Fan Chen's Biography

Fan Chen received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from Fudan University in Shanghai. She is currently a Ph.D candidate working in Prof. Klimeck’s group.
She has her early experience in condensed matter experiments, especially in MBE, CVD growth technology, AFM, low temperature measurements.
She has worked as an internship in GlobalFoundries working on the following two projects:
- Program to Synchronize (1) ultra-fast parameter analyzer (WGFMU) (2)digital I/O to address decoder (NI PCI 6541) and (3) Periphery Power Supply (Agilent E3646) to monitor variability of devices 10 times faster than typical Id-Vg measurement
- Build up a test flow on Verigy V93K to test Bias Temperature Induced stress on SRAM cells
Her interest now lies in simulating quantum effects of electron transport in novel materials based on tight binding and NEGF method. She has been working on the following projects:
- Aharnov-Bohm effect in Bi2Te3 nano wire
- Electron Mobility of Bi2Te3 Ultra Thin Film
- Atomistic Simulation (NEMO5) of 3-D Topological Insulator (TI) Bi2Te3
- Helical Mode and Magneto-conductance Oscillation in Topological Insulator Nano Wire
- Visualization of One Dimensional Helical Surface
- Surface Dependent Properties from atomistic simulations
- Probability Density of Surface States explained by different Fermi Velocities
- Electron Transport in junctionless transistor based on k.p method
- Bilayer graphene device transport:
- Parameterization of Perovskite Material using DFT method