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Purdue-UNSA team meeting

UNSA team visited Purdue University in 2018 to understand the targeted technical and research infrastructure to support the current research project objectives. 

Pic: UNSA team discussing with Purdue Team. From Left to Right: Dr Richard Voyles (Purdue), Mauricio Postigo (UNSA), Lizbeth Leonor Aguilar Paredes (UNSA) and Dr Byung-Cheol Min (Purdue)


Pic: UNSA team visits Purdue team members research labs and gets an orientation about the existing research facilities and infrastructure from graduate and undergraduate students.
Purdue team visits UNSA from November 7 to November 11, 2018
The main goal of this trip was to visit potential field sites/stations in Arequipa and have a person-to-person meeting with the UNSA Nexus team for the project. This trip was made to Areqiupa by Purdue NEXUS faculty, Dr Byung-Cheol (BC) Min and  Dr Jose Garcia. 
Pic: The Purdue and UNSA team visited the field stations and potential feild sites
Pic: Potential Field SiteFrom Left to Right: The Pitay’s intake, The water retention pond at the Majes field station (USV testing site) and The lake at Laguna San Camilo
Replication of the Smart Irrigation Setup in CIEPA-Majes by Senior and Visiting Researcher from May 21 to May 27, 2019
Senior and Visiting Researcher, Dr Yogang Singh and Santiago Guevara Ocana visited UNSA, Arequipa from May 20 to May 27, 2019. The main goal of this trip was to replicate the smart water irrigation set up developed in house at Purdue at the CIEPA- Majes field station in Pedregal.
Pic: The team joined the joint public press conference by the President of UNSA, Vice-President of UNSA and Dr. Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, Vice-President of Purdue that took place in the Office of University Council (sala de Consejo Universitario) near the UNSA’s President’s office in the center of the city (Calle Santa Catalina 117, Cercado de Arequipa). Purdue-UNSA robotics team giving local news agency “The Andes” updates of our project (right)
Pic: The team did assessment of the requirements of the irrigation equipment and assembled the smart irrigation set up. The complete transfer of knowledge from Purdue to UNSA team occurred during this trip. UNSA team learned the skills towards smart irrrigation set up and the final set up was delivered to the UNSA team to do further studies and research. 
UNSA team visited Purdue for 2019 NEXUS Workshop in July 2019
Mauricio Postigo, UNSA PI visited Purdue University in July 2019 for attending the 2019 NEXUS workshop organised by NEXUS institute. As a part of the knowledge transfer plan of the project, Senior Researcher took the lead in designing the workshop programme on behalf of the project team and gave a 1.5 hour lecture session towards “Design and Development of the Smart Water Irrigation Setup ”. This lecture was scheduled in the afternoon session (1:30 - 3:00 PM) on 24 July, 2019.
Pic: Senior Researcher giving the lecture session in 2019 NEXUS workshop
In addition to that, a poster session was organised by the NEXUS institute for all the running projects within the NEXUS framework. The main goal of this poster session was to synergise the efforts from different projects working together under NEXUS framework. Senior researcher presented the two posters of the project. 
Pic: Senior Researcher presenting both posters in 2019 NEXUS workshop. Mauricio Postigo was also present during the poster session.
Purdue Team tested the sediment sampling USV using Van Veen grab sampler in Lake Harner- August 2019
The Purdue team tested the sediment sampling USV, SMARTBoat 7 integrated with a Van Veen Grab Sampler in Lake Harner, located in close vicinity of Purdue University. A short video showing the motivation, methodology, test and photos is provided on the given link:
Pic: SMARTBoat 7, the sediment sampling USV maneuvering in Lake Harner and performing the sediment sampling using Van Veen grab sampler. The way points visited by SMARTBoat 7 are shown on the map and sampling is performed at fourth waypoint.