water for swimming and wading
Lakes and streams usually contain a variety of microorganisms,
including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and algae. Most of these
occur naturally and have little impact on human health. Some microorganisms,
however, can cause disease in humans. Diseases most commonly result from
certain bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that live in the gastrointestinal
tract and are shed in the feces of warm-blooded animals.
Water quality standards are the basis for determining whether
or not a certain level of a contaminant such as E. coli is acceptable.
Different levels of a contaminant are allowed for different water uses.
For drinking water, E.coli must be less than 1 CFU/100 mL. Most surface
water in Indiana would not meet this standard, but compliance with the
drinking water standard is not required because water is treated before
it is used for drinking. However, all Indiana streams and lakes are designated
to meet the use of "full body contact recreation", or swimming.
do we determine whether water is "swimmable"?
The water quality standard for full body contact recreation
in Indiana is based on E.coli, as recommended by the EPA. Monitoring results
for E. coli are given in terms of number of E. coli colony forming units
(or CFU) in 100 mL of water (about half a cup). For water to meet the
recreation standards, the geometric mean of 5 samples over a 30-day period
is required to be less than 125 CFU/100 mL, with no sample testing higher
than 235 CFU/100 mL.
Although viruses and protozoa cause many of the illnesses
associated with swimming in polluted water, monitoring is usually done
for E. coli, which tend to indicate fecal contamination. Indicators are
used rather than the actual disease-causing organisms (pathogens) because
pathogens are much more difficult to measure, and because even though
the specific pathogen may not be present on a particular day the presence
of fecal bacteria indicate that it could be. In addition, there are many
different pathogens, and measuring one pathogen does not predict the concentration
of another pathogen. The number of fecal bacteria is an indicator of the
human health risk associated with swimming in the water.
are the potential health effects of swimming in water containing pathogens?
Untreated sewage or livestock waste released into the water
can expose swimmers to bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. These pathogens
(disease-causing organisms) are usually present at or near the site where
polluted discharges enter the water. Children, the elderly, and people
with weakened immune systems are most likely to develop illnesses or infections
after swimming in polluted water.
The most common illness associated with swimming in water
polluted by sewage is gastroenteritis. It occurs in a variety of forms
that can have one or more of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting,
stomachache, diarrhea, headache, and fever. Other minor illnesses associated
with swimming include ear, eye, nose, and throat infections. In highly
polluted water, swimmers may occasionally be exposed to more serious diseases
like dysentery, hepatitis, cholera, and typhoid fever. Most of these diseases
require ingestion (drinking or swallowing) of the infected water, although
some can be transmitted through wounds exposed to water. Swimming-related
illnesses are usually minor, according to EPA sources. This means that
they require little or no treatment, respond readily to treatment, and
have no long-term health effects.
levels of E. coli are typically found in Indiana streams and lakes?
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management samples
for bacteria at numerous sites around the state. The 1994-95 Indiana 305(b)
Report (the most recent statewide assessment of water quality available)
reported that about 81% of assessed waters did not support the "whole
body contact recreation" (swimming) use due to frequent high E. coli levels.
Mean values in hundreds of stations measured by IDEM ranged
from 0.2 CFU/100mL to 800,000 CFU/100mL. High E. coli values are clearly
not unusual in Indiana streams. Sampling in tributaries of Eagle Creek
have found levels as high as 160,000 CFU/100 mL, or about 680 times the
maximum allowed for recreation. Less than half the samples taken would
meet recreation standards. Over 800 samples were taken in the St. Joseph
River (the water supply for Fort Wayne) and its tributaries in 1996-1997.
The figure below shows the range of values during the sampling season
(April-November) in 1996. The average of all samples was about 2000 CFU/100
mL (16 times the maximum allowed), with a maximum of 35,200 CFU/100 mL.
Another indication of water quality problems is the Indiana
303(d) list (.pdf), on which development of TMDLs, or Total Maximum
Daily Loads, will be based. Of 208 waterbodies on the 303(d) list, 44
have E. coli as one of the TMDL parameters. High E. coli levels were in
fact found in many of the remaining 164 waterbodies, but due to quality
control problems in the sampling were taken off the list. It is expected
that resampling will identify E. coli in many of the other streams, so
that TMDLs for E. coli will eventually be developed in these streams.
are the most important source of these microorganisms?
E.coli can come from the wastes of any warm-blooded animal, including
humans, cattle, hogs, and many other animals including wildlife. Fecal
wastes from humans are the greatest health concern since they carry the
most human pathogens. Several of the diseases mentioned above, however,
can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Human wastes can enter water from improperly functioning septic
systems, improperly treated sewage (usually due to combined sewer overflows
during storm events), discharges from boats, sewage sludge applied to
the land if not properly treated, and in rare instances from a sick person
(usually a small child in diapers) swimming. Modern septic systems are
designed to discharge wastes to the soil, where pathogens and other contaminants
are filtered by the soil before the water enters groundwater or streams.
Houses built before 1950, however, were allowed to discharge wastewater
from the septic tank directly to field tiles rather than to a leach field.
Such systems have a high probability of releasing fecal organisms to streams,
particularly when the soil is wet. In many cases home sites do not have
adequate space or suitable soils to install a proper septic leach field.
High water tables are common near lakes, and soils there may not be suitable
for septic systems. Homes built before modern statewide guidelines were
instituted in Indiana in 1991 often have undersized systems or no room
for expanding the absorption field in case of system failure.
Even well-designed septic systems can contaminate water if they fail
due to improper maintenance or simply reaching the end of their design
life. When systems have not been pumped regularly, or where soils cannot
handle the wastes, or due to poor design, the leach field may not be able
to handle the wastewater properly. Wastewater may rise to the surface,
where it can stand in the lawn where children play, or flow overland to
the nearest ditch or stream.
Many sewage treatment plants are allowed to bypass the sewage treatment
system during storms. This is usually because the storm sewers are connected
to the sanitary sewers (known as "combined sewers") and the total flow
during a storm can far exceed the capacity of the sewage treatment plant.
Such bypasses are a major cause of microbial contamination in Indiana.
This practice is not allowed in newer construction, but is a common problem
in older cities with existing sewer systems. The high cost of bringing
communities into compliance is a major obstacle to reducing this source
of E. coli.
Livestock waste also contains fecal coliform bacteria such as
E. coli. New research may soon allow us to routinely distinguish between
E.coli from animal and human origin, but the standard tests do not make
that distinction.
Livestock manure that reaches tile drains, ditches, or streams will usually
lead to high levels of E.coli. Manure storages or lagoons that are improperly
sited or constructed may leak, contaminating surrounding water. It is
much more common, however, for contamination to result from land application
of manure. When heavy rains follow an application, or where manure is
applied to ground that is too wet, overapplied, or applied too near a
stream, runoff can carry manure into a nearby stream. It had been widely
assumed that subsurface tile drains are protected by the 2 to 4 feet of
soil above them, since bacteria are usually adsorbed to soil. However
significant quantities of bacteria have been shown to reach tile lines
through cracks, root holes, worm holes, or surface inlets or breather
vents to tile lines. In a study in New York, fecal coliform concentrations
reached 100,000 CFU/100 mL in tile drainage (approximately 500 times the
standard for recreation) after a liquid manure application. The most direct
pathway occurs when livestock are allowed in the stream itself, however,
the extent of contamination here is a function of animal density and streamflow.
In some areas, especially where there are few people or livestock, wildlife
can be a significant contributor. The most direct contributors are waterfowl,
although deer, raccoons, and other wildlife living anywhere in the watershed
can contribute to bacteria levels in streams. In urban areas, pet wastes
can be washed off streets and other impervious surfaces and flow through
storm drains directly to lakes and streams.
can be done to reduce E. coli levels?
1. Make sure septic systems are functioning properly.
Septic systems do not function properly when high groundwater tables,
shallow limiting layers of bedrock or fragipan, or very slowly or rapidly
permeable soil limit the ability of the soil to treat the waste. Lots
that are too steep or too small are also unsuitable for septic systems.
All systems require that the septic tank be pumped every 5 years or so
to ensure maximum life. In many cases, because the original residential
siting was poor or lot size is inadequate, the only solution to salvage
a failing septic system is to install a treatment system ahead of the
filter field to lower the loading. The following publications, available
from your county office of Purdue Extension, can provide additional information
on septic system installation and maintenance.
- ID-170:
Construction Guidelines for Conventional Septic Systems
- ID-142:
Operating and Maintaining the Home Septic System
- AY-9-33:
Septic System Owner's Guide
2. Support community plans to construct or upgrade sewage treatment
plants and eliminate combined sewer overflows.
In many areas of Indiana, particularly around lakes, lots have no suitable
land available for proper septic systems. In some cases the best solution
may even be to prohibit the residential use of such lots, or to construct
a centralized sewage system, which may include conventional sewage treatment,
constructed wetlands, or a centralized septic system leachfield properly
located and designed. Although the construction and operation of such
systems are expensive, they are necessary to protect water quality and
public health. Eliminating combined sewer overflows is a difficult and
costly operation, and taxpayers need to realize that the costs are ultimately
worthwhile to protect water quality.
3. Prevent manure from entering tiles, ditches, and streams.
All large livestock operations are given permits by IDEM. They are required
to follow guidelines for storage and have adequate land area for manure
application. Good management practices such as applying manure at optimal
times for plant uptake, applying when potential for runoff is low, and
injecting or incorporating manure when applying greatly reduce the potential
for manure runoff that may contaminate streams. Riparian buffer strips
where no manure is applied are important where surface runoff is the major
pathway for flow. Setbacks should also be implemented from any surface
inlets to tile lines. The following publications, available from your
county office of Purdue Extension, can provide additional information
on livestock manure and water quality protection.
- WQ-7:
Animal Agriculture's Effect of Water Quality: Pastures and Feedlots
- WQ-8:
Animal Agriculture's Effect of Water Quality: Waste Storage
- WQ-16:
Animal Agriculture's Effect of Water Quality: Land Application of Manure
- ID-205:
Swine Manure Management Planning
- ID-206:
Poultry Manure Management Planning
- ID-208:
Dairy Manure Management Planning
Much of Indiana's 36,000 miles of rivers, 106,000 acres of lakes, and
43 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline do not currently meet water quality
standards for recreation. The large number of potential E. coli sources
make it very difficult to determine the precise value of each source in
most waterbodies. Cleaning up these valuable streams and lakes will require
addressing all of the potential sources. Since "we are all a source,"
we all must be part of the solution.
Dr. Jane Frankenberger
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University
For more information
contact Jane Frankenberger
or Brent Ladd (
or call the Purdue Extension Safe Water office at 765-496-6331

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