Anaerobic Digestion Technology (ADT)

Indiana Poultry Manure Survey

Poultry manure is feedstock for anaerobic digesters. A survey was conducted to study the availability, application, and economic values of poultry manure for cropland in Indiana.

For more information, click here.

Related Projects

Effect of anaerobic digestion on volatile fatty acid concentrations, and odor and gas emissions

- USDA Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) project

- Collaboration with Washington State University


Findings on the effect of anaerobic digestion on volatile fatty acid concentrations:


- Five volatile fatty acids (VFA) in dairy manure from four sources were studied.

- The VFA concentrations were determined from weekly samples using HPLC.

- Concentrations of VFA in all sources showed large temporal and spatial variations.

- Anaerobic digestion significantly reduced VFA in dairy manure.


Nutrient Characterization of Digester Effluents


- U.S. EPA and USDA ARS project

- Collaboration with USDA ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory

- Two research components:


- Anaerobic digester sample collection and analysis

Study the effects of different anaerobic digester design, feedstock, and seasonal variation on nutrient availability.


- Lab and field leachate/runoff study

Investigate the leachate/runoff after application of raw feedstock and digestate to soil and cropland.

Digester sampling

Sample pre-treatment

Soil sample treatment and analysis

Leachate and runoff test