2022 Engineering Gift Guide

Geomag Classic Glow Recycled 60 pcs Geomag Classic Glow Recycled 60 pcs

Ages: 3 - 99

Geomags are magnetic construction toys for children ages 3 and up. This specific line of toys features glow-in-the-dark magnetic rods made of recycled plastic that children can use to build any creation they can imagine.

Numberblocks MathLink Cubes 1-10 Activity Set Numberblocks MathLink Cubes 1-10 Activity Set

Ages: 3 - 103

This counting toy for children ages 3 and up is designed in conjunction with the children’s TV show Numberblocks (Available on Netflix and other streaming platforms).

Sensory Leaves Math Activity Set Sensory Leaves Math Activity Set

Ages: 3 - 103

This number-counting toy by Hand2mind not only teaches kids how to count but also gives users a chance to practice various other concepts.

Super Cityscape Transport Bucket Set Super Cityscape Transport Bucket Set

Ages: 3 - 103

Super Cityscape Transport Bucket Set is a toy that allows a user’s creativity to shine while quietly teaching foundational engineering skills.

Flexistix Leonardo's Elements Flexistix Leonardo's Elements

Ages: 4 - 104

This building toy by Hape includes various sizes of colored bamboo sticks and two types of flexible connectors that can be combined in various ways.

Take Apart Cement Truck Take Apart Cement Truck

Ages: 2 - 5

This Take Apart Cement Truck Toy by Kididdo is a fantastic introduction to reverse engineering for young children.

Take Apart Excavator Truck Take Apart Excavator Truck

Ages: 2 - 5

This series of take-apart toys by Kididdo is a great way to simulate the process of reverse engineering in a controlled environment.

Code Lab Code Lab

Ages: 8 - 15

This introductory coding kit from Let's Start Coding comes with over 100 experiments for children ages 8-15 to try completing independently.

STEM Explorers Brainometry STEM Explorers Brainometry

Ages: 5 - 10

STEM Explorers Brainometry is a fantastic toy for small children to begin practicing concrete STEM skills.

Switcheroo Coding Crew Switcheroo Coding Crew

Ages: 4 - 7

This applied coding toy allows young kids to strengthen coding and problem-solving skills through complex storylines to help vehicle characters save their town.

Homeworlds Homeworlds

Ages: 8 - 108

This game from Looney Labs may come in a small box, but entire galaxies are contained within. Players (ages 8+) must develop strategies to fight over alien terrain while managing limited resources.