RVL Announcements...

Lab Meeting Weekly
We will not have any lab meeting for a month from the first day of this summer session. However, we will resume our RVL Seminar right after one month break. Specific schedules for the talks will be announced for you at any time soon.

New Technplogy Inovations
All of our efforts to bring our computer vision technology up-to-date in our Robot VIsion Laboratory makes our dreams come true. As a biological-Inspired approach (so called, "Biomimetics), Jae B. Park has recently designed a multi-sepctral multi-vision camera system that is able to estimate the spectral information of the illumination (particularly useful under non-white illumination conditions). This will allow us on improving - more precisely speaking, simplifying - our current New Color Space Modeling Project. For the detailed information (technical aspects), Jae B. Park will report his progress on his project in the seminar coming in next week.

New Members in RVL
To be announced later...

Open House & Parties
To be announced later....