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It can't be undone.") ) { return; } var $this = $(this); var url = $this.attr('href'); var $post = $this.closest( '.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply' ); $.get( url ) .success( function( data ) { var $parentPost; if ( $post.hasClass('forum-reply') ) { var unapproved = $post.hasClass('forum-unapproved') ? 1 : 0; $parentPost = $post.closest('.forum.replies').closest('.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply'); forum.updateRepliesLink( $parentPost, 1, unapproved ); } $post.remove(); if ( $parentPost && $parentPost.find( '.forum.replies .forum-reply' ).length == 0 ) { $parentPost.find( '.forum.replies' ).remove(); } }) }, approvePost: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var url = $this.attr('href'); $.get( url ) .success( function( data ) { var $post = $this.closest('.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply') $post.removeClass('forum-unapproved') .addClass('forum-approved') .find('.forum-moderation-notice').remove(); var $parentPost = $post.closest('.forum.replies').closest('.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply'); var unapproved = parseInt( $parentPost.data('unapproved') ) - 1; forum.updateRepliesLink( $parentPost, 0, 1 ); $this.hide(); $this.siblings('.forum-moderate-link').show(); }) }, moderatePost: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var url = $this.attr('href'); $.get( url ) .success( function( data ) { var $post = $this.closest('.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply') $post.removeClass('forum-approved') .addClass('forum-unapproved'); $post.find( '.forum-name-date' ).append( '(Awaiting moderator approval)' ); var $parentPost = $post.closest('.forum.replies').closest('.forum-thread-topic, .forum-reply'); var unapproved = parseInt( $parentPost.data('unapproved') ) + 1; forum.updateRepliesLink( $parentPost, 0, -1 ); $this.hide(); $this.siblings('.forum-approve-link').show(); }) }, attachHandlers: function() { // Clear all handlers from links, buttons and forms, then reassign them. // (Some links have their text and purpose changed by other handlers.) $(".forum-show-replies").off().click( forum.showReplies ); $(".forum-hide-replies").off().click( forum.hideReplies ); $(".forum-remove-link").off().click( forum.removePost ); $(".forum-approve-link").off().click( forum.approvePost ); $(".forum-moderate-link").off().click( forum.moderatePost ); $(".forum-sort-post-order-link").off().click( forum.sortPostOrder ); $(".forum-sort-reverse-order-link").off().click( forum.sortReverseOrder ); $(".forum-sort-last-post-order-link").off().click( forum.sortLastPostOrder ); $(".forum-show-all-link").off().click( forum.showAllReplies ); $(".forum-hide-all-link").off().click( forum.hideAllReplies ); $(".forum-new-thread-link").off().click( forum.addThread ); $(".forum-cancel-new-post").off().click( forum.cancelNewPost ); $(".forum-reply-link, .forum-quote-link").off().click( forum.addReply ); $(".forum-edit-link").off().click( forum.editMessage ); $(".forum-add-file-link").off().click( forum.addFile ); $(".forum-cancel-changes").off().click( forum.cancelChanges ); $( '.forum-new-message-form' ).off().ajaxForm({ dataType: 'json', success: forum.saveNewPost }); $('form.forum-edit-message').off().ajaxForm({ dataType: 'json', success: forum.saveChanges }); } }; forum.attachHandlers(); })(jQuery);