Advanced C Programming

Summer 2022 ECE 264 :: Purdue University

⚠ This is a PAST SEMESTER (Summer 2022).
Due 7/13

Mini-unit: unit testing resubmit

About this homework

EC01 is a chance to resubmit HW07 after viewing your score to get back the majority of lost credit. We encourage using your miniunit in later homeworks, but inevitably some students will feel its faster to test without miniunit than it would be to fix your miniunit. Ultimately, it will end up taking more time in the long run to test without a working test framework, so this assignment is meant to give you a chance to fix the bugs in miniunit before moving onto later homeworks.

Note that an extra day has been added to the deadline for HW11 to give you time to complete EC01. Assuming you mostly understood HW07, it should not take you long to make this resubmission. If you are confused on why you are failing a test in HW07, feel free to ask in office hours.

About EC01

The requirements for EC01 are exactly the same as HW07, except you submit your final code to EC01.


Refer to the "Requirements" section from HW07.


To submit EC01 from within your ec01 directory, type 264submit EC01 miniunit.h clog.h test_count_words.c


The pre-tester for EC01 has been released and is ready to use.

A pretester has been enabled for EC01 to ensure that your miniunit.h does not have any major errors preventing it from compiling with our tests. This is not a subsitute for testing the requirements, but it may help for those who were getting compiler errors.


  1. How much credit will this be worth?

    This homework will let you earn back some of the points you lost on HW07. It will not increase your score beyond what a 100% on HW07 would have gotten you. Most likely, your final grade for HW07 will be the higher grade of the grade between HW07 and EC01.
  2. Should I still do this homework if I did well on HW07?

    If you got a perfect score on HW07, there is no reason to do this homework as your grade will not improve. If you scored less than perfect on HW07, you are encouraged to make a resubmission as most of the tester cases are to prevent bugs in your miniunit from preventing you from testing later homeworks.
  3. Can I simply copy my submission to EC01?

    To earn credit on EC01, you must either:
    • Be passing every test case giving you 100%.
    • Be passing more tests with your than you were passing on HW07.
    In other words, unless your HW07 was late but perfect otherwise, you should improve your code before submitting to EC01.
  4. Why is the submission on the scores page not my latest submission?

    The grader always shows your best submission. If you had a late submission, it is possible it was passing more tests but scored less due to the late penalty.
  5. I do not understand why I am failing a test?

    Please come to office hours and we can help you debug the issue.


7/11/2022 Clarified how this will affect the grade if its not just a max.