Advancing interdisciplinary perspectives to envision, shape, and pursue ideas to achieve real-world impact.

Innovation Science is the exploration of the mindsets, behaviors, attributes, tools and methods employed in the innovative activity of individuals and organizations

We see innovation not only as originality and creativity but also as a discipline, with identifiable patterns, in which a practitioner can learn to recognize and employ best practices that increase the likelihood of a high-impact outcome.

A line with three black boxes. The one on the far left marked 'Black Box', the middle is 'Pattern Recognition' and the far right box is marked 'Rules'. A 'We are here' marker is placed around 1/4 of the way from 'Pattern Recognition' to the 'Rules' box. Below these three boxes are two words centered between 'Black Box' and 'Pattern Recognition' is the word 'Serendipity'. Centered between 'Pattern Recognition' and 'Rules' is the word 'Science'

In this regard, we are shifting innovation from "serendipity" to "science"