Indiana Farmstead Assessment for Drinking Water Protection

Fertilizer Handling & Storage

Use this survey to assess the risk to groundwater quality posed by your fertilizer handling and storage practices. Circle the answers that best describe your situation. At the end of each section sum the numbers that correspond to each answer for the section total. When you have completed the survey sum the section totals for the risk assessment score. Refer to for more information on fertilizer handling and storage practices.

For each question, a (1) represents a higher risk to drinking water than a (3).

Mixing and Loading Practices

1. What is the surface type where fertilizer mixing/loading takes place?

	field		    	 	   (3) 
	concrete or asphalt pad with curbs (3)
	concrete or asphalt pad 	   (2)
	soil or gravel 			   (1)

2. What is the minimum distance between any fertilizer mixing/loading
area and your well?

	less than 20 feet 	(1) 
	between 20 and 100 feet (2)
	more than 100 feet      (3)

3. Are all fertilizer mixing/loading areas downslope from the water

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

4. Is someone present during fertilizer mixing/loading operations to
watch for spills and other mishaps and to take corrective action?

	present entire time 	 		       (3) 
	present most of the time		       (2) 
	start filling, leave and return after set time (1)

	Mixing and Loading Practices section total  ___________


5. Is most of your fertilizer stored within 20 feet of:

	a water well?
		Yes (1)
		No  (3) 
	surface water?
	     	Yes (1)
		No  (3)

6. Is your fertilizer storage area locked to prevent accidental valve
opening or vandalism?

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

7. What type of floor does your fertilizer storage area have?

	concrete floor 		(3) 
	soil or gravel floor    (1)

8. Are there floor drains in the fertilizer storage area?

	No 		   		    (3) 
	Yes, drain has sump to holding tank (3)
	Yes, drain empties to a field tile  (1)
	Yes, drain runs to city sewer       (1)

9. Are there any leaks or drips from tanks, valves, pump seals, etc.?

	frequently (1) 
	sometimes  (2)
	never      (3)

		Storage section total ____________

Cleanup and Container Disposal

10. Do you clean up fertilizer spills promptly?

	Yes (3)
	No  (1)

11. Where do you apply the rinsate from fertilizer sprayers?

	field 				       (3) 
	farmyard, more than 100 feet from well (2)
	farmyard, less than 100 feet from well (1)

12. Where do you clean fertilizer application equipment?

	over a mixing/loading pad, or in field (3) 
	farmyard, more than 100 feet from well (2)
	farmyard, less than 100 feet from well (1)

13. Where do you dispose of fertilizer bags?

	farm dump or burn pile on farm (1)
	recycle or landfill 	       (3)

	Cleanup and Container Disposal section total ___________

Other Management

(circle Yes or No)

Is the fertilizer storage area clean and neat? 

	Yes 	No

Do you keep a current fertilizer inventory onsite? 

	Yes 	No 

Are bagged fertilizers stored off the floor and low to ground? 

	Yes 	No 

Is the fertilizer storage area labelled as such on the outside? 

	Yes 	No

Total number of Yes answers:  ______ 

Total Number of No answers:  ______ 

If you had more Yes answers than No, the section total is 3; otherwise
the total is 2.

		Other Management section total __________

Risk Assessment for Fertilizer Handling and Storage

Add the following totals:

Mixing and Loading Practices section total ____ x 4 	= ________ 

Storage section total ____ x 3 				= ________ 

Cleanup and Container Disposal section total ____ x 2   = ________ 

Other Management section total 				= ________

			Survey 3 Score _______________

	Low	       	    Moderate			High
     129 - 106		    105 - 67		       66 - 42

Click below for Fact Sheet 3

Fertilizer Handling & Storage Fact Sheet

Reviewed 5/1/01

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