Human-Computer Interaction

Spring 2018 :: ECE 695 :: Purdue University



CHI - Human Factors in Computing Systems

UIST - User Interface Software and Technology

UbiComp - Ubiquitous Computing

CSCW - Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

HCI courses elsewhere

Course web pages can be a great source of information. This is just a sampling.

MIT User Interface Design & Implementation, 6.813
Georgia Tech Human-Computer Interaction, CS 6750
Stanford Prof. James Landay dt+UX - (design thinking + user experience), CS 147
UC Berkeley Dr. Maneesh Agrawala
Dr. Bjoern Hartmann
User Interface Design, CS 160
" Dr. Andy Carle User Interface Design, CS 160
" * User Interface Design and Development, CS 160
U of Michigan Prof. Pedja Klasnja Introduction to Interaction Design, SI 582
U of Maryland Prof. Jon Froehlich Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, CMSC 434
UT Austin Prof. Jacek Gwizdka Human-Computer Interaction, INFO 385C
U of Washington Prof. James Fogarty Introduction to HCI, CSE 440
" Prof. James Landay Introductory HCI: User Interface Design, Prototyping, and Evaluation, CSE 440
" Prof. Alan Borning Introduction to HCI, CSE 440
U of Pittsburgh Prof. Peter Brusilovsky Interactive System Design, INFSCI 2470
Books online

Quantifying the user experience: practical statistics for user research (2016) – by Jeff Sauro, James R Lewis

Human-Computer Interaction An Empirical Research (2013) – by I. Scott MacKenzie

The design of everyday things (2013) – by Donald A. Norman

Activity theory in HCI: fundamentals and reflections (2012) – by Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie Nardi

Ways of knowing in HCI (2014) – by Judith S. Olson (editor), Wendy A. Kellogg (editor)

Illuminating the path: The research and development agenda for visual analytics (2005) – by James J. Thomas (editor), Kristin A. Cook (editor)

Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules (2010) – by Jeff Johnson

Designing Interactions (2007) – by Bill Moggridge

Designing for User Engagement (2013) – by Cheryl Geisler

Data Insights New Ways to Visualize and Make Sense of Data (2012) – by Whitney Hunter

Balsamiq Wireframes Quickstart Guide (2012) – by Faranello Scott

The human-computer interaction handbook : fundamentals, evolving technologies, and emerging applications (2012) – by Julie A. Jacko

Usable Security: History, Themes, and Challenges (2014) – by Simson Garfinkel, Heather Richter Lipford

Getting the readings Many readings are available through electronic resources paid by Purdue. If you are on campus or working via a Purdue IP address (e.g., VPN, remote desktop, in a park, etc..), these should be automatically available. Otherwise, you have two options. One option is to set up Library links in Google Scholar (Settings ⇒ Libary links ⇒ "Purdue University" ⇒ Save) and then search for the item. The other option is to search for the item in the Purdue Libraries search (