Susanne Schmidt's Lab Notebook

Week 01

August 26, 2009 (1 hour):
Met as a team to discuss project proposal and determine areas of expertise for each team member. Assigned to research Atmels with 64k RAM (or external memory chip to interface with) at 20MHz.

August 28, 2009 (2 hours):
Researched Atmels and found none with 64k RAM. Highest RAM found with ATmega1284P, ATmega644PA, ATmega644, and ATmega644P.

Accomplishments: Submitted preliminary project proposal.
Weekly Work Total: 3 hours
Project Work Total: 3 hours

Week 02

August 30, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Met as a team and reviewed basic functions of soundboards. Preliminary block diagram was made. Ubuntu was loaded onto each team member's laptop. Using the Hammer was discussed, as well as the basics of imbedded Linus.

September 1, 2009 (2 hours):
Met as a team to create powerpoint for presentation on September 2, 2009 and loaded onto newly created team website.

September 2, 2009 (1 hour):
Met as a team to complete block diagram and research parts. Sample faders were requested from a Japanese based company, TKD.

September 3, 2009 (0.5 hours):
Met as a team to determine who would write each report and completed second homework assignment. Replied to TKD's response about the faders.

Accomplishments: PSSC and project proposal finalized.
Weekly Work Total: 8 hours
Project Work Total: 11 hours

Week 03

September 9, 2009 (3 hours):
Met as a team to experiment with fader. Code written for 9S12C32 using previous ECE362 lab code as skeleton. ATD used to get position of the fader and terminal to be used to set new postition for the fader. Code abandoned in favor of getting used to new software that will actually be used for the project. New software installed onto team computer.

Accomplishments: Faders acquired.
Weekly Work Total: 3 hours
Project Work Total: 14 hours

Week 04

September 13, 2009 (2 hours):
Began going through documentation and tutorials on SparkFun.

September 14, 2009 (4.5 hours):
In the afternoon we were able to use the AVR to program the Atmel and tried to figure out why the LED's would not turn off completely. Met as a team in the evening to continue progress and work on design constraint report.

September 15, 2009 (5 hours):
The design constraints report was updated and the Intel Atom was researched. Met as a team later to work on report, research micros, and begin looking in DSP. The Atmel AT32AP7000 was chosen to compare and contrast with the ARM9 as the primary microcontroller instead of the Intel Atom.

September 16, 2009 (1.5 hours):
Helped with DSP coding/debugging to get a variety of effects to work. (change in gain, echo, panning, etc.)

Accomplishments: Design constraints and DSP effects success
Weekly Work Total: 13 hours
Project Work Total: 27 hours

Week 05

September 20, 2009 (2.5 hours):
Met as a team and continued reading up on DSP and began looking into how best to communicate between the DSP and the ARM9.

September 22, 2009 (3 hours):
Met as a team to work on power considerations, PADS, and DSP.

Accomplishments: learned how to use PADS
Weekly Work Total: 5.5 hours
Project Work Total: 32.5 hours

Week 06

September 30, 2009 (6 hours):
Read through and edited Theory of Operation and Hardware Design Narrative. Researched interfacing SRAM with the SHARC as well as which pins to use for the I2S interface. Worked on the schematic in PADS for the rest of the night/morning.
EE-208: Considering the ADSP-21262 SHARC DSP
ADSP-21262 Silicon Anomaly List
ADSP-2126x SHARC DSP Peripherals Manual

October 3, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Completed second tutorial in PADS. Far too much time was spent attempting to reopen the Decal Editor Wizard in order to check that parts and pins had been sized corrrectly. Instead of checking these individually for each part, the footprints for all parts were printed to check against the parts themselves. In order to print, a CAM file must be created. Datasheets for various parts were found and uploaded to Unfuddle.

Accomplishments: ---
Weekly Work Total: 10.5 hours
Project Work Total: 43 hours

Week 07

October 4, 2009 (6.5 hours):
Sorted through parts for preamplifier circuit and helped to put circuit together and test it. Completed third PADS tutorial. Cleaned up preamplifier circuit and other schematics in PADS. Researched CY7C1049 and created footprint for it in PADS.

October 5, 2009 (4 hours):
Verified footprints for parts and edited those that needed to be changed. Some will need to be verified with Chuck to ensure that there is enough room for soldering.

October 6, 2009 (10 hours):
Continued to verify parts. Created and verified HFW4R-1STE1LF and SFV20R-1STE1LF. Worked on PCB layout for channel interface.

October 7, 2009 (7 hours):
Continued to verify parts and create new parts. ***PowerPAD Thermally enhanced Package
*** TLC5947 will need vias and solder mask as described in this document and specified in datasheet. Researched JTAG interface for mainboard.
Analog Devices JTAG Emulation Technical Reference

October 9, 2009 (12 hours):
Worked on mainboard schematic and helped with PCB routing. Replaced PCB auto silkscreen labels with silkscreen labels of values for parts. (On all finished PCBs.) Worked on report.

Accomplishments: PCB's completed and mostly labeled
Weekly Work Total: 39.5 hours
Project Work Total: 82.5 hours

Week 08

October 14, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Hooked everything up together and verified that everything worked. Read through past reports and powerpoint presentations in order to compile information into a powerpoint for design review. Created design review powerpoint and emailed it out to team for review.

October 15, 2009 (1.5 hours):
Went through powerpoint for design review with team and together determined changes to be made.

Accomplishments: Design Review
Weekly Work Total: 7 hours
Project Work Total: 89.5 hours

Week 09

October 20, 2009 (3 hours):
Labeled mainboard PCB and printed out all PCBs for parts verification.

October 21, 2009 (8 hours):
Prepared parts for footprint match check. Printed out top and bottom of each pcb as well as BOM's for each pcb. Created CAM files for each specification needed to submit pcb design. Zipped files and submitted all five to to be checked.

October 22, 2009 (3.5 hours):
Fixed clearance errors, spacing violations, missing soldermask violations, and insufficient soldermask errors on pcb boards. Resubmitted mainboard, power supply, channel interface, and right audio PCB's. Mainboard, channel interface, and power supply are all good to go! Left and right audioboard resubmitted after fixing pour/spacing issues and are both without errors.

October 23, 2009 (1.5 hours):
Verified and submitted finalized pcbs to Chuck.

Accomplishments: PCBs submitted for fabrication
Weekly Work Total: 16 hours
Project Work Total: 105.5 hours

Week 10

October 25, 2009 (.5 hours):
Began software design narrative.

October 26, 2009 (2 hours):
Created software flowcharts and

October 27, 2009 (1.5 hours):
Created software design powerpoint.

October 28, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Continued writing Software Design Report.

October 29, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Got input from Adam and David and continued to write, add to, rephrase, and rearrange narrative.

October 30, 2009 (.5 hours):
Made final edits on narrative and submitted it.

Accomplishments: Completed Software Design Narrative
Weekly Work Total: 13.5 hours
Project Work Total: 119 hours

Week 11

November 2, 2009 (3 hours):
Took inventory of parts with Levi and then filled in parts sheet with parts needed (according to BOM's).

November 3, 2009 (5 hours):
Was taught how to solder by Adam. Proceeded to solder 0.01uF (10,000pF) caps onto channel interface pcb's. Finished caps and started soldering on 10k resistors.

November 4, 2009 (2 hours):
Finished soldering 10k resistors onto channel interface boards and started with 150ohm resistors.

November 5, 2009 (4 hours):
Finished soldering 150ohm resistors, 240ohm resistors, 1kohm resistors, and began soldering .01uF bypass caps on back of channel interface boards. Proofread and edited patent liability analysis.

Accomplishments: Learned how to solder and got plenty of practice soldering resistors and capacitors.
Weekly Work Total: 14 hours
Project Work Total: 133 hours

Week 12

November 8, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Removed .01uF caps from back of channel interface boards because they are supposed to be .1uF caps. Created Appendix A for reliability and safety analysis. Soldered various 1206 resistors and capacitors onto the audio boards.

November 9, 2009 (3.5 hours):
Soldered 1206 capacitors onto the audio boards and began soldering on transistors as well.

November 10, 2009 (6 hours):
Soldered the rest of the transistors onto the audio boards. Finished soldering all metal film resistors onto the left audio board except for 100ohm and 22ohm.

November 11, 2009 (4 hours):
Soldered all resistors onto the right audio board and finished the 100ohm and 22ohm on the left audio board. Soldered 220uF caps onto the right audio board. 22ohm and 100ohm resistors are not metal film.

Accomplishments: Soldered all available parts onto audio boards.
Weekly Work Total: 18 hours
Project Work Total: 151 hours

Week 13

November 17, 2009 (10.5 hours):
Removed 220uF caps because they were only rated to 10V. Purchased and soldered 220uF and 1000uF caps (rated to 50V) onto audio boards. Finished soldering on 0.1uF caps and 100pF caps. Created Ethical and Environmental Liability Analysis presentation. Soldered headers onto audioboard left.

November 18, 2009 (3.5 hours):
Read through reference article for ethical and environmental impact analysis. Researched various environmental impacts of device (lead poisoning, aluminum recycling, etc.) and began writing analysis.

November 19, 2009 (3 hours):
Completed ethical and environmental impact analysis.

Accomplishments: Continued soldering parts onto PCBs. Learned a great deal about the horrors of lead and mercury poisoning while writing the ethical and environmental impact analysis. Finished writing the ethical environmental impact analysis.
Weekly Work Total: 17 hours
Project Work Total: 168 hours

Week 14

Accomplishments: Nothing, I was not here because it was Thanksgiving.
Weekly Work Total: 0 hours
Project Work Total: 168 hours

Week 15

November 29, 2009 (2.5 hours):
Began writing user manual (product description, cautions, and disposal instructions). Began compiling/editing homeworks for final report.

December 1, 2009 (6 hours):
Edited ethical/environmental homework according to comments before adding it to the final report. Added in PCB and software narrative homework and updated reference list accordingly. Continued to edit those homeworks and previous homeworks according to comments. Added in memory maps to software narrative and created appendix D, the top and bottom copper/silkscreen for our PCBs. Began editing usage instructions in user manual.

December 2, 2009 (4 hours):
Continued working on usage instructions in user manual and added in picture of controls for only one channel. Began poster skeleton: wrote abstract and began planning layout to determine what pictures were needed.

December 4, 2009 (3 hours):
Read through user manual one last time and edited grammatical issues before turning it in and putting it onto the website. Used microsoft paint to get a detailed picture of the channel interface schematic and left audio board pcb for the poster.

Accomplishments: Wrote, edited, and turned in user manual. Began final report and poster.
Weekly Work Total: 15.5 hours
Project Work Total: 183.5 hours

Week 16

December 6, 2009 (8 hours):
Found DSP Peripherals manual in an attempt to figure out why there was a clock signal on the third DAI pin. DAI_P3 is by default SCLK0, but the Peripherals Manual cleared up why the code wasn't changing it as it was supposed to. Created harnesses to connect level shifters to INT0 and OC1B on the channel interface boards.
SHARC ADSP-21262x Peripherals Manual

December 7, 2009 (4.5 hours):
Sorted through order receipts and parts bags in order to finish parts list for final report. Finished editing section 10 (software) and continued editing

December 8, 2009 (7 hours):
Soldered new H-bridges onto channel interface boards. Finished fly wiring on the 3 channel interface boards that had not been done. Created harnesses to connect H bridges to the level shifters and soldered those onto the boards. Helped Adam test the boards and program them with the final code.

December 9, 2009 (14.5 hours):
Determined where traces needed to be cut on the mainboard for the new H bridge setup. Then determined where fly wiring was needed to complete the setup. Removed the main board H bridges and all surrounding 10k resistors so traces could be cut. Soldered on new H-bridges and completed fly wiring. Helped Adam and David to test the main faders and effects fader. Right and left master faders are flip flopped on the board, but worked fine once they were switched. We were also able to get the right master fader to copy movements made by the left master fader. Continued helping with various testing, miscellaneous soldering, and harness making. Rejoiced when scene settings could be saved and loaded. Replaced H-bridge on channel 2 when it blew. (It was one of the old ones...)

December 10, 2009 (5 hours):
Provided moral support while working on homework for other classes.

December 11, 2009 (7 hours):
Updated schematics to include H-bridge fly wiring. Worked to get channels working for ECE270 demo. (Channel 2 Atmega32a is preventing both 1 and 2 from working while 7 and 8 sometimes work and sometimes won't.)

Accomplishments: Helped look into DSP issues. Created harnesses and finished fly wiring new H-bridge circuit for channel interface boards and mainboard. Provided moral support for David while he programmed.
Weekly Work Total: 46 hours
Project Work Total: 229.5 hours

Week 17

December 14, 2009 (8 hours):
Updated notebook. Wrote last half of senior design report. Took pictures to add to poster. Wrote out individual contributions and read through final documentation.

Accomplishments: We completed all of the required documentation for the class and only have the final presentation left to work on. We still have high hopes to get the last two PSSC's working before the end of the week.
Weekly Work Total: 8 hours
Project Work Total: 237.5 hours