College of Engineering General Education Program
Students must satisfy the College of Engineering General Education Program. This requirement has two components: Foundation Learning Outcomes and MSE Programmatic Requirements. For the combined set of classes (sections1.4.3.1 and the following requirements apply:
o Students must earn a C- or better in courses that satisfy Foundational Learning Outcomes.
o At least six credit hours must be at the 30000 level or above, or from courses with a required prerequisite in the same department.
o No more than 6 credit hours from the Colleges of Engineering, Science, and Technology.
Foundational Learning Outcomes
Students must select from a list of courses maintained by the Office of the Provost as part of Purdue’s Undergraduate Outcomes-based Core Curriculum to satisfy the all six Foundational Learning Outcomes. These are listed below and described at: Core Curriculum
1) Written Communication Foundational Outcome course taken during FYE.
2) Information Literacy taken during FYE.
3) Oral Communication Foundational Outcome course taken during FYE.
4) Humanities (3 credit hours, MSE requirement)
5) Behavior/Social Science (3 credit hours, MSE requirement)
6) Science, Technology, & Society (3 credit hours, MSE requirement
During the First-Year Engineering (FYE) program the first 3 Foundational Learning Outcomes are satisfied. To satisfy the remaining Foundational Learning Outcomes, students in MSE are required to take 3 credit hours from Humanities, Behavior/Social Science, and Science, Technology, & Society. A list of these approved courses is maintained at: Course Listing - Office of Provost
Note: courses taken by students in First Year Engineering that satisfy the Foundational Learning Outcomes but are not directly listed in the MSE Plan of Study will count as either an MSE Support Area Elective or as an MSE General Education Elective.
MSE Programmatic Requirements (9 credit hours)
A summary of the General Education Program for the School of Materials Engineering along with a list of approved courses is provided below. The faculty view courses in the arts, humanities and social science as an integral part of one’s Engineering Education. The rationale for this view is described in the preamble to the General Education Program stating:
“Humanities and social sciences courses encompass the breadth of human experience and culture, both past and present, including individual behavior, social and political structures, aesthetic values, modes and dynamics of communication, philosophical and ethical thought, and cognitive processes. Such courses are an integral part of all engineering curricula which complements technical and professional content by enabling engineering students to appreciate the world in which they live and work, and to contribute as both educated members of society and aware, ethical professionals. Humanities and social sciences courses also provide a framework for rational inquiry, critical evaluation, judgment and decisions when dealing with issues that are non-quantifiable, ambiguous, or controversial. Of equal importance, they offer opportunities for engineering students to develop interests and insights that guide, enrich and expand their personal lives.” You are encouraged to make the most of this program by taking courses that are both interesting and challenging.
MSE General Education Courses (9 credit hours)
The following list contains the courses currently approved to complete the 9 credits in the General Education Program for Materials Engineering. The list is updated periodically. If a student is interested in a course not listed, but is thought to fulfill the purpose of the General Education program as described above, the student may petition the undergraduate committee for its inclusion.
A. College of Liberal Arts
- African American Studies (AAS) 10000-29999
- Art & Design (AD) 10000-29999
- American Studies (AMST) 10000-29999
- ANTH 10000 - Being Human: Introduction To Anthropology
- ANTH 20100 - Introduction To Archaeology And World Prehistory
- ANTH 20300 - Biological Bases Of Human Social Behavior
- ANTH 20400 - Human Origins
- ANTH 20500 - Human Cultural Diversity
- Arabic (ARAB) 10000-29999
- Asian American Studies (ASAM) 10000-29999
- Asian Studies (ASIA) 10000-29999
- American Sign Language (ASL) 10000-29999
- CDIS 23900 - Introduction To Disability Studies
- Chinese (CHNS) 10000-29999
- Classics (CLCS) 10000-29999
- Comparative Literature (CMPL) 10000-29999
- Dance (DANC) 10000-29999
- French (FR) 10000-29999
- Film and Video Studies (FVS) 10000-29999
- German (GER) 10000-29999
- Greek (GREK) 10000-29999
- Global Studies Liberal Arts (GSLA) 10000-29999
- Hebrew (HEBR) 10000-29999
- History (HIST) 30000- 59999
- Italian (ITAL) 10000-29999
- Japanese (JPNS) 10000-29999
- Jewish Studies (JWST) 10000-29999
- Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) 10000-29999
- Latin (LATN) 10000-29999
- Languages & Cultures (LC) 10000-29999
- Linguistics (LING) 10000-29999
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MARS) 10000-29999
- Music (MUS) 10000-59900
- POL 23000 - Introduction To The Study Of Peace
- Portuguese (PTGS) 10000-29999
- Religious Studies (REL) 10000-29999
- Russian (RUSS) 10000-29999
- SOC 10000 - Introductory Sociology
- SOC 22000 - Social Problems
- Spanish (SPNS) 10000-29999
- Theatre (THTR) 10000-29999
- Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) 10000-29999
B. College of Health and Human Sciences
- HDFS 20100 - Introduction To Family Processes
- HDFS 21000 - Introduction To Human Development
- PSY 12000 - Elementary Psychology
- SLHS 11500 - Introduction To Communicative Disorders
- SLHS 22700 - Elements Of Linguistics
- CSR 34200 - Personal Finance
- CSR 39800 - International Special Topics
- HDFS 31100 - Child Development
- HDFS 31200 - Adult Development
- HDFS 32500 - Health And Health Care For Children And Families
- HDFS 33000 - Sexuality And Family Life
- HDFS 34100 - Working With Parents
- PSY 20000 - Introduction To Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 23500 - Child Psychology
- PSY 23900 - The Psychology Of Women
- PSY 24000 - Introduction To Social Psychology
- PSY 27200 - Introduction To Industrial-Organizational Psychology
- PSY 31000 - Sensory And Perceptual Processes
- PSY 31100 - Human Memory
- PSY 31400 - Introduction To Learning
- PSY 33500 - Stereotyping And Prejudice
- PSY 33600 - Issues In Developmental Psychology
- PSY 33700 - Social Cognition
- PSY 35000 - Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 36100 - Human Development I: Infancy And Childhood
- PSY 38000 - Behavior Change Methods
- PSY 39100 - Readings In Psychology
- PSY 39200 - Special Topics In Psychology
- PSY 42600 - Language Development
- PSY 42800 - Drugs And Behavior
- PSY 44300 - Aggression And Violence
- PSY 46400 - Research Ethics In Psychological Sciences
- PSY 47300 - Selection And Performance Appraisal In Organizations
- PSY 47500 - Work Motivation And Job Satisfaction
- PSY 48400 - The Psychology Of Consciousness
- SLHS 30900 - Language Development
- SLHS 40100 - Language And The Brain
- SLHS 41900 - Topics In Audiology And Speech Pathology
C. College of Agriculture
- AGEC 25000 - Economic Geography Of World Food And Resources
- AGEC 29600 - Selected Topics In Agricultural Economics
- AGEC 34000 - International Economic Development
- AGEC 40600 - Natural Resource And Environmental Economics
- AGEC 41000 - Agricultural Policy
- AGEC 45000 - International Agricultural Trade
D. Polytechnic Institute - Division of Military Science and Technology
- NS 21400 - Naval Leadership And Management
- AFT 35100 - Leading People And Effective Communication I
- AFT 36100 - Leading People And Effective Communication II
- AFT 47100 - National Security/Commissioning Preparation I
- AFT 48100 - National Security/Commissioning Preparation II
- NS 41300 - Naval Leadership And Ethics
E. Office of the Provost - Purdue Systems Collaboratory
- SYS 30000 - It’s A Complex World - Addressing Global Challenges
- SYS 35000 - Systems Methods
- SYS 40000 - Systems Praxis
F. School of Management
- ECON 25100 - Microeconomics
- ECON 25200 - Macroeconomics
- ECON 34000 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- ECON 35200 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
- ECON 36100 - Antitrust And Regulation
- ECON 36500 - History Of Economic Thought
- ECON 37000 - International Trade
- ECON 37500 - United States Economic History
- ECON 38000 - Money And Banking
- ECON 38500 - Labor Economics
- ECON 42200 - Public Finance And Taxation
- ECON 45600 - Urban Economics
- ECON 46100 - Industrial Organization
- ECON 46600 - International Economics
- ECON 47100 - Behavioral Economics
Last Updated: 08/09/2022