Xinyan Deng

Xinyan Deng

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Office: WANG 4040

Phone: 765-494-1513



  • Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, '04
  • B.S., Tianjin University, China, '95

Research Interests

  • Principles of aerial and aquatic locomotion in animals
  • Experimental fluid mechanics
  • Dynamics
  • Control
  • Bio-inspired robotics
  • Biologically inspired micro aerial vehicles and underwater robots
  • Bio-sensing and sensor fusion algorithms

Fundamental Research Area(s)

Awards and Recognitions

  • NSF CAREER Award, 2006-2011
  • Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination, University of Delaware, 2005.
  • Best Student Paper Award Finalist, first author, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2003.
  • Tianjin University -North American Alumni Association Fund Scholarship(awarded to 4 out of the total of 12,000 undergraduates annually), 1995
  • Excellent Student Award, Tianjin University, 1993, 1994

Selected Publications

B. Cheng and X. Deng*, ”Aerodynamic Damping and Near Hover Stability of Flapping Flight”, Journal of Experimental Biology, submitted.

Z. Huand X. Deng*, “Aerodynamics Interactions of Forewing and Hindwing in a Hovering Dragonfly”, Journal of Experimental Biology, submitted.

L. Zhao, S. Sane and X. Deng*, “The Effect of Leading Edge Vortex on the Aerodynamic Force Production of Flapping Wings”, Experiments in Fluids, submitted.

L. Zhao and X. Deng*, “Power Efficiency in the Flight of Hawkmoth Manduca Sexta”, to appear in Journal of Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 18 pages, Vol. 4, No. 4, December, 2009.

L. Zhao, Q. Huang, S. Sane and X. Deng*, “Aerodynamic Effects of Wing Flexibility in Flapping Flight”, in Journal of Royal Society Interface, in press.

B. Cheng, Q. Huang, S. Fry, M. Dickinson and X. Deng*, “Dynamics and Control of Turning in Fruit Fly Drosophila”, Journal of Experimental Biology, in press.

D. Campolo*, L. Schenato, X. Deng and E. Gugliellmelli, “Attitude Stabilization of a Biologically Inspired Robotic Housefly via Dynamic Multimodal Attitude Estimation”, Advance Robotics, Vol. 23, No. 10, 2009.

T. Hedrick*, B. Cheng and X. Deng*, “Wingbeat Time and Scaling of Passive, Rotational Damping in Flapping Flight”, in Science, Vol. 324. no. 5924, pp. 252 -255, April, 2009.

C. DiLeo and X. Deng*, “Design and Experiments of a Dragonfly-inspired Robot”, in Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Numbers 7-8, p 1003-1021, 2009.

D. Campolo*, L. Schenato, X. Deng and E. Gugliellmelli, “Attitude Stabilization of Biologically Inspired Micromechanical Flying Insects: Attitude Estimation via Multimodal Sensor Fusion”, in Advance Robotics, Volume 23, Numbers 7-8, 2009 , pp. 955-977, 2009.