
Current Version: 5.1

MediaPlayer is a package from LongTail Video that includes the JW Player and the SWFObject javascript library for embedding Flash content. At the time of writing, MediaPlayer's included version of SWFObject (v1.5) is not the current version, so I (Hilary) have substituted the latest SWFObject library. The original MediaPlayer version is available at

These links are from the LongTail Video download page: JW Player Setup Wizard | JW Player Setup Instructions | Frequently Asked Questions


Current Version: 2.2

SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content (such as video), which utilizes one small JavaScript file.

Using MediaPlayer to embed Flash video on the engineering web cluster

I recommend that (until ECN sets up a streaming video server) you place the video files in the same folder as the page that will be displaying them. Then copy the following code to your page, pasting into the source code view, if you're using an HTML Document object:

    <script src="/Javascript/MediaPlayer/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div id="mediaplayer1">You need javascript enabled and the Flash plugin to view this content.</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      "mediaplayer1", "470", "320", "9.0.0", false, 
      {wmode:"opaque", author:"Purdue University", stretching:"uniform",
      author:"Purdue University", file:"/path/from/root/to/video/folder/video_file.flv" 
      image:"/path/from/root/to/video/folder/preview.jpg", title:"Your Video Title"}, 
      {allowFullScreen:"true", allowScriptAccess:"always"});

Once you've pasted the code, you'll need to make the following changes:

Here's an example showing how you could set it up to show 3 videos (I've omitted some optional properties for brevity):

    <script src="/Javascript/MediaPlayer/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div id="mediaplayer1">You need javascript enabled and the Flash plugin to view this content.</div>
    <div id="mediaplayer2">You need javascript enabled and the Flash plugin to view this content.</div>
    <div id="mediaplayer3">You need javascript enabled and the Flash plugin to view this content.</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      "mediaplayer1", "470", "320", "9.0.0", false, 
      {wmode:"opaque", author:"Purdue University", stretching:"uniform",
      author:"Purdue University", file:"/path/from/root/to/video/folder/FIRST_video_file.flv"}, 
      {allowFullScreen:"true", allowScriptAccess:"always"});
      "mediaplayer2", "470", "320", "9.0.0", false, 
      {wmode:"opaque", author:"Purdue University", stretching:"uniform",
      author:"Purdue University", file:"/path/from/root/to/video/folder/SECOND_video_file.flv"}, 
      {allowFullScreen:"true", allowScriptAccess:"always"});
      "mediaplayer3", "470", "320", "9.0.0", false, 
      {wmode:"opaque", author:"Purdue University", stretching:"uniform",
      author:"Purdue University", file:"/path/from/root/to/video/folder/THIRD_video_file.flv"}, 
      {allowFullScreen:"true", allowScriptAccess:"always"});

Alternatively, you can use the LongTail Video JW Player Setup Wizard to generate your embedding code.