Ashwin Ramachandran

Ashwin Ramachandran

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Location: West Lafayette

School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Office: POTR 204C


  • Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, 2021-2024
  • Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics (minor in Bioengineering), Stanford University, 2021
  • M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 2021
  • B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering (minor in Mathematics and Physics), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015

Research Interests

  • Mechanobiology and biomechanics
  • Diagnostics
  • Bacterial biophysics
  • Micro/nano fluidics and transport
  • Biotechnology development
  • Physicochemical hydrodynamics
  • Measurement tools
  • Biomedical devices and wearables

Awards and Recognitions

  • Finalist, XPRIZE - Rapid COVID Testing Competition 2020
  • CHEMINAS Young Researcher Award, MicroTAS 2020
  • Centennial Teaching Assistant Award, Stanford School of Engineering, 2019
  • Stanford Bio-X Bowes Fellowship, 2017-2020
  • School of Engineering Fellowship, Stanford University, 2015-16
  • President of India Gold Medal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015
  • Institute Silver Medal, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015
  • Dilip R. Limaye Academic Excellence Award, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015

Selected Publications

Ramachandran. A., Stone, H.A., Gitai, Z., (2024). Free-swimming bacteria transcriptionally respond to shear flow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (42), e2406688121. (

Ramachandran, A., Huyke, D.A., Sharma, E., Sahoo, M.K., Huang, C., Banaei, N., Pinsky, B.A., and Santiago, J.G., 2020. Electric-field-driven microfluidics for rapid CRISPR-based diagnostics and its application to detection of SARS-CoV-2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(47), pp. 29518-29525. (

Ramachandran, A. and Santiago, J.G., 2021. CRISPR enzyme kinetics for molecular diagnostics. Analytical Chemistry, 93 (20), 7456-7464. (

Ramachandran, A and Santiago, J.G., 2022. Isotachophoresis: theory and microfluidic applications. Chemical Reviews, 122 (15), 12904-12976. (

Blanluet, C., Huyke, D. A., Ramachandran, A., Avaro, A. S., & Santiago, J. G. (2022). Detection and discrimination of single nucleotide polymorphisms by quantification of CRISPR-Cas catalytic efficiency. Analytical Chemistry, 94(43), 15117-15123. (

Huyke, D. A.*, Ramachandran, A.*, Bashkirov, V. I., Kotseroglou, E. K., Kotseroglou, T., & Santiago, J. G., 2022. Enzyme Kinetics and Detector Sensitivity Determine Limits of Detection of Amplification-Free CRISPR-Cas12 and CRISPR-Cas13 Diagnostics. Analytical Chemistry, 94 (27), 9826-9834. (

Ma, K.*, Ramachandran, A.*, & Santiago, J. G. (2024). Analytical solutions for viscoelectric effects in electrokinetic nanochannels. Electrophoresis, 45(7-8), 676-686. (

Jiang, Q.*, Ramachandran, A.*, and Santiago, J.G., 2021. Species abundance and reaction off-rate regulate product formation in reactions accelerated using isotachophoresis. Analytical Chemistry, 93(37), 12541-12548. (

Futai, N., Fukazawa, Y., Kashiwagi, T., Tamaki, S., Sakai, R., Hogan, C. A., Murugesan, K., Ramachandran, A., Banaei, N. & Santiago, J. G., 2022. A modular and reconfigurable open-channel gated device for the electrokinetic extraction of cell-free DNA assays. Analytica Chimica Acta, 339435. (

Terzis, A.*, Ramachandran, A.*, Kang, J., and Santiago, J. G., 2020. Simultaneous optical and infrared thermal imaging of isotachophoresis. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1131, pp. 9-17. (