ECE369 Practical Applications of Class Material

Topic Application Reference Links
Program proofs Automatic program provers: In many critical software industries, like space, defense, healthcare, one would have to prove programs for safety and liveness. One would have to do this for a range of expected inputs.

A great high level article is "Program Verification: Vision and Reality" in CACM 2021.  

How AWS is making use of formal verification, 2022   

 Induction and its related cousin, Recurrences    

 It has been used to explain several effects in nature or human society.  Examples: 

1. Domino effect

2.  Counting the number of handshakes in a room (could be useful if you are a popular politician)

3.  Estimating how the population will grow (or in the case of some unfortunate countries, shrink)


Program verification  

This is widely used in the industry. One concrete use case is in verification of the design of integrated circuits, that they meet timing or race condition checks. The Turing Award (~ Nobel Prize of computing) went for "Model checking" a close cousin, in  2007.

Turing award lecture by Joseph Sifakis, 2007, titled "The Quest for Correctness beyond Verification".  
Fibonacci numbers This leads to the golden ratio, which occurs all over in nature and architecture. Specifically, the ratio between F(n) and F(n-1), two adjacent numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence, for large n, gives the golden ratio.

Here is an excerpt from the book "The Little Book of Mathematical Principles, Theories & Things" by Robert Solomon, 2016.  

Book Excerpt (PDF)