is the site evaluation important?
The effects of farmstead practices such as pesticide handling or manure storage
on groundwater depend on the physical characteristics of your farmstead site:
soil type, geologic conditions and depth to groundwater. That's why evaluating
the soils and geologic characteristics of your farmstead is an important step
in protecting the groundwater you drink.
involved in completing this evaluation?
This evaluation has four parts:
1. Evaluating soil type and depth
2. Evaluating subsurface and geologic materials,along with
depth to groundwater
3. Determining overall site evaluation ranking (combining
parts 1 and 2)
4. Doing a farmstead diagram (optional)
Getting the information to complete parts 1 and 2 will require
assistance from outside sources, such as your county NRCS or Extension
office. How long this takes will vary depending on the information
available in your county. Once you have the information in hand,
though, it should take about an hour to complete the first three parts
of Survey 11 (the farmstead diagram will take additional time).
If some of the information you need isn't readily available,
instructions are included on how to proceed. The more information you
can get, the better; some information is better than no information.
do soils affect the potential for groundwater contamination?
Soil characteristics are very important in determining 1) how a
contaminant breaks down to harmless compounds; and 2) whether it
leaches into groundwater. Because most breakdown occurs in the soil;
there is a greater potential for groundwater contamination in areas
where contaminants move quickly through the soil.
Sandy soils have large "pore" spaces between individual particles, and
the particles provide relatively little surface area for "sorption" or
physical attachment of most contaminants. Large amounts of rainfall or
excessive irrigation water can percolate through these soils, and can
carry dissolved contaminants down through the soil and into
Clay soils, on the other hand, are made up of extremely small
particles that slow the movement of water and dissolved contaminants
through the soil. Contaminants also stick tightly to clay
surfaces. Even with clay soils, movement of water may be through
rather large cracks (preferential flow) and treatment may be
While held securely to soil particles, contaminants are broken down
by bacteria and reactions with minerals and natural chemicals in the
soil. Most of this chemical and biological breakdown takes place in
the loose, cultivated surface layers. Here the soil tends to be warm,
moist, high in organic matter, well-aerated and with a higher
microbial population.
Finally, soil organic matter is impor tant in holding
contaminants. Soils high in organic matter provide an excellent
environment for chemical and biological breakdown of
contaminants--before they reach groundwater.
The natural purification capability of the soil is, however,
limited. Under certain conditions, such as heavy rainfall, chemical
spills or sandy soil, contaminants may leach below the soil. In such
cases, the subsurface geologic material and the distance a contaminant
must travel to groundwater are important factors in determining
whether a contaminant actually reaches the groundwater.
do subsurface and geologic materials affect the potential for groundwater contamination?
Glaciers receded from the nor thern two-thirds of Indiana just 20,000
years ago, relatively recent in geologic time. Soils in this part of
the state were formed on loamy glacial till and course textured
outwash overlying weathered bedrock. Soils in the southern third of
Indiana were formed on older glacial deposits or directly on
bedrock. The depth of surficial deposits across the state ranges from
zero to hundreds of feet. These materials are called "unconsolidated
Aquifers are normally in sand and gravel in the unconsolidated
deposits or in the bedrock beneath. Clayey or fine texture layers
above the aquifer material help protect it from contamination.
Depth to groundwater is important primarily because it determines not
only the depth of material through which a contaminant must travel
before reaching an aquifer but also the time during which a
contaminant is in contact with the soil. As a result, where soil and
surficial deposits are fairly deep, contaminants are less likely to
reach groundwater.
Bedrock geology influences groundwater pollution when the water table
is below the bedrock surface. Sedimentary rocks have a wide range of
permeability--from highly permeable fractured dolomite to nearly
impermeable shales and crystalline formations. Movement of pollutants
in fractured limestone or dolomite is unpredictable, and pollutants
can readily spread over large areas. This would include areas with
"sinkholes" which are common in par ts of southern Indiana. Where
bedrock material contains significant cracks and fractures, the depth
and characteristics of soil and surficial geologic deposits largely
determine the potential for groundwater contamination.
word of caution
As with the results of the previous 10 surveys, use the rankings from
this survey cautiously. Many factors affect whether or not a
contaminant will leach to groundwater. There is no guarantee that a
"low-risk" site will be uncontaminated-- or that groundwater will
become contaminated at a "high-risk" site. The type of contaminant
involved, how you handle and store potential contaminants (such as
pesticides and manure), the location and maintenance of your well, and
many other factors can affect the potential for groundwater
1. Evaluation the soil on your farmstead
To complete your soil evaluation, you will need a copy of your
county's soil survey report. This report is available at county
offices of the Cooperative Extension Service, Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS) or Soil and Water Conservation District
Step 1. Start by locating your farmstead on the detailed soil
map sheets (those with an aerial photo background) in the soil
survey,note the soil map unit indicated on the photo and look
up information related to that soil in the written survey
Don't skip any parts of the survey. If you are not familiar
with usinga soil survey, you may need help completing Part
1. Ask your county extension educator or your NRCS specialist
to help you find the following information:
*Location of your farmstead on the map and aerial
photographs provided in the soil survey report.
*The soil mapping unit and soil series from the
legend provided in the soil survey report.
*The soil series and/or soil mapping unit, including
the profile description as well as any other
information in the report regarding depth to bedrock,
depth to water, organic matter or organic carbon
Step 2. With this information in hand, you are ready to rank
your soil according to seven characteristics. For each of the
seven characteristics in the left column, find information
about your soil in the soil survey. Then, match your soil
description to the description in the middle column to
determine your score in the right column. (For example, if the
soil survey tells you that the surface texture of your soil is
a clay loam, your score for that category would be 8.) Enter
your score in the space indicated.
1. Texture of surface
(A horizon or upper 6-10 inches)
loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, silt.............. .9
clay, silty clay, clay loam silty
clay loam, sandy clay........................ 8
loamy very fine sand, very fine
sandy loam, loamy fine sand,
fine sandy loam ............................. 4
sand, loamy sand, sandy loam,
organic materials, and all
textural classes with coarse
fragment class modifiers
(such as "gravelly loam") ................... 1
Score ________
2. Texture of subsoil
(the most clayey B horizon)
clay, silty clay, sandy clay, silt ...................10
sandy clay loam, loam, silt
loam, clay loam, silty clay loam ............. 7
loamy very fine sand, very fine sandy
loam, loamy fine sandy, fine
sandy loam ................................... 4
sand, loamy sand, sandy loam organic
materials, and all textural classes
with coarse fragment modifiers
(such as "gravelly loam") .................... 1
Score _________
3. Organic matter
(A or Ap horizon; or upper 6-10 inches)
If the surface texture is muck or peat,
or soil is less than 20 inches to bedrock 1
If your soil does not fall into the above groups,
obtain the following information either from a soil
test report for your farmstead, or from the Physical
and Chemical Properties table in the soil survey,
or from your NRCS office.
Organic Organic Score
Matter (%) Carbon
high (4-10%) 2.32-5.8 10
medium (2-4%) 1.16-2.32 7
low (1-2%) 0.58-1.16 5
low (.5-1%) 0.29-0.58 3
very low
(less tahn 0.5%) less than 0.29 1
(lower your score by on elevel if the soil mapping unit
description in the soil survey indicates moderate or severe
erosion, unless you take organic matter or carbon from soil
test results.)
Score _________
4. pH-Surface
(A horizon)
6.6 or greater 6
less than 6.6 4
Score _________
5. Depth of soil solum
(In the "Classification of Soils' section of a soil survey. It is
often in the text below the profile description.)
greater than 60 in. 10
40-60 in. 8
30-40 in. 5
less than 30 in. 1
(lower your score one level when rock is present at 30-40
inches below the soil surface. Consult the profile
description in the soil survey report to learn about depth to
rock. you may wish to subtract the inches of the surface
erosion from the depth to dedrock.)
Score _________
6. Permeability of the slowest subsoil horizon
(In the table of "Physical and Chemical 2 Properties of Soils" of
your county soil survey.)
0.06 to 0.6 in./hour 10
0.6 to 2.0 in./hour 8
2 to 20 in./hour 3
greater than 20 in./hour 1
Score __________
7. Natural soil drainage class
(In the "Map Unit Descriptions" or Classification of Soils.)
well drained 10
moderately well drained 4
somewhat poorly drained, poorly, and very
poorly drained; somewhat excessively
and excessively drained 1
Score ___________
Step 3. Add your seven scores together
TOTAL SCORE _____________
Step 4. In the box below, find your score in the listed ranges in the
left column. Then identify your soils "potential to protect
groundwater" and find the rank number assigned to your score.
Total Score Soil's potential Rank
to protect groundwater
>51 Best 5
41-50 Good 4
31-40 Marginal/Good 3
21-30 Marginal 2
0-20 Poor 1
Step 5. Enter this rank number here:
SOIL RANK: ______________
Step 6. Understand your soils ranking.
A soil with more than 50 points (ranking 5) probably is a
deep, medium or fine textured, well-drained soil which
contains 4-10% organic matter. Potential contaminants move
slowly through the soil, allowing them to become attached to
soil particles. Sunlight, air and microorganisms then have
time to break down the contaminant into harmless
compounds. The groundwater contamination risk level is low.
A soil with a score less than 20 (ranking 1) is probably a
coarse-textured, (sandy) extremely well-drained soil with less
than 1% organic matter. Such a soil would enable most
contaminants to move rapidly down toward the water table.
Overall, the higher your ranking number, the more likely that
your soil conditions will help to reduce the risk of
groundwater contamination from farmstead practices.
2: Evaluation subsurface and geologic materials on your farmstead
This part looks at the subsurface and geologic materials
beneath your farmstead's soils. Completing the survey will
give you a much clearer picture of your site's potential for
preventing pollutants from reaching groundwater.
For example, the soil evaluation might have indicated a moderate
potential for protecting groundwater. However, if the soils
are fairly shallow and lie over fractured bedrock, the
potential for groundwater contamination at the site is
probably higher than indicated by the soil evaluation alone.
This part requires only two items of information: your site's
subsurface geologic material and depth to
groundwater. Unfortunately, information on subsurface geologic
material as well depth to water, is often difficult to obtain.
*It is sometimes available from the soil survey report,
although this differs from county to county.
*You may also obtain this information from your well
construction report or those of neighboring farms.
*You can find additional information from other well
construction reports. Some Indiana river basins have reports
published by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
(IDNR). These are generalized maps, though, and may not
accurately reflect the depth to groundwater or direction of
flow at your farmstead.
*If there is a published geological report for your county it
may show the type of geologic material in your area.
Try not to skip
any steps in this part. Ask your county extension educator or NRCS specialist
to help you gather the information and provide assistance in completing Part
If the information for this part is not available, though, you
may skip to Part 3. The instructions will tell you how to
proceed without it.
Step 1. Find the information you need--from soil surveys,
well construction reports or geological survey reports--to
identify: the geologic materials beneath your farmstead and
depth to groundwater.
Step 2. Match the information on your site's geology to one
of the descriptions in the left column below. (You will be
choosing only one description from the entire table that follows.)
Step 3. When you have chosen the description that best
matches your site's geology, read across to the right until
you get to the appropriate "depth to groundwater" for your
site and circle that score for your farmstead. For example,
you may determine from your well constructor's report that
geologic material beneath your farmstead consists of 30 feet
of coarse-textured, unconsolidated material over fractured
limestone bedrock, and that depth to groundwater is 15
feet. Looking down the left column to find your category, and
then going across to the right, you see that your rank is "1".
Geologic Material Depth to Groundwater
0-30 ft. >30 ft.
Loam, clay loam, glacial till,
loess deposits, fine textured
lakebed deposits 3 4
Sandy loam till, interbedded with
sands and gravel 2 3
Coarse texture, sand and gravel
outwash 1 1
Fractured limestone bedrock, sink holes
present 1 1
Sandstone, shale bedrock 3 4
Step 4. Enter your circled number here:
Subsurface Rank __________
Step 5. Understand your subsurface and geology ranking. The
table below shows what your rank means.
Rank Subsurface Potential Level of Risk
to Protect Groundwater
4 Best Low
3 Good Low/moderate
2 Marginal High/moderate
1 Poor High
A ranking of "4" shows that the subsurface material has small
pore spaces, groundwater is at least 10 feet from the soil
surface, and the risk of groundwater contamination is low.
A ranking of "1" indicates a material with large pore spaces
that allow contaminants to move downward easily, increasing
the risk of groundwater contamination. In highly fractured
rock or in very coarse-textured, unconsolidated materials
(e.g. sands, gravels), the depth to groundwater doesn't seem
to matter because some contaminants will flow through the pore
spaces with very little slowdown.
Overall, the higher your ranking number, the more likely that
your farmstead's geologic conditions and depth to groundwater
will help to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination from
farmstead practices.
3. Combining your farmstead's soil and subsurface geologic rankings
Combining the rankings from parts 1 and 2 will provide you
with a good overall ranking of your farmstead site's potential
to prevent pollutants from moving down to groundwater.
Step 1. Transfer your boxed rankings from the soil
evaluations (Part 1, page 7) and the subsurface/geologic
evaluation (Part 2, page 9) to the two boxes below:
Soil Rank ________ Subsurface Rank _________
Step 2. The table below shows the overall level of
groundwater contamination risk associated with your farmstead
site conditions. Find your two numbers written in the correct
sequence (soils rank-subsurface rank, for example 4-2) and
circle the sequence.
Level of Risk
Low Low-Moderate High-Moderate High
(Rank 4) (Rank 3) (Rank 2) (Rank1)
1-4 2-3 1-3 1-1
2-4 4-2 3-2 1-2
3-3 5-1 2-1
3-4 2-2
4-3 3-1
4-4 4-1
Step 3. Look above the sequence you circle to find your risk
level and your ranking. (For example, if your numbers are 2-3,
your site is in the low-moderate risk column and your ranking
is 3.)
Step 4. Enter your combined ranking and level of risk here.
Combined Ranking _________
Level of risk ____________
Step 5. Understand your combined ranking.
In general, a site with a combined ranking of 4 (low
groundwater pollution risk) will have a soil with a good
capacity to hold and break down contaminants before reaching
the water table. Under certain conditions, however, such as
spills, poor management and heavy rainfall, contaminants may
reach groundwater.
On the other hand, if you carefully manage a site with a
combined ranking of 1 (high groundwater pollution risk), you
may still protect your drinking water. Both site
characteristics and your management practices are of equal
4. Learning more about your site
Sketching a diagram of your farmstead can provide useful
information to help you understand how the physical layout and
site characteristics of your farmstead may contribute to-- or
lessen--the effects of possible contaminants reaching your
drinking water.
The diagram can show the location of well, septic drainfields,
manure storage areas, direction of groundwater flow, surface
water, buildings and other activities that may contribute
potential contaminants. Along with the soil and subsurface
evaluations, the diagram will help point out aspects of your
farmstead that may present a hazard to your drinking water.
Step 1. Begin by looking at the sample diagram on page
Step 2. Diagram your farmstead on the blank grid provided on
page 14. Include all of the following that apply to your
*all buildings and other structures (home, barn, machine shed)
*well and abandoned wells
*septic systems (tank, dry well, absorption field and/or
*barnyard/livestock yard
*manure storage (temporary and permanent)
*fuel storage tanks (above and underground)
*pesticide and fertilizer handling and storage
*silage storage
*milkhouse waste disposal systems (tank, field and/or ditch)
*farm dumps
*vehicle maintenance areas
*liquid disposal areas
You can use the same diagram to indicate surface water (ponds
and streams), directions of land slope, groundwater flow and
different soil types found around your farmstead. Generally,
groundwater follows surface topography and moves downhill
towards surface water.
Step 3. Use your diagram to note which activities or
structures on your farmstead have a greater likelihood of
allowing contaminants to reach groundwater. This information
should help prepare you to make better decisions about your
farmstead activities and structures and how they might be
affecting your drinking water.
The following is just given as an example farmstead Diagram.