import java.util.Comparator; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class SortingHat implements Hogwarts_Info { // These lists hold the names of the freshers // placed in each of the four houses: private MagicCollection gryffindor = new MagicList(); private MagicCollection hufflepuff = new MagicList(); private MagicCollection ravenclaw = new MagicList(); private MagicCollection slytherin = new MagicList(); private MagicCollection[] all_houses = new MagicList[4]; { all_houses[0] = gryffindor; all_houses[1] = hufflepuff; all_houses[2] = ravenclaw; all_houses[3] = slytherin; } ///////////////// Methods /////////////////// /** * This method tells us which of the four public * instance variables (that describe the aptitudes of an * incoming student) defined for the Fresher class shows * the largest range over all the 24 freshers. The * larger the range of values for such an instance * variable, the greater its usefulness for * discriminating between the freshers with regard to * their placement in the four houses. */ public String findMostDiscriminatingField(MagicCollection coll) throws Exception { String mostDiscriminatingField = null; Class cl = coll.first().getClass(); MagicCollection atts = listAllNumericFields( cl ); if (atts.length() == 0) { throw new NumericalAttributesNotFoundException(); } Iterator itatt = atts.iterator(); while (itatt.hasNext()) { System.out.print( + " "); } System.out.println(); Range[] ranges = new Range[ atts.length() ]; double rangeSpan = 0; Iterator itatt2 = atts.iterator(); int i = 0; while (itatt2.hasNext()) { String attsitem =; ranges[i] = getRangeOfAttributeValues(attsitem, coll); if (i == 0) { rangeSpan = ranges[0].max - ranges[0].min; mostDiscriminatingField = attsitem; } else { double rangeForThisAttribute = ranges[i].max - ranges[i].min; if (rangeForThisAttribute > rangeSpan) { rangeSpan = rangeForThisAttribute; mostDiscriminatingField = attsitem; } } i++; } if (mostDiscriminatingField == null) { throw new MostDiscriminatingFieldNotFoundException(); } //comparisonFieldName = mostDiscriminatingField; return mostDiscriminatingField; } /** * This method returns those fields of the argument class that * are numerical in nature. Finding such fields is important * because it is one of the numerical fields that is used for * establishing the sorting criterion. */ public MagicCollection listAllNumericFields(Class cl) { Field[] flds = cl.getFields(); MagicCollection fieldNames = new MagicList(); for (int i=0; i < flds.length; i++) { int mod = flds[i].getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(mod)){ Type type = flds[i].getGenericType(); if ( "int".equals(type.toString()) | "float".equals(type.toString()) | "double".equals(type.toString())) { fieldNames.add(flds[i].getName()); } } } return fieldNames; } /** * Returns as a Range instance the range of values that correspond * to the designated attribute. */ public Range getRangeOfAttributeValues( String attribute, MagicCollection coll) { Range range = new Range(); Iterator it = coll.iterator(); int i=0; while (it.hasNext()) { T candidatei =; Class cl = candidatei.getClass(); Field fd = null; try { fd = cl.getField( attribute ); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } double val = 0.0; Object objVal = null; try { Type type = fd.getGenericType(); objVal = fd.get( candidatei ); if ( "int".equals(type.toString()) ) { val = ( (Integer) objVal ).intValue(); if (i == 0) { range.min = range.max = val; } else { if (val < range.min) { range.min = val; } if (val > range.max) { range.max = val; } } } else if ("float".equals(type.toString())) { val = ( (Float) objVal).floatValue(); if (i == 0) { range.min = range.max = val; } else { if (val < range.min) { range.min = val; } if (val > range.max) { range.max = val; } } } else if ("double".equals(type.toString())) { val = ( (Double) objVal).doubleValue(); if (i == 0) { range.min = range.max = val; } else { if (val < range.min) { range.min = val; } if (val > range.max) { range.max = val; } } } else if ( "string".equals( type.toString() ) ) { range.symbolicVals.add( objVal.toString()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } i++; } return range; } public void makeInitialHousePlacements(MagicCollection arr, String criterion ) throws Exception{ Class clarr = arr.first().getClass(); Method m = clarr.getMethod( criterion ); Iterator it = arr.iterator(); while( it.hasNext() ) { T f =; switch ( ((Integer) m.invoke(f, (Object[]) null)).intValue() ) { case 0: gryffindor.add(f); break; case 1: hufflepuff.add(f); break; case 2: ravenclaw.add(f); break; case 3: slytherin.add(f); break; } } } public MagicCollection sortAndRank(MagicCollection coll, String wherePreferences, String whereToSetRankedPrefs) throws Exception { Class clarr = coll.first().getClass(); Method m1 = clarr.getMethod( wherePreferences ); Method m2 = clarr.getMethod( whereToSetRankedPrefs, double.class ); String field = findMostDiscriminatingField(coll); System.out.println( "Most discriminating field is: " + field); Object[] objArray = new Object[ coll.length() ]; Iterator it_for_coll = coll.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it_for_coll.hasNext()) { objArray[i] = (T); i++; } java.util.Arrays.sort( (T[]) objArray, MagicComparator(field) ); MagicCollection sortedFreshers = new MagicList(); for (int j=0; j coll, String getPreferredHouseIndex, String rankWeightedPriority) throws Exception { gryffindor.clear(); hufflepuff.clear(); ravenclaw.clear(); slytherin.clear(); Class elementClass = coll.first().getClass(); Object[] objArray = new Object[ coll.length() ]; Iterator it_for_coll = coll.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it_for_coll.hasNext()) { objArray[i] = (T); i++; } java.util.Arrays.sort( (T[]) objArray, MagicComparator( rankWeightedPriority ) ); MagicCollection furtherSortedObjArr = new MagicList(); for (int j=0; j it = furtherSortedObjArr.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { T item =; int wantedHouse = ((Integer) m.invoke(item, (Object[]) null)).intValue(); if (all_houses[wantedHouse].length() < average ) { all_houses[wantedHouse].add( item ); } else { for(int j=0; j= average ) { continue; } else { all_houses[j].add(item); break; } } } } } public String getHouseCounts() { return "House counts: Gryffindor=" + gryffindor.length() + " Hufflepuff=" + hufflepuff.length() + " Ravenclaw=" + ravenclaw.length() + " Slytherin=" + slytherin.length() ; } public void displayHousePlacements() { for(int i=0; i it = all_houses[i].iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { T f =; System.out.println(" " + f + " placed in: " + HogwartsHouse.values()[i] ); } } } /** * This enclosed class serves as a comparator object for the * sorting algorithm. This class assumes that you have already * called an appropriate method to discover the field on the * basis of which the instances must be sorted. The name of * that field is supplied as an argument to the constructor of * MagicComparator. When Array.sort is called on an array of * instnaces, the second argument to that method is an instance * of the comparator class shown below: */ public class MagicComparator implements Comparator { private String criterionField; public MagicComparator(String criterionField ) { this.criterionField = criterionField; } public int compare( T1 f1, T1 f2) { Class cl = f1.getClass(); Field fd = null; try { fd = cl.getField(criterionField); } catch(NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch(SecurityException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } double yy = 0.0; double zz = 0.0; try { yy = fd.getDouble(f1); zz = fd.getDouble(f2); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } catch(IllegalAccessException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } // The -1, 0, 1 values returned below produce sorting // in a value decreasing order: if (yy == zz) { return 0;} if(yy < zz) {return 1;} return -1; } } } class MostDiscriminatingFieldNotFoundException extends Exception {} class NumericalAttributesNotFoundException extends Exception {}