Projects |
1. |
Algorithm::KMeans --- A Perl Module for Clustering Multidimensional Numerical Data |
Version 2.05 |
Version Released: December 11, 2014 |
2. |
ICP --- A Python Module for Aligning a Photo with a Database Image of the Same Scene |
Version 2.1.1 |
Version Released: November 25, 2017 |
3. |
BitVector --- A Pure-Python Memory-Efficient Packed Representation for Bit Arrays |
Version 3.5.0 |
Version Released: May 30, 2021 |
4. |
Algorithm::DecisionTree --- A Perl Module for decision-tree based classification of multidimensional data |
Version 3.43 |
Version Released: June 23, 2017 |
5. |
BitArray2D --- A Python Module for a Memory-Efficient Packed Representation for 2D Bit Arrays |
Version 2.1 |
Version Released: March 22, 2011 |
6. |
DecisionTree --- A Python Module for decision-tree based classification of multidimensional data |
Version 3.4.3 |
Version Released: May 14, 2016 |
7. |
Algorithm::VSM --- A Perl Module for Constructing a Vector Space Model (VSM) or a Latent Semantic Analysis Model (LSA) of a Software Library and for Using This Model for Efficient Retrieval of Files in Response to Search Words |
Version 1.70 |
Version Released: December 16, 2015 |
8. |
Algorithm::ExpectationMaximization --- A Perl Module for Clustering Numerical Multidimensional Data with the Expectation Maximization Algorithm |
Version 1.22 |
Version Released: December 11, 2014 |
9. |
Algorithm::TicketClusterer --- A Perl Module for Retrieving Excel-Stored Past Tickets that are Most Similar to a New Ticket (Tickets are commonly used in software services industry and customer support businesses to record requests for service, product complaints, user feedback, and so on.) |
Version 1.01 |
Version Released: November 15, 2014 |
10. |
Watershed --- A Python Module for Automatic and Interactive Image Segmentation |
Version 2.2.2 |
Version Released: October 5, 2020 |
11. |
PartialLeastSquares --- A Python Module for Making Multidimensional Predictions from Multidimensional Observations |
Version 1.0.4 |
Version Released: October 3, 2020 |
12. |
Algorithm::RandomPointGenerator --- A Perl Module for Generating a Set of Random Points in a 2D Plane According to a User-Specified 2D Histogram |
Version 1.01 |
Version Released: August 15, 2014 |
13. |
Algorithm::LinearManifoldDataClusterer --- A Perl Module for Clustering Data That Resides on a Low-Dimensional Manifold in a High-Dimensional Measurement Space |
Version 1.01 |
Version Released: January 9, 2015 |
14. |
Algorithm::BitVector --- A Perl Module for memory efficient packed representation of bit vectors, and for logical and arithmetic operations on such vectors |
Version 1.26 |
Version Released: January 15, 2018 |
15. |
NonlinearLeastSquares --- A Python Module for solving optimization problems with nonlinear least-squares algorithms (Gradient-Descent and Levenberg-Marquardt) |
Version 2.0.2 |
Version Released: June 14, 2023 |
16. |
LocalitySensitiveHashing --- A Python implementation of Locality Sensitive Hashing for finding nearest neighbors and clusters in multidimensional numerical data |
Version 1.0.1 |
Version Released: May 25, 2017 |
17. |
CeroCoinClient --- A Python based educational platform for learning and teaching the basic concepts of crypto currenciies |
Version 2.0.1 |
Version Released: March 24, 2018 |
18. |
RegionProposalGenerator --- A Python based educational platform for experimenting with the logic used for constructing region proposals for object detection frameworks. |
Version 2.0.8 |
Version Released: April 16, 2022 |