index.htm North Central Superpave Center
Combined State Binder Group Round Robin

Conducting research into issues related to hot mix asphalt and its components is one of the main goals of the NCSC. The NCSC is available to conduct sponsored research or to collaborate with other groups on studies of interest to our region. Past research efforts have been supported by industry, individual and groups of states, the Federal Highway Administration, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and others.

This page provides links to completed research projects at the NCSC as well as access to research reports and other publications from the NCSC. In addition, a listing of other research ongoing in the region is maintained to summarize other research of interest to our clients.

Completed Project Reports

Asphalt Additives to Control Rutting and Cracking
Continued Monitoring of Indiana's SPS9A Site
Determining the Binder Content of HMA Containing Dolomitic Aggregates Using the Ignition Oven
Effects of Hot Fuel Characteristics and Combustion on Asphalt Concrete Quality
Evaluation of RAP for Surface Mixtures
Feasibility of Integrating Pavement Friction and Texture in Modeling for Pavement Management
Field Evaluation of Porous Asphalt Pavement
Identification of Laboratory Techiniques to Optimize Superpave HMA Surface Friction Characteristics
Investigation of Low- and High-Temperature Properties of Plant-Produced RAP Mixtures (HRG study)
Investigation of Low- and High-Temperature Properties of Plant-Produced RAP Mixtures (FHWA study)
Long Term Performance of a Porous Friction Course
Longitudinal Joint Specification and Performance
Maximizing Use of Local Aggregate in HMA Surfaces
Performance of Indiana's Superpave HMA
Risk Management of Low Air Void Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
Use of RAP under Superpave Specifications
Validation of NCAT Structural Test Track Experiment Using INDOT APT Facility

Completed NCHRP Project Reports