The Eta Kappa Nu Lounge

The HKN lounge in EE room 24 is the premiere student run coffee and snack shop for Purdue students. The lounge is consistently bustling with activity, be it aspiring engineers loading up on caffeine or kicking back on the sofa. We strive to offer whatever it takes to keep Purdue students in peak condition for day to day learning.

Our lounge is open to all Monday through Friday from 7:30am - 5:00pm. Students, faculty, staff, friends, and community members can all benefit from the rock bottom prices we offer. We strive to stay as affordable as possible, so expect our prices to be the lowest of all the shops on and around campus.

Some of the food & drink we offer:

BagelCam™ Current Bagel and Donut Inventory:

Updated every five minutes during business hours