In the chat room: Drew Camp ( 4:16 PM Drew: You've been invited to this chat room! has joined Kevin has joined hpidriver: like this one: 4:17 PM Drew: that one only seems to go to +- 3g 4:18 PM hpidriver: if we use it along with something like this we should be able to get accurate analysis of impact 4:19 PM Kevin: can you explain how your comming to that conclusion? because 3g accel. + 100lb sensor doesnt make sense hpidriver: well it was first suggested by the guy who originally worked on this a couple years ago 4:20 PM Kevin: did he offer any reasoning? hpidriver: well we want to measure the force that the player is taking 4:21 PM not just how fast the helmet is moving know i dont really know about the physics and how to calculate stuff but thats something our M.E. guy has to come up with 4:22 PM Kevin: well, F=MA hpidriver: well yea Kevin: that is a start lol hpidriver: lol me: haha hpidriver: but i mean coming up with a set equation our processor can use 4:23 PM that can closely show had "hard" the hit is Kevin: you cant properly measure the acceleration with +/- 3 g though me: the most you can accurately measure with a 3g acceleromet is about 5g.. 3 squared * 3 .. root of it Kevin: its like havceing a scale, that tells you, i weight more than 5 lb, or i dont me: trying to measure a... yeha, what kevin said 4:24 PM yeah* hpidriver: well 18g is the highest value we found 4:25 PM so we dont have much choice unfortunately Drew: we have found single axis ones that go up to 250g we are just having trouble finding ones that are 3axis 4:26 PM hpidriver: im not sure what the 18g rating is in the title but in the data sheets it says the max is 10000g me: that 10,000g is for overload protection hpidriver: although thats the max the device can withstand 4:27 PM me: so it takes 10,001 g to break it 4:28 PM hpidriver: i mean it says its designed for what we are trying to do so i dont think getting caught up so much on these numbers is doing much 4:29 PM i mean, we cant really buy one of those several hundred $ ones me: There have to be other ones out there, we just gotta look 4:30 PM Kevin: we might have a missunderstanding about what the project is supposed to do, what are you hoping ot have the final design accomplishing? me: I mean, the 1-axis ones are 8$.. so 3-axis ones shouldn't be much more than 30$.. the ones we found are overkill 4:31 PM the one from Measurement Specalties was designed for high performance airplanes/jets 4:32 PM hpidriver: helmet ultimately is designed to determine if a certain impact/hit was hard enough to cause concussion injury etc 4:33 PM me: Yeah, thats the ultimate goal... which means you gotta be able to measure ~70-90g Drew: or more 4:34 PM me: we CAN make it work with the 1 axis accel, its just going to take a lot more wiring and work. hpidriver: but were trying to look at more than just how fast the head accelerates separately from the body/neck we want to get data from inside the helmet like impact on the players head 4:35 PM ie. able to test safer helmets maybe thats where we are differing views on 4:36 PM Kevin: ok, but that only takes care of the compression impacts what abut all the others, inertial impacts and ones that dont compress rather "throw" 4:37 PM hpidriver: well lol thats the accelerometers or gyro sensors but those arent cheap either 4:38 PM measuring tilt over time we could calculate acceleration Kevin: lets get both teams together so it isnt like us arguing with you i feel kinda bad hpidriver: nah its cool let me get louis Kevin: cool 4:39 PM me: you guys seen the riddell iq hits helmet? 4:40 PM hpidriver: the HITS system? yea like a grand Kevin: its outrageous isnt it me: yeah, $$$.. but it works with 6 accelerometers and measures up to 160g 4:41 PM we were planning on using 3 (minium needed to form a plane) but if they can build and sell it for under 1000$, there has to be a cheaper option for accelerometers.. we just gotta find em. 4:42 PM hpidriver: well another idea as a cheaper alternative would be using just pressure sensors along the inside 4:43 PM and we would have a dummy head and we would hit the helmet from various directions and log the sensor data thats if we cant straight measure g's 4:44 PM me: have you looked at presure sensors yet, I have not... How sensitive are they? Kevin: I like the idea of beating a dummy with a bat hpidriver: yea they are pretty accurate 4:45 PM and they are paperthin 4:46 PM up to 1000lbs it can measure me: gonna crunch some numbers real quick... 4:49 PM hpidriver: 1000lbs of force is about a ko punch from a heavyweight i believe lol should be enough for a concussion 4:50 PM oh and louis cant join us me: ok... hpidriver: he's sitting too close to our professor he claims lol me: F = ma, so 1000 lb-ft/s2 = ma 4:51 PM hpidriver: 8lbs average weight of head me: figure weight of the head about 40lbs.. since you can hit horizontally and throw some of you rbody into it ok, we can do 8lbs hpidriver: plus helmet is 2 at most me: round to 10 hpidriver: yea thats fine 4:52 PM me: means 100 ft/s2 ~36ft/s2 = 1g so thats 3g takes 70g - 90g to cause a concussion (on average) 4:53 PM Kevin: my grandma got hit with over 9000 g's and didnt get a concussion ^^ 4:54 PM me: you'd need a 1000*(70/3) = 23,000 lb pressure sensor and assuming you only headbut something.. if you hit something more horizontally the Mass of the head will be affected by the mass of the body. 4:56 PM wait, I'm way off.. its more 4:58 PM my numbers are right, nm 5:01 PM hpidriver: well i am pretty sure we found that 1000lbs on the head is enough to cause injury not sure why we need to make it ft-lbs/s2 5:02 PM me: Also, if you use pressure sensors, you have to have the entire inside of the helmet covered since you can get hit in any direction Force is lb-ft/s2 5:03 PM hpidriver: no i know either way, it wouldnt be that hard to line the helmet with these 5:04 PM they are small strips 2 inches long 5:05 PM me: just used google tools to figure out pounds exactly.. to cause 70g on a 10lb head is 70,059.45 lbs 5:06 PM either way, I don't see presure sensors working. I believe we have to stick with accelerometers to get accurate readings 5:07 PM Alright I gotta get going. I'm going to keep looking for accelerometers. We've got a call in to some company reps to see if they will donate some acceleromters or direct us to one that is affordable. hpidriver: alright ill ttyl 5:08 PM me: later, bud hpidriver: we'll try to get everyone else on next time has left