Sean Jackson
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Sean Jackson earned his bachelor’s degree in molecular and cell biology in 2014 from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU), Tallahassee, and his master’s degree in molecular cell biology in 2018 from Florida State University (FSU). For his PhD in industrial engineering, he has returned to Florida A&M and is set to graduate in 2023. He is currently splitting his time between two research labs at Florida A&M – MSFC CAN and NSF CREST CoManD Center. AT FSU, he was the instructor of record for more than 650 students, teaching undergraduate science labs and co-lecturing undergraduate science courses. He has been involved with the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (treasurer) and Golden Key International Honor Society (historian), among others. He also has served as a mentor for the Florida Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (FGLSAMP). As an undergraduate, he completed a Diversity in Research and Engineering of Advanced Materials Training (DREAM) internship in the High Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) through FAMU-FSU. His research plan is to merge his backgrounds in industrial and biological science to develop an automated system to facilitate the assembly of sterile culturing dishes for plant-based stem cell research. As the future PI of a lab, he hopes to recruit graduate students of different disciplines to work together to build this device.
Area of Research
Electrolyte inks for energy generation devices