Anaerobic Digestion Technology (ADT)

Research on anaerobic digestion

Research Needs

Sampling in a laboratory test of dairy manure after anaerobic digestion

Technology development


- Fermentation process control and optimization

- Engineering design of digester, pre- and post-treatment equipment, etc.


Technology application


- Agricultural, municipal, agro-industrial, food wastes

- Operation and maintenance

- Maximize energy and environmental benefits




- Political issues

- Economic issues

- Environmental issues


Biochemical methane potential test in the laboratory

Research publications:

Ni, J.-Q., Nyns, E.-J., 1993. Biomethanation: A Developing Technology in Latin America. BORDA, Bruxelles/Bremen. 286 p.

Ni, J.Q., Naveau, H., Nyns, E.-J., 1993. Biogas: exploitation of a renewable energy in Latin America. Renewable Energy. 3 (6/7), 763-779.

Ni, J.-Q., Nyns, E.-J., 1994. Guest Editorial: Development and perspectives of biomethanation: views on the Latin American experience. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 10 (6), 607-611.

Ni, J.-Q., Nyns, E.-J., 1995. Diffusion of rural biogas technology: survey of experience. Science, Technology & Development. 13 (2), 266-277.

Ni, J.-Q., Nyns, E.-J., 1996. New concept for the evaluation of biogas development in third world countries. Energy Conservation and Management. 37 (10), 1525-1534.

Page, L.H., Ni, J.-Q., Heber, A.J., Mosier, N.S., Liu, X., Joo, H.-S., Ndegwa, P.M., Harrison, J.H., 2014. Characteristics of volatile fatty acids in stored dairy manure before and after anaerobic digestion. Biosystems Engineering. 118, 16-28.

Page, L.H., Ni, J.-Q., Zhang, H., Heber, A.J., Mosier, N.S., Liu, X., Joo, H.-S., Ndegwa, P.M., Harrison, J.H., 2015. Reduction of volatile fatty acids and odor offensiveness by anaerobic digestion and solid separation of dairy manure during manure storage. Journal of Environmental Management. 152, 91-98.

Zhang, X., Lopes, I.M., Ni, J.-Q., Yuan, Y., Huang, C.-H., Smith, D.R., Chaubey, I., Wu, S., 2021. Long-term performance of three mesophilic anaerobic digesters to convert animal and agro-industrial wastes into organic fertilizer. Journal of Cleaner Production. 307 (July), 127271.

Rackliffe, J.A., Ni, J.-Q., Mosier, N.S., 2023. Effect of acclimatization rate on biogas production from anaerobic digestion of biodiesel waste product. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Submitted).

Daly, S.E., Ni, J.-Q., 2023. Characterizing and modeling hydrogen sulfide production in anaerobic digestion of livestock manure, agro-industrial wastes, and wastewater sludge. GCB Bioenergy. 15, 1273-1286.