TREE TRAVERSALS In-order - Traverse the left subtree - Visit the root (i.e., print, etc.) - Traverse the right subtree Pre-order - Visit the root (i.e., print, etc.) - Traverse the left subtree - Traverse the right subtree Post-order - Traverse the left subtree - Traverse the right subtree - Visit the root (i.e., print, etc.) Iterative in-order traversal of a BST (1-2-3-4-5-6-7) Push the 4 onto the stack Go to the left subtree Push the 2 onto the stack Go to the left subtree Print the 1 # in code, we will push the 1 and the pop it in the next iteration Pop -> now we're at the 2 Print the 2 Push the 3 (right subtree of 2) Pop -> now we're at the 3 Print the 3 # in code, we will push the 3 and the pop it in the next iteration Pop -> now we're at the 4 Print the 4 # in code, we will push the 4 and the pop it in the next iteration Push the 6 (right subtree of 4) Pop -> now we're at the 6 Go to the left subtree of 6 Print the 5 # in code, we will push the 5 and the pop it in the next iteration Pop -> now we're at the 6 again Print the 6 Push the 7 (right subtree of 6) Print the 7 # in code, we will push the 7 and the pop it in the next iteration