Indiana Farmstead Assessment for Drinking Water Protection

Silage Storage

Use this survey to assess the risk to water quality posed by your silage storage system. Circle the answer that best describes the situation of your silage storage system. At the end of each section sum the numbers that correspond to each answer for the section total. When you have completed the survey sum the section totals for the risk assessment score. Refer to Fact Sheet 9 for more information on silage storage.

For each question, a (1) represents a higher risk to drinking water than a (3).

Silage Storage Location

1. Is your silage storage location downslope from the water well?

	Yes (1)
	No  (3)

2. How far is the silage storage location from the well?

	less than 50 feet     (1)
	50 to 500 feet        (2) 
	greater than 500 feet (3)

3. Does water from your storage drain to a field or pasture, or pool
	on the soil surface near the storage?

	drains (3)
	pools  (2)

			Silage Storage Location section total  __________

Storage Structure Condition

4. What type of floor does the silage storage structure have?

	concrete or asphalt (3)  
                Answer Question 5 and skip Question 6.
	soil                (2) 
		Skip Question 5 and go to Question 6.

5. Is the floor cracked?

	Yes (2)
	No  (3)

6. What type of soil is the floor?

	clay (3) 
	loam (2) 
	sand (1) 

7. Is your silage storage covered?

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

8. Does the cover fit tightly?

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

9. Describe the leaks in your silage storage.

	none  (3) 
	small (2)
	large (1)

Answer Question 10 if you have a glass-lined storage facility. 

10. How old is the lining?

	less than 6 years      (3) 
	between 6 and 40 years (2)
	older than 40 years    (1)

		Storage Structure section total __________

Leachate Collection System

11. Is there a leachate collection system in use that was designed for your silage storage?

	Yes (3) If yes, answer Question 12 and skip Question 13.
	No  (1) If no, skip Question 12 and answer Question 13.

12. Is the leachate collection system maintained?

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

13. Where does leachate flow?

	to waterways  (1)
	to a low area (2)

		Leachate Collection System section total __________

Risk Assessment for Silage Storage

Add the following totals:

Silage Storage Location section total ____ x 3 = ______ 
Storage Structure Condition section total ____ x 2 = ______ 
Leachate Collection System section total = ______

						Survey 9 Score ____________

	Low	       	    Moderate			High
       33 - 25		    24 - 18		      17 - 13

for "fact sheet 9" click here:

Silage Storage Fact Sheet

Reviewed 5/1/01

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