Policy Handling Dishonest Behavior
You will receive F in this class if you cheat. Your case will always be reported to ECE main office. There is no exception. If you help a student cheat (such as giving your code), you will also receive F. If you want to help a classmate, tell the person to talk to the instructor or the teaching assistants. You are responsible protecting your assignments. Do not leave a computer unattended. Do not throw away the printout of your programs.
Do not copy code from your classmates or from the Internet.
You must understand that you cannot cheat forever. If you cheat, you will get caught, sooner or later.
You are allowed to use the code given to you by the instructor or generated snippets using the tools approved by the instructor. You are not allowed to download code from the Internet and claim the code as yours. If you discover useful code, you must (1) announce the code in Blackboad Discussion so that everyone in the class is aware of the code or (2) request the instructor's written approval or (3) describe with sufficient details where the code comes from and how you use it in your README file. You must request the code owner's permission to use the code and you must cite the source in your submission. You are not allowed to purchase code from, for example, getacoder.com.
There were cases when students claimed they "accidentally" submitted code from the Internet because these students were "studying" the code. In all these cases, the students were considered cheating and received the appropriate penalty. It is not possible to "accidentally" submit the code that is not written by you. If it is your code, you must have spent many hours writing the code. You will treat the code with the greatest care. You will check, double check, and check again before submission. If you have spent so much time on an assignment, you will not accidentally submit wrong code. "Accidentally submitting wrong code" is an invalid defense and will result in you receiving F in this class.
You should know that advanced tools are available to check similarities between programs. These tools can detect programs of similar structures, even if you rename variables or change for to while (or many other techniques for disguising copied code). These tools have successfully detected many cheating cases. The very fact that you are considering to cheat indicates your lack of programming skills. Hence, you do not have sufficient knowledge to defeat these similarity checkers. If you need help, instead please talk to the instructors or the teaching assistants, or post your questions in Blackboard Discussion. Do not ask your classmate or anyone that took this course to give code to you. Submissions from multiple semesters will be checked.
You can (and are encouraged to) discuss ideas with your classmates. However, you cannot share code. If you and your classmates write code independently, it is extremely unlikely that you will have similar code, even if you have similar ideas on how to solve the problems.