Age (Ma) GTS 2020
GSSP Location
Latitude, Longitude
Boundary Level
Correlation Events
Phanerozoic Eon |
Cenozoic Era |
Quaternary System |
Holocene Series |
Meghalayan Stage
| 0.00425 |
Mawmluh Cave, Meghalaya,India |
25.2622°N 91.7150°E |
Mawmluh Cave speleothem dated at 4250yr bk2 (before AD2000) |
Stable isotope profile shows a shift to heavier isotopic values, |
Ratified 2018 |
Episodes 41/4, 2018 |
Northgrippian Stage
| 0.008236 |
borehole NGRIP1 in the central Greenland ice sheet |
75.1000°N 42.3200°W |
1228.67 m depth in NGRIP 1 ice core |
Climatic cooling following a period of generally rising temperatures
during the
Early Holocene |
Ratified 2018 |
Episodes 41/4, 2018 |
Greenlandian Stage
| 0.0118 |
NorthGRIP ice core, central Greenland |
75.1000°N 42.3200°W |
1492.45m depth in Borehole NGRIP2 |
Climatic -- End of the Younger Dryas cold spell, which is reflected
in a shift in deuterium excess values |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 31/2, 2008; J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 24 pp. 3-17, 2009; Episodes 41/4, 2018 |
Pleistocene Series |
Upper Pleistocene Stage | 0.126 |
Taranto, Italy |
0.0000°N 0.0000°E |
63.5 m below surface |
Climatic -- Base of the Eemian interglacial stage (= base of marine
isotope stage 5e) before final glacial episode of Pleistocene. |
Episodes 31/2, 2008 |
| 0.78 |
Chiba, Japan |
Base of Byk-E tephra bed |
Byk-E tephra; 1.1 m below directional midpoint of Brunhes–Matuyama
reversal (base of Chron 1n) |
Ratified 2019 |
Calabrian Stage
| 1.8 |
Vrica, Italy |
39.0385°N 17.1348°E |
base of the marine claystone overlying the sapropelic marker Bed
'e' (Mediterranean Precession Related Sapropel, MPRS 176) |
top of Olduvai magnetic subchron is about 8 m above the GSSP |
Ratified 1985 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 116 - 120, 1985; Episodes 35/3, p. 388 - 397, 2012 |
Gelasian Stage
| 2.58 |
Monte San Nicola, Sicily, Italy |
37.1469°N 14.2035°E |
base of marly layer overlying sapropel MPRS 250 |
Magnetic -- Matuyama/Gauss boundary (C2r/C2An) is 1m below GSSP. GSSP
level is within Marine Isotope Stage 103. |
Definition as base of Quaternary and Pleistocene ratified 2009 |
Episodes 21/2, p. 82-87, 1998 |
Neogene System |
Pliocene Series |
Piacenzian Stage
| 3.6 |
Punta Piccola, Sicily, Italy |
37.2889°N 13.4933°E |
base of the beige marl bed of small-scale carbonate cycle 77 (MPRS
347) |
Magnetic -- Gauss/Gilbert (C2An/C2Ar) magnetic reversal is recorded
immediately above the GSSP |
Ratified 1997 |
Episodes 21/2, p. 88-93, 1998 |
Zanclean Stage
| 5.333 |
Eraclea Minoa, Sicily, Italy |
37.3917°N 13.2806°E |
base of the Trubi Formation which corresponds to Insolation cycle 510 |
Magnetic -- base of the Thvera magnetic event (C3n.4n) is
only 96 kyr (5 precession cycles) younger than the GSSP. |
Ratified 2000 |
Episodes 23/3, p. 179 - 187, 2000 |
Miocene Series |
Messinian Stage
| 7.25 |
Oued Akrech, Morocco |
33.9369°N 6.8125°W |
reddish layer of sedimentary cycle number 15 |
Planktonic foraminifer first regular occurrence of Globorotalia
miotumida, and calcareous nannofossil FAD
Amaurolithus delicatus |
Ratified 2000 |
Episodes 23/3, p. 172 - 178, 2000 |
Tortonian Stage
| 11.63 |
Monte dei Corvi Beach, near Ancona, Italy |
43.5867°N 13.5694°E |
mid-point of sapropel layer of basic cycle number 76. |
Calcareous nannofossil last common occurrence of Discoaster
kugleri |
Ratified 2003 |
Episodes 28/1, p. 6 - 17, 2005 |
Serravallian Stage
| 13.82 |
Ras il Pellegrin section, Fomm Ir-Rih Bay, west coast of Malta |
35.9139°N 14.3361°E |
formation boundary between the Globigerina Limestone and Blue Clay
Formation |
Oxygen-isotopic event (global cooling episode) Mi3b; near calcareous
nannofossil LAD ofSphenolithus heteromorphus |
Ratified 2007 |
Episodes, 32/3, 152 - 166, 2009 |
Langhian Stage | 15.99 |
St. Peter's Pool, Malta or La Vedova,Italy |
Base of magnetic polarity chron C5Br |
Burdigalian Stage | 20.45 |
Potentially in astronomically-tuned ODP core |
Near FAD of calcareous nannofossil Helicosphaera ampliaperta |
Aquitanian Stage
| 23.04 |
Lemme-Carrioso Section, Allessandria Province, Italy |
44.6589°N 8.8364°E |
35m from the top of the section |
Magnetic -- base of Chron C6Cn.2n; planktonic
foraminifer FAD of Paragloborotalia kugleri;
calcareous nannofossil near LAD Reticulofenestra bisecta (base
Zone NN1); Oxygen isotopic event Mi-1. |
Ratified 1996 |
Episodes 20/1, p. 23 - 28, 1997 |
Paleogene System |
Oligocene Series |
Chattian Stage
| 27.3 |
Monte Cagnero, Umbria-Marche region, Italy |
43.6466°N 12.4677°E |
at meter level 197 |
HCO (highest common occurrence) of planktonic foraminifer
Chiloguembelina cubensis |
Ratified 2016 |
Episodes 41/1, p. 17-32, 2018 |
Rupelian Stage
| 33.9 |
Massignano, near Ancona, Italy |
43.5328°N 13.6011°E |
base of a 0.5m thick greenish-grey marl bed 19m above base of section |
Foraminifer LAD Hantkenina and Cribrohantkenina |
Ratified 1992 |
Episodes 16/3, p.379 - 382, 1993 |
Eocene Series |
Priabonian Stage
| 37.7 |
Alano di Piave section, NE Italy |
45.9142°N 11.9180°E |
Tiziano Bed at 63.57m |
Foraminifer LAD of Morozovelloides, Calcareous nannofossil acme
Cribrocentrum erbae |
Ratified 2020 |
Episodes 44/2, p.151-173, 2021 |
Bartonian Stage | 41 |
Contessa highway section near Gubio, Central Apennines, Italy |
provisional: base of magnetic polarity chronozone C18r |
Lutetian Stage
| 48.1 |
Gorrondatxe sea-cliff section,Basque Country, northern Spain |
43.3796°N 3.0143°W |
at 167.85 metres in the Gorrondatxe section at a dark marly level |
Calcareous nannofossil FAD of Blackites inflatus |
Ratified 2011 |
Episodes 34/2, p. 86 - 108 2011 |
Ypresian Stage
| 56 |
Dababiya, near Luxor, Egypt |
25.5000°N 32.5311°E |
base of Bed 1 in DBH subsection |
Carbon Isotope Excursion base, initiation of basal Eocene Thermal
maximum ("PETM") |
Ratified 2003 |
Micropaleontology 49/1, p.41 - 59, 2003; Episodes 30/4, p. 271 - 286, 2007 |
Paleocene Series |
Thanetian Stage
| 59.2 |
Zumaia section, northern Spain |
43.2996°N 2.2609°W |
About 78 m above the Cretaceous/ Paleogene boundary; 6.5m above the
base of Member B of the Itzurun Formation |
Magnetic -- Base of Chron C26n |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 34/4,p. 220-243, 2011 |
Selandian Stage
| 61.7 |
Zumaia section, northern Spain |
43.2992°N 2.2610°W |
base of the red marls of Itzurun Formation |
Onset of a carbon isotope shift and sea-level drop, 30 precession
cycles (~630 kyr) above the top of magnetic polarity Chron 27n |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 34/4,p. 220-243, 2011 |
Danian Stage
| 66 |
Oued Djerfane, west of El Kef, Tunisia |
36.1537°N 8.6486°E |
reddish layer at the base of the 50cm thick, dark boundary clay |
Iridium geochemical anomaly. Associated with a major extinction
horizon (dinosaurs, ammonites, foraminifers, etc.) |
Ratified 1991 |
Episodes 29/4, p. 263 - 278, 2006 |
Mesozoic Era |
Cretaceous System |
Upper Cretaceous Series |
Maastrichtian Stage
| 72.2 ± 0.2 |
Tercis les Bains, Landes, France |
43.6795°N 1.1133°W |
level 115.2 on platform IV of the geological site at Tercis les Bains |
Mean of 12 biostratigraphic criteria of equal importance. Closely
above is FAD of ammonite Pachydiscus neubergicus. Boreal proxy
is FAD of belemnite Belemnella lanceolata. |
Ratified 2001 |
Episodes 24/4, p. 229 -238, 2001 |
Campanian Stage
| 83.7 ± 0.5 |
Bottaccione Gorge Section at Gubbio, Umbria-Marche Basin, Italy |
43.3627°N 12.5828°E |
level 221.53 m in the Bottaccione Gorge Section at Gubbio, Umbria-Marche
Basin, Italy |
Base of Chron C33r |
Ratified 2022 |
Episodes 46/3, p. 451 – 490, 2023 |
Santonian Stage
| 85.7 ± 0.2 |
Olazagutia, Northern Spain |
42.8681°N 2.1944°W |
at 94.4m in the eastern border of the "Cantera de Margas" quarry,
Olazagutia, Spain |
Inoceramid bivalve FAD Platyceramus undulatoplicatus |
Ratified 2013 |
Episodes 37/1, p. 2-13, 2014 |
Coniacian Stage
| 89.4 ± 0.2 |
Salzgitter-Salder Section in northern Germany |
52.1243°N 10.3295°E |
base of Bed 46 in the Grauweisse Wechselfolge of the Salzgitter-Salder
Section in northern Germany |
Inoceramid bivalve FAD Cremnoceramus deformis erectus |
Ratified 2021 |
Episodes 45/2. p. 181 - 220, 2022 |
Turonian Stage
| 93.9 |
Pueblo, Colorado, USA |
38.2822°N 104.7275°W |
base of Bed 86 of the Bridge Creek Limestone Member |
Ammonite FAD Watinoceras devonense |
Ratified 2003 |
Episodes 28/2,p. 93 - 104, 2005 |
Cenomanian Stage
| 100.5 |
Mount Risou, Hautes-Alpes, France |
44.3925°N 5.5119°E |
36 meters below the top of the Marnes Bleues Formation on the south
side of Mont Risou |
Planktonic foraminifer FAD Thalmanninella globotruncanoides |
Ratified 2002 |
Episodes 27/1, p. 21-32, 2004 |
Lower Cretaceous Series |
Albian Stage
| 113.2 ± 0.3 |
Col de Pré-Guittard, Arnayon, Drôme, France |
44.4964°N 5.3114°E |
37.4 m above the base of the Marnes Bleues Formation and 40 cm above
the base
of the Niveau Kilian Marker Bed near Col de Pré-Guittard. |
Planktonic foraminiferan FAD Microhedbergella renilaevis |
Ratified 2016 |
Episodes 40/3, p. 177-188. 2017 |
Aptian Stage | 121.4 ± 0.6 |
candidate is Gorgo a Cerbara, Piobbico, Umbria-Marche, central Italy |
Magnetic -- base of Chron M0r; near FAD of Paradeshayesites
oglanlensis ammonite zone |
Barremian Stage | 126.5 ± 0.7 |
candidate is Río Argos near Caravaca, Murcia Province, Spain |
Ammonite FAD Taveraidiscus hugii - Spitidiscus vandeckii group |
Hauterivian Stage
| 132.6 ± 0.6 |
La Charce village, Drôme Province, southeast France |
base of Bed 189 of La Charce Section. |
Ammonite FAD of genus Acanthodiscus |
Ratified 2019 |
Episodes 44/2, p. 129 - 150, 2021 |
Valanginian Stage | 137.7 ± 0.5 |
candidate near Caravaca Spain |
Calpionellid FAD Calpionellites darderi |
Berriasian Stage | 143.1 ± 0.6 |
candidate: Vocontian Basin of SE France, a section at Tré Maroua (Hautes -Alpes) |
Base of Calpionella alpina Subzone, middle of magnetozone
M19n.2n |
Jurassic System |
Upper Jurassic Series |
Tithonian Stage | 149.2 ± 0.7 |
candidates are Mt. Crussol or Canjuers (SE France) or Swabia, Germany |
Near base of Hybonoticeras hybonotum ammonite zone and lowest
occurrence of Gravesia genus, and the base of magnetic
polarity Chron M22An |
Kimmeridgian Stage
| 154.8 ± 0.8 |
Flodigarry (Isle of Skye, NW Scotland) |
57.6000°N 6.2000°W |
upper part of Bed 35 of the Staffin Shale Formation, 1.25±0.01 m below
the base of Bed 36 in block F6 in the foreshore at Flodigarry. |
Ammonite FAD Pictonia flodigarriensis, Prorasenia bowerbanki and
Pictonia (Triozites) |
Ratified 2021 |
Episodes 46/2, p.281-307, 2023 |
Oxfordian Stage | 161.5 ± 1 |
Thuoux Section, SE France |
Ammonite FAD Brightia thuouxensis |
Middle Jurassic Series |
Callovian Stage | 165.3 ± 1.1 |
candidates are Pfeffingen (Swabian Alb, SW Germany) and in Russia |
Ammonite FAD of the genus Kepplerites (Kosmoceratidae) (defines
base of Macrocephalites herveyi Zone in sub-Boreal province
of Great Britain to southwest Germany) |
Bathonian Stage
| 168.2 ± 1.2 |
Ravin du Bès, Bas-Auran area, Alpes de Haute Provence, France |
43.9606°N 6.3153°E |
base of limestone bed RB07 |
Ammonite FAD Gonolkites convergens (defines base of
Zigzagiceras zigzag Zone) |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 32/4, p. 222 - 248, 2009 |
Bajocian Stage
| 170.9 ± 0.8 |
Murtinheira Section, Cabo Mondego, Portugal |
40.1992°N 8.9042°W |
base of Bed AB 11 |
Ammonite FAD Hyperlioceras mundum, Hyperlioceras furcatum,
Braunsina aspera, and Braunsina elegantula |
Ratified 1996 |
Episodes 20/1, p.16 - 22, 1997 |
Aalenian Stage
| 174.7 |
Fuentelsaz, Spain |
41.1708°N 1.8333°W |
base of Bed FZ 107 |
Ammonite FAD Leioceras opalinum and Leioceras lineatum |
Ratified 2000 |
Lower Jurassic Series |
Toarcian Stage
| 184.2 ± 0.3 |
Ponta do Trovao, Peniche (Portugal) |
39.3708°N 9.3853°W |
base of micritic limestone bed 15e in the uppermost Lemede Formation |
Ammonite FAD of Dactylioceras (Eodactylioceras) simplex co-
occurring with
D. (E.) pseudocommune and D. (E.) polymorphum |
Ratified 2014 |
Episodes 39/3, p. 460 - 481, 2016 |
Pliensbachian Stage
| 192.9 ± 0.3 |
Wine Haven, Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire Coast, England |
54.4069°N 0.4975°W |
base of Bed 73b |
Ammonite association of Bifericeras donovani and
Apoderoceras sp. |
Ratified 2005 |
Episodes 29/2, p. 93-106, 2006 |
Sinemurian Stage
| 199.5 ± 0.3 |
East Quantoxhead, SW England |
51.1909°N 3.2364°W |
0.90 m above the base of Bed 145 |
Ammonite FAD Vermiceras quantoxense, Vermiceras palmeri |
Ratified 2000 |
Episodes 25/1, p. 22-28, 2002 |
Hettangian Stage
| 201.4 ± 0.2 |
Kuhjoch section, Tyrol, Austria |
47.4833°N 11.5306°E |
5.80 m above the base of the Tiefengraben Member of the Kendelbach
Formation |
Ammonite FAD of Psiloceras spelae tirolicum |
Ratified 2010 |
Episodes 36/3, p.162-198, 2013 |
Triassic System |
Upper Triassic Series |
Rhaetian Stage | 205.7 ± 0.4 |
Candidates are Pizzo Mondello, Sicily (Italy) and Steinbergkogel, Austria |
Near FAD of conodonts Misikella posthernsteini s.s. or
posthernsteini s.l. |
Norian Stage | 227.3 ± 0.4 |
Candidates are Black Bear Ridge in British Columbia (Canada) and Pizzo Mondello, Sicily (Italy) |
Base of Stikinoceras kerri ammonoid zone and near FAD of
Metapolygnathus communisti group, or top of M. parvus
subzone , or
FAD of
bivalve Halobia austriaca |
Carnian Stage
| 237 |
Prati di Stuores, Dolomites, Italy |
46.5269°N 11.9303°E |
base of marly limestone bed SW4, 45m from base of San Cassiano Formation |
FAD ammonoid Daxatina canadensis, near conodont FAD
polygnathiformis noah. Just above magnetic polarity zone S2n and
above the maximum flooding surface of
Sequence Lad 3 of Hardenbol et al (1998). |
Ratified 2008 |
Albertina 36, p. 78 - 97, 2007; Episodes, 35/3, p. 414 - 430 |
Middle Triassic Series |
Ladinian Stage
| 241.5 |
Bagolino, Province of Brescia, Northern Italy |
45.8193°N 10.4710°E |
base of a 15 - 20cm thick limestone bed overlying a distinctive
groove ("Chiesense groove") of limestone nodules in a
shaly matrix,
located about 5m above the base of the Buchenstein Beds |
Ammonite FAD Eoprotrachyceras curionii (base of the E.
curionii zone). Conodont FAD Budurovignathus
praehungaricus is in the uppermost Anisian. |
Ratified 2005 |
Episodes 28/4, p. 233-244, 2005 |
Anisian Stage | 246.7 ± 0.2 |
Candidate section at Desli Caira (Dobrogea, Romania); significant sections in Guizhou Province (China) and South Primorye (Russia) |
45.0742°N 28.8022°E |
In Section B, the GSSP level will be either the FAD of conodont
Chiosella timorensis at the base of Bed GR7 at ca. 7 m; OR
the base of magnetozone MT1n at the 5.7 m level. |
Conodont FAD Chiosella timorensis or base of
magnetic polarity MT1n |
Anticipated 2016 |
Albertiana 36, 2007. |
Lower Triassic Series |
Olenekian Stage | 249.9 ± 0.2 |
Candidates Mud (Muth) village, Spiti valley, India, or Chaohu, China |
0.0000°N 0.0000°E |
base of Bed 13A-2, about 4.8m up in Mikin Formation., Section M04
(~4000 m elevation |
Conodont FAD Novispathodus waageni, just above base of
Rohillites rohilla ammonite zone, and below lowest occurrence
of Flemingites and Euflemingites ammonite genera.
Within a prominent positive Carbon-13 peak, and just above widely
recognizable sequence boundary. |
Anticipated 2016 |
Albertiana 36, 2007. |
Induan Stage
| 251.9 ± 0.3 |
Meishan, Zhejiang Province, China |
31.0798°N 119.7058°E |
base of Bed 27c in the Meishan D Section |
Conodont FAD Hindeodus parvus |
Ratified 2001 |
Episodes 24/2, p. 102 - 114, 2001 |
Paleozoic Era |
Permian System |
Lopingian Series |
Changhsingian Stage
| 254.2 ± 0.4 |
Meishan, Zhejiang Province, China |
31.0819°N 119.7064°E |
base of Bed 4a-2, 88 cm above the base of the Changxing Limestone at
the Meishan D Section |
Conodont FAD Clarkina wangi |
Ratified 2005 |
Episodes 29/3, p. 175-182, 2006 |
Wuchiapingian Stage
| 259.5 ± 0.4 |
Penglaitan, Guangxi Province, South China |
23.6953°N 109.3211°E |
base of Bed 6k in the Penglaitan Section |
Conodont FAD Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri |
Ratified 2004 |
Episodes 29/4, p. 253-262, 2006 |
Guadalupian Series |
Capitanian Stage
| 264.3 ± 0.4 |
Nipple Hill, SE Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, U.S.A |
31.9091°N 104.7892°W |
4.5m above the base of the outcrop section of the Pinery Limestone
Member of the Bell Canyon Formation |
Conodont FAD Jinogondolella postserrata |
Ratified 2001 |
Wordian Stage
| 269.2 ± 0.4 |
Guadalupe Pass, Texas, U.S.A |
31.8658°N 104.8328°W |
7.6m above the base of the Getaway Ledge outcrop Section of the
Getaway Limestone Member of the Cherry Canyon Formation |
Conodont FAD Jinogondolella aserrata |
Ratified 2001 |
Roadian Stage
| 274.4 ± 0.4 |
Stratotype Canyon, Texas, U.S.A |
31.8767°N 104.8768°W |
42.7m above the base of the Cutoff Formation |
Conodont FAD Jinogondolella nankingensis |
Ratified 2001 |
Cisuralian Series |
Kungurian Stage | 283.3 ± 0.4 |
candidate Pequob Mtns., Nevada, USA |
Near conodont FAD Neostreptognathus pnevi |
Anticipated 2016 |
Artinskian Stage
| 290.5 ± 0.4 |
Dal’ny Tulkas section in the southern Urals of Russia |
53.8885°N 56.5162°E |
0.6 m above the base of Bed 4b at the Dal’ny Tulkas section |
Conodont FAD Sweetognathus asymmetricus |
Ratified 2022 |
Episodes 46/4, p. 623-65, 2023 |
Sakmarian Stage
| 293.5 ± 0.4 |
Usolka section, Southern Urals, Russia. |
53.9247°N 56.5287°E |
55.4m above the base in Bed 26/3 |
Conodont FAD Mesogondolella monstra |
Ratified 2018 |
Episodes 43/4, p. 961-979, 2020 |
Asselian Stage
| 298.9 |
Aidaralash Creek, Kazakhstan |
50.2458°N 57.8914°E |
27m above the base of Bed 19, Aidaralash Creek |
Conodont FAD of Streptognathodus
isolatus |
Ratified 1996 |
Episodes 21/1, p. 11-18, 1998 |
Carboniferous System |
Pennsylvanian Subsystem (series Classification Approved In 2004) |
Upper Pennsylvanian Series |
Gzhelian Stage | 303.7 ± 0.4 |
candidates are in southern Urals or Nashui (South China). |
Conodont FAD Idiognathodus simulator |
Kasimovian Stage | 307 ± 0.4 |
candidates are in southern Urals, and Nashui (South China). |
Conodont FAD
Idiognathodus heckeli |
Middle Pennsylvanian Series |
Moscovian Stage | 315.2 ± 0.4 |
candidates are in southern Urals or Nashui (South China). |
Conodont FAD Diplognathodus ellesmerensis |
Lower Pennsylvanian Series |
Bashkirian Stage
| 323.4 |
Arrow Canyon, Nevada |
36.7333°N 114.7778°W |
82.9m above the top of the Battleship Formation in the lower Bird
Spring Formation |
Conodont FAD Declinognathodus noduliferus |
Ratified 1996 |
Episodes 22/4, p. 272-283, 1999 |
Mississippian Subsystem |
Upper Mississippian Series (series Classification Approved In 2004) |
Serpukhovian Stage | 330.3 ± 0.4 |
candidates are Verkhnyaya Kardailovka (Urals) or Nashui (China) |
Conodont FAD Lochriea ziegleri |
Middle Mississippian Series |
Visean Stage
| 346.7 |
Pengchong, south China |
24.4333°N 109.4500°E |
base of bed 83 in the Pengchong Section |
Benthic Foraminifer FAD Eoparastaffella simplex |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 26/2, p. 105-115, 2003 |
Lower Mississippian Series |
Tournaisian Stage
| 359.3 ± 0.3 |
La Serre, France |
43.5555°N 3.3573°E |
base of Bed 89 in Trench E' at La Serre, (but FAD now known to be at
base of Bed 85) |
Conodont FAD Siphonodella sulcata
IMPRECISE (GSSP discovered in
2006 to have biostratigraphic problems, and can not be correlated
with precision.) |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/4, p. 331-336, 1991; Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 43/2, p. 195 - 205, 2009 |
Devonian System |
Upper Devonian Series |
Famennian Stage
| 372.1 ± 1.1 |
Coumiac Quarry, near Cessenon, Montagne Noire, France |
43.4613°N 3.0403°E |
Base of Bed 32a |
Base of Conodont Palmatolepis triangularis Zone, just above a
extinction horizon (Kellwasser Event). Conodont FAD Palmatolepis
subperlobata, conodont LADs
Ancyrodella, Palmatolepis bogartensis and
Ozarkodina, and Goniatite LADs of
Gephuroceratidae and Beloceratidae |
Ratified 1993 |
Episodes 16/4, p. 433-441, 1993 |
Frasnian Stage
| 378.9 ± 1.2 |
Col du Puech de la Suque, Montage Noire, France |
43.5032°N 3.0868°E |
base of Bed 42a' at Col du Puech de la Suque section E |
Conodont FAD Ancyrodella rotundiloba |
Ratified 1986 |
Episodes 10/2, p. 97-101, 1987 |
Middle Devonian Series |
Givetian Stage
| 385.3 ± 1.2 |
Jebel Mech Irdane, Morocco |
31.2374°N 4.3541°W |
base of Bed 123 |
Conodont FAD Polygnathus hemiansatus |
Ratified 1994 |
Episodes 18/3, p. 107-115, 1995 |
Eifelian Stage
| 394.3 ± 1.1 |
Wetteldorf, Eifel Hills, Germany |
50.1496°N 6.4716°E |
21.25m above the base of the exposed section, base of sample station
WP30 |
Conodont FAD Polygnathus costatus partitus |
Ratified 1985 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 104-109, 1985 |
Lower Devonian Series |
Emsian Stage
| 410.5 ± 1.1 |
Zinzil'ban Gorge in the Kitab State Geological Reserve, Uzbekistan |
39.2000°N 67.3056°E |
base of Bed 9/5 |
Conodont FAD Eocostapolygnathus kitabicus. New Emsian base under
potentially FAD of Eocostapolygnathus excavatus |
Ratified 1995 |
Episodes 20/4, p. 235-240, 1997 |
Pragian Stage
| 412.4 ± 1.1 |
Velká Chuchle, Prague, Czech Republic |
50.0147°N 14.3726°E |
base of Bed 12 in Velká Chuchle Quarry |
Conodont FAD Eognathodus sulcatus sulcatus and Latericriodus
steinachensis Morph beta |
Ratified 1989 |
Episodes 12/2, p. 109-113, 1989 |
Lochkovian Stage
| 419 ± 1.8 |
Klonk, near Prague, Czech Republic |
49.8550°N 13.7920°E |
within Bed 20 |
Graptolite FAD Monograptus uniformis |
Ratified 1972 |
IUGS Series A, 5, p. 96-109, 1977 |
Silurian System |
Přídolí Series
| 422.7 ± 1.6 |
Požáry Section, Reporyje, Prague, Czech Republic |
50.0277°N 14.3249°E |
within Bed 96, about 2 m above the base of the Požáry
Formation |
Graptolite FAD Neocolonograptus parultimus |
Ratified 1984 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 101-103, 1985; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 90 - 100, 1989 |
Ludlow Series |
Ludfordian Stage
| 425 ± 1.5 |
near Ludlow, UK |
52.3592°N 2.7772°W |
coincident with the base of the Leintwardine Formation |
Imprecise. May be near base of Saetograptus
leintwardinensis Graptolite zone. |
Ratified 1980 |
Lethaia 14; Episodes 5/3, p. 21-23, 1982; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 73 - 90, 1989 |
Gorstian Stage
| 426.7 ± 1.5 |
near Ludlow, UK |
52.3592°N 2.7772°W |
coincident with the base of the Lower Elton Formation |
Graptolite FAD Saetograptus (Colonograptus) varians |
Ratified 1980 |
Lethaia 14; Episodes 5/3, p. 21-23, 1982; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 73 - 90, 1989 |
Wenlock Series |
Homerian Stage
| 430.6 ± 1.3 |
Sheinton Brook, Homer, UK |
52.6156°N 2.5647°W |
within upper part of the Apedale Member of the Coalbrookdale Formation |
Graptolite FAD Cyrtograptus lundgreni |
Ratified 1980 |
Lethaia 14; Episodes 5/3, p. 21-23, 1982; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 51-73, 1989 |
Sheinwoodian Stage
| 432.9 ± 1.2 |
Hughley Brook, UK |
52.5811°N 2.6389°W |
base of the Buildwas Formation |
Imprecise. Between the base of acritarch biozone 5 and LAD of
conodont Pterospathodus amorphognathoides. The current GSSP
does not coincide with the base of the Cyrtograptus centrifugus
Biozone, as was supposed when the GSSP was defined. Restudy
recommends a slightly higher and correlatable level on condonts --
the Ireviken datum 2, which coincides approximately with the base of
the Cyrtograptus murchisoni Graptolite Biozone |
Ratified 1980 |
Lethaia 14; Episodes 5/3, p. 21-23, 1982; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 51-73, 1989 |
Llandovery Series |
Telychian Stage
| 438.6 ± 1.1 |
Cefn-cerig Road Section, Wales, UK |
51.9700°N 3.7900°W |
within the Wormwood Formation |
Just above Brachiopod LAD Eocoelia intermedia and below FAD
of Eocoelia curtisi |
Ratified 1984 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 101-103, 1985; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 36-50, 1989 |
Aeronian Stage
| 440.5 |
Trefawr Track Section, Wales, UK |
52.0300°N 3.7000°W |
within Trefawr Formation |
Graptolite FAD Monograptus austerus sequens |
Ratified 1984 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 101-103, 1985; Geol. Series, Nat. Mus. Wales, 9, p. 36-50, 1989 |
Rhuddanian Stage
| 443.1 ± 0.9 |
Dob's Linn, Scotland |
55.4400°N 3.2700°W |
1.6m above the base of the Birkhill Shale Formation |
Graptolite FAD Akidograptus ascensus |
Ratified 1984 |
Episodes 8/2, p. 101-103, 1985; Silurian Times No. 14 (2006); Episodes 31/3, p. 315 - 318, 2008 |
Ordovician System |
Upper Ordovician Series |
Hirnantian Stage
| 445.2 |
Wangjiawan North section, N of Yichang City, Western Hubei Province, China |
30.9841°N 111.4197°E |
0.39m below the base of the Kuanyinchiao Bed |
Graptolite FAD Metabolograptus extraordinarius |
Ratified 2006 |
Episodes 29/3, p. 183-196, 2006 |
Katian Stage
| 452.8 ± 0.7 |
Black Knob Ridge Section, Atoka, Oklahoma (USA) |
34.4305°N 96.0746°W |
4.0m above the base of the Bigfork Chert |
Graptolite FAD Diplacanthograptus caudatus |
Ratified 2006 |
Episodes 30/4, p. 258-270, 2007 |
Sandbian Stage
| 458.2 ± 0.7 |
Sularp Brook, Fågelsång, Sweden |
55.7137°N 13.3255°E |
1.4m below a phosphorite marker bed in the E14b outcrop |
Graptolite FAD Nemagraptus gracilis |
Ratified 2002 |
Episodes 23/2, p. 102-109, 2000 |
Middle Ordovician Series |
Darriwilian Stage
| 469.4 ± 0.9 |
Huangnitang section, Changshan, Zhejiang Province, SE China |
28.8539°N 118.4897°E |
base of Bed AEP 184 |
Graptolite FAD Undulograptus austrodentatus |
Ratified 1997 |
Episodes 20/3, p. 158-166, 1997 |
Dapingian Stage
| 471.3 ± 1 |
Huanghuachang Section, NE of Yichang city, Hubei Province, S. China |
30.8605°N 110.3740°E |
10.57 m above base of the Dawan Formation |
Conodont FAD of Baltoniodus triangularis |
Ratified 2007 |
Episodes 28/2, p. 105 - 117, 2005; Episodes 32/2, p. 96-113, 2009 |
Lower Ordovician Series |
Floian Stage
| 477.1 ± 1.2 |
Diabasbrottet, Hunneberg, Sweden |
58.3589°N 12.5024°E |
in the lower Tøyen Shale, 2.1m above the top of the Cambrian |
Graptolite FAD Tetragraptus approximatus |
Ratified 2002 |
Episodes 27/4, p. 265-272, 2004 |
Tremadocian Stage
| 486.9 ± 1.5 |
Green Point Section, western Newfoundland |
49.6829°N 57.9653°W |
at the 101.8m level, within Bed 23, in the measured section |
Conodont FAD Iapetognathus fluctivagus |
Ratified 2000 |
Episodes 24/1, p. 19 - 28, 2001; Episodes 44/4, p. 359-383, 2021 |
Cambrian System |
Furongian Series |
Stage 10 | 491 |
Agnostoid arthropod FAD of Lotagnostus americanus |
| 494.2 |
Duibian B Section (Zhejiang Province, China) |
28.8160°N 118.6149°E |
108.12m above the base of the Huayansi Formation at the base of an 8
cm thick layer of dark gray calcisiltites |
Agnostoid arthropod FAD of Agnostotes orientalis |
Ratified 2011 |
Paibian Stage
| 497 |
Wuling Mountains, Huayuan County, NW Hunan Province, China |
28.3895°N 109.5257°E |
at 396 m in the Huaqiao Formation |
Agnostoid arthropod FAD Glyptagnostus reticulatus |
Ratified 2003 |
Lethaia 37, p. 365-379, 2004 |
Miaolingian Series |
Guzhangian Stage
| 500.5 |
Louyixi, Guzhang County, NW Hunan Province, S. China |
28.7200°N 109.9647°E |
121.3 m above the base of the Huaqiao Formation |
Agnostoid arthropod FAD Lejopyge laevigata |
Ratified 2008 |
Episodes 32/1, p.41-55, 2009 |
Drumian Stage
| 504.5 |
Drum Mountains, Millard County, Utah, USA |
39.5117°N 112.9915°W |
at the base of a dark-gray thinly laminated calcisiltite layer, 62 m
above the base of the Wheeler Formation |
Agnostoid arthropod FAD Ptychagnostus atavus |
Ratified 2006 |
Episodes 30/2,p. 85-95, 2007 |
Wuliuan Stage
| 509 |
Wuliu-Zengjiayan section in Jianhe County, eastern Guizhou Province, China |
26.7474°N 108.4138°E |
at the base of a silty mudstone layer (within bed 9) 52.8m above the
base of the
Kaili Formation in the Wuliu-Zengjiayan section |
Trilobite, FAD of Oryctocephalus indicus |
Ratified 2019 |
Episodes 42/2, p.165-184, 2019 |
Series 2 |
Stage 4 | 514.5 |
Trilobite FAD Olenellus or Redlichia |
Stage 3 | 521 |
Trilobites -- their FAD |
Terreneuvian Series |
Stage 2 | 529 |
Small Shelly Fossils, FAD of Watsonella crosbyi or Aldanella
attleborensis |
Fortunian Stage
| 538.8 ± 0.6 |
Fortune Head, SE Newfoundland, Canada |
47.0762°N 55.8310°W |
2.4m above the base of Member 2 in the Chapel Island Formation |
Trace fossil FAD Trichophycus pedum |
Ratified 1992 |
Episodes 17/1&2, p. 95-100, 1994 |
Precambrian |
Proterozoic Eon |
Neoproterozoic Era |
Ediacaran System
| 635 |
Enorama Creek, Flinders Ranges, South Australia |
31.3314°S 138.6334°E |
base of the Marinoan cap carbonate |
(1) rapid decay of Marinoan ice sheets and onset of distinct cap
carbonates throughout the world, and (2) the beginning of a
distinctive pattern of secular changes in carbon isotopes. |
Ratified 1990 |
Lethaia 39, p.13-30, 2006 |
Cryogenian System | 720 |
Onset of the first global glaciation |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Tonian System | 1000 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Mesoproterozoic Era |
Stenian System | 1200 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Ectasian System | 1400 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Calymmian System | 1600 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Paleoproterozoic Era |
Statherian System | 1800 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Orosirian System | 2050 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Rhyacian System | 2300 |
Defined chronometrically |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Siderian System | 2500 |
Defined chronometrically, but it will be replaced by GSSP |
Ratified 1990 |
Episodes 14/2,1991 |
Archean Eon |
Neoarchean Era | 2800 |
Defined chronometrically |
Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS |
Informally in Episodes 15/2, 1992 |
Mesoarchean Era | 3200 |
Defined chronometrically |
Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS |
Informally in Episodes 15/2, 1992 |
Paleoarchean Era | 3600 |
Defined chronometrically |
Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS |
Informally in Episodes 15/2, 1992 |
Eoarchean Era | 4000 |
Base is not defined |
Subcomm. decision 1996, but not submitted to ICS |
Informally in Episodes 15/2, 1992 |
Hadean Eon | 4560 |
Formation of planet Earth. Informal term |