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ECE 264 Assignments Spring 2009

Start the programming assignments early. It is extremely unlikely that you can finish a programming assignment within one day.

Assignment Topic Due Extension
Absolute Deadline
PA1 Sorting 5:59PM 02/11 until 5:59PM 02/18 5:59PM 02/21
PA2 Database 5:59PM 03/04 until 5:59PM 03/11 5:59PM 03/14
PA3 Treasure Hunt: Get out of a Maze 5:59PM 04/01 until 5:59PM 04/08 5:59PM 04/11
PA4 Do You Need a Bigger Truck? 5:59PM 04/22 until 5:59PM 04/29 5:59PM 05/02

Please do not ask for an extension of the deadline. Such a request is always rejected, unless you encounter an emergency.

Suggest your own assignments! You are welcome to suggest the assignments that can serve the same purposes. Please talk to the instructor two weeks before the due days.

Due to the large number of submissions, the assignments are graded by using a set of programs. Any deviation from the specification will likely cause losing points. Please follow the specification precisely.   You have to remove all warning messages before submission.  We will use "-Wall -Wshadow" to check your program. You will lose -0.5 point for every warning message. You will receive 0 point if there is an error message.

Use Intel-Linux ECN Computers

You can use the computers in MSEE 190 or ENAD 302E. You can use other machines and remotely connect to the following computers:

  • msee190pc1.ecn.purdue.edu - msee190pc21.ecn.purdue.edu (21 machines)
  • qstruct01.ecn.purdue.edu - qstruct19.ecn.purdue.edu (19 machines)
  • algol01.ecn.purdue.edu - algol20.ecn.purdue.edu (20 machines)
  • enad302pc01.ecn.purdue.edu - enad302pc24.ecn.purdue.edu (24 machines)

To connect to the machines remotely, type

                            ssh [your class account]@machinename

for example

                            ssh ece264a9@msee190pc11.ecn.purdue.edu

To check whether your computer can link the correct library, start a terminal and type

If your program cannot run on msee190pcxx.ecn.purdue.edu, the program will receive zero. This situation includes, but is not limited to, (1) syntax errors and (2) segmentation fault.