
Wheelchair Basketball Clinic

RIISE has hosted numerous wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball clinics at the CoRec! These clinics are open to all students with the intent on teaching Purdue students the basics of each game. 


If you are interested in learning more about when our next clinic is being held, follow us on Instagram @riisepurdue.

RIISE team members volunteer at a wheelchair basketball tournament in the Feature Gym of the CoRec. All are welcome to participate!

Wheelchair Obstacle Course

RIISE’s first in-person event was a wheelchair obstacle course event in front of Purdue’s Armstrong building, designed to let normally-abled people experience the mobility challenges that can come with wheelchair use.

Students and RIISE members alike could come and complete the course for time! RIISE advisor Shelby Gruss led the way with a time of 19.24 seconds.

Adaptive Technology Panel

RIISE held a panel with three former Paralympians to discuss engineering better technologies for adaptive athletes. Canada’s Nikola Goncin joined the United States’ Dartanyon Crockett and Dr. Meg Fisher to discuss how wheelchairs, prostheses, and more could be better designed. 


RIISE members took away tips, tricks, and engineering design challenges to think about for future design projects!