Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************                      
00002  *
00003  *       Copyright (C) 2006 J Team, Inc.
00004  *       All Rights Reserved
00005  *
00006  * File Name      : Main.c
00007  * Project Name   : RFIDXpress.mcp
00008  * Description    : This file contains main() and most functionality of the RFID
00009  *                  Xpress system.  The main() function begins by initializing 
00010  *                  the Ethernet.  The infinite while loop consists of a state 
00011  *                  machine that governs the flow of control.  It also polls
00012  *                  the Ethernet module to determine if a packet was received.  
00013  *                  The RFIDInterrupt() function handles an SCI interrupt and 
00014  *                  extracts the serial number data.
00015  *                  The HandleTimerInterrupt() function strobes the columns of 
00016  *                  the keypad and updates the LCD clock.
00017  *                  The ProcInit() function initializes the peripherals and 
00018  *                  clock variables.
00019  *                  The LCDInit() function clears the LCD RAM.
00020  *                  The HandlePacket() function interprets packets received 
00021  *                  from the Java server.
00022  *                  The UpdateLCD() function uses the state determined in the 
00023  *                  main() function to set the cursor and display new information
00024  *                  to the LCD.
00025  *                  The PollKeypad() function checks each row to see if a key 
00026  *                  press occurred in that row, while the HandleTimerInterrupt()
00027  *                  function asserts one column at a time.
00028  *                  The PrintReceipt() function generates a formatted receipt with 
00029  *                  the user, date, and shopping cart information.
00030  *                  
00031  * Authors: Jared Suttles
00032  *          Jennifer Tietz
00033  *          Jonathan Chen
00034  *          Joshua Chapman
00035  *
00036  * Version : 1.2
00037  * Date    : 05/01/06
00038  *
00039  *****************************************************************************/
00041 /* Including used modules for compiling procedure */
00042 #include "Cpu.h"
00043 #include "Events.h"
00044 #include "database.h"
00046 /* Include shared modules, which are used for whole project */
00047 #include "PE_Types.h"
00048 #include "PE_Error.h"
00049 #include "PE_Const.h"
00050 #include "IO_Map.h"
00051 #include "LCD_methods.h"
00052 #include "bitmaps.h"
00053 #include "UDP_Client_app.h"
00054 #include "ne64api.h"
00055 #include "ne64config.h"
00056 #include "ne64debug.h"
00057 #include "ne64driver.h"
00058 #include "mBuf.h"
00059 #include "debug.h"
00060 #include "datatypes.h"
00061 #include "timers.h"
00062 #include "system.h"
00063 #include "ethernet.h"
00064 #include "arp.h"
00065 #include "icmp.h"
00066 #include "ip.h"
00067 #include "udp.h"  
00068 #include "address.h"
00070 /**************************/
00071 /*       Constants        */
00072 /**************************/
00074 /* States */
00075 #define IDLE                     1
00076 #define USER_QUERY_DB            2
00077 #define INVALID_USER             3
00078 #define CAPTURE_PIN              4
00079 #define SESSION_START            5
00080 #define SESSION_RUNNING          6
00081 #define INVALID_KEYPRESS         7
00082 #define ITEM_QUERY_DB            8
00083 #define CONFIRM_REMOVAL          9
00084 #define ITEM_NOT_MATCHED        10
00085 #define CANCEL_SESSION          11
00086 #define REMOVE_LAST_ITEM        12
00087 #define SESSION_END             13
00088 #define PRINT                   14
00089 #define EMAIL                   15
00090 #define FINISH_SESSION          16
00091 #define TIME_SYNCH              17
00093 /* Masks and Flags */
00094 #define RFID_FLAG_MASK                0x01
00095 #define KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK              0x02
00096 #define CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK            0x04
00097 #define VALID_QUERY_FLAG_MASK           0x08
00098 #define CANCEL_ONCE_MASK                0x10
00099 #define ONLY_ONCE_MASK                0x20
00100 #define CHK_RFID_MASK                   0x40
00101 #define MASK_CANCEL_MASK                0x80
00102 #define RFID_FLAG                               0
00103 #define KEYPAD_FLAG                     1
00104 #define CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG                 2 
00105 #define VALID_QUERY_FLAG                3
00106 #define CANCEL_ONCE                     4
00107 #define ONLY_ONCE                               5
00108 #define CHK_RFID_FLAG                   6
00109 #define MASK_CANCEL_FLAG                7
00111 /* RFID serial number type */
00112 #define USER 1
00113 #define ITEM 0
00115 /* Keypad buttons */
00116 #define KEY_ONE     1 
00117 #define KEY_TWO     2
00118 #define KEY_THREE   3
00119 #define KEY_FOUR    4
00120 #define KEY_FIVE    5
00121 #define KEY_SIX     6
00122 #define KEY_SEVEN   7
00123 #define KEY_EIGHT   8
00124 #define KEY_NINE    9
00125 #define KEY_ZERO    0
00126 #define KEY_STAR    11
00127 #define KEY_POUND   12
00128 #define KEY_ENTER   13
00129 #define KEY_CLEAR   14
00130 #define KEY_HELP    15
00131 #define KEY_CANCEL  16
00133 /* Time */
00134 #define AM 1
00135 #define PM 2
00138 /**************************/
00139 /*         Macros         */
00140 /**************************/
00141 #define SetBit(bit_ID, varID)                   (varID |= (byte)(1<<bit_ID))
00142 #define ClearBit(bit_ID, varID)         (varID &= ~(byte)(1<<bit_ID))
00143 #define clrReg8Bits(RegName, ClrMask)   (RegName &= ~(byte)(ClrMask))
00146 /**************************/
00147 /*    Data Structures     */
00148 /**************************/
00149 typedef struct{
00150   char itemSerial[14];          // Item name, fixed 25 chars
00151   char itemName[26];            // Item name, fixed 25 chars
00152   int  nameLength;              // Item name length
00153   char itemPrice[6];            // Item price, format "XXXXX", fixed 5 chars
00154 } itemStruct;
00156 typedef struct{
00157   char userName[21];            // Full user name with spaces
00158   int  nameLength;              // Full user name length
00159   char userEmail[31];           // Full e-mail address (append "/" if > 30)
00160   int  emailLength;             // E-mail address length
00161   int cartSizeI;                        // Number of
00162   long cartTotalI;              // Cart total
00163   int timeHrI;                  // Hours of day
00164   int timeMinI;                 // Minutes of day
00165   int timeSecsI;                        // Seconds of day
00166   int timeHalfI;                        // AM/PM
00167   int dateMonthI;                       // Current month
00168   int dateDayI;                 // Current day
00169   int dateYearI;                        // Current year
00170   itemStruct items[20];         // Array of purchased items
00171 } sessionStruct;
00174 /**************************/
00175 /*        Globals         */
00176 /**************************/
00177 byte state;
00178 byte returnState;
00179 byte flags;
00180 int keyPressed;
00181 int  pinCounter;
00182 char currentPin[5];
00183 char userPin[5];
00184 char lastSerial[14];
00185 char userSerial[14];
00186 char serialNum[14];
00187 long counter = 0;
00188 int timecounter = 0;
00189 int printcounter = 1;
00190 int testcounter = 0;
00191 int waitcounter = 0;
00192 int pollCounter2 = 0;
00193 sessionStruct currSession;
00194 const int calendar[] = {
00195   31,31,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
00196 };
00198 INT8 SendData;             //1 if data needs sent. 0 if not.
00199 INT8 RcvData;              //1 if data needs sent. 0 if not.
00200 char toSend[15] = "I:0413AAC34F3A";
00201 char rcvPacket[55];
00203 struct netif localmachine;
00205 extern  tU08    gotlink; 
00208 /**************************/
00209 /*  Function Prototypes   */
00210 /**************************/
00211 void PrintReceipt(void);
00212 void PollKeypad(void);
00213 void ProcInit(void);
00214 void LCDInit(void);
00215 //void EthInit(void);
00216 void UpdateLCD(void);
00217 void SetupSession(void);
00218 void WaitFor(int);
00219 int HandlePacket(void);
00220 extern void RTI_Enable (void);
00221 void mystrcpy(char *, char*, int, int);
00224 /**************************/
00225 /*         main()         */
00226 /**************************/
00227 void main()
00228 {
00229   INT16 len;
00230   INT32 i; 
00231   INT32 j = 0;
00232   INT32 k = 0;
00234   state = TIME_SYNCH;
00235   flags = 0x00;
00236         SendData = 0;
00238   ProcInit();
00239   LCDInit();
00240   SetupSession();
00242   _INIT_DEBUG();
00244  /* Set our network information. This is for static configuration.
00245     if using BOOTP or DHCP this will be a bit different. */
00246  /* IP address */
00247       localmachine.localip = *((UINT32 *)ip_address);
00249         /* Default gateway */
00250         localmachine.defgw   = *((UINT32 *)ip_gateway);
00252         /* Subnet mask */
00253         localmachine.netmask = *((UINT32 *)ip_netmask);
00255         /* Ethernet (MAC) address */
00256         localmachine.localHW[0] = hard_addr[0];
00257         localmachine.localHW[1] = hard_addr[1];
00258         localmachine.localHW[2] = hard_addr[2];
00259         localmachine.localHW[3] = hard_addr[3];
00260         localmachine.localHW[4] = hard_addr[4];
00261         localmachine.localHW[5] = hard_addr[5];
00263         /* Init system services */    
00264         timer_pool_init();
00266       /* Initialize all buffer descriptors */
00267         mBufInit ();
00269         /* Interrupts can be enabled AFTER timer pool has been initialized */           
00270       /* Initialize all network layers  */
00271       EtherInit();
00273   asm cli;
00275   /* Initialize required network protocols */   
00276   arp_init();
00277   (void) udp_init();
00278   udp_demo_init();
00280   /* Enable RTI */
00281   RTI_Enable ();
00283   while (1)
00284   {
00285           if (gotlink) {
00286         /* Try to receive Ethernet Frame        */
00287                 if( NETWORK_CHECK_IF_RECEIVED() == TRUE ) {                             
00288                         switch( received_frame.protocol)
00289                   {
00290                                 case PROTOCOL_ARP:
00291                                   process_arp (&received_frame);
00292                   break;
00293                                 case PROTOCOL_IP:
00294                                         len = process_ip_in(&received_frame);
00295                                         if(len < 0)
00296                                                 break;
00297                                         switch (received_ip_packet.protocol)
00298                                           {
00299                                                 case IP_ICMP:
00300                                                 process_icmp_in (&received_ip_packet, len);
00301                                                           break;
00302                                                 case IP_UDP:
00303                   process_udp_in (&received_ip_packet,len);                                                     
00304                   break;
00305                                                 default:
00306                                                         break;
00307                                         }
00308                                 break;
00309                           default:
00310                                   break;
00311                   }
00312                 /* discard received frame */                    
00313                         NETWORK_RECEIVE_END();
00314                 }
00315       arp_manage();
00316       udp_demo_run();
00317           }
00319     if (state == TIME_SYNCH) {
00320       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00321         UpdateLCD();
00322         toSend[0] = 'T';
00323         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);       
00324         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00325       }     
00326       SendData = 1;
00327         if(RcvData) {
00328         if (HandlePacket()) {
00329           flags = 0x00;
00330           state = IDLE;
00331         } else {
00332           flags = 0x00;
00333           state = TIME_SYNCH;
00334         } 
00335       }
00336     } 
00338     else if (state == IDLE) {
00339       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00340         UpdateLCD();
00341         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);       
00342         SetBit(CHK_RFID_FLAG, flags);   
00343         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00344       }
00345       if (flags & RFID_FLAG_MASK)        // RFID interrupt occurred
00346       {
00347         mystrcpy(userSerial,serialNum,13,13);
00348         state = USER_QUERY_DB;
00349         flags = 0x00;
00350       }
00351     } 
00353     else if (state == USER_QUERY_DB) {
00354       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00355         toSend[0] = 'U';
00356         mystrcpy(&toSend[1],userSerial,13,13);
00357         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);       
00358       }     
00359       SendData = 1;
00360         if(RcvData) {
00361         if (HandlePacket()) {
00362           pinCounter = 0;
00363           flags = 0x00;
00364           state = CAPTURE_PIN;
00365         } else {
00366           flags = 0x00;
00367           state = INVALID_USER;
00368         } 
00369       }
00370     } 
00372     else if (state == INVALID_USER) {
00373       UpdateLCD();
00374       WaitFor(4);
00375       asm sei;
00376       SetupSession();
00377       asm cli;
00378       state = IDLE;
00379     } 
00381     else if (state == CAPTURE_PIN) {
00382       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00383         UpdateLCD();
00384         SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00385         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);       
00386       }     
00387       if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {
00388         if (pinCounter < 4) {
00389           if ((keyPressed >= 0) && (keyPressed <= 9)) {
00390             currentPin[pinCounter] = keyPressed + '0';
00391             pinCounter++;
00392             UpdateLCD();
00393           } else if (keyPressed == KEY_CLEAR) {
00394             if (pinCounter > 0) {
00395               pinCounter--;
00396               UpdateLCD();
00397             }
00398           }
00399         } else {
00400           if (keyPressed == KEY_CLEAR) {
00401             pinCounter--;
00402             UpdateLCD();
00403           } else if (keyPressed == KEY_ENTER) {
00404             for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00405               if (currentPin[j] != userPin[j]) {
00406                 state = INVALID_USER;
00407                 break;
00408               } 
00409             } 
00410             if (j == 4) {
00411               state = SESSION_START;
00412             }
00413             flags = 0x00;
00414           }
00415         }
00416         ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);              
00417       }
00418     }
00420     else if (state == SESSION_START) {
00421       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00422         UpdateLCD();
00423         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00424         SetBit(CHK_RFID_FLAG, flags);   
00425       }
00426       if (flags & RFID_FLAG_MASK) {
00427         state = ITEM_QUERY_DB;           // First item RFID was swiped
00428         flags = 0x00;
00429       }
00430     }
00432     else if (state == SESSION_RUNNING) {
00433       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00434         UpdateLCD();
00435         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00436         SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00437         SetBit(CHK_RFID_FLAG, flags);   
00438       }
00439       if (flags & RFID_FLAG_MASK) {                      // If next item RFID was swiped
00440         state = ITEM_QUERY_DB;
00441         flags = 0x00;
00442       }if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {   // If key was pressed
00443         if (keyPressed == KEY_CLEAR) {
00444           state = CONFIRM_REMOVAL;
00445         } else if (keyPressed == KEY_ENTER) {
00446           state = SESSION_END;
00447         } else {                                                       // Digit, #, *, or ? key pressed
00448           state = INVALID_KEYPRESS;
00449         }
00450         flags = 0x00;
00451       }
00452     } 
00454     else if (state == INVALID_KEYPRESS) {
00455       UpdateLCD();
00456       WaitFor(4);
00457       state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00458     } 
00460     else if (state == ITEM_QUERY_DB) {
00461       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00462         for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
00463           if (lastSerial[i] != serialNum[i]) {
00464             mystrcpy(lastSerial,serialNum,13,13);
00465             break;
00466           } else if (i == 12) {
00467             flags = 0x00;
00468                   SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00469             SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00470             SetBit(CHK_RFID_FLAG, flags);               
00471             state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00472           }
00473         }
00474         if (state != SESSION_RUNNING) {
00475           toSend[0] = 'I';
00476           mystrcpy(&toSend[1],serialNum,13,13);
00477           SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);     
00478         }
00479       }
00481       if (state != SESSION_RUNNING) {
00482         SendData = 1;
00483       }
00484         if(RcvData) {
00485         if (HandlePacket()) {
00486             state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00487         } else {
00488           state = ITEM_NOT_MATCHED;
00489         }
00490         flags = 0x00;
00491         }
00492     } 
00494     else if (state == ITEM_NOT_MATCHED) {
00495       UpdateLCD();
00496       WaitFor(4);
00497       state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00498     } 
00500     else if (state == CANCEL_SESSION) {
00501       if (!(flags & CANCEL_ONCE_MASK)) {
00502         UpdateLCD();
00503         ClearBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00504         SetBit(CANCEL_ONCE, flags);
00505         SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00506         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00507       }
00508       if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {              // Check for confirmation of cancel
00509         if (keyPressed == KEY_ENTER) {             // User confirmed cancel
00510           flags = 0x00;
00511           state = FINISH_SESSION;
00512         } else if (keyPressed == KEY_CANCEL) {           // User changed mind - no cancel
00513           flags = 0x00;
00514           state = returnState;
00515         } 
00516         ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00517       }
00518     } 
00520     else if (state == CONFIRM_REMOVAL) {
00521       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00522         UpdateLCD();
00523         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00524         SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00525         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00526       }
00527       if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {                      // Check for confirmation of item removal from cart
00528         if (keyPressed == KEY_ENTER) {                         // User confirmed item removal from cart
00529           flags = 0x00;
00530           state = REMOVE_LAST_ITEM;
00531         } else if (keyPressed == KEY_CANCEL) {           // User changed mind - do not remove item, return to cart
00532           flags = 0x00;
00533           state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00534         } 
00535         ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00536       }
00537     }
00539     else if (state == REMOVE_LAST_ITEM) {
00540       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00541         toSend[0] = 'R';
00542         mystrcpy(&toSend[1],currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemSerial,13,13);
00543         UpdateLCD();
00544         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00545         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00546       }
00547       SendData = 1;
00548         if(RcvData) {
00549         HandlePacket();
00550           state = SESSION_RUNNING;
00551         flags = 0x00;
00552         }
00553     } 
00555     else if (state == SESSION_END) {
00556       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00557         UpdateLCD();
00558         SetBit(CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00559         SetBit(MASK_CANCEL_FLAG, flags);
00560         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00561       }
00562       if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {                      // Ask user for print and/or email receipt
00563         if (keyPressed == KEY_ENTER) {                         // User selected print receipt
00564           flags = 0x00;
00565           state = PRINT;
00566         } else if (keyPressed == KEY_CANCEL) {           // User refused print receipt - only email
00567           flags = 0x00;
00568           state = EMAIL;
00569         } 
00570         ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
00571       }
00572     } 
00574     else if (state == PRINT) {
00575       UpdateLCD();
00576       asm sei;
00577       PrintReceipt();
00578       asm cli;
00579       WaitFor(3);
00580       state = EMAIL;     // Email receipt by default
00581     } 
00583     else if (state == EMAIL) {
00584       if (!(flags & ONLY_ONCE_MASK)) {
00585         toSend[0] = 'M';
00586         mystrcpy(&toSend[1],userSerial,13,13);
00587         UpdateLCD();
00588         SetBit(ONLY_ONCE, flags);
00589       }
00590       SendData = 1;
00591         if(RcvData) {
00592         HandlePacket();
00593           WaitFor(3);
00594           state = FINISH_SESSION;
00595         flags = 0x00;
00596         }
00597     } 
00599     else if (state == FINISH_SESSION) {
00600       UpdateLCD();
00601       SetupSession();
00602       WaitFor(8);
00603       asm cli;
00604       state = IDLE;
00605     }
00607     PollKeypad();
00608   } /* End Infinite Main Loop */
00609 }
00611 void mystrcpy(char *dst, char*src, int dstlen, int srclen) {
00612   int i = 0;
00614   for (i = 0; i < dstlen; i++) {
00615     if ( i < srclen) {
00616       dst[i] = src[i];
00617     } else {
00618       dst[i] = ' '; 
00619     }
00620   }
00621 }
00623 void SetupSession(void) {
00624   currSession.cartSizeI = 0;
00625   currSession.cartTotalI = 0;
00626   currSession.userName[20] = NULL;
00627   currSession.userEmail[30] = NULL;
00628   pinCounter = 0;
00629   lastSerial[0] = '?';
00630 }
00633 /**************************/
00634 /*     RFIDInterrupt()    */
00635 /**************************/
00637 interrupt void RFIDInterrupt(void) {
00638   int startFlag = 0;
00639   int mycounter = 0;
00640   char holder = ' ';
00642   SCI1SR1;                                                                                               
00643   holder = SCI1DRL;
00645   if (!(CHK_RFID_MASK & flags)) {
00646     return;
00647   }
00649   serialNum[0] = holder;
00651   if (SCI1DRL == 0x3A) {
00652     startFlag = 1;
00653     mycounter++;
00654   } else {
00655     return;
00656   }
00658   while (mycounter < 14) {
00659     while ((SCI1SR1 & SCI1SR1_RDRF_MASK) == 0);
00660     if (SCI1DRL == 0x3A) startFlag = 1;            // Received serial start character (:)
00661     if (startFlag == 1) {
00662       serialNum[mycounter] = SCI1DRL;
00663       mycounter++;
00664     }
00665   }
00667   SetBit(RFID_FLAG, flags);     
00668 }
00671 /**************************/
00672 /* HandleTimerInterrupt() */
00673 /**************************/
00675 interrupt void HandleTimerInterrupt(void) {
00676   if (pollCounter2 == 0) {
00677     PTJ_PTJ6 = 1;                        // Set C1 to high
00678     PTJ_PTJ7 = 0;                                  
00679     PTT_PTT4 = 0;                                  
00680     PTT_PTT5 = 0;                                 
00681   } else if (pollCounter2 == 1) {
00682     PTJ_PTJ6 = 0;                                 
00683     PTJ_PTJ7 = 1;                        // Set C2 to high
00684     PTT_PTT4 = 0;                              
00685     PTT_PTT5 = 0;                                
00686   } else if (pollCounter2 == 2) {
00687     PTJ_PTJ6 = 0;                             
00688     PTJ_PTJ7 = 0;                               
00689     PTT_PTT4 = 1;                         // Set C3 to high
00690     PTT_PTT5 = 0;                                  
00691   } else if (pollCounter2 == 3) {
00692     PTJ_PTJ6 = 0;                              
00693     PTJ_PTJ7 = 0;                              
00694     PTT_PTT4 = 0;                                
00695     PTT_PTT5 = 1;                         // Set C4 to high
00696   }
00697   pollCounter2 = (pollCounter2 + 1) % 4;
00699   TFLG1_C6F = 1;
00700   timecounter++;
00701   if (timecounter == 25) {
00702     currSession.timeSecsI++;
00703     if (currSession.timeSecsI > 59) {
00704       currSession.timeSecsI = 0;
00705       currSession.timeMinI++;
00706       if (currSession.timeMinI > 59) {
00707         currSession.timeMinI = 0;
00708         currSession.timeHrI++;
00709         if (currSession.timeHrI == 12) {
00710           if (currSession.timeHalfI == AM) {
00711             currSession.timeHalfI = PM;
00712           } else {
00713             currSession.timeHalfI = AM;
00714             currSession.dateDayI++;
00715             if (currSession.dateDayI > calendar[currSession.dateMonthI]) {
00716               currSession.dateDayI = 1;
00717               currSession.dateMonthI++;
00718               if (currSession.dateMonthI > 12) {
00719                 currSession.dateMonthI = 1;
00720                 currSession.dateYearI++;
00721                 if (currSession.dateYearI > 99) {
00722                   currSession.dateYearI = 0;
00723                 }
00724               }
00725             }
00726           }
00727         } else if (currSession.timeHrI > 12) {
00728           currSession.timeHrI = 1;
00729         }
00730       }
00731       if ((state == SESSION_RUNNING)) {
00732         UpdateLCD(); 
00733       }    
00734     }
00735     waitcounter++;
00736     timecounter = 0;
00737   }
00738 }
00741 /*************************/
00742 /*       ProcInit()       */
00743 /**************************/
00745 void ProcInit(void) {
00746   SCI0BD = 163;                // Printer port - 9600 baud
00747   SCI0CR2 = 0x08;              // Printer port - transmit only
00748   SCI1BD = 163;                // RFID reader port - 9600 baud
00749   SCI1CR2 = 0x24;              // RFID reader port - receive interrupt mode
00750   DDRG = 0xFF;
00751   DDRH = 0x07;
00752   PERH = 0x78;
00753   PPSH = 0x78;
00754   DDRJ_DDRJ0 = 1;
00755   DDRJ_DDRJ6 = 1;
00756   DDRJ_DDRJ7 = 1;
00757   DDRT_DDRT4 = 1;
00758   DDRT_DDRT5 = 1;
00760   TSCR1 = 0x80;
00761   TCTL1 = 0x00;
00762   TIOS = 0xF0;
00763   TIE = 0x40;
00764   TSCR2 = 0x0E;
00765   TC7 = 0x3D0A;  
00766   TC6 = 0x3D09;  
00768   CLKSEL=0;
00769   CLKSEL_PLLSEL = 0;           // Select clock source from XTAL
00770   PLLCTL_PLLON = 0;            // Disable the PLL
00771   SYNR = 0;                    // Set the multiplier register
00772   REFDV = 0;                   // Set the divider register
00773   PLLCTL = 192;
00774   PLLCTL_PLLON = 1;            // Enable the PLL
00775   while(!CRGFLG_LOCK);         // Wait
00776   CLKSEL_PLLSEL = 1;           // Select clock source from PLL
00778   INTCR_IRQEN = 0;             // Disable the IRQ interrupts, enable after CPU reset by default
00779 }
00782 /**************************/
00783 /*       LCDInit()       */
00784 /**************************/
00786 void LCDInit(void) {
00787   LCD_reset();                                           
00788 }
00791 /**************************/
00792 /*     HandlePacket()     */
00793 /**************************/
00795 int HandlePacket(void) {
00796   char mynum[3] = "00";
00797   int startpos = 0;
00798   int i = 0;
00800   SendData = 0;
00801   RcvData = 0;
00802   if (rcvPacket[0] == '~') {
00803     return 0; 
00804   } else if (state == TIME_SYNCH) {
00806     /* Grab Month */
00807     if (rcvPacket[startpos+1] == '/') {
00808       currSession.dateMonthI = rcvPacket[startpos] - '0';
00809       startpos += 2;
00810     } else {
00811       currSession.dateMonthI = 10 + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00812       startpos += 3;
00813     }
00815     /* Grab Day */
00816     if (rcvPacket[startpos+1] == '/') {
00817       currSession.dateDayI = rcvPacket[startpos] - '0';
00818       startpos += 2;
00819     } else {
00820       currSession.dateDayI = (10 * (rcvPacket[startpos] - '0')) + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00821       startpos += 3;
00822     }
00824     /* Grab Year */
00825     currSession.dateYearI = (10 * (rcvPacket[startpos] - '0')) + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00826     startpos += 3;
00828     /* Grab Hours */
00829     if (rcvPacket[startpos+1] == ':') {
00830       currSession.timeHrI = rcvPacket[startpos] - '0';
00831       startpos += 2;
00832     } else {
00833       currSession.timeHrI = 10 + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00834       startpos += 3;
00835     }
00837     /* Grab Minutes */
00838     currSession.timeMinI = (10 * (rcvPacket[startpos] - '0')) + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00839     startpos += 3;
00841     /* Grab Seconds */
00842     currSession.timeSecsI = (10 * (rcvPacket[startpos] - '0')) + (rcvPacket[startpos+1] - '0');
00843     startpos += 3;
00845     if (rcvPacket[startpos] == 'A') {
00846       currSession.timeHalfI = AM;
00847     } else {
00848       currSession.timeHalfI = PM;      
00849     }
00851   } else if (state == USER_QUERY_DB) {
00852     mystrcpy(currSession.userName, rcvPacket, 20, 20);
00853     i = 19;
00854     while(rcvPacket[i] == ' ') {
00855       i--;
00856     }
00857     currSession.nameLength = i + 1;
00858     mystrcpy(currSession.userEmail, &rcvPacket[20], 30, 30);
00859     i = 49;
00860     while(rcvPacket[i] == ' ') {
00861       i--;
00862     }
00863     currSession.emailLength = i + 1 - 20;
00864     mystrcpy(userPin, &rcvPacket[50], 4, 4);
00865   } else if (state == REMOVE_LAST_ITEM) {
00867     /* Recalculate cart total by subtracting last item's price */
00868     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[0] != ' ') {
00869       currSession.cartTotalI -= 10000 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[0] - '0');
00870     }
00871     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[1] != ' ') {
00872       currSession.cartTotalI -= 1000 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[1] - '0');
00873     }
00874     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[2] != ' ') {
00875       currSession.cartTotalI -= 100 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[2] - '0');
00876     }
00877     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[3] != ' ') {
00878       currSession.cartTotalI -= 10 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[3] - '0');
00879     }
00880     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[4] != ' ') {
00881       currSession.cartTotalI -= 1 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemPrice[4] - '0');
00882     }
00883     currSession.cartSizeI--;
00884     mystrcpy(lastSerial,currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemSerial,13,13);
00885   } else if (state == ITEM_QUERY_DB) {
00886     mystrcpy(currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemSerial, serialNum, 13, 13);
00887     mystrcpy(currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemName, rcvPacket, 25, 25);
00888     i = 24;
00889     while(rcvPacket[i] == ' ') {
00890       i--;
00891     }
00892     currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].nameLength = i + 1;
00893     mystrcpy(currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice, &rcvPacket[25], 5, 5);
00895     /* Calculate new cart total by adding new item price */
00896     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[0] != ' ') {
00897       currSession.cartTotalI += 10000 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[0] - '0');
00898     }
00899     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[1] != ' ') {
00900       currSession.cartTotalI += 1000 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[1] - '0');
00901     }
00902     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[2] != ' ') {
00903       currSession.cartTotalI += 100 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[2] - '0');
00904     }
00905     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[3] != ' ') {
00906       currSession.cartTotalI += 10 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[3] - '0');
00907     }
00908     if (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[4] != ' ') {
00909       currSession.cartTotalI += 1 * (currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI].itemPrice[4] - '0');
00910     }
00911     currSession.cartSizeI++;
00912   } 
00914   return 1;
00915 }
00918 /**************************/
00919 /*      UpdateLCD()       */
00920 /**************************/
00922 void UpdateLCD(void) {
00923   int item_counter, e, f, flag = 0;
00924   char indexStr[3] = " 0";
00925   char datetime[18] = "11:11AM  11/11/11";
00926   char datetime2[21] = "11:11:11AM  11/11/11";
00927   char mynumber[3] = "00";
00928   char myprice[8] = "$000.00";
00929   char temp = ' ';
00931   LCD_clr_scr_char(0);
00932   if (state == IDLE) {
00933     LCD_graphic_ini();
00935     /* Write 4 blank rows */
00936     for (e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
00937       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
00938          LCD_write_data(0x00);
00939       }
00940     }
00942     /* Write RFID Xpress 109 row logo */
00943     for (e = 0; e < LOGO_SIZE; e++) {
00944       LCD_write_data(logo_bitmap[e]); 
00945     }
00947     /* Write 'please scan your keyfob' 12 row logo */
00948     for (e = 0; e < FOOTER_SIZE; e++) {
00949       LCD_write_data(please_scan_bitmap[e]); 
00950     }
00952     /* Write 3 blank rows */
00953     for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
00954       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
00955          LCD_write_data(0x00);
00956       }
00957     }
00958   } else if (state == TIME_SYNCH) {
00959     LCD_graphic_ini();
00961     /* Write 4 blank rows */
00962     for (e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
00963       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
00964          LCD_write_data(0x00);
00965       }
00966     }
00968     /* Write RFID Xpress 109 row logo */
00969     for (e = 0; e < LOGO_SIZE; e++) {
00970       LCD_write_data(logo_bitmap[e]); 
00971     }
00973     /* Write 3 rows blank */
00974     for (e = 0; e < 15; e++) {
00975       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
00976          LCD_write_data(0x00);
00977       }
00978     }
00979   } else if (state == INVALID_USER) {           // Invalid keyfob scanned
00980     LCD_char_ini();
00981     LCD_set_char_add(5,4);
00982     LCD_print_string("Sorry, customer not recognized.");
00983   } else if (state == CAPTURE_PIN) {
00984     LCD_char_ini();                                                                                                                                                                      // Prompt user for PIN
00985     LCD_set_char_add(5,9);
00986     LCD_print_string("Welcome, ");
00987     LCD_print_string(currSession.userName);
00988     LCD_set_char_add(6,5);
00989     LCD_print_string("Please enter your 4-digit PIN:");
00990     LCD_set_char_add(8,17);
00991     if (pinCounter == 0)
00992       LCD_print_string(" ");
00993     else if (pinCounter == 1)
00994       LCD_print_string("*");
00995     else if (pinCounter == 2)
00996       LCD_print_string("* *");
00997     else if (pinCounter == 3)
00998       LCD_print_string("* * *");
00999     else if (pinCounter == 4)
01000       LCD_print_string("* * * *");
01001     else
01002       LCD_print_string("FATAL ERROR");
01003   } else if (state == SESSION_START) {                  // Instruct user to scan first item
01004     LCD_char_ini();
01005     LCD_set_char_add(5,6);
01006     LCD_print_string("Please scan your first item");
01007   } else if (state == SESSION_RUNNING) {                        // Shopping cart display
01008     LCD_char_ini();
01009     LCD_set_char_add(0,0);
01010     LCD_print_string("RFID Xpr3ss");
01011     LCD_set_char_add(0,21);
01012     mynumber[0] = (currSession.timeHrI / 10) + '0';
01013     mynumber[1] = (currSession.timeHrI % 10) + '0';
01014     mystrcpy(&datetime[0],mynumber,2,2);
01015     mynumber[0] = (currSession.timeMinI / 10) + '0';
01016     mynumber[1] = (currSession.timeMinI % 10) + '0';
01017     mystrcpy(&datetime[3],mynumber,2,2);
01018     mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateMonthI / 10) + '0';
01019     mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateMonthI % 10) + '0';
01020     mystrcpy(&datetime[9],mynumber,2,2);
01021     mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateDayI / 10) + '0';
01022     mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateDayI % 10) + '0';
01023     mystrcpy(&datetime[12],mynumber,2,2);
01024     mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateYearI / 10) + '0';
01025     mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateYearI % 10) + '0';
01026     mystrcpy(&datetime[15],mynumber,2,2);
01027     mynumber[1] = 'M';
01028     if (currSession.timeHalfI == AM) {
01029       mynumber[0] = 'A';
01030     } else {
01031       mynumber[0] = 'P';
01032     }
01033     mystrcpy(&datetime[5],mynumber,2,2);
01034     LCD_print_string(datetime);
01035     LCD_set_char_add(1,0);
01036     LCD_print_string("ITEM                              PRICE ");
01038     /* Print last 7 scanned items in shopping cart to allow for automatic scrolling */
01039     for (item_counter=currSession.cartSizeI-7; item_counter<currSession.cartSizeI; item_counter++){
01040       if (currSession.cartSizeI == 0){break;}
01041       if (item_counter<0){item_counter=0;}
01042       if (item_counter < 9) {
01043         indexStr[0] = ' '; 
01044       } else {
01045         indexStr[0] = (char)(((item_counter+1) / 10)+'0');
01046       }
01047       indexStr[1] = (char)(((item_counter+1) % 10) + '0');
01048       LCD_print_string(indexStr);
01049       LCD_print_string(" ");
01050       LCD_print_string(currSession.items[item_counter].itemName);
01051       LCD_print_string("     ");
01052       mystrcpy(&myprice[1], currSession.items[item_counter].itemPrice,3,3);
01053       mystrcpy(&myprice[5], &currSession.items[item_counter].itemPrice[3],2,2);
01054       LCD_print_string(myprice);
01055     }
01057     LCD_set_char_add(9,33);
01058     LCD_print_string("-------");
01060     temp = (currSession.cartSizeI / 10) + '0';
01061     if (temp == '0') {
01062       mynumber[0] = ' ';
01063     } else {  
01064       mynumber[0] = temp;
01065     }
01067     mynumber[1] = (currSession.cartSizeI % 10) + '0';
01069     LCD_set_char_add(10,0);
01070     LCD_print_string(mynumber);
01071     LCD_print_string(" items in your cart");
01072     LCD_set_char_add(10,3);
01073     LCD_print_string("items in your cart           TOTAL: $");
01075     /* Decode integer cart total into its character representation */    
01076     temp = (currSession.cartTotalI / 100000) + '0';
01077     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01078       myprice[0] = ' ';
01079     } else {
01080       myprice[0] = temp;
01081       flag = 1;
01082     }
01084     temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 100000) / 10000) + '0';
01085     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01086       myprice[1] = ' ';
01087     } else {
01088       myprice[1] = temp;
01089       flag = 1;
01090     }
01092     temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 10000) / 1000) + '0';
01093     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01094       myprice[2] = ' ';
01095     } else {
01096       myprice[2] = temp;
01097       flag = 1;
01098     }
01100     temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 1000) / 100) + '0';
01101     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01102       myprice[3] = ' ';
01103     } else {
01104       myprice[3] = temp;
01105       flag = 1;
01106     }
01108     temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 100) / 10) + '0';
01109     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01110       myprice[5] = ' ';
01111     } else {  
01112       myprice[5] = temp;
01113       flag = 1;
01114     }
01116     temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 10) / 1) + '0';
01117     if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01118       myprice[6] = ' ';
01119     } else {
01120       myprice[6] = temp;
01121       flag = 1;
01122     }
01123     LCD_print_string(myprice);
01124     LCD_set_char_add(11,1);
01125     LCD_print_string("[ PRESS ENTER TO FINISH ]");
01126   } else if (state == INVALID_KEYPRESS) {                                                                                       // Keypress not recognized
01127     LCD_char_ini();
01128     LCD_set_char_add(5,10);
01129     LCD_print_string("Key not recognized");
01130   } else if (state == ITEM_NOT_MATCHED) {                                                                                       // Item RFID not found
01131     LCD_char_ini();
01132     LCD_set_char_add(5,10);
01133     LCD_print_string("Item not recognized");
01134   } else if (state == CANCEL_SESSION) {                                                                                         // Confirm user wants to cancel shopping session
01135     LCD_char_ini();
01136     LCD_set_char_add(4,0);
01137     LCD_print_string(" Are you sure you want to quit shopping?");
01138                 LCD_set_char_add(6,0);
01139     if (returnState == CAPTURE_PIN) {
01140                 LCD_print_string("   Press ENTER  to confirm,             ");
01141       LCD_print_string("         CANCEL to return to pin entry  ");
01142     } else {
01143                 LCD_print_string("     Press ENTER  to confirm,           ");
01144       LCD_print_string("           CANCEL to return to cart");       
01145     }
01146   } else if ((state == REMOVE_LAST_ITEM) || (state == CONFIRM_REMOVAL)) {        // Confirm user wants to remove last item
01147     LCD_char_ini();
01148     LCD_set_char_add(2,5);
01149     LCD_print_string("Are you sure you want to remove         ");
01150     LCD_set_char_add(4,(20 - currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].nameLength / 2));     
01151     LCD_print_string(currSession.items[currSession.cartSizeI-1].itemName);
01152     LCD_set_char_add(6,13);
01153     LCD_print_string("from your cart?");
01154     LCD_set_char_add(8,0);
01155     LCD_print_string("      Press ENTER  to remove item,      ");
01156                 LCD_print_string("            CANCEL to return to cart");
01157   } else if (state == SESSION_END) {                         // Prompt user for printed receipt 
01158     LCD_char_ini();
01159     LCD_set_char_add(5,5);
01160     LCD_print_string("Do you want a printed receipt?");
01161     LCD_set_char_add(7,0);
01162     LCD_print_string("         Press ENTER  for yes,          ");
01163                 LCD_print_string("               CANCEL to skip");
01164   } else if (state == PRINT) {                                                                                                                   // Print receipt
01165     LCD_char_ini();
01166     LCD_set_char_add(4,15);
01167     LCD_print_string("Printing...");
01168     LCD_set_char_add(6,7);
01169     LCD_print_string("Please take your receipt...");
01170   } else if (state == EMAIL) {                                                                                                                   // Email receipt
01171     LCD_char_ini();
01172     LCD_set_char_add(4,11);
01173     LCD_print_string("Emailing receipt to");
01174     LCD_set_char_add(6,(20 - currSession.emailLength / 2));                                                        
01175     LCD_print_string(currSession.userEmail);
01176   } else if (state == FINISH_SESSION) {                                                                                 // Thank user for shopping
01177     LCD_graphic_ini(); 
01179     /* Write 4 blank rows */
01180     for (e = 0; e < 4; e++) {
01181       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
01182          LCD_write_data(0x00);
01183       }
01184     }
01186     /* Write RFID Xpress 109 row logo */
01187     for (e = 0; e < LOGO_SIZE; e++) {
01188       LCD_write_data(logo_bitmap[e]); 
01189     }
01191     /* Write 'thank you for shopping' 12 row logo */
01192     for (e = 0; e < FOOTER_SIZE; e++) {
01193       LCD_write_data(thank_you_bitmap[e]); 
01194     }
01196     /* Write 3 blank rows */
01197     for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
01198       for (f = 0; f < 30; f++) {
01199          LCD_write_data(0x00);
01200       }
01201     }
01202   } else {
01203     LCD_set_char_add(5,10);
01204     LCD_print_string("UNKNOWN ERROR");
01205   }
01206 }
01209 /**************************/
01210 /*       WaitFor()        */
01211 /**************************/
01213 void WaitFor(int time) {
01214   waitcounter = 0;
01215   while (waitcounter < time); 
01216 }
01219 /**************************/
01220 /*     PollKeypad()       */
01221 /**************************/
01223 void PollKeypad(void)
01224 {
01225   asm sei;
01226   if (PTH_PTH6 == 1) {                   // If row 1 is pressed                         
01227     if (pollCounter2 == 1) {                                             // If col 1 is pressed
01228       keyPressed = KEY_ONE;
01229       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01230     } else if (pollCounter2 == 2) {                      // If col 2 is pressed
01231       keyPressed = KEY_TWO;
01232       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01233     } else if (pollCounter2 == 3) {                      // If col 3 is pressed
01234       keyPressed = KEY_THREE;
01235       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01236     } else {                                                                                                             // If col 4 is pressed
01237       keyPressed = KEY_ENTER;
01238       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01239     }
01240   } else if (PTH_PTH5 == 1) {            // If row 2 is pressed            
01241     if (pollCounter2 == 1) {                                             // If col 1 is pressed
01242       keyPressed = KEY_FOUR;
01243       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01244     } else if (pollCounter2 == 2) {                      // If col 2 is pressed
01245       keyPressed = KEY_FIVE;
01246       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01247     } else if (pollCounter2 == 3) {                      // If col 3 is pressed
01248       keyPressed = KEY_SIX;
01249       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01250     } else {                                                                                                             // If col 4 is pressed
01251       keyPressed = KEY_CLEAR;
01252       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01253     }
01254   } else if (PTH_PTH4 == 1) {            // If row 3 is pressed            
01255     if (pollCounter2 == 1) {                                             // If col 1 is pressed
01256       keyPressed = KEY_SEVEN;
01257       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01258     } else if (pollCounter2 == 2) {                      // If col 2 is pressed
01259       keyPressed = KEY_EIGHT;
01260       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01261     } else if (pollCounter2 == 3) {                      // If col 3 is pressed
01262       keyPressed = KEY_NINE;
01263       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01264     } else {                                                                                                             // If col 4 is pressed
01265       keyPressed = KEY_HELP;
01266       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01267     }
01268   } else if (PTH_PTH3 == 1) {            // If row 4 is pressed            
01269     if (pollCounter2 == 1) {                                             // If col 1 is pressed
01270       keyPressed = KEY_STAR;
01271       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01272     } else if (pollCounter2 == 2) {                      // If col 2 is pressed
01273       keyPressed = KEY_ZERO;
01274       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01275     } else if (pollCounter2 == 3) {                      // If col 3 is pressed
01276       keyPressed = KEY_POUND;
01277       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01278     } else {                                                                                                             // If col 4 is pressed
01279       keyPressed = KEY_CANCEL;
01280       SetBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01281     }
01282   }
01284   /* Wait until key is released */
01285   while (PTH_PTH6 || PTH_PTH5 || PTH_PTH4 || PTH_PTH3);
01287   asm cli;
01289   if (flags & KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK) {        // Cancel button pressed
01290     if ((keyPressed == KEY_CANCEL) && (!(flags & MASK_CANCEL_MASK))) {
01291       returnState = state;
01292       state = CANCEL_SESSION;
01293       ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01294     } else if (!(flags & CHK_KEYPAD_FLAG_MASK)) {
01295       ClearBit(KEYPAD_FLAG, flags);
01296     }
01297   } 
01298 }
01301 /**************************/
01302 /*     PrintReceipt()     */
01303 /**************************/
01305 void PrintReceipt(void)
01306 {
01307   int printcounter = 0;
01308   const char Logo[] = "*********************************             \\\\//             **         RFID // PRESS        **             //\\\\             *********************************";
01309   char DashDash[32] =  "                         -------";
01310   char Total[32] =     "                 Total: $1111.11";
01311   char ThankYou[32] =  " Thank you for shopping with us.";
01312   char ComeAgain[32] = "       Please come again!       ";
01313   char datetime[18] = "11:11AM  11/11/11";
01314   int i, j, itemLen, priceLen, flag = 0;
01315   char datetime2[21] = "11:11:11AM  11/11/11";
01316   char mynumber[3] = "00";
01317   char myprice[9] = "$0000.00";
01318   char temp = ' ';
01320   /* Transmit CR and LF */
01321   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01322   SCI0DRH = 0;
01323   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01324   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01325   SCI0DRH = 0;
01326   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01328   /* Print RFID Xpress Logo */
01329   while (printcounter < 160) {
01330     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01331     SCI0DRH = 0;
01332     SCI0DRL = Logo[printcounter];
01333     printcounter++;
01334   }
01336   /* Transmit CR and LF */
01337   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01338   SCI0DRH = 0;
01339   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01340   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01341   SCI0DRH = 0;
01342   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01343   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01344   SCI0DRH = 0;
01345   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01347   mynumber[0] = (currSession.timeHrI / 10) + '0';
01348   mynumber[1] = (currSession.timeHrI % 10) + '0';
01349   mystrcpy(&datetime2[0],mynumber,2,2);
01350   mynumber[0] = (currSession.timeMinI / 10) + '0';
01351   mynumber[1] = (currSession.timeMinI % 10) + '0';
01352   mystrcpy(&datetime2[3],mynumber,2,2);
01353   mynumber[0] = (currSession.timeSecsI / 10) + '0';
01354   mynumber[1] = (currSession.timeSecsI % 10) + '0';
01355   mystrcpy(&datetime2[6],mynumber,2,2);
01356   mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateMonthI / 10) + '0';
01357   mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateMonthI % 10) + '0';
01358   mystrcpy(&datetime2[12],mynumber,2,2);
01359   mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateDayI / 10) + '0';
01360   mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateDayI % 10) + '0';
01361   mystrcpy(&datetime2[15],mynumber,2,2);
01362   mynumber[0] = (currSession.dateYearI / 10) + '0';
01363   mynumber[1] = (currSession.dateYearI % 10) + '0';
01364   mystrcpy(&datetime2[18],mynumber,2,2);
01365   mynumber[1] = 'M';
01366   if (currSession.timeHalfI == AM) {
01367     mynumber[0] = 'A';
01368   } else {
01369     mynumber[0] = 'P';
01370   }
01371   mystrcpy(&datetime2[8],mynumber,2,2);
01373   for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
01374     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01375     SCI0DRH = 0;
01376     SCI0DRL = ' ';
01377   }    
01379   printcounter = 0;
01381   while (printcounter < 20) {
01382     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01383     SCI0DRH = 0;
01384     SCI0DRL = datetime2[printcounter];
01385     printcounter++;     
01386   }
01388   /* Transmit CR and LF */
01389   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01390   SCI0DRH = 0;
01391   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01392   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01393   SCI0DRH = 0;
01394   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01395   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01396   SCI0DRH = 0;
01397   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01399   /* Print items with price in shopping cart */
01400   for (i = 0; i < currSession.cartSizeI; i++)
01401   {
01402     itemLen = 0;
01403     priceLen = 0;
01405     /* Print item */
01406     while (itemLen < 20){
01407       while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01408       SCI0DRH = 0;
01409       SCI0DRL = currSession.items[i].itemName[itemLen];
01410       itemLen++;
01411     }
01413     /* Print whitespace between item and price */
01414     for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
01415       while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01416       SCI0DRH = 0;
01417       SCI0DRL = ' ';
01418     }    
01420     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01421     SCI0DRH = 0;
01422     SCI0DRL = '$';
01424     /* Print price */
01425     while (priceLen < 3) {
01426       while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01427       SCI0DRH = 0;
01428       SCI0DRL = currSession.items[i].itemPrice[priceLen];
01429       priceLen++;
01430     }
01432     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01433     SCI0DRH = 0;
01434     SCI0DRL = '.';
01436     while (priceLen < 5) {
01437       while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01438       SCI0DRH = 0;
01439       SCI0DRL = currSession.items[i].itemPrice[priceLen];
01440       priceLen++;
01441     }
01443     /* Print CR and LF */
01444     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01445     SCI0DRH = 0;
01446     SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01447     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01448     SCI0DRH = 0;
01449     SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01450   }
01452   printcounter = 0;
01454   while (printcounter < 32) {
01455     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01456     SCI0DRH = 0;
01457     SCI0DRL = DashDash[printcounter];
01458     printcounter++;
01459   }
01461   /* Print CR and LF */
01462   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01463   SCI0DRH = 0;
01464   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01465   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01466   SCI0DRH = 0;
01467   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01469   /* Convert integer cart total to character representation */
01470   temp = (currSession.cartTotalI / 100000) + '0';
01471   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01472     myprice[1] = ' ';
01473   } else {
01474     myprice[1] = temp;
01475     flag = 1;
01476   }
01478   temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 100000) / 10000) + '0';
01479   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01480     myprice[2] = ' ';
01481   } else {
01482     myprice[2] = temp;
01483     flag = 1;
01484   }
01486   temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 10000) / 1000) + '0';
01487   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01488     myprice[3] = ' ';
01489   } else {
01490     myprice[3] = temp;
01491     flag = 1;
01492   }
01494   temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 1000) / 100) + '0';
01495   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01496     myprice[4] = ' ';
01497   } else {
01498     myprice[4] = temp;
01499     flag = 1;
01500   }
01502   temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 100) / 10) + '0';
01503   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01504     myprice[6] = ' ';
01505   } else {  
01506     myprice[6] = temp;
01507     flag = 1;
01508   }
01510   temp = ((currSession.cartTotalI % 10) / 1) + '0';
01511   if ((temp == '0') && (flag == 0)) {
01512     myprice[7] = ' ';
01513   } else {
01514     myprice[7] = temp;
01515     flag = 1;
01516   }
01518   /* Print Total */
01519   mystrcpy(&Total[24],myprice,8,8);
01520   printcounter = 0;
01522   while (printcounter < 32) {
01523     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01524     SCI0DRH = 0;
01525     SCI0DRL = Total[printcounter];
01526     printcounter++;
01527   }
01529   /* Print CR and LF */
01530   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01531   SCI0DRH = 0;
01532   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01533   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01534   SCI0DRH = 0;
01535   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01536   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01537   SCI0DRH = 0;
01538   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01540   /* Print last line of receipt */
01541   printcounter = 0;
01542   while (printcounter < 32) {
01543     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01544     SCI0DRH = 0;
01545     SCI0DRL = ThankYou[printcounter];
01546     printcounter++;
01547   }
01549   /* Print CR and LF */
01550   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01551   SCI0DRH = 0;
01552   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01553   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01554   SCI0DRH = 0;
01555   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01557   printcounter = 0;
01558   while (printcounter < 32) {
01559     while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01560     SCI0DRH = 0;
01561     SCI0DRL = ComeAgain[printcounter];
01562     printcounter++;
01563   }
01565   /* Print CR and LF */
01566   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01567   SCI0DRH = 0;
01568   SCI0DRL = 0x0D;
01569   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01570   SCI0DRH = 0;
01571   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01572   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01573   SCI0DRH = 0;
01574   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01575   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01576   SCI0DRH = 0;
01577   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01578   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01579   SCI0DRH = 0;
01580   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01581   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01582   SCI0DRH = 0;
01583   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01584   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01585   SCI0DRH = 0;
01586   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01587   while ((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_TDRE_MASK) == 0);
01588   SCI0DRH = 0;
01589   SCI0DRL = 0x0A;
01590 }

Generated on Sun Apr 30 17:44:00 2006 for RFID by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO