Sean T. Peters
Stanford University
he / him / his

Sean T. Peters earned his bachelor’s degree (2015) in electrical engineering from Rice University and his master’s degree (2017) in electrical engineering from Stanford University, where he currently is a Ph.D. candidate. He has extensive teaching, mentoring and outreach experience at Stanford, and is a member of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, American Geophysical Union, International Glaciological Society and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. He has served as a mentor for Stanford’s El Centro Chicano y Latino and is active in the Bay Area Graduate Pathways to STEM. His goal is to become a recognized expert in his field of radar remote sensing and to develop radar systems for diverse applications in Earth and planetary science. His long-term research projects are geared toward recycling a diversity of electromagnetic signals to advance passive sounding for Earth and planetary science in several directions, such as passive array-based tomography and nanosatellite passive radar sensing. Once in a faculty position, he intends to increase accessibility and diversity of academia by leading recruiting efforts for summer undergraduate research programs that prepare underrepresented minorities for graduate school.
Research Interests
Passive radar sensing for monitoring glaciers