September 29, 2021

American and German refrigeration students team up for the 6th year in a row

Summer is the perfect time to learn about air-conditioning and refrigeration, and as the largest academic HVAC lab in the world, Purdue's Herrick Labs is the perfect place. Every summer since 2016, Herrick Labs has hosted a unique cross-cultural learning collaboration, which includes graduate students from Purdue University, Oklahoma State University, and Technical University of Dresden in Germany.
September 20, 2021

Bio-inspired origami wins Best Paper Award

A paper entitled "Characterization of Multistable Self-Folding Origami Architectures," written by Salvador Rojas, Katherine Riley, and Andres Arrieta, has won Best Paper Award at the 5th International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2021).
August 27, 2021

"Clapping Circle" research published

This brick circle on Purdue's campus is called the "clapping circle"... when you stand in the middle of it and clap, you hear an odd squeak. Thanks to the just-published research of professor Stuart Bolton and his acoustics students, now we know why.
August 9, 2021

Haitian Hao recognized for work in thermoacoustics

Congratulations to Haitian Hao, who has received the Leo Beranek Student Medal for Excellence in the Study of Noise Control, for his PhD thesis on solid-state thermoacoustics. Co-advised by Fabio Semperlotti and Carlo Scalo, Haitian was recognized at the recent Internoise conference.
June 28, 2021

Undergrads help with lunar habitat research

At Purdue Engineering, you can get involved in research, even in your very first year. FYE students Shantanu Sinha and Nathan Stonitsch joined Prof. Davide Ziviani in his project of cooling a lunar habitat simulator, as part of the Resilient Extra Terrestrial Habitat (RETH) Institute at Herrick Labs.
June 25, 2021

The history of acoustic source localization

The science of locating sound has come a long way... from tin cans, to holographic microphone arrays. In this special publication from the National Academy of Engineering, Purdue acoustics experts Yangfan Liu, Stuart Bolton, and Patricia Davies discuss the history and future of acoustic source localization.
June 23, 2021

Frank Lee: Accidental Astronaut

Frank Lee is probably the only refrigeration technician in history to perform his job in zero gravity! After 25 years of service as an engineering technician (on the ground) at Herrick Labs, Frank helped to test a new zero-gravity refrigerator prototype for NASA by embarking on a series of parabolic test flights.
June 16, 2021

Bring the outdoors in: The energy-efficient method for using 100% outdoor air in buildings

A key lesson from the COVID pandemic is the inherent risk of spreading disease through indoor air recirculation. One way to mitigate that risk is to incorporate outdoor air; however, dehumidifying that air requires huge amounts of energy. Purdue University engineers have proposed a system that combines new membrane technology with the latest HVAC systems, to make 100% outdoor air systems economically feasible – especially in warm, humid climates.
May 27, 2021

Fridge tested in zero gravity

Standard refrigerators use vapor compression to cool down your food. But in space, there is no gravity to keep vapors and liquids secure. Purdue researchers have worked with NASA, Air Squared, and Whirlpool to create a prototype fridge that works in zero gravity, preserving food for potential long-term space flights.
May 14, 2021

Rethinking the future of work: space at Herrick Labs

Turning a negative into a positive, Herrick Labs converted office spaces that were empty (because of COVID-19 lockdowns) into much-needed research space. Learn how Herrick is adapting to serve more than 130 grad students conducting world-changing research.
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