Final Examination Requirements for Thesis Master's Degree

Request a Final Examination

Before requesting the Final Examination, the following conditions must first be fulfilled:

  • If needed, a Change to Plan of Study must be completed and fully approved at least one week prior to the start of the term in which the final exam will be taken;
  • Student must be registered for the term in which the final exam will be taken;
  • Student must declare graduation candidacy unless the thesis won’t be deposited until the following semester (see section 3.4 of the handbook);
  • The Examining Committee must be established prior to requesting the final exam with at least 51% of the committee members having regular graduate faculty certification.
  • The student must submit a formal thesis document to each member of the Final Examination Committee at least three weeks prior to the scheduled oral final examination.
    • The thesis document must conform with the regulations outlined in “A Manual for the Preparation of Graduate Theses,” which can be found at

Scheduling the Final Examination

Student Responcibilities:

A student must contact  the IE Graduate Office at least three weeks prior to the proposed date of their exam to complete scheduling.

  • Send a scheduling request via email to the IE Graduate Office including:
    • Examination date and time o Documentation of the committee’s agreement on examination date and time (e.g., email copy or Doodle screenshot)
    • Thesis title for the examination
    • Copy of thesis draft in PDF
  • If opting to use Zoom, the student will provide the Zoom link to the IE Graduate Office; the student will be the host and facilitator. Proper virtual meeting etiquette is expected.
  • To view deadlines administered by the Graduate School, see the Graduate School Deadline Calendar.
  • Note: IE graduate students must take the final examination at least TWO WEEKS BEFORE the Graduate School’s deadline in order to obtain signatures by the deadline.
  • Complete the Graduate School Exit Questionnaire before the final exam.
  • Contact the IE Graduate Office directly if you need the Head’s signature on any documents. DO NOT contact the IE Head.

IE Grad Office Responcibilities:

  • The IE Graduate Office will reserve a room for the exam.
  • The IE Graduate Office will initiate the form 8 in the Graduate School Plan of Study Generator on behalf of the student once the student provides the necessary details listed above.
  • The IE Graduate Office will remind committee members about upcoming examinations.
  • The IE Graduate Office will follow up with the IE Head if their signature is needed on any forms.

Thesis Deposit

The Thesis & Dissertation Office requires an electronic thesis acceptance form (ETAF). For more information on ETAF and thesis/dissertation deposit, see section 4.4 of the handbook and the  Thesis/Dissertation Office.

The student must also submit a handbound, printed copy of their dissertation to the School of Industrial Engineering Graduate Office.For printing and binding information, contact Purdue Print and Digital Services by emailing or calling 765-494-2006.