HW19 how to think and test For these examples, we assume that we have not closed the file (close_bit_writer(…)) or explicitly flushed (flush_bit_writer(…)) __________________________________________________________ WRITE 1 BIT (i.e., less than the number of remaining bits) file_contents current_byte num_bits_left ₀₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 8 1₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 7 Still have room in current_byte so we don't flush afterward. __________________________________________________________ WRITE ALL REMAINING BITS file_contents current_byte num_bits_left 1₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 7 11111111 0 ----FLUSH before write_bits(…) returns---- ₀₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 8 __________________________________________________________ WRITE MORE THAN THE REMAINING BITS (ex: write 11111111₂) file_contents current_byte num_bits_left 1₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 7 ----WRITE AS MANY BITS AS CAN FIT (7 new bits)---- 11111111 0 ----FLUSH---- ₀₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 8 ----WRITE REMAINING BITS---- 1₀₀₀₀₀₀₀ 7