, Heartbeat Extension                20.4.1, 20.4.4
TLS, Heartbleed bug                     20.4.4
/tmp                                    27.3
Tod Beardsley                           16.9
toll fraud                              2.1
ToorCon Conference                      17.13
TOPIC (IRC command)                     29.3
Top 125 network security tools          23.2.1
topology attack, P2P                    25.10
Tor cell                                20.5
Tor circuit                             20.5
Tor end-to-end circuit                  20.5
tor-geoipdb                             20.5.1
Torlus                                  29.8
torpacket, control                      20.5
torpacket, relay                        20.5
torpacket, Tor                          20.5
Tor protocol                            20.5
torrent file, BitTorrent                25.9
torsocks                                20.5.1
Tor stream                              20.5
Tor torpacket                           20.5
Torvalds, Linus                         18.1
TOS                                     18.8
Total Length field, IP header           16.3
totient                                 11.3, 12.2
totient function                        11.3
TRACE (IRC command)                     29.3
tracepath utility                       29.7.2
traceroute utility                      16.2, 16.16, 29.7.2
tracker, BitTorrent                     25.9
trackerless mode, BitTorrent            25.7
Tracking GhostNet report                30.5
traffic analysis attack                 20.5
traffic flow                            16.11
Transaction ID (DNS)                    17.3, 17.11
transaction identifier                  13.3.1
Transmission Control Protocol           16.1
transport layer firewall                19.1
Transport Layer Security                16.2, 20.4
Transport Layer, TCP/IP                 16.2
Transport Mode for IPSec                20.3
transposition                           2.2
transposition techniques                2.10
trapdoor function                       12.9
tree of zones, DNS                      17.4
Trend Micro                             22.7
Tresys Technologies                     32.3
trigram                                 2.6.1
triple DES                              3.3, 10.6, 20.2
triple DES with three keys              9.4
triple DES with two keys                9.3
TRNG                                    10.8
trojan                                  2.1, 30.3
trojan, Aurora                          30.6
trojan, embedded                        30.3
trojan, gh0stRAT                        30.2, 30.4
trojan, Hydraq                          30.6
trojan, ie0199.exe                      30.3
trojan, Win32.DNSChanger                17.2
troubleshooting networks with netstat   16.16
Trovicor                                30.4
truly random numbers                    10.4.1
Tsutomu Shimomura                       16.13
TTL (DNS)                               17.4, 17.7.1
TTL (DNS message)                       17.12
TTL for data objects, Freenet           26.2
TTL (IP)                                16.2, 18.8
tunnel, GRE                             29.7.1
tunneling                               19.2
Tunnel Mode for IPSec                   20.3
tuple (in a relational database)        27.4
Twofish cipher                          8.1
TYPE (DNS message)                      17.12
Type Enforcement                        32.3
type labels (SELinux)                   32.3
type of Resource Record                 17.4
Type of Service, IP header              16.3, 18.8
type (SELinux)                          32.3

uClinux                                 29.8
UDP                                     16.1, 17.3
UDP header                              17.3
UDP scan                                23.1.3
UIWIX worm                              22.8
Ulrich Drepper                          24.5, 24.7
ultrafast gamma-particle based internet 17.1
uname -a                                21.6
uname -m                                21.6
uniform distribution                    10.4.1
United States Supreme Court             32.1
universal XSS                           28.1
University of Cambridge                 30.3, 30.5
University of Edinburgh                 26.1
University of Toronto                   30.5
Unix                                    16.2
Unix regular expressions                31.7
unreliable protocol                     16.3
unstructured P2P overlay                25.1, 26.1
untargeted attack                       32.1
uploadfile.php                          27.3
UploadYourWebPage.html                  27.3
URG bit, TCP header                     16.4
Urgent Pointer field, TCP header        16.4
URL Redirect                            24.6
urlsnarf                                23.3
URL syntax, query string                28.4
USB                                     16.2
USB device classes                      32.8
USB Hub (USB Device Class)              32.8
USB propagation mode for malware        22.6
US-CERT                                 17.13, 21.3.1, 30.3
USE (MySQL)                             27.4
Usenix Security Symposium 2004          20.5
Usenix Security Symposium 2012          10.9.4, 12.8
User Datagram Protocol                  16.1
USERHOST (IRC command)                  29.3
USER (IRC command)                      29.3
user `nobody'                           17.9, 19.4.2
USERS (IRC command)                     29.3
user `www'                              17.9
US Government Accountability Office     32.1                       10.9.1
using Procmail for spam filtering       31.8
using Tor (in Linux)                    20.5.1
U.S.National Vulnerabilities Database   28.1
/usr/lib/cgi-bin                        28.4
UXSS                                    28.1

Valenta, Luke                           13.8
Valeros, Veronica                       17.2
VanderSloot, Benjamin                   13.8
van Rossum, Guido                       27.2
Vanstone, Scott                         14.8.1, 14.13
variable key-length cipher              9.7
/var/log/apache2/access.log             27.8
/var/log/auth.log                       24.1
/var/log/denyhosts                      24.3
/var/log/mail.log                       27.3
/var/log/squid3/cache.log               19.4.1
VBR                                     22.1
Verify Apps (Android)                   32.3
VeriSign                                13.4, 13.9
Veronica Valeros                        17.2
version field, IP header                16.3
VERSION (IRC command)                   29.3
Viceroy protocol, P2P                   25.8
Victor Miller                           14.11
view as a result table in MySQL         27.4
view for row-level security in MySQL    27.4
Vigenere cipher                         2.9
Vigenere cipher, security               2.9.1
Viktor Korol                            27.1
Vincent Rijmen                          8.1
Vinod Yegneswaran                       22.6
virtual hosting                         17.2
virtual private network                 20.5.3
Virtual Private Network                 20.3
virus                                   22.1
virus, anatomy                          22.2
virus, boot sector                      22.1
virus, file infector                    22.1
virus, macro                            22.1
virus, mutating                         22.1
virus payload                           22.1
virus, polymorphic                      22.8
virus, self-replicating code            22.2
Voice Admit PHB                         16.3
Voice over IP                           16.3
VoIP                                    16.3
Vo, Kiem-Phong                          15.10
volume boot record                      22.1
volumetric DDoS attack                  29.7
VPN                                     20.3, 20.3.4, 20.5.3
VPN Gate                                20.5.3
vulnerabilities, browser                28.3
vulnerabilities (TCP)                   16.12
vulnerability, buffer overflow          21.2, 22.3, 23.1
vulnerability, MS10-046                 22.7
vulnerability, MS17-010                 22.8
vulnerability, MS08-067                 22.6
Vulnerability Note VU#881872            21.3.1
vulnerability scanning                  23.2
vulnerability, source code exposure     28.6
vulnerability, split-handshake          16.9
vulnerability, SQL injection            27.5, 27.6, 28.6
vulnerability, Windows shortcut         22.7

Wade Alcorn                             28.3
w3af framework                          28.6
w3af-users-guide.pdf                    28.6
Wagner, David                           32.4.1
wakelock                                32.3
Walid Dabbous                           20.5
Wall, Larry                             27.2
WALLOPS (IRC command)                   29.3
Walt Disney Studios                     26.3
Wang, Zhaohui                           32.8
WannaCrypt ransomware                   22.8
WannaCry worm                           22.8
Watts, Duncan                           26.4
Watts-Strogatz simulation (P2P)         26.3
WCCP                                    19.4
weak keys                               8.8.1
WealthTracker.cgi                       28.4
WealthTracker.html                      28.2.1
Web Cache Coordination Protocol         19.4
web caching                             19.4
web of trust, Freenet                   26.2
web security                            27.1
webspy                                  23.3
WeeChat, channel buffer                 29.4
weechat-curses                          29.4
WeeChat IRC Client                      29.4
WeeChat, server buffer                  29.4
Weierstrass equation                    14.3
Weil descent attack                     14.14
WEP                                     9.7, 9.8, 9.8.2
WEP root key                            9.8.1, 9.8.2
WFP                                     18.1
wget()                                  27.3
wget                                    20.5.1
Whirlpool hash function                 15.7
white listing the DLLs                  22.9
WHO (IRC command)                       29.3
whois (Fail2Ban)                        24.3
WHOIS (IRC command)                     29.3
whois utility                           17.5
WHOWAS (IRC command)                    29.3
wide-trail design stragety              8.1
WiFi                                    9.7, 9.8, 16.2
WiFi interface                          16.2
WiFi Protected Access                   9.7
WikiLeaks                               2.1, 22.8
Willems, Jean-Louis                     32.7.1
Wilson, Brandon                         32.8
Wincap library for packet capture       23.3.1
Win32.DNSChanger trojan                 17.2
window, an object in JavaScript         28.2
Window field, TCP header                16.4, 16.6
Windows .exe file format                14.1
Windows Filtering Platform              18.1
Windows Media framework                 14.15
Winter, Philipp                         20.5.2
Wireless Access Point                   9.8.2
wireless driver                         9.8.2
Wireless Equivalent Privacy             9.7
wireless interface                      9.8.2
wireless LAN                            9.7
Wireless Local Area Network             9.8
wireless range                          9.8
wireless sensor networks                14.1
wireshark for packet sniffing           23.3.2
WLAN                                    9.8
wlan0                                   9.8.2
WM-DRM                                  14.15
Wopla botnet                            29.9
word, AES                               8.1                           31.7                           31.7
worm                                    22.3
worm, AbraWorm                          22.4
worm, conficker                         22.6
worm, Downadup                          22.6
worm, EternalRocks                      22.8
worm, Kido                              22.6
worm, Morris                            22.5
worm propagation through USB            22.6
worm, Samy                              28.2.2
worm, Slammer                           22.5
worm, Stuxnet                           22.7
worm, UIWIX                             22.8
worm, WannaCry                          22.8
WPA                                     9.7, 9.8
WPA2                                    9.8, 9.8.1
WPA2-Enterprise                         9.8, 9.8.1
WPA2-Personsl                           9.8
WPA2-PSK                                9.8, 9.8.1
WPA-PSK                                 9.8
Wustrow, Eric                           10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8 for anonymity check     19.3.3                         13.4                      22.9, 31.4

X9.62                                   14.13
x86 architecture                        21.4
X.509 Certificate Format Standard       13.4
Xiaoyun Wang                            15.7.1
XMLHttpRequest(), Ajax                  28.2.2
XN bit                                  21.8
XOR hash algorithm                      15.4
x86 processor architecture              32.3
XSS attack                              28.2.1
XSS attack, client side                 28.3
XSS attack through iframe HTML tag      28.3
XSS for stealing cookies                28.4

Yarik Markov                            15.7.1
Yaroslav Halchenko                      24.3
Yasushi Shinjo                          20.5.3
Yiqun Lisa Yin                          15.7.1
Yocto Project                           29.8

Zakir Durumeric                         10.9.4, 12.8, 13.8
Zanella-Beguelin, Santiago              13.8
zcat to read compressed files           23.4
Z (DNS message)                         17.12
Zeifman, Igal                           29.8
zero-day attack                         28.5
zeroth-degree polynomial                6.1
Zhaohui Wang                            32.8
Zimmerman, Paul                         13.8
ZIP algorithm                           20.2
Zmailer, an MTA                         31.2
Zn notation           5.3, 5.3.1
(Z/NZ)x notation      11.8
zone file                               17.4
zone files                              17.8.1
zone transfer, DNS                      17.6
Zotob bot                               29.9
Zp* notation     11.8, 13.5, 14.8, 14.15
Zp notation           11.8, 13.5, 14.8
(Z/pZ)x notation      13.5, 14.8, 14.15



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