Lucas Allegrette and Ethan Guenther Receive Poster Awards at the 2019 ASME - IMECE

Lucas Allegrette and Ethan Guenther Receive Poster Awards at the 2019 ASME - IMECE

Author: Thomas Siegmund

Lucas Allegrette and Ethan Guenther, both undergraduate researchers in the Microstructure testing and Analysis Lab, presented posters on their summer 2019 research at the 2019 ASME IMECE in Salt Lake City, UT. Lucas Allegrette presented the poster "Numerical analysis of stick bombs", and was recognized for both the most attractive poster and the most informative poster in the undergraduate research competition (session 16-2). Ethan Guenther presented the poster "Leonardo's lintel, analysis with 21st century tools", and was recognized with a 3rd place overall in the undergraduate research poster competition (session 16-2). Congratulations!